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RPG RPG Maker [ 鳥籠 ] To H... RJ130528

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Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

I'm sorry but I won't be able to share the "To H..." translation, I made quite some significant changes to the game including new areas, new costumes and new scenes such as a beach and a train chikan scene that I'm not entirely sure the author will appreciate, since not everyone accepts having his game edited by a third.

What to some might be an improvement, to the author might be offensive, and I'm not a specialist in the Japanese costumes, and I have offended at least a couple of them with things that I didn't know were offensive, for example, I was told by someone who lived in Japan for a big part of his life, that suggesting something to a Japanese inhabitant is often considered an insult... so this specific translation will probably be kept behind close doors, but some of our translations will certainly arrive on ULMF like we have shared multiple times. Sangeki of Gear recently for instance..

One of our admins is working directly with ILL to translate "Dungeons and Prisoners" to English absolutely for free so everyone can enjoy it (given you purchase the game, of course).

We will contact the author of "To H..." soon and send him the English translation for free to see if he wants to keep it, relinquish all credit to him so he can license and sell it, and if he allows, and only then, we can share the translation patch, but only then, sorry. :\
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Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

Oh I see.. thanks for the info may be some day in the future.

here is where you can get the game zeoarchives.net/2014/04/Z000347.html?zx=3eb3896ba48fb73b

Hero who played a married he was a childhood friend.
Even though poor, two people are living happily.
Hero felt You are working only he, and something different
I determined to work himself.

Well, the main character who decided to work outside.
Among the many difficulties await,
Will it can you continue to love one without two people lose ...

◆ There is no element to solve combat element, mystery this work!
Content we have adopted the method of all adventure erotic focus.
Because the behavior of all, are directly connected to the next scene, troublesome behavior is not required at all.

◆ zapping system!
By day and night, weekday holiday, the point of view of the couple will be exchanged.
As a result, the moment you do not see the behavior of the wife (hero) is born.
It will be fueled by increasing the sense of Netorare husband perspective.

◆ The Netorare!
It does not mean that Netorare to some one.
Several scenarios developed at the same time she reacts to the player,
You may have to go gradually awakening to sex.
Enjoy like going Netorare to "sexual activity itself", developed by someone other than her husband.

◆ then!
There is no ending to the game.
Enjoy the endless silliness of his wife Netorare fell to fell.
Also for those who bitch wife fetish after Fallen, I recommend.

◆ scenario sense
This is not a story dismal hard.
Please enjoy feeling a bright light.

Ratio after Netorare as before, has become about half and half Netorare.
There is no scenario to avoid the Netorare.
Re: to-h

I love this game! and may be someday we can enjoy the game in english :)
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

Well, let me elucidate you guys on what shadowknight1986 said.

You are Tamami, you marry your childhood friend, Nori. One day, realizing how hard you are struggling financially, she decides to get a job (multiple jobs eventually) because she doesn't want to become a burden to Nori.

That's how the story "starts", eventually she gets sexually harassed in a job, and looks for another, and this keeps happening and happening (much like the author's previous game? he has a thing for sexual harassment I guess) which triggers many many scenarios, being the most common a coffee shop, your house and landlord's house, a Izakaya, the park, your husband's boss, the 7/11 and a night club, but it goes all the way to the hot springs, the train, karaoke, etc. etc. there's about... 50 scenes? in this game. It's much bigger than I thought it was when I started translating, much much bigger, while there aren't "many" areas in it, every NPC has miles of dialogue.

There is absolutely no battle, it's like a visual novel game, but not quite because you have a lot of decision making and interaction other than just reading, but it's not your typical "RPG".

You see the game from Tamami's perspective, except on weekends and at the end of every day, you always close up the day as Nori coming home from work, which means that everything that happens at dinner/after dinner will be seen from Nori's perfespective (what this does is, the H-Scenes with Tamami on weekends and after dinner will have to be seen from her perspective on the scene recollection room or "the diary").

The game has a big corruption component, so don't expect to have sex in your first hour of gameplay. There is no endings (which is actually a minus), the game literally, never ends. There is also no "virgin" ending or non-sexual ending, while the corruption is progressive, if you DO want to progress, you have to be corrupted.

Any other questions feel free to post or PM and I'll reply whenever I can.
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Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

Also, this game is a parody/doujin of To Heart 2, with the wife being a parody of Tama-nee/Kousaka Tamaki (y'know, from Tamaki to Tamami), and the husband is pretty much Kouno Takaaki, the MC (this one is quite smart, since you can read Takaaki as Nori, although it's pretty liberal)

p.s. : I was quite fidgety when I saw you're the last poster, hrpgheaven. I thought the maker finally gives a verdict for that patch of yours... :D
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Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

I quite hope he does because not only that would be awesome, as he might be interested in collaborate to add a few more scenes or make the ones we did (chikan, beach, etc.) official ;)
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

I quite hope he does because not only that would be awesome, as he might be interested in collaborate to add a few more scenes or make the ones we did (chikan, beach, etc.) official ;)

Man, I always loved me some chicken scene :p , I especially want to see her reaction on lowest morality level. I wonder if she'll be the one doing the groping and things, as in reverse chikan :p

btw, I remembered my japanese language teacher also said something along the line about how they're pretty much like van gogh in terms of receiving suggestion for their works, but it's pretty much for born and raised mid-showa generation (before 1989), and those from late-showa period onwards is more open minded on things like that.

well, again, let's just hope for the best, shall we? :eek:
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

I didn't see any purpose of the HP and MP status bars in this game in the first place :confused:, but why the MP bar was partially reduced to 90 ??? :eek:
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

Well, let me elucidate you guys on what shadowknight1986 said.

You are Tamami, you marry your childhood friend, Nori. One day, realizing how hard you are struggling financially, she decides to get a job (multiple jobs eventually) because she doesn't want to become a burden to Nori.

That's how the story "starts", eventually she gets sexually harassed in a job, and looks for another, and this keeps happening and happening (much like the author's previous game? he has a thing for sexual harassment I guess) which triggers many many scenarios, being the most common a coffee shop, your house and landlord's house, a Izakaya, the park, your husband's boss, the 7/11 and a night club, but it goes all the way to the hot springs, the train, karaoke, etc. etc. there's about... 50 scenes? in this game. It's much bigger than I thought it was when I started translating, much much bigger, while there aren't "many" areas in it, every NPC has miles of dialogue.

There is absolutely no battle, it's like a visual novel game, but not quite because you have a lot of decision making and interaction other than just reading, but it's not your typical "RPG".

You see the game from Tamami's perspective, except on weekends and at the end of every day, you always close up the day as Nori coming home from work, which means that everything that happens at dinner/after dinner will be seen from Nori's perfespective (what this does is, the H-Scenes with Tamami on weekends and after dinner will have to be seen from her perspective on the scene recollection room or "the diary").

The game has a big corruption component, so don't expect to have sex in your first hour of gameplay. There is no endings (which is actually a minus), the game literally, never ends. There is also no "virgin" ending or non-sexual ending, while the corruption is progressive, if you DO want to progress, you have to be corrupted.

Any other questions feel free to post or PM and I'll reply whenever I can.

Where is the train's scene ??? :eek:
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

in the game sha got pregnant but after she go to doctor What happens to the baby? kkk se like the baby is deleted or thrown away
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

in the game sha got pregnant but after she go to doctor What happens to the baby? kkk se like the baby is deleted or thrown away

they sent the baby to Nori's parent's house apparently
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

So does anyone have a link to the devs first game ? Can't find a single none dead torrent or host site anywhere.
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

Here it is :
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

any news regarding the translation? :(
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

Tried to contact the author a few times now but... no luck yet.
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

Does anyone at least have a walkthrough for this game? I'm pretty much stuck--gone to all available job locations (which, as far as I can tell, is the pub near Nori and Tamami's apartment, the restaurant at the train station, the convenience store, Nori's workplace, and the bar in the seedier part of town), progressed through each one until the events just repeat, bought both available outfits from the clothing store, and Tamami's still at level 1. No corruption progress, no secret diary, no additional events, no nothing. My progress has come to a complete halt and I'm tired of it.

It'd be one thing if there was an available translation of the base game; maybe I could puzzle it out then, but as is? I'm just wasting my time, and I need help to continue further.
Re: [RJ130528|RPG]To H...

Which events are you seeing? Past a certain point, the game just loops.
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