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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino floated easily on the lake, looking very much like a large lily or lotus on the water, beautiful and tempting in a serene setting. Bending her mind to the task, Mino discovered that most of her abilities were more about thinking about them happening, then actually trying to exert physical control, and as she thought about smell alluring, that was exactly what happened, her petals, and tendrils rising and swaying a little to shake a large amount of golden dust and pollen into the air that floated away swiftly. Mino knew that the scent and affect of the pollen was even stronger then the nectar from the fairies, and that it wouldn't take long for prey to arrive.

Surprisingly, Sarah was the first one to show up, her sensitive nosed raised to the air, a slightly calmed expression on her face as she followed the scent straight into the lake, swimming towards her. The realisation that it was Mino hadn't struck before Lake did, Sarah letting out a soft gasp and wriggling in the slime as it caught her like a fly in a trap and started to tease her, drawing moans and shudders from the trapped wolf girl as Mino watched the pool around her ripple with the powerful vibrations running through that spot before Lake slid up behind her and groped her chest, kissing her neck. It was something to watch as the slime took full advantage of the situation, teasing and caressing Sarah's chest before easing a thick tendril into both of her lower holes, and up her body to slide into her mouth, letting Mino watch as the slime took all three of her holes in unison, the muffled gasps and moans of pleasure coming from Sarah being incredibly arousing as the slime forced her through several quick climaxes, drinking in her fluids the entire time.

Mino was however shaken from watching the image as she noticed one of her own tendrils drifting along her thigh in response to her arousal, and then saw the man from earlier wander up to the lake. Seeing Mino, he did the same thing Sarah had done, entering the lake without thinking about it in the slightest, only to be snared just as Sarah had been. Mino was surprised to find herself hungry as she watched the second Lake slide up against his chest, kissing him deeply and holding his body tightly before she worked lower and slid her soft lips around the head of his quickly hardening length, licking around the tip before wrapping her mouth around it and starting to bob hungrily, drawing loud groans and grunts from him as he twisted in her grip and started to thrust. Sarah was all but unconscious as Lake set her on the shore, and the Minotaur was quite happy where he was as he slid into the hungry slimes eager and willing mouth, Lake eager to drink him to his last drop. And then Mino noticed something landing on her petals... It was one of the wasps from earlier, its many eyes staring not at her, but at the pool at her center, antennae twitching as it moved closer.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Releasing the pollen felt very natural for Mino now, looking around she could see that people were being attracted already, with Lake almost immediately springing her trap on the two, Mino wasnt left out as a small hornet landed on her petals, not wanting it to steal her jelly, she tried coiling her free vines around it and then suddenely shoving it under the water and keeping it there for a few minutes, to drown it.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 17
Giant Wasp 19
Giant Wasp 4
Mino 7
Mino 10
Giant Wasp 5
Hit Wasp 2/3 Grappled, Drowning
Giant Wasp 5
Mino 9

After a few attempts to snare the obviously curious insect, and some near misses from it's stinger, Mino managed to tightly wrap the insect up before shoving it under the water, holding it there as it struggled and continued to try and sting her. Looking over, Mino glanced just in time to see the Minotaur cry out in bliss as Lake drank his cum happily, but then tightly gripped his hips, forcing him to continue to thrust as she milked him for more.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino kept trying to hold the wasp underwater, wondering how she was even supposed to eat it, she assumed her vines would have bulbs on them to allow her to swallow it whole.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 13
Giant Wasp 11
Still Drowning 1/3

Mino was coming more and more into her nature, she had to either drink it like Lake was doing, or place it's corpse in her Jelly and dissolve it into nutrients much like a slime did even as the wasp started to grow weaker by the moment under the water as she continued to kill it, only to notice the weight of another landing on her petals. Looking, Mino saw that there were now several floating around nearby the lake, several starting to lazily make their way over to her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Noticing more wasps flying around her, Mino kept a hold of the wasp under the water with just one vine while using the other vine to grab the other wasp and keep that one under the water as well.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 7
GWasp 1 3
Mino 17
GWasp 2 14

GWasp 2 8
Mino 9

Seemed Mino was either a natural at being a killer plant, or her luck was much better today as she felt the first wasp stop struggling, drowning finally and managing to not only snare the second, but do it again without getting stung, a tricky feat as she started to drown this one as well.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grinning somewhat, Mino pulled her dead catch out of the water and placed it in the jelly surrounding her, using her other two vines to keep holding the other wasp under the water now.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 2
GWasp 2 1

GWasp 2 6
Mino 8

Mino 17
GWasp 2 3

Mino couldn't taste anything as she set the dead wasp into her Jelly, but it felt... Filling, a soft comfortable feeling as the substance went to work at her thought, dissolving the wasp quickly and just making her feel great... Between the water, the sun, and the food right now, Mino had everything a plant could want. Even a free show! Lake was laughing now, even as the Minotaur finally gave and passed out, her ability to pleasure him just overloading him after several solid minutes, and then... Mino saw Everyone...

Coming through the trees, was maybe 8 or 9 people, all wearing pretty simple clothing but looking the worse for wear certainly. "Oooo! You reached the village~! Yay!" Lake said as she started snatching people who entered the water, Mino soon surrounded by moaning men and screaming woman as Lake went to work, the sounds of pleasure becoming a symphony around her even as the wasps left, apart from the one she was still holding, which soon expired, being eaten in much the same way. It was all convenient, because it seemed that no matter how powerful Lake was, she could only split her attention 5 ways, so as 2 men and a woman all climbed up onto her petals, Mino had to figure out what to do as they looked at her with bleary drooping eyes, completely under her sway.
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Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino giggled slightly as it seemed she had attracted a entire village for Lake to feed on, although it seemed like Lake couldnt handle so many as two males and a women climbed up into her bud, smiling slightly she said "Oh my...ill only be able to have you two first~" Mino held both the mens hands and pulled them forward to her, looking at the only woman she winked and said "We`ll have our fun after this~"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The men, being pulled closer and more then ready due to the pollen Mino had shaken into the wind pawed and groped at her body as her own lust quickly rose, knowing that now they were food, and pleasure, and that if she wanted to, she could trap them in her petals and use them for days on end before having to let them go. The woman just moved forward however, ignoring her words to stick a finger into her jelly and lick it, moaning softly and blushing as she shuddered and tasted it. Lake was entirely too preoccupied with other matters at the moment to even notice.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smirking, Mino brought her petals up, enough so no one could see them but she let sunlight shine in, Mino pulled one of the males over to her and immediately kissed him, running her hands up and down his sides as his own hands groped and searched Minos body, moaning into the mans mouth she gave out a cute yelp as the man penetrated her pussy, putting her arms around his shoulders she smirked as he started to instinctively thrust into her, Mino did the same, moaning and drooling in pleasure as she kissed him, the man behind her wasnt going to wait for anything and reached around, groping her breasts as he penetrated his ass, Mino gave out a lewd moan as she stopped kissing the man, smiling as she said "Theres plenty for me to go around~", simply holding onto the man infront of her now she moaned and let her tongue hang as she took it in her ass and pussy at the same time, eventually she arched her back and screamed in pleasure as herself and the two men reached orgasm, shooting their seed into her womb and ass respectively, the two men then pulled out and returned to the lake after Mino set her petals down, obviously wanting to have fun with Lake, mino looked at the woman in the flower with her and brought her petals back up, using a vine to gently pull her over as Mino gently squeezed her ass and said "Do you want to try a taste of heaven~?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

After enjoying the men thoroughly, Mino did the right thing and let them go, but it was getting harder to think about doing the right thing, and her new nature was specifically starting to get in the way as she panted in pleasure, her body drinking in the seed of the two men and driving her lust higher. The woman, still shuddering and tasting her Jelly, gave a soft moan, her red hair cascading down her back as she looked into Mino's eyes and Mino realised that because of the Jelly, the woman wasn't quite all there, too caught up in her own desired to even think about it as she nodded and moaned, not even noticing as the petal closed around her and giving a gasp as she felt Mino grope her ass, pushing her body against Mino's inside the small pool in the center of her flower. Women.... Women could stay soo much longer... Mino's new body practically made to keep live prey like this for up to a week before she would have to let them go, or turn them into an Alraune like herself.

With the woman in the pool, Mino could smell her arousal easily, and her tendrils, and body throbbed with desire, and something else... A need that she couldn't quite yet explain.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino giggled and rubbed the girls sides, her vines gently stroking her hair out of her face "Do you want to have some fun with my vines or do you just want my body~?" Mino teased the girl, giving her a choice.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The woman seemed to not quite understand the question as she kissed Mino deeply, clinging to her like a raft adrift at sea even as one of Mino's vines brushed against her thigh, her legs spreading of their own accord almost immediately. It was painfully obvious that this woman did not care in the slightest how she was sated, only that she was, and only that it was from Mino in some way, her hips pushing against Mino's to gently roll as she moaned into her mouth, her tongue dancing past her lips as she shivered uncontrollably in her own lust. Mino remembered how sensitive the Jelly had made her when she had transformed, and knew that the same thing was happening here.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smiling, Mino kissed the girl back and interlocked her hands with her as the twos lust started to rise, Mino gently eased one of her vines into the girls asshole, as she used the other two vines to coil around her breasts, starting to squeeze them and milk the girl, Mino didnt stop however as she continued to french the girl and slip her hands down to her crotch area, fingering the girl to drive her lust higher, she used the vine in the girls ass to start thrusting into her as she stopped her kiss to lick and suck at the girls tits, slowly driving the girls arousal higher and higher as she started to lactate with her overpowering orgasm, Mino drank it up and licked it eagerly, looking at the girl, Mino giggled again as she started to repeat the process for half an hour, drinking her fill by drinking both the girls breast milk and sucking and licking at her pussy, eventually after the girl got tired, Mino let her petals droop and she gave the girl a quick goodbye kiss on the cheek.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The girl was like wet clay in her hands as they kissed, the girl moaning and whimpering quietly as she bucked her hips against Mino's body until she gave a silent gasp, her back arching and her mouth opening wide as Mino slid one of her tendrils into the girls pucker, the bulb at the tendrils tip pushing its way inside as she twisted and writhed for a moment, before pressing her hips back against it, wanting it to thrust even as her chest was groped and squeezed by the other two, leaving her pressing her upper body against Mino's and thrusting her hips back as far as she could until she felt Mino's hands drifting lower. As Mino fingered her dripping slit, she came, almost immediately, her body to overworked at the moment to do anything other then twist and shudder as she rolled her hips against the steadily thrusting tendril in her ass and Mino's hand, mindless in her pleasure as it all continued, her face bearing a look of euphoric bliss as Mino gave her what her body so desperately wanted.

Spending the next half hour pushing the girl from one climax to the next, drinking in her milk and nectar with reckless abandon, she dropped her petals and let the girl go, her body screaming at her not to, to just keep her, her tendrils all aching as the desire that Mino couldn't quite figure out went unfulfilled for now. Lake was finished with her meal however, leaving most of a small village, Sarah, and the Minotaur all either passed out, or recovering on the shore of the lake, appearing next to Mino to smack her lips, looking very satisfied. "You know~ Chrysta used to do that for me, before she got all high and mighty, Thank you~" She said with a wink, before oozing back into the lake that was her home, or her, that much was still unclear. Mino was now free'd of any obligations apart from her original task, which was to get the petals Ryan needed back to him, although, if Sarah was here, then she had probably managed to talk to the mad scientist in his crazy castle. And through it all, Mino was still wearing the collar that was originally meant for Horus, having forgotten about the leather band around her neck completely, its wear feeling so natural that she didn't even notice it anymore.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smiling as she looked at Lake vanish, Mino still felt a bit sad she wasnt human still, the idea of having this mindset while human appealed to her but it also scared her, shivering she decided to leave the lake, sliding along until she got to Ryans cabin, heres the problem, she wondered how she could even get into her room now, shrugging, she knocked on Ryans door twice with one of her vines.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino, partially regretting her juice to join the ranks of all things green and growing, wandered back to the cabin to give Ryan what he needed, knocking on the door. She was certainly too large now to get in while within her flower, but she had been told she could leave it for up to three hours before her flower wilted and she had to go through the painful process of forcing another flower to grow, or basically diving into a river for the water to sustain her until she could.

Opening the door, Ryan just stared at her for a moment, completely at a loss for words at what he saw. the new Mino... was a bit much for him to take in all at once, but he recovered himself remarkably well. "So... Chrysta... Bitch." He said in a rather annoyed tone. "She used to be so kind as well you know, but she's gotten lonely and bitter. I can safely assume you managed to get what I need? I thank you for it" He said eyeing the small petals that he apparently needed for whatever medicine he required, which still hadn't been explained.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino had a bit of a thought, but she`d save it for later, she nodded and let Ryan pick the petals he needed, before she tried something, she would use her vines to suck up the jelly in her flower temporarily, then she would try inverting her flower and wearing it as a very flower themed skirt, if she couldnt suck up the jelly with her vines she would sigh in disappointment and look around again, before asking Ryan "D-Do i need to do anything else?"