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A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

The teasing continued, and so did the panting of the two larger girls, their bodies heating up quite a bit, and before Anya knew it, she had two large cocks at full mast pressing against her hands. "Y-Yeah, you are so warm, Anya," Kali whispered softly, pressing her hips up against Anya's hand as much as she could, while Karina did the same.

"D-Dammit Anya... you had to have a good dream, d-didn't you," Karina whimpered softly behind Anya.

Then, after a few more moments of teasing, Anya felt Kali reaching down and lowering her trousers, while Karina did the exact same, and Anya soon had a huge fully erect cock in either hand, ripe and ready for the fucking. Kali gave Anya a little tug, pulling her up against her a bit more, before Karina pulled Anya back, closer to her. This resulted in a tug of war between the two for about three or four tugs a piece, before the two stopped.

"I grabbed her first, and her hand grabbed my cock first," Kali declared.

"She's my mate, and I say who can and cannot fuck her," Karina replied.

"Alright... how do we settle this then? Because you getting to dictate that isn't very fair, now is it," Kali asked.

"The old fashioned way," Karina replied.

Anya heard them grunt slightly, and could tell their arms were moving above her head, and if she snuck a peek at them, she'd see them doing rock, paper, scissors, to decide. Karina threw scissors, and Kali threw rock, and Kali's eyes went wide as she gasped with joy. "Yes... I call her pussy," Kali said, declaring what she wanted.

"F-Fine... I'll take her ass. But you better not hurt her, you... you brute," Karina stammered, blushing like crazy, before the pair started undressing Anya in her "sleep", quickly stripping her naked and leaving her there on her back, her large perky breasts pointing up at the tent ceiling, as the two larger girls undressed. "I wouldn't dream of hurting her, Karina... I want her to bear my children someday. She's... simply the most beautiful potential mate I've ever laid eyes on," Kali replied softly, as if to soothe any worries Karina might have, though it only made her blush harder.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya grinned a bit to herself in her 'sleep' as she stroked the full masts that were pressing against her from each side. The feeling of the massive cocks against her skin, now freed from the clothes that seperated her and them, made her shiver with pleasure. Then she heard the girls arguing over her and kept herself limp as she was pulled from side to side a bit, then the pulls stopped and she risked a very tiny glance up to see the girls playing rock paper scissors over who got her pussy.

That sight made her have to fight back an actual laugh, and she juuuust managed it by the time the girls turned their attention back to her. Continuing to pretend to be asleep she would try to keep that up as the girls undressed her and stripped themselves naked, Anya opening one eye just a hair to see if she could figure out Kali's size compared to Karina.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Glancing down while they were distracted with undressing themselves, Anya caught sight of both Karina and Kali, and saw that they were almost exactly the same size, though the head of Kali's cock looked a tiny bit bit bulgier, likely for hammering a girl's cervix open to ensure pregnancy or something, if she had to guess. Other than that though, they were roughly the same length, with Karina being maybe half an inch longer at most, and their balls were both about the same size too, or would have been rather, had Karina not gone through a bit of a change and her balls were larger than they used to be.

After a few moments, she felt herself pulled around and her legs were lifted up and spread wide, where Kali pressed her shaft against Anya's twitching folds. Looking almost giddy, Kali bit her bottom lip and thrust into Anya, going in halfway, before reaching down and pulling Anya up into her lap, and easing her down the rest of the way as she moaned aloud. Karina sidled up behind Anya after that, and she felt her tight little ass being pressed up against by Karina's cock. Once she felt able to do so without hurting Anya, Karina pushed her cock up into Anya's ass, spreading her tight little pucker around the intruding shaft.

Once both of the larger herm girls were inside of her, their cocks well lubed up and working her, Anya felt Kali start pulling out, to thrust forward into her again, while Karina pulled back herself, the two alternating their thrusts to give Anya constant pleasure.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Well, Kali was definitely no slouch in the undercarriage department. The sight of the two erect shafts just waiting to penetrate her making Anya wiggle a bit again, before she felt herself being picked up. Her legs spread wide and a few moments later she felt Kali slipping into her folds, causing her to moan happily. After being filled to halfway she almost made a noise of complaint at not being taken further, when Kali slipped her down the rest of the way filling her with her entire length. Letting out another happy noise she kept her eyes closed as she waited for Karina to enter her as well, and she couldn't keep herself from letting out a cry and her eyes shooting open when the oni girl spread her ass wide with her monstrous cock.

"O-Ooooh god that feels so good." Anya moaned as the two started to alternate their thrusting, letting the girls know that she was awake now.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Karina was panting heavily in her right ear, Kali her left, both of them hugging her close as the thrust up into her helpless form. "Oh goddess yes... s-so good. and tight," Kali moaned, obviously feeling incredibly good if the flush on her cheeks was any indication.

"Anya w-were you... acting like you were asleep?" Karina asked, kissing her on the cheek as she nuzzled against her.

"I-If you were only just acting, then you're m-more of a manipulative woman than I thought," Kali cooed, giving Anya a deep thrust that made both of them let out a cute squeal, and letting Anya know that Kali was apparently quite sensitive down there.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya moaned as the two kept thrusting into her, pleasure tearing through her as Karina straightened out her intestines, and she could swear she felt the two practically pushing against eachother in her insides.

"H-Haaah, I'll never tell." She panted out with a chuckle a moment before she cried out a bit with pleasure as Kali bottomed out in her again. The human girl wiggling her hips a bit to tease both girls inside her a small bit. "H-Heh, sensitive Kali?
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Wiggling her hips seemed to instill lust and pleasure in both Karina and Kali, as both of them started thrusting harder and faster into Anya. "W-Why do you ask, hmm?" Kali asked, not giving Anya a straight answer, which told her that yes, Kali was indeed very sensitive, at least at the moment.

Kali and Karina both took turns kissing Anya on the lips, the latter leaning around to do so as they knocked away at her. After a good five minutes or so, Anya saw Kali shuddering, before she finally hammered in one last time, hilting, before exploding inside of her, unable to hold back any longer as she came. Karina came as well, exploding in Anya's tight little asshole and filling it up too, the pair together making Anya cum as well. By the time Anya felt the two stop cumming, her belly had swollen a bit, and the two were back to glaring at one another.

"Alright, you had your turn, now I get mine," Karina said, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Alright, alright... she's all yours, now that you get my sloppy seconds, hmhm," Kali chuckled, which made Karina thump her forehead against Kali's again, making Kali yelp a bit before she pulled out of Anya's folds, and Karina her ass.

Karina gently laid Anya down on her hands and knees after that and grinned. "This is how you properly fuck Anya," Karina proclaimed, sliding her cock inside of Anya's pussy this time, while Kali brushed her fingers through Anya's hair and guided her mouth to her cock, the bluish shaft pulsing with need before her eyes, as Kali's hand pushed her down further, a bit more roughly than Karina had done in the past, and Anya found herself inhaling Kali's musky powerful scent, which was competing with Karina's for dominating Anya's senses.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya's climax was rather cataclysmic as the two giant girls both slammed into her and flooded her insides with seed. While Karina could alone put out enough to make her insides white, between the two of them Anya was fairly sure that her belly was going to be quite inflated by the time they were done.

She was in a bit of a haze after the dual cum injections but she still picked up Kali's comment. "Technically, till I give birth I think it's still Karina's sloppy seconds kinda." She half muttered as the two switched around. Anya feeling the familiar sensation of her body molding around Karina's shaft as she entered her, and she ran her tongue along the length of Kali's massive member as it passed her by as the frost giantess moved her down to the base, Anya letting Kali's scent imprint into her mind just as she let Karina's, the human girl figuring that she was going to be getting used to it anyways in the future.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

At Anya's words, Kali grimaced a bit and glared at Karina again, who smirked back, having won that little jab between the two of them, thanks to Anya. Afterwards, Kali looked like she was enjoying Anya's ministrations between her legs, with Anya finding Kali's scent different obviously than Karina's, but no less strong, and she couldn't help but lick Kali's balls, which shuddered at Anya's touch. After inhaling Kali's scent for a half a minute or so, Anya found herself pulled up a bit and Kali's cock entering her mouth.

Spitroasted between the two, Anya was bounced back and forth between them, Kali's cock disappearing down her throat, and Karina's in her pussy. The pleasure was incredibly intense for Anya, who could barely think after a good couple of minutes. By the time she felt Karina and Kali both about to cum, Anya was clenching around Karina again, squirting a tiny bit as she came, her vice grip around Karina's shaft milking the orgasm right out of Karina. The resulting orgasm Karina had was huge, swelling her the rest of the way to make her look nine months pregnant, where she'd pull out and give a last couple of spurts all over Anya's ass. Kali in the meantime, came hard herself, giving Anya an incredible gulp of her seed to drink down, nearly too much for her to manage without choking, but Anya just managed it, thankfully.

"Oh goddess yes... you're the best Anya... absolutely the best, my mate," Karina moaned aloud as she came, not stopping her thrusting until she pulled out to spurt the last couple of shots on Anya's ass, while Kali pulled out and gave one good shot all over Anya's face.

"Oh wow... b-best blowjob I've ever had, definitely," Kali cooed softly, petting Anya's head.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya moaned into the meeting of Kali's sack and shaft as Karina pumped into her, the scent of the frost giant ingraining itself in her mind beside and a bit below Karina's. Then the frost giant pulled back, and Anya opened as wide as she could as Kali slammed into her. Her throat being stretched out as Kali and Karina spitroasted her, Anya letting herself go half limp as she let the girls bounce her back and forth between them and the pleasure caused her eyes to roll back just a bit. That wasn't to say she didn't do anything though, the girl sucking hard on Kali's member running her tongue around the oral intruder, even as she squeezed around Karina and tried to milk her before she even hit her climax.

Soon though orgasm tore through her before either herm reached there own climaxes and moaned around Kali's shaft as a moment later she was flooded from both sides by the two giant girls, her womb and stomach filling with enough seed that she looked gravid with child. Though Anya did think a bit to herself that at the very least she wouldn't need to eat breakfast that morning.

By the time the two girls were done, and Anya was feeling the warmth of seed over her ass and face, her tongue darting out to lick the latter off in bits. "Heh, when you...put it like that...it makes me feel a bit embarrassed." She admitted with a blush.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Why would you feel embarrassed?" Karina asked softly, leaning over Anya and burying her shaft between Anya's ass cheeks, while Kali sat back and gently pulled Anya towards her, sliding her shaft between Anya's breasts.

"Yeah, we're the ones that ought to be embarrassed, f-from you making us cum so hard," Kali panted softly, reaching up and petting Anya.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Well I mean, bit hard not to feel a bit embarassed when someone says you gave them the best blowjob they've ever had. Never thought someone would say that about me." Anya admitted and couldn't help but wiggle against both cocks, grinding Karina's between her cheeks and leaned down to start to lightly suckle on Kali's tip. "Though guess I have been getting lots of practice recently."
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Well, I mean you have these luscious lips on your face, and you obviously enjoyed it yourself," Kali said, cooing softly as Anya suckled on her tip, bringing her back to full mast rather quickly, while she felt Karina's cock growing back to full size against her ass.

"Mmm, you want another round I see. At least, your body does. Why don't you show us how much you've learned, hmm," Karina cooed softly to Anya, kissing her cheek and gently pulling Kali down to sit with her, side by side, their large cocks pointing at the sky as they grinned at Anya.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Well, yeah, have I ever been satisfied with just one round? And of course I enjoyed being plowed by two lovely ladies with two equally lovely cocks." Anya chuckled, and let the two lean back and stared at the two skyward pointed members with a lustful grin. Scrambling forward on her hands and knees and wrapping her hands around both girls girths, starting to stroke them as she looked down at her breasts and seemed to be contemplating something, before getting a bit closer and seeing if she could manage to fit both shafts between her generous bosom.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"No you haven't. You love my cock, and I can tell you already love Kali's too," Karina whispered in Anya's ear, before nipping on it, and moving around.

Moving in closer after they were leaning back, Anya found she could get both of their cocks between her tits, their pre making them quite lubed up and ready for some more action. After they shifted around a bit, Anya was able to fit both of them in there without any trouble. They both moaned softly at Anya as she worked their cocks between her tits, with both of them reaching down to grope one of her tits each. "Mmm, so big... and soft. It feels amazing," Kali cooed softly as their pre began leaking out again.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"H-Heh, not as much as yours though Karina." Anya whispered back just as quietly, before Karina pulled back and Anya got to playing. Her breasts wet with precum as she started to grind the mounds up and down the two giant girls shafts, though her ability to do so was soon enough taken away a bit as both girls reached out simultaneously to grope her. Anya cooing as her breasts were squeezed, and started to lick at both tips that were pushing out from between her generous globes. Taking turns licking and sucking on each one, dipping in an inch or two each time and bounced to the other.

"Haaa, you girls are both so tasty, so big. I can't believe I have such beautiful girls after me and wanting to make me a mother." Anya's eyes were a bit distant, as the scent of having the two shafts right before her was driving her lust and thoughts.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya could taste both girl's pre leaking heavily from their tips as she sucked and licked on them both, while the both of them gently moved Anya's breasts up and down while they groped them. Karina suddenly arched her back and let out a cute cry of pleasure, and Anya couldn't tell what had happened at first, until she saw Kali's left hand down between Karina's legs, brushing against the oni's pussy with her fingers. Karina was trembling all over, as Kali's other hand reached around and cupped the oni's balls while she leaned down and latched onto one of Karina's nipples and sucked hard on it, taking the poor oni by surprise.

"Hmhm, your milk's delicious Karina," Kali giggled softly, suckling on her tit more and drawing more milk out, making Karina squeal cutely as she came prematurely, drenching Anya's tits and Kali's cock with her cum.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya didn't stop working the two shafts even as Karina climaxed, the girl latching onto the tip and sucking down the cum after a moment of surprise that was enough for her breasts to pool with white seed. Licking away at the cum over her and Kali's member the girl would keep up her double titfuck even as she watched Kali suckle on Karina, fighting the urge to go over there and take Karina's other breast for her own for the moment.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Kali smirked at Anya while suckling on Karina's tit, winking at Anya and nodding to the oni's other breast, and if Anya did, she'd see Karina go cute and docile in their arms, as Kali's hand that was playing with Karina's balls reached up to stroke the oni's cock. "O-Oh no... p-please you two... s-so sensitive," Karina moaned aloud, regardless of whether or not Anya went up with Kali to Karina's other tit.
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya would break off her titfuck to slide up to Karina's other breast, latching on and starting to lick as her hands slipped down, one to join Kali in stroking off Karina's cock, and the other would keep Kali from getting too comfortable as she latched onto the frost giant's shaft as well, stroking them both as she kissed Karina on the lips, and then leaned over and did the same to Kali.