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ACT [Terrarium] Anthophobia (RJ166403)

What's the name of his new game, because I can't seem to find it.
Truthfully I'm not a fan of this new title's graphics. Going from realistic adult proportions to cartoonish chibi look is a big downer. Especially leaves me wondering how H scenes will play out.

Additionally, going off the few non-paywalled pics I can actually find, there's a major drop in creativity for enemy designs. No fancy flower zombie men, just evil ninjas all the way down. Maybe this will be changed in the future, but to me this just looks like a fantasy-esque beat 'em up platformer with some nsfw. Lacking the soul and suspense Anthophobia carried like a torch.

Ehhh, maybe Anthophobia probably just set the bar too high. Hopefully the future will promise more out of this title.

Edit: Made a mistake. The google search had it titled under Sourjelly but I found a youtube video revealing it's actually a game called Forbidden Arms: Bloodlust. Made by someone else entirely.
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Can't even find anything non-paywalled about this but this sounds pretty much like what I expected. Honestly Patreon was a mistake. Slows down development AND sterilizes the content.
Can't even find anything non-paywalled about this but this sounds pretty much like what I expected. Honestly Patreon was a mistake. Slows down development AND sterilizes the content.

Nah, I fucked up. The google search had those pics titled under Sourjelly's name but I found a youtube video revealing it's actually a game called Forbidden Arms: Bloodlust.
Made by someone else entirely...

So yeah, there isn't any actual non-paywalled pics floating around yet. Sorry about that.
Welp. I guess there's still hope then. But I'm still lowering my expectations.
Boss trials boss 1
This is the best time I got by shooting hand at exact 5 second mark to kill it instantly then getting good boss minion spawns to kill them with pistol while spawning then good boss minion spawns to easily jump on them during second phase.
Reply with better time if you can get it!
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Do not needlessly bump threads.
Just noticed that Ceres Fauna have some resemblance to the Protagonist...wish we can have a little adjustment...

*Edit after getting warning*
I'll also added that v2.21 is out, it's mainly game play animation/control update...

Also, I want to say that Fuana...is cute...I'm not sorry for lewding her and get warning, although I'm feeling a little sad that what I mentioned seem to be considered irrelevant to the game experience.
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Well since the thread is necro'd, probably should point out that the game has a Steam release now. And alongside it, Sourjelly updated the main character's animations now. Like they more or less re-did all their non-H animations, I believe.
even asking for a link would've been a more high-brow way to necro the thread
You and Darkfire aren't that into hololive huh...I just want to mention about resemblance so other fans can have new perspective when playing the game...

And yes, you two just not cultured enough about hololive.
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Anyone know anything about what sourjelly is working on nowadays? Last I checked all the info was paywalled.
Anyone know anything about what sourjelly is working on nowadays? Last I checked all the info was paywalled.
something about Dungeon or Sanctuary is from what I heard of, beside fixing some old animation of Anthophobia
Do not needlessly bump threads.
No one gives a shit about your shitty jap Vtumour. Take it to your blog or something.
You have earned my enmity, queerman...for no good reason to boots! what a deal! from looking at your history I have to tell you to stop getting off from talking down to people would be a good start, eh ? Do your own advice and start blog or something when you want to talk shit about what people loves...

To those who likes his comment, you are not any better.
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Yeah, all of sourjelly's updates on their new game, which was previously mentioned as Dungeon Sanctuary, are pay-walled on their patreon. It seems like they've been keeping up with their monthly updates, at least.
Well, in regards to the new animations... not really a fan.

The increased detail is nice, but the new animations seem a lot less natural. Especially the running animation. Also, her body seems... the proportions seem off somehow.

Still, good on the dev to give the option to go back to the old ones.
I guess for anyone who doesn't know you can see pretty much all of sourjellys progress reports on kemono it stays pretty updated.