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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

On the table, and with thankfully everyone ignoring her completely nude state, which was fitting since Ryan was the only one clothed anyway, no matter how much he blushed he wouldn't point it out, was a large bowl of venison stew, the smell of slow roasted deer making Mino drool hungrily.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sitting at the table, Mino drooled as she waited for Ryan to serve the food to her, she never looked so happy.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Ryan chuckled and dished up big steaming bowls for everyone, along with what smelled like freshly baked bread. "Dig in!" He said smiling. "It feels good to cook for someone other then myself, I hope you enjoy it."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino surprisingly went through the food in almost record time, her appetite akin to a starving hyena in a meat locker.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Ryan widened his eyes slightly, and then shrugged, assuming after the amount of pounding she had taken, that anyone would be hungry as he served her another helping. "So Sarah, you got nabbed by Tassadar again. I told you to stop "Enjoying those toys of his, they may be safe most of the time, but you know how Tassadar gets, he always wants to take you back." Sarah nodded, but squirmed a little in her seat. "But they feel so good!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was too busy having a second helping of food to listen to Ryan and Sarahs conversation.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"You know she can't stay here right? If she does she'll become like you, a monster girl of some kind, or Harvish will grab her again and just break her mind and turn her into her personal fuck toy forever, you should finish your meal and head out, see if you can find any interesting information, and yes, you have to ask Tassadar, he seems to have a soft spot for you"

Sarah whined and started eating, finishing just as Mino was finishing her second helping. Leaning over to kiss Mino on the cheek, Sarah headed out to do as Ryan had told her. It was now that Ryan cleared his throat and pointed out that the only thing Mino was wearing was a leather collar.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Swallowing, Mino heard Ryan clear his throat and she blinked, still chewing on some bread "Mmrph mprh is it?" she asked, her mouth still full, she was pointed out that her collar was still on, making her blush slightly as she realised she forgot to take it off.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"It looks good on you, and I don't think you mind me seeing you naked" Ryan teased, although he was obviously aroused he was behaving himself rather well. "Eat up and then we can talk" He said, standing and moving to a seat near the fireplace, trying not to look at Mino's body.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smiling slightly, Mino finished her second dish before sitting beside Mino near the fire place "...S-So what am i g-gonna do now?" she seemed particularly shameful of losing so many sets of clothing.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"well, I can't honestly be expected to make you new clothing, again. I don't have much in the way of such things." Ryan said a little sadly, although Mino could see him grinning just a little, as if he found that particular coincidence slightly amusing himself. "I mean, I suppose I could put a leash on that collar and take you for walkies" He teased. "All we can do for now is wait for Sarah to get back, or for you to wander off on your own again. Actually! Now that I think about it! I need you to go get some Alraune petals for me!" He said clapping his hands. "Although, you may have to talk to the slimes to get past the lake... Hrm... If you head to the south, you can't miss it" He said smiling. "That is of course, if you want to."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was told she could go get some alraune petals, seemed simple enough, nodding to the request she got up and retrieved her spear from the living room, going south bound as she was told to do.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The forest was beautiful today, the sun filtering through the leaves to dapple on the green and brown earth bringing a kind of peace to Mino as she walked, using her spear as a walking stick for the time being. Southwards proved to be a little more difficult then anticipated, as it was mostly uphill, and in an annoying fashion. Ridges pockmarked the region and the trees seemed to be getting thicker as she moved. The air, crisp and clear brought a sweet scent to her nose after about a half hour of steady walking, and it was easy to see why. Small flowers were seen growing along the trees, their petals a soft yellow and very pretty, as opposed to the grotesque monstrosities that the fairies had kept and the smell reminded her of fond memories of her child hood, of picnics and summer fun that brought a smile to the shy girl's face.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It became a bit of a hike as Mino used the spear to walk along and up hills, she remembered she had to keep going until she arrived at a lake with slimes near it, she was still slightly shy about being naked and only having a collar on though.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It was maybe another 15 minutes before she actually reached the lake itself, which was more a large pond then a proper lake. Surrounded by trees on all sides and secluded, Mino couldn't see any slimes, but she could see movement in the water.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Looking around, Mino realised there were no slimes to speak to, shrugging she stretched her arms and gently got herself into the water, content to swim across it, but then making the first mistake of taking a swim, checking the water first "G-GAH! C-COLDCOLDCOLD!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino heard a soft giggle at her proclamation of cold water, but there was no telling where it had come from. It didn't sound angry, or even malicious, just highly amused as she moved into the water.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Panting and eventually getting used to the cold water, Mino started to slowly swim across the lake using a simple front stroke, ignoring the giggle.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Except... Mino wasn't going anywhere, she knew she was swimming, and the water just felt like normal water, but she couldn't actually make any headway in the water, and then she heard the laughter again, much closer, as a head, a slime girls head almost the exact same color as the water, popped up in front of her. "BOOO!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

After a few minutes, Mino realised her attempts at swimming werent getting her anywhere, just as she tried to turn back, a slimy head looked at her from the lake, with a simple boo, Mino screamed in surprise and fear as she started to randomly splash about in panic.