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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

'Enemy Name' は隙を見せている。

This one would be something like, Enemy has left themselves exposed. Or at least, that's the gist of it. Or maybe, left themselves open. Basically, they are vulnerable.


This would be like, _____ came back to their senses. This is probably after the debuff wears off and they are back to normal.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Thanks for this, will follow this thread~!!
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

As always, thank you for the help, hyperk2~!

Very minor update...one I haven't tested, but I'm sure it'll come out fine.
(NOTE TO ALL: If any issues are discovered, please inform me via description or imagery to identify problem)

1. All equipment indications (Such as Weapon, Head, Underwear) are now translated.
2. Pretty much everything in Sanctuary (Underground cave at prologue) has been translated in preparation for attempt on the scene where Demea is sexing up Feena. (Last thing I need is to somehow lose progress and start all over again)
3. Not sure where to put this, so I'll just bring it up: Potentially at random parts of the game where Feena is getting sexed up or drinking their sticky stuff, the player will see English text for 'Dick' and 'Dick Milk'. The reason for this is because they exist as their own thing, like skills.

And that's it. Like I mentioned, very minor.
There was a part where I wanted to translated 'Semen', but I hit a snag and it didn't come out right. (As in, the word didn't pop up in-game) However, I get the feeling I did translate it and it should be working. I...honestly don't remember because I should be SLEEPING!!! Brain hurting SO MUCH!!

Next update will be the H-scene between Demea and Feena. This would also count as my first attempt at describing a full-on H-scene. Normally, I skim these. Now, I have to suffer through them as I try to make sense of them. This is gonna hurt...
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Great work so far. Be sure to rest when you need or want to. It's tiring to translate isn't it? I'd imagine it'd be a pain to translate a game when you already know what everything means in the first place.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Non-update. Just something I wanted to ask. (I'm making progress, so...y'know...eventually.)

Whatever happened to the previous translator for Princess Sacrifice? :/ My findings on the net says the translator was last heard on the beginning of 2015. After that, nothing.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Non-update. Just something I wanted to ask. (I'm making progress, so...y'know...eventually.)

Whatever happened to the previous translator for Princess Sacrifice? :/ My findings on the net says the translator was last heard on the beginning of 2015. After that, nothing.

Was it someone from the 4chan?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Was it someone from the 4chan?

I guess...? Most of my findings stem from there.
Speaking of that website, people over there keep bringing up that this game eats translators for breakfast. (How true that claim is remains to be seen. I mean, I'm still here, taking a crack at it with help now and again)
I don't think the users over there are aware this translation project has started up again. :/
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I guess...? Most of my findings stem from there.
Speaking of that website, people over there keep bringing up that this game eats translators for breakfast. (How true that claim is remains to be seen. I mean, I'm still here, taking a crack at it with help now and again)
I don't think the users over there are aware this translation project has started up again. :/

Seems like its because this is a pretty well known game, and has a fair number of fans on the 4chan. Most of the "translators" that got eaten alive were most likely trolls, and were probably never really translating the game at all.

Just my 2 cents anyway.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Seems like its because this is a pretty well known game, and has a fair number of fans on the 4chan. Most of the "translators" that got eaten alive were most likely trolls, and were probably never really translating the game at all.

Just my 2 cents anyway.

In that case, they'll be missing out, since users over there keep asking for someone to translate this. (Implying I do a sucky job at it. :I )

Speaking of translation, I'm almost done with the H-scene between Feena and Demea in the prologue. (PROGRESS!!! :D ) My interpretation of the JPN dialogue into ENG is a little rough, but it mostly captures what is happening. If anyone finds anything odd about the ENG translation, please let me know and include your suggestions. :)

I don't know why, but translating is actually somewhat enjoyable~
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I...am currently stuck, but SO CLOSE TO THE END.
Context is...Feena has been subjected to climaxing, a lot, leading up to here.
This is Feena's:
Following this is Demea's:
I am in the dark when it comes to Demea's. I can't quite figure out what she is trying to say.
The remaining dialogue and narration after these though, eh, I got them in the bag. :)

Anyone around to kindly lend a hand?
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I...am currently stuck, but SO CLOSE TO THE END.
Context is...Feena has been subjected to climaxing, a lot, leading up to here.
This is Feena's:

Following this is Demea's:
I am in the dark when it comes to Demea's. I can't quite figure out what she is trying to say.
The remaining dialogue and narration after these though, eh, I got them in the bag. :)

Anyone around to kindly lend a hand?

I believe Demea is saying

It won't end/be over unless you do it all/to the end.
Can/shall(?) I put it in?
Are you ready to receive me? :p

Still an amateur at this but that's what I think she's saying.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

@Salking: Pretty close, I think (as in you need to know some Japanese phasing, such as "doing something to the end" = "doing something properly", but otherwise accurate).

Here's my translations of the dialogue. Please edit for flavor before using, as these are pretty literal.

... Haa, Haann.... Nn.. Save me...
Please stop...
I feel really strange...

I'll only stop when we finish this properly.
Shall I put it in now?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I guess...? Most of my findings stem from there.
Speaking of that website, people over there keep bringing up that this game eats translators for breakfast. (How true that claim is remains to be seen. I mean, I'm still here, taking a crack at it with help now and again)
I don't think the users over there are aware this translation project has started up again. :/

hgg2d has a meme about translators never finishing the job and going MIA. Perceived recurring excuses include: computer problems, being Ill, and announcing translation projects for e-fame without any intention of completing them.

Right or wrong, 4chan has always been very cynical and they likely won't give any praise until actual results are delivered.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

hgg2d has a meme about translators never finishing the job and going MIA. Perceived recurring excuses include: computer problems, being Ill, and announcing translation projects for e-fame without any intention of completing them.

Right or wrong, 4chan has always been very cynical and they likely won't give any praise until actual results are delivered.

Having seen that happen with quite a few translations (and mods), mostly on other sites, it does feel like there's a hell of a lot of "computer problems" that destroy all the work on a project that has no back up.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I'll, um, try not to disappoint anyone! You all have my word! (Until the day comes where I stop completely. In which case, I would have left behind a guide to aid those seeking to translate this game, will come with pics and easy instructions.)

One last thing:
……Not yet.
This is the final dialogue by Demea before the whole H-scene ends.
I have a rough guess as to what she is saying, but just to be on the safe side, I wanted to ask you all for assistance.

After this is complete, I CAN FINALLY UPDATE. :D Progress, at last!
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

In time, no matter who or how, your body will start feeling good after growing accustomed to being raped.

That is my take on that line, might be good to get a second opinion on it thought.

*looks around for habisain*
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I think I'd go for

We're not done yet...
I'll keep training you until you feel nothing but joy when you're raped...

Remember that after that first H-scene with Demea, Feena's H-stats go up a lot. I suspect that there was a lot of H-stuff that happened off camera.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Thanks again, evenyone! I took in both habisain's and salking's help to finish up the dialogue.
And now: Update! Yay!!! :D

Let's see...
1. The H-scene between Feena and Demea is completely translated. Which means the entire Prologue is completely translated from start to finish! (The Slime H-scene does not count. At all.)
2. I fixed the translation in shops where, if you sold something, it would say 'purchased'. I don't know how that happened. Guess I wasn't paying attention at the time.
3. When in battle, I removed the word 'skill' and 'item' from the battle text. Why? Two reasons: It's easier to translate without getting all paranoid about mistakes, and save precious space. (This isn't that much of a detriment, since the name of skills and items are plain as day...if I ever get around to translating their JPN names without breaking the game)

And that's it. This is my first time trying my hands on translating an whole H-scene (with some help now and again) and it was killer. Plus, it's rough, meaning the translation may not 100% reflect the original JPN script, but mostly captures what is happening. If there's anything wrong with the ENG script, please let us all know~!

Okay! Now that we got this out of the way, the next part is the Slime Forest...or Nozzle Village. Not sure which to prioritize first... :/
Anywho, I'm off to bed. Everyone who assisted in this endeavor has my sincerest gratitude, thank you all~! :D

Oh, BTW, the recent translated file is 'V.2 (17-02-2016)'. I had to make some minor adjustments...whatever they were. In the event this version somehow crashes, please let me know.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Right or wrong, 4chan has always been very cynical and they likely won't give any praise until actual results are delivered.

I feel the need to quote this because holy shit, 4Chan has zero respect for anything. I was looking for recent results regarding this H-game over there and people expect this project to bomb (again) because of my ineptitude. Lol, I can't make any promises, but I will try my best with everyone's help.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Memory. i apologize in advance if this question already been answered and if i haven't seen it but..
When do you presume that the translation is finished? :>