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RPG RPG Maker [Pervy] The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

I don't have too much to say about the update but I was pleasantly surprised when one of the fallen demon hunters had a scene for the shemale option, nice work.

Well I did find a bug, if you talk to rubia at the snow camp this error happens

Ooh crap. Thanks for the screenshot, I guess I'll proceed to do some bugfixing work later today. ^^
Will be fixed on next release.

p.s. Yeah, trying to give scenes Shemale alternates, or different texts if you have a certain transformation on you, but its lotsa work.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

The details like that is what is making the game even better, don't give up!
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Mayhap you know about this, but the events with the druid, kraken, and satyr can get ab it wonky if you try to do everything. If you talk to the druid to get the mission to get the root, then talk to the satyr to get the acorn mission, then get the acorn, then go bug the kraken and get the root, then return...

- If you try to talk to the druid, she'll fixate on the acorn that you have. No way to give her the root.

-If you talk to the satyr, events proceed normally, save that when you kill the druid you get the orb, and then you can get ANOTHER orb by talking to the druid in the satyr's clearing
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

The details like that is what is making the game even better, don't give up!

Aww, thanks for the encouragement, really helps after going through forums, updating the game, only to be hit with waves of more or less reasonable demands and bug reports.. hey, keep 'em going,.. speaking of which..

Mayhap you know about this, but the events with the druid, kraken, and satyr can get ab it wonky if you try to do everything.

Yeah, I know of it. My crazy programmer friend that also made the Order of Light made this one, AND made it more complicated. I copied your bug report over, cause, to be frank, its neatly detailed and might help iron out the last bits, but TBH, I'm happy with it 90% working. :p

On that note, new release with moar bugfixing, a new, big Hentai Scene done by 7th heaven, in the Jade tower, and a new enemy + Gameover. Yey.

Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Glad to help. I'm guessing the solution could be as simple as just adding a 'hide acorn' or 'crush acorn' option in the dialogue trees. I really like the art you're using, by the way. And i"M enjoying being catgirl buddies with the other catgirl.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

So how do you turn the character into a futa?

Never mind. Found it:

first area. Mountain.

Love LOVE this game BTW.
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

I just discovered the game and it's love at first sight. Having played for a couple of hours, I don't think some of the mainstream AAA RPGs give players so many options.
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Glad to help. I'm guessing the solution could be as simple as just adding a 'hide acorn' or 'crush acorn' option in the dialogue trees. I really like the art you're using, by the way. And i"M enjoying being catgirl buddies with the other catgirl.

Eh, I could just make the acorn poof if you get past a certain area, but as I said, it doesn't 'hurt' anyone, heck, even high end commercial games often have these key item ghosts in your inventory, mainly 'cause its better to give out one too many, than one too little, pretty much same thing here.

Love LOVE this game BTW.

I just discovered the game and it's love at first sight.

Aww thank you folks. Bug reports are important, but so are encouragements. *flexes, goes hammer on on game, chuckles*

Having played for a couple of hours, I don't think some of the mainstream AAA RPGs give players so many options.

Giving options is easy, having options have impact is another thing. I'm one developer, with some friends helping out, so I can't possibly compete with AAA, but I am aiming to beat some of the commercian H-RPG's in japan. ^^
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Is it suppose to snow everywhere? Also to everyone else don't go back to grey's castle after you beat it, you get a black screen. Love the update I got more shiny armor.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

To share what exactly made me fall for this game so hard.

Stuff changes dialogues. Having acquired the cat form and leaving the haunted theatre with the doll in the party I remarked that my "puppy" will stay with us so long as she is useful. I was then corrected that she is a kitty, not a puppy, to which my character replied that she is a kitty herself.

While this is not a full-blown impact that changes things for good, little things like this is what makes the game feel special. Little things are big.

Another critical hit for me personally are the multiple submission scenes in the game. I think the author has a very good feel for the submission themes, I honestly can't remember many games that did submission so well.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

From what I read, it seems there are multiple haunted house scenes, but i've gotten to the end and the only one I can find is from walking in the front door. I've responded to the dialogue in a number of ways but nothing seems different about the scene I get.

Nevermind, i need to mix the responses, it seems. I'm dumb.
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Eh, I could just make the acorn poof if you get past a certain area, but as I said, it doesn't 'hurt' anyone, heck, even high end commercial games often have these key item ghosts in your inventory, mainly 'cause its better to give out one too many, than one too little, pretty much same thing here.

Aww thank you folks. Bug reports are important, but so are encouragements. *flexes, goes hammer on on game, chuckles*

Giving options is easy, having options have impact is another thing. I'm one developer, with some friends helping out, so I can't possibly compete with AAA, but I am aiming to beat some of the commercian H-RPG's in japan. ^^

Honestly, only thing this game needs is a bit more polish (character arts, sprites polish etc) and more CGs. Wish you would team up with Noxian Nights devs. Endless possibilities.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Is it suppose to snow everywhere? Also to everyone else don't go back to grey's castle after you beat it, you get a black screen. Love the update I got more shiny armor.

Nah, you're propably on the Northpole Badum-tis. Seriously, if a weather effect got stuck just tell me which map you were on where it didn't stop after, those things can be annoying to always remember to remove.

Stuff changes dialogues. Having acquired the cat form and leaving the haunted theatre with the doll in the party I remarked that my "puppy" will stay with us so long as she is useful. I was then corrected that she is a kitty, not a puppy, to which my character replied that she is a kitty herself.

While this is not a full-blown impact that changes things for good, little things like this is what makes the game feel special. Little things are big.

Another critical hit for me personally are the multiple submission scenes in the game. I think the author has a very good feel for the submission themes, I honestly can't remember many games that did submission so well.

Why thank you, I do try to add the small bits here and there, its lotsa work, and will only get more as we advance in the game, and some more transformations pop up, but its nice to know that these are appreciated.

I'm rather subby myself, I do like to dom too, but I often feel more in the position of the sub. *shrugsmiles* If you like this, check out Dark Recruitment, no art for now, but even more extensive submission scenes for the most part.

Honestly, only thing this game needs is a bit more polish (character arts, sprites polish etc) and more CGs. Wish you would team up with Noxian Nights devs. Endless possibilities.

Agreed. Well then, gimme money. Artists still don't work for free, and Cg's don't come from nowhere... Also not gonna happen, nothing against Noxian nights, but they are one bored Riot employee away from a massive lawsuit, I'm honestly suprised at how.. daring they are. That said, if those folks want to support other projects, do send 'em my way. :p

Anyway, on an unrelated note, New update, Yey!

Version 0.51: New Stuff in Silverpine City, among that 2 Hentai Scenes, both with pwetty picturz, 1 Gameover. Find it here:
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

I liked the furniture scene and the owner's reaction, nice job with that one, I'll get a bug report ready in a while as I found a few like walking into walls and clothes bugging out on the models etc
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Woo! New update! Love this game to death, keep the awesomeness coming Pervy! :D
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Finally got around to playing this. Got one save on the "good" route, and one trying for the succubus route.
For the latter, do you just lose in the town at the beginning?

I've got Red armour now, but it doesn't look like I was actually transformed.

Did I miss something?

Edit: Literally seconds after posting this I alt-tabbed back into the game and killed something, followed by a message about skin darkening and her wings starting to grow.

Guess I got my answer.

My transformation seems to have finished (sprite changed) but the dialogue deosn't seem any different. The corrupted demonhunter in the jade tower still refers to me as "wearing the armour of our order" and suchlike.

edit-again: Immediately after beating said boss, I got a visit from a succubus.

Thus continuing the trend of fidning my own answers right after I ask the question.

Still, at the foot of the tower, the cutscene reverted me back to the default sprite, and the whole "oath of the demonhunter" thing seems a little odd coming from a succubus.

Also, getting the full "corruption" deal from the ambassedor, then going directly into the default "meet Kitty" scene where she doesn't like being called "mistress" seems a little odd too.
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Finally got around to playing this. Got one save on the "good" route, and one trying for the succubus route.
For the latter, do you just lose in the town at the beginning?

I've got Red armour now, but it doesn't look like I was actually transformed.

Did I miss something?

Edit: Literally seconds after posting this I alt-tabbed back into the game and killed something, followed by a message about skin darkening and her wings starting to grow.

Guess I got my answer.

My transformation seems to have finished (sprite changed) but the dialogue deosn't seem any different. The corrupted demonhunter in the jade tower still refers to me as "wearing the armour of our order" and suchlike.

edit-again: Immediately after beating said boss, I got a visit from a succubus.

Thus continuing the trend of fidning my own answers right after I ask the question.

Still, at the foot of the tower, the cutscene reverted me back to the default sprite, and the whole "oath of the demonhunter" thing seems a little odd coming from a succubus.

Also, getting the full "corruption" deal from the ambassedor, then going directly into the default "meet Kitty" scene where she doesn't like being called "mistress" seems a little odd too.

You transform after you beat the tower, the races you turn to are more like classes, like bimbo is like white mage and succubus is like red mage while demon hunter is more like paladin. You can turn to a cat girl, but the it has a high usage of magic. Also you are not corrupted, you can still have humanity while being a monster girl in this game. But you can't access certain scenes because it's human only.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

You transform after you beat the tower, the races you turn to are more like classes, like bimbo is like white mage and succubus is like red mage while demon hunter is more like paladin. You can turn to a cat girl, but the it has a high usage of magic. Also you are not corrupted, you can still have humanity while being a monster girl in this game. But you can't access certain scenes because it's human only.

I wonder if you can be a slime girl shemale...probably not
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

no just one race (class) at a time.
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

I just learned about this game recently. And it's interesting but the game overs are kind of...Lacking. Without any visuals, enemy specific game overs or sprite sex, to support the the text