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ACT [幻奏黒夢館 / yomitim] 楽園魔城リピュアリア / RePure Aria Paradise (RJ102967)

Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

I've been trying doing play through after play through of this game, testing everything I can possibly do to try and figure out how to get the other contracts. What's really got me stumped are how to get the boss-related ones. I've noticed how the contract for Ice Legion appears on the ground in the back of the room after beating it. Also, you get the contract for the slime boss by sleeping in an inn after you lose all of the girls. I'm under the impression that the other boss-contracts you need to get are in the game and are obtained by doing certain things that I haven't tried doing often; for example using the special "R" attacks, and the restaurants. Anyone else have any other input?
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

how i can get sprite sex for Fox girl in library?

something tell me u just get memo something and put male user that... but idk what is this :(

I 'think' you go back after beating the boss that requires the book you get in the library. After that, you basically have to anger the fox (make one of the other ghosts floating around drop their tray), and she'll occasionally shoot a new projectile that slows you down and deals damage for a short time or until you escape from it by holding left/right. (typically only fires it when you shoot at her).

In order to see the scene, you have escape from the attack while at 0 MP(thus turning into the guy) WHILE the fox is within extreme close range (her sprite overlaid on the attack's sprite at minimum.).

Hope that helps.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Mhm very interesting this game is, sounds like a good one too and the squeal seems even better.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Meh, I feel as though I should impart some wisdom and tips to help everyone out in the game:

  1. Master the single-wall walljump.
  2. Keep your Chaos alignment above 80. That way the original Chaos form's sliding attack sends out a constant fire wave as you slide.
  3. Acquire and give a Harpy or Flame Harpy contract to the Pure forms!
  4. Give Lamia contract to the first Chaos form.
  5. I found it helpful to give 2 Witch Child contracts to Pure Love form since they only lose points when hit and individually do a decent amount of damage. Ah, the glorious DPS~.
  6. Beat Ice Legion BEFORE you fight the harpy mini-boss. Use Chaos form equipped with Lamia contract to face away from Ice Legion and use the mid-air backwards firing attack until you beat the first form. Then switch to the original Pure Love form equipped with 2 Fire Wisp contracts (you NEED two on hard mode, but one is enough on normal). Keep firing until it dies, and don't let it regen too much health. Collect the crystal and acquire the most broken playable character in the game (once you give it any of the two Harpy contracts, preferably Flame variant).
  7. When moving around with the second Pure form, hold the attack button as you move. Also note, that with her, you can somersault through "danmaku" without taking any damage. You can also use her ground powder snowy attack to freeze incoming "danmaku," which is why I often crouch with her while holding the attack button. It's really helpful. Also, I believe giving her the white snowman-looking contract from the snow-woman later on slightly increases her damage, so correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. Give the clam girl contract to the second Chaos form to give the frog bombs. They do the most damage for a single attack and wreck the mermaid boss, the last 3 forms of the final boss, and if you position yourself tactically, you can take down the other boss forms as well.
  9. I found the last girl to be not useful at all, except for using her to be raped by that one tentacle enemy until they drop the "Gravity Suit" contract which is needed to get 2 of the items.
  10. I recommend getting a Shadow Slime contract to equip to halve alignment costs for getting through alignment doors, if needed.

This is all I can think of at the moment.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Nice, very useful tips there Iggy. :)


After all the replies I'm motivated to continue! :) I finished translating the "Demon Perk" menu today (aka the Cheat Mode after clearing the game). Hope you all find it useful. If any mistakes are spotted, let me know and I will fix them. I want this to be as quality as possible. The only gripe I have is the "Half Orc" (from the Profiles menu) bugged out and mirrored the c from Orc on the next line. I don't think I will be able to fix that though, because there is a text limit. :\


I will continue on to the item menu next.

Also, I'm really excited for Repure 2. That dragon girl is looking rather lovely. :)


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Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Nice, very useful tips there Iggy. :)


After all the replies I'm motivated to continue! :) I finished translating the "Demon Perk" menu today (aka the Cheat Mode after clearing the game). Hope you all find it useful. If any mistakes are spotted, let me know and I will fix them. I want this to be as quality as possible. The only gripe I have is the "Half Orc" (from the Profiles menu) bugged out and mirrored the c from Orc on the next line. I don't think I will be able to fix that though, because there is a text limit. :\


Password is ulmfrocks as always.

I will continue on to the item menu next.

Also, I'm really excited for Repure 2. That dragon girl is looking rather lovely. :)

EDIT: Fixed upload link. Make sure the modify date is 12/21. Sorry about that!

Thank you so much for your hard work. This patch will make me want to replay the entire game from a new file, taking the time to interact with the NPCs, signs and such and immerse myself in this game.

Keep up the wonderful work.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

I'm not exactly sure but I think you can find this girl in the area before or after the water area. I'ts been awhile since I played it. Anyway the girl looks like a block (Think like thwomps for mario games) and you have to be a boy and lust level above 60. With the lust level up the thwomp block will morph into the girl. Hope this helps, there is only one area/room with these and if you know what I'm talking about you should find them realitivy easy.

On another note. A translation of this game would be way past cool.

oke I'll look for it

i finish this game but i missing 2 CG ... where i found it?


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Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

wasnt in the game an option in the ?cg room area? that you can start a new game and keep your stats? like your hp and something
nvm i found it, its not in the cg area ist just the red cristal
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

oke I'll look for it

i finish this game but i missing 2 CG ... where i found it?

Your first cg is for the chaos form(girl in red dress). Just keep visiting all the different bathing areas from different locations while in chaos form. I don't think it has to be in any paticular order. As for the last cg please check out my posts on page 56 of this thread. They have pictures and everything. I hope they will help you out.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

You're too kind Iggy. xD

Made some decent progress today in the menus. Also marked some future locations to translate (items mostly but I also found the map name locations woo!). I can happily say the Scan and Config menus are now correctly and fully translated. :) Also had to substitute some words because of character limits (Eat = Consume, Unique = Key Item, etc.). Oh and in case anyone didn't know, the name intro screen was finished too, so you can actually pick an English name for the guy and girl now. :)

As always if you spot a mistake or mistranslation, let me know and I'll fix it right away!

(old version removed)


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Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Excellent, you're making wonderful progress~.
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Your first cg is for the chaos form(girl in red dress). Just keep visiting all the different bathing areas from different locations while in chaos form. I don't think it has to be in any paticular order. As for the last cg please check out my posts on page 56 of this thread. They have pictures and everything. I hope they will help you out.

Thanks for help:)

@Anticor nice work and very helping :)
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Does these character have nude costume?

chaos(Loli) second form.
innocence(big breast) second form.
pure love(first girl) third form.

I often confuse to call these character.
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Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Does these character have nude costume?

chaos(Loli) second form.
innocence(big breast) second form.
pure love(first girl) third form.

I often confuse to call these character.

Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Version 1.3 Update: All [Gear] and [Items] are translated now. Also translated a few more monster girl names on page 5 and 6. Fixed a few things from the older version also.

If you want to try it, here is the Download Link ->
Password is ulmfrocks as always.

Update 4/12/15: I'm longer working on updating this, because I lost all of my work during a drive failure.
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Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

So, looks like you're almost done?
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Ain't this a lowblow... patch ver 1.22 is now out
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Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

After all that time, oy..and it's ironic that most of the changes involve the UI (control settings).

So, looks like you're almost done?

Looks like I'm back to square one! :eek:
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

After all that time, oy..and it's ironic that most of the changes involve the UI (control settings).

Looks like I'm back to square one! :eek:

Damn... Well, at least you have translations for the stuff you translated. What's the update for exactly?
Re: Magic Castle RePure Aria Paradise

Wow,thanks for your awsome works,when I see all of your effort making that translation,I seriously want to replay that game...

Anyways thanks,ima going to download your translation and try it asap =)