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RPG RPG Maker [Pervy] The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

HI Pervy! I Would Love To Make A Request, Would You Please Add Interactive CG And Interactive Battle CG Of Sexual Encounters To The Game Not Just Battle Messages.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Continuing after a defeat with a changed protagonist is actually a huge workload each time, unless you give me a fancy game studio with lots of writing and programming slaves; (yey) this ain't happening. There is other games that tried it and failed.. many other games... Infact the ones that did pull it off I can count on one hand, and none are as heavy on the storytelling aspect.
And yes, the original game originated in a Transformation community, though.. I do try and give it a broader appeal, another reason for why I posted it here. ^^
CG's cost money, wont go into detail there cause it seems to be a can of worms, but lets just say I heavily consider what my fans favourite scenes are -before- adding one, and the game is far from finished for now.^^ See the old patreon discussion, as a matter of fact, Patrons have the option to extend endings, give input on paths, etc.

Ultimately, the choice, for just me, a single programmer is simple.:

1. Make only a few paths with losses that aren't gameovers and lead on (and yes, @plmnko, there will be more, not every monster, but.. definitly some are planned in that regard in the future.)
2. Make lotsa paths, without impact on the story, no one wants that.
3. Make lotsa paths, with impact.. then new game releases will be 3 months, not 3 weeks apart, for the same amount of content.. albeit for different paths.

An example would be the current area I work on, the Bimbo castle. Sure, I could have Ayla continue after a Bimbo TF, see the blog for a picture, I do have the art and everything..
Or I could make it into an extended, naughty gameover in the castle.
Heres the thing. If I don't change Aylas speech to bimbo style, and respond for people treating her like a bimbo, it'd feel shallow and pointless.
If I do that, I have to write every game dialogue twice, and add switches for continuing as Bimbo.. and I know for a fact that not everyone -likes- bimbo content, and lotsa folks rather want to see the story continue.
This is not to say that this is impossible. If lotsa folks were to ask for a bimbo path,.. sure, same as the Succubus path, I could work on it. But for now.. well, a little more work than visible goes into the game content, adding branching paths would multiply that, just trust me in this.

Trust me. I really love your work here and the attention to detail that's why I simply want more. lol

Good luck and don't tire yourself out. Do it at your own pace. :)
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

lots of paths that didn't leave to a game over would be epic as hell!!

with ways to cure yourself : D

like say you want to be a succubus, talk to the succubus chick or any succubus. let them turn you so u can go back to doing the quests for them.

same for any other monster XD.

just a thought ; D BUUUUUT still able to do the main quest : D
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Continuing after a defeat with a changed protagonist is actually a huge workload each time, unless you give me a fancy game studio with lots of writing and programming slaves; (yey) this ain't happening.

Corruption of Champions, TiTS, and a few others I can't name off the top of my head. Hell, Japan has an assortment of TF games and last I checked, Village of Nightmares was developed by maybe a couple people? Suffice it to say, it's hard work, yeah, but then, your games don't exactly inspire the notion that you put a lot of "hard work" into them.

There is other games that tried it and failed.. many other games... Infact the ones that did pull it off I can count on one hand, and none are as heavy on the storytelling aspect.

I just named a few games, and as far as I know, there are a TON of games that still continue to pull it off to this day. Hell, DLSite has an entire category for it, so I'm gonna go with "you're wrong".

And yes, the original game originated in a Transformation community, though.. I do try and give it a broader appeal, another reason for why I posted it here. ^^

Your game is primarily focused on corruption and mind control. I hardly call that a "broader appeal".

CG's cost money, wont go into detail there cause it seems to be a can of worms, but lets just say I heavily consider what my fans favourite scenes are -before- adding one, and the game is far from finished for now.^^ See the old patreon discussion, as a matter of fact, Patrons have the option to extend endings, give input on paths, etc.

CG's can be cheap and they can be expensive based on artists you choose. An example of someone who manages to work within his means is Swegabe whom, for some reason, can manage to make his games for less than $2000/month (at least, last I checked). Now, you're trying to tell me you can't afford CG's while taking a patreon paycheck? I recall you stating on Hypnopics Collective that you believe Patreon is a legitimate source of income that game developers such as yourself should be able to survive on. I'm sorry... What?

Ultimately, the choice, for just me, a single programmer is simple.:/quote]

Oh, here we go, ladies and gents! It's time for the "STOP BEING ENTITLED" show!

1. Make only a few paths with losses that aren't gameovers and lead on (and yes, @plmnko, there will be more, not every monster, but.. definitly some are planned in that regard in the future.)

This is neat and all, but can you elaborate on the details? What will this entail? What are the plans and the end-game for characters that run into these "not-ends"?

2. Make lotsa paths, without impact on the story, no one wants that.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying you're going to add paths without having them impact on stories and that regardless of what your players want, they will exist? Or are you suggesting that because nobody wants a dead-end, it won't be there? Part of a cohesive narrative is properly fooling the viewer into drawing the wrong conclusion so they remain interested. If you follow a single path and the dots connect, it becomes boring and predictable and not even halfway through, your players will lose interest.

Just the same, a ton of misleading paths can be annoying and cause players to become frustrated because you're not giving them anything. It's called "Chekhov's Gun" for a reason.

3. Make lotsa paths, with impact.. then new game releases will be 3 months, not 3 weeks apart, for the same amount of content.. albeit for different paths.

Okay, so, first question is why development time multiplies so much. Are you expecting to push out more words for a narrative full of developments that go somewhere? Listen, Deva, I'm sure you've got this great idea and big plans, but what I'm seeing is someone with lack of direction, lack of perspective, and a lack of logical progression for their narrative. An example is the haunted theatre. Why would our PC want to go in there based on rumor? What causes them to become interested by the place? Forcing us to go into an area because of a throw-a-way line some hours before is not logical progression and it does not lead to a more cohesive narrative unless it has a purpose outside [optional party member].

Another example is the Tsukyuomi Temple. What is the purpose of visiting the place? What is the outcome? Does it affect what happens later in the game? Is the character changed in a meaningful, impactful way? Is the world affected by the visit? You don't seem to consider these things thoroughly.

An example would be the current area I work on, the Bimbo castle. Sure, I could have Ayla continue after a Bimbo TF, see the blog for a picture, I do have the art and everything..

Which would work and could have an impact on the end-game. Our hero is turned into a cock-loving slut with sex on the mind constantly. This could have a meaningful impact on not just the narrative, but how she behaves in combat and during dialogue.

Or I could make it into an extended, naughty gameover in the castle.

Or you could take the easy way out. /facepalm

Heres the thing. If I don't change Aylas speech to bimbo style, and respond for people treating her like a bimbo, it'd feel shallow and pointless.

Which is why you have to decide if the bimbo castle is a thing you should add or if the "shallow and pointless" part outweighs any temporary value the entire thing possesses. Think of it from a player's perspective: Would you spend hours jerking it to the bad end, or would you experience the bad end once, then push through? Will it be memorable or will players rush through without really concerning themselves with it? Do players want to do something that might be optional elsewhere but you railroaded them into instead?

If I do that, I have to write every game dialogue twice, and add switches for continuing as Bimbo.. and I know for a fact that not everyone -likes- bimbo content, and lotsa folks rather want to see the story continue.

See, this is the kind of thinking you need to apply to the entire development process and not just one part. Do people care about the haunted theater? How about the temple? The town taken over by a lone succubi? My guess is the answers vary and because of that, the game could be a ton a better than what it is. Hell, you have a friend and an artist (as far as I know) who could help. Oh, but that would be "hard work" and therefore out of the question.

This is not to say that this is impossible. If lotsa folks were to ask for a bimbo path,.. sure, same as the Succubus path, I could work on it. But for now.. well, a little more work than visible goes into the game content, adding branching paths would multiply that, just trust me in this.

The thing is, there are games with single individuals doing the same thing you claim to be doing and they manage not just to get content put in, but can do CG's and the like. What I'm reading is "It requires me doing more than the bare minimal of what I could" and it comes off as snarky, lazy, and like you have zero perspective and understanding of the development process. That makes it doubly bad because any number of small-time developers could tell you that despite the resources being tight, time-frames being screwed, and their tools being a bitch to work with some days, they still manage to accomplish more in less time and here you are saying "Nope, don't wanna put any effort into it".

Listen, I get that the development side of things is a lot more work than most people are aware of, but that's not an excuse. Nothing in this world is ever "easy" and for those who have creative talents and the drive, it's doubly hard because they have to make compromises where they wouldn't if the option were available. By saying "I'm not interested in putting more into my game than the bare minimal" you're basically saying "fuck you" not just to potential players, but the people who do give their maximum effort.

And that don't sit well with anyone.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

HI Pervy! I Would Love To Make A Request, Would You Please Add Interactive CG And Interactive Battle CG Of Sexual Encounters To The Game Not Just Battle Messages.

Sure, would you please add a few hundred $ to my patreon, then wait a few months for the artists to draw these things up? Let me be very clear, I'd love to do that too.

Trust me. I really love your work here and the attention to detail that's why I simply want more. lol

Its what I try to do, the thing is basically.. I know what you are getting at, and I WANT to do all of these things,.. 'tis just not so easy. Like.. theres always hundreds of things I want to add. My main goal right now is powering through some of the storyline, make a new optional naughty area, and then, finally, give people an opportunity to sex the companions. (which will be a nightmare to write with all the new switches. ^^)

lots of paths that didn't leave to a game over would be epic as hell!!

Not gonna say more, but on popular request the next version will have a secret way to go back, get and keep the tentacle armor without gameover, but, see what I told before. The game is just too massive to make completely branching paths viable. Perhaps in the future I'll make a smaller game, with stronger branches. A bonsai game.

Corruption of Champions, TiTS, and a few others I can't name off the top of my head.

Flexible survival, Nimins thingie, arguably Slave maker?
Don't have an emphasis on story. That means you can have a character be male, female, demon or human without having to make completely branching paths for each, only change sexual scenes and responses. (by no means do I say that this isn't a lot of work, because it is.) What CoC, etc, does great is having a sandbox character creator and dating. My game is not a sandbox character creator, and I don't try to make one. Its impressive and an insane amount of effort, but what suffers is actual storytelling. CoC has exactly three storyline related dungeons, and, correct me if wrong, one of them hasn't been completed to date. You're basically comparing football with baseball and going 'Man, your game there is kinda nice, BUT you need better pitchers.'

DLSite has an entire category for it, so I'm gonna go with "you're wrong".

It's almost as if those were commercialized games while mine is for free, pay if you wanna help out, eh?

CG's can be cheap and they can be expensive based on artists you choose. An example of someone who manages to work within his means is Swegabe whom, for some reason, can manage to make his games for less than $2000/month

Yes, and my patreon is at slightly above 500$/Month. Thats enough for me to buy -some- pictures and dedicate some of my time exclusively to game programming, without fearing for my livelihood. It's not that much that I can just add naughtypics everywhere I want to, so I'm not quite sure what your point, or your logic here is. 2000$ sounds like a fair estimate to make some serious content with. When I have that much at my disposal and still don't pump out fancy CG's all the time you can accost me once more, deal?

Anyway folks, enough chit chat about boring moneys. I bring you a new update!:

Among other things a new CG'ed Hentai scene for the succubus path and a new gameover, with the beginning of the Bimbocastle. Find it here:

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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Flexible survival, Nimins thingie, arguably Slave maker? Don't have an emphasis on story.

I haven't played Nimin in a long time, but Flexible Survival, CoC, and even TiTs emphasize the story through interactions. Part of what makes a sandbox work isn't simply the story being shoved in your face, but for the world to react appropriately to the decisions you make and the challenges you overcome. Saying "Hurr durr they don't have emphasis on story" is showing of your ignorance on video games in general. An example of commercial sandboxes in non-adult settings:

-The Elder Scrolls
-Mass Effect
-Grand Theft Auto
-Baulder's Gate
-Final Fantasy (Everything up until 10, and then 12)
-Legend of Zelda
-Assassin's Creed

8 Goddamn open-world franchises that emphasized story in one form or another, but never put it aside as an unimportant detail. So please, tell me how open-world games "don't emphasize story". Oh, but play the "b-but they're triple A games!" cause my good sir, CoC, TiTs, Fall of Eden, Flexible Survival. Oh, and to namedrop sadtaco in your thread, LEWD.

That means you can have a character be male, female, demon or human without having to make completely branching paths for each, only change sexual scenes and responses.

I love the blatant ignorance you're displaying. You do realize that Flexible Survival recognizes every aspect of what happens to your character, right? CoC has characters respond, encounters change, etc depending on what your character does/turns into/etc. TiTs, to my knowledge, works much the same way. I recall some rpgmaker games that did this as well, though asking their names is like me finding that one pornhub video I found once and never could again.

(by no means do I say that this isn't a lot of work, because it is.)

Then you understand that by comparison, what you're doing is pretty much bread crumbs by comparison, right? Creating a linear narrative with a set number of important characters/areas isn't an easy task, believe me; but by comparison to Fenoxo, Alder, and others I could namedrop, you have it easy. You don't have hundreds vying to write content, having to make sure that content fits in-universe, that it's content people will play through, and then sharpen it so players don't go to you and say "that's garbage, fuck you.". Do you understand how utterly wrong you are yet?

What CoC, etc, does great is having a sandbox character creator and dating. My game is not a sandbox character creator, and I don't try to make one. Its impressive and an insane amount of effort, but what suffers is actual storytelling.

Storytelling only suffers when the story tries to be as simple-minded and non-convoluted as possible while driving the player into the world with little to no context as to why they should bother experiencing that world. Skyrim was a testament to this. In no way does CoC suffer until after the imp lair where it's clear Fenoxo stopped caring. Have you played TiTS? I doubt it. How about Fall of Eden? Again, I honestly doubt you have. Both have their own amount of good storytelling in places if you bothered to pay attention.

Just because your experience is (obviously) limited and you need some perspective doesn't mean you're any less ignorant. Really, this statement sums you up perfectly:

CoC has exactly three storyline related dungeons, and, correct me if wrong, one of them hasn't been completed to date. You're basically comparing football with baseball and going 'Man, your game there is kinda nice, BUT you need better pitchers.'

That analogy is garbage and how you came up with it is beyond me. You've also confirmed what I figured out before, so great job there, champ.

It's almost as if those were commercialized games while mine is for free, pay if you wanna help out, eh?

Hey guys, guess what? Steam Greenlight games make MILLIONS in a month and those developers are totes not eating Kraft Dinner and beans out of the can. They have millions from all those record-breaking sales, so we should totally all call them out on their bullshit!

Except most indie stuff struggles to break even and in a market like adult-focused games, it's pretty difficult for a relative unknown to make money. Hell, there are a number of circles and small-time developers who either need to branch out into other territories (doujins, art commissions, collaborations, etc) just to make a profit while their game is widely ignored. Have you ever wondered, with your limited understanding of the industry as a whole, why, despite there being 6 billion people on this planet, so few companies dominate parts of the industry? Probably because aside possessing resources and capital, they also managed to generate mass appeal. Toro Toro Resistance and Dieselmine are two major names in adult games, and for good reason: They have mass appeal.

I bet half the circles mentioned on this forum alone aren't even that widely known. You're assuming a lot of stupid things.

Yes, and my patreon is at slightly above 500$/Month. Thats enough for me to buy -some- pictures and dedicate some of my time exclusively to game programming, without fearing for my livelihood.

I could list a number of well-known artists who do commissions for less than $15 off the top of my head. Hell, here's a guy who is pretty cheap:

But please, continue speaking out your ass.

It's not that much that I can just add naughtypics everywhere I want to, so I'm not quite sure what your point, or your logic here is.

Read above, also, you could if you wanted to bother making an effort.

2000$ sounds like a fair estimate to make some serious content with.

Okay, so, you didn't actually read what you quoted. See, this is why people are generally jerks to you and why, after speaking with mods elsewhere, you're not well-received. This is also why your patreon is pretty low even despite all the "effort" you put into your rpgmaker game. You take things out of their original context and, for some reason, assume that adding your own somehow invalidates the statement the other person made.

So, in the context of my original statement, swegabe manages to make a game for under $2000/month which, to my knowledge, affects his disability funding (yes, apparently a developer more successful than you is also disabled) and the rest is for living expenses. So let's assume swegabe's budget is like this:

Rent: $1000
Food: $200
Utilities: $300
Misc: $500

So, swegabe has a number of artists he comissions per month to draw up scenes and then he has to not only code them in, but write dialogue that fits and then work on the game's overarching plot. Oh, did I mention he's possibly disabled, making you look pretty lazy? Please, tell us all how "privileged" he is.

When I have that much at my disposal and still don't pump out fancy CG's all the time you can accost me once more, deal?

The point is, you don't need that much money and there's really no excuse for this sense of entitlement you have. $500/month is more than enough to comission a guy like ChaosCroc or even Ero-Enzo into drawing up a few pictures. In terms of content, you're several bars below swegabe and not even close to guys like azurezero who still manage to outperform you in every way. Please, explain how all these one-man teams manage more content than you do with fewer advantages. Explain how, despite all the difficulties they may run into (swegabe had to deal with months of a construction crew working next door, lipucd is currently between homes while working on 3 games with full CG content, azurezero has a number of projects both complete and indefinitely on-hold, urielmanx7 took some time away from Mitsuko X for a side project he did art for), you manage to still believe you're somehow the exception to the rule.

Because believe me, you look like a proper ass from where many of us are sitting.

I'm done here because any further effort on my part is pointless. You don't have any perspective or understanding of anything and it amazes me you could make a game without managing to strangle yourself with the mouse cord in the process. Peace.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Just to put some of those things in perspective:

There's a difference between all out branching plot lines and depicting a non branching plot/change encounter rates and so on according to variables like hair color, amount of dicks, breast size etc.

What pervy was talking about in terms of branching was about choices which fundamentally change how the story continues from that point onwards and there he is absolutely right. Every branching point adds significantly to future work load unless you only recognize it with a few one liners here and there... which loops back to "not meaningful" - "shallow" and so on in regards storytelling and lore.

This is something you will also see in the various AAA titles you so aptly dropped in there... almost none of those have truly branching storylines that fundamentally change what happens on multiple occasions in the long run, because those devs know very well that it's almost impossible to pull off in a good, coherent and meaningful way and takes an enormous amount of effort even for experienced writers.

Overall, while you may make a valid point here and there and I have a lot of respect for some of the other gamedevs you mentioned... your attitude is pretty poor and shows quite a lack of actual insight and understanding of the subject matter.

have a day.
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

So, to give my point on the discussion.. I can only reiterate that, Bob, you seem to want a sandbox game, mine isn't one, nor is it presented as such. Again, I've had a fair share of enjoyment of Skyrim, Oblivion, CoC and even Morrowind, yes I'm getting old, :p Its not my favourite kind of game, infact, my favourite game has two linear storypaths, good or evil, but marvelously executed(Take a guess), heck the game that I held up for the best storytelling of all time didn't have any branches at all, but was held up by arguably the best, most diverse companions in any game, helped by a unique story(Again, internet points for guessing. :p). There doesn't need to be hundreds of paths if a single path is well written enough. Granted, I try to include a few branching paths, but my limit is at about half a dozen truly unique feeling paths, moreso with two alignment systems and three companions. ^^

As for what the problem with immersion in all of those gams is, I think I'll let a professional speak for me,

Beyond that I can only match Blubbators judgement of your character, I'd also advice considering how you'd like to be percieved on these forums, cussing at people wont get you far.

To bring this topic back to the game..*chuckles* Currently hammering on more giggly bimbo content, to be released for patrons this week, publically next week, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to sound stupid on purpose. ^^
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

So I finally got around to playing this

Here's a few comments:

1. There's a spelling error in the intro somewhere. It says "Theri" instead of "There"
2. Seems to be a lot of grinding to get anywhere. Plus my perception of Ayla was always that she's pretty weak. To be fair I did kinda grind to the point she seemed 'average' in my perspective and as a result everything else died in only a few hits and I killed almost everything. Except bosses, which were a decent challenge
3. Ayla is also cute as a catgirl. I want to scratch behind her ears
4. Is there a way to get past that puppet theatre? I cant seem to fight the boss there(Instant gameover), but the green catgirl doesn't let me walk past it. This seems kinda odd after she declared me her mistress and all that, the mistress is usually the one with power in such a relationship.
5. Good job on the puppet theatre, it gives off real bad vibes so to say, definitely drives it home that you probably shouldn't be poking around in there
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

4. Is there a way to get past that puppet theatre? I cant seem to fight the boss there(Instant gameover), but the green catgirl doesn't let me walk past it. This seems kinda odd after she declared me her mistress and all that, the mistress is usually the one with power in such a relationship.
The puppet theater is a puzzle, although it's not strongly hinted that it is one.
Fairly heavy-handed hint:
You can't beat the boss in that room.

In a plot sense, it really wants a better reason to go inside than Miay telling you to, but I figure Pervy will fix that eventually.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

So I finally got around to playing this

Here's a few comments:

1. There's a spelling error in the intro somewhere. It says "Theri" instead of "There"
2. Seems to be a lot of grinding to get anywhere. Plus my perception of Ayla was always that she's pretty weak. To be fair I did kinda grind to the point she seemed 'average' in my perspective and as a result everything else died in only a few hits and I killed almost everything. Except bosses, which were a decent challenge.
3. Ayla is also cute as a catgirl. I want to scratch behind her ears
4. Is there a way to get past that puppet theatre? I cant seem to fight the boss there(Instant gameover), but the green catgirl doesn't let me walk past it. This seems kinda odd after she declared me her mistress and all that, the mistress is usually the one with power in such a relationship.
5. Good job on the puppet theatre, it gives off real bad vibes so to say, definitely drives it home that you probably shouldn't be poking around in there

1. Meh, can someone give me the precise spot? I wanna fix that, but not read through all of the intro again, its among the largest maps I made, writing wise at least.
2. Thats.. perfect, actually, exactly as I intended, It's the classical narrative structure, a young female heroine lost in the world, you are ment to feel weak against overwhelming odds, but even if you grind bosses still present a challenge. Grinding is bad, I know, but I also know that a little 'game padding' is necessary for the full experience, pretentious as I may sound..
3. *chuckles*
To expand as for why it doesn't feel smooth, oh and, if you stopped at the theatre, thats about half of current content,
In the theatre you will meet the companion for the evil route. In the original game, this was optional, but in the remake, an overwhelming majority of fans wanted more companions, and more companion interaction, which means that I had to find a way to 'force' the player to take her along along, this is why it has these dark vibes, but isn't optional. In the original I wanted it to telegraph 'evil stuff here!1!' and good people could just avoid it, as the evil companion would literally gameover non evil players trying to grab her.

I plan a Haunted House next, which will both be dark and optional, to get things full circle, but if anyone has any kewl suggestions to make the theatre derail feel smoother I'm all ears, I'm happy to admit that this is more of a band-aid fix.
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

1. Meh, can someone give me the precise spot? I wanna fix that, but not read through all of the intro again, its among the largest maps I made, writing wise at least.

When Cara the housewife gets raped, after the text about cumming out her soul

"And her wish was granted, the demons moaned, holding down their helpless captive, theri thick, unholy shafts pulsating, twitching, pumping their sweet new slut full of unholy seed"
For the record, using version 0.44 with RTP

It's right at the demons' orgasm that it happens, which is scene..2? If counting the introduction of Ayla's sister as scene one and the entire rape scene as scene 2. A little bit past what I'd think is the halfway point of the intro
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Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

When Cara the housewife gets raped, after the text about cumming out her soul

Got it, thanks, fixed in the next release, which will be on sat next week.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

The game looks fun, i'll give it a try.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

1. Meh, can someone give me the precise spot? I wanna fix that, but not read through all of the intro again, its among the largest maps I made, writing wise at least.
2. Thats.. perfect, actually, exactly as I intended, It's the classical narrative structure, a young female heroine lost in the world, you are ment to feel weak against overwhelming odds, but even if you grind bosses still present a challenge. Grinding is bad, I know, but I also know that a little 'game padding' is necessary for the full experience, pretentious as I may sound..
3. *chuckles*
To expand as for why it doesn't feel smooth, oh and, if you stopped at the theatre, thats about half of current content,
In the theatre you will meet the companion for the evil route. In the original game, this was optional, but in the remake, an overwhelming majority of fans wanted more companions, and more companion interaction, which means that I had to find a way to 'force' the player to take her along along, this is why it has these dark vibes, but isn't optional. In the original I wanted it to telegraph 'evil stuff here!1!' and good people could just avoid it, as the evil companion would literally gameover non evil players trying to grab her.

I plan a Haunted House next, which will both be dark and optional, to get things full circle, but if anyone has any kewl suggestions to make the theatre derail feel smoother I'm all ears, I'm happy to admit that this is more of a band-aid fix.

It's very easy to fix the derail. If player is good then have a hostage in there.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

It's very easy to fix the derail. If player is good then have a hostage in there.

Hmnn.. Well, kinda. Where to get a hostage from but not steal? ^^

I'll think about it.
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Hmnn.. Well, kinda. Where to get a hostage from but not steal? ^^

I'll think about it.

guard stops you as you exit and asks if you've seen "insert description here" of "insert npc type" here. tells you they're missing

you decide you might as well check out the house as they may be in there.

Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Aaand new fancy update for The Last Demonhunter:

Part II (final part) of the bimbocastle with a new gameover.

@Sellius: Hmn, yeah, perhaps I'll wite something like that into the next release, I'm hammering on it right now anyway, gotta brain it over. ^^
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

Just tried this game out. My thoughts:

1) I like the idea behind it so far. Seems up my alley.
2) Grinding is tedious. Mainly problem is the large number of enemies and the lack of a "ctrl" skip button.
3) Not sure if this is an error, but sometimes during a dialogue Alya's character doesn't match the one in the menu (IE missing clothes) even if there's no significant event.

Is there a way to get rid of the catgirl form and change back to normal?
Re: The Last Demonhunter - Remastered

I started playing and at the 3rd town I got gang-bang by slime girls. lol
I like the game, the system if you get raped more you turn to that monster.
I'm gonna be a sexy succubus! :D
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