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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

5th try on daily quest E and finally 3*'rd it. got a spirit of rainbow, what does that do?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

5th try on daily quest E and finally 3*'rd it. got a spirit of rainbow, what does that do?
got her too from mission, seems it's need for lvl up skills on units, but i don't know is she up chances to raise up skill in combination or can upgrade it alone
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so i have to use it in conjunction with a copy of the unit im trying to skill up?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

no. just use it on a unit you want to level.
you dont need another unit just use it. (or save them for plat and blacks)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

if it's that powerful, i will save it. i only have plat sherry anyways.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is there a decent overview how the whole fairy feeding process works?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Rainbow fairy increase skill lvl higher chance than character combine.
If i remember correctly skill lvl 4/5-->5/5 only 5% chance on character combine while rainbow fairy chance is 25%
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Rainbow fairy should only be used on your most powerfull units to increase their skills. save them for a while to increase the really powerfull skills.

the rest of the fairies are to be used for unit of their rairty

use silver fairies with bronze units(theyre easy to get)
use gold and up fairies with Exp cans that way you get the most of them.
or when you want to Cost reduce them those are the best way to use them
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

use silver fairies with bronze units(theyre easy to get)
use gold and up fairies with Exp cans that way you get the most of them.
or when you want to Cost reduce them those are the best way to use them

Is it better to hold on to the silver fairies for when they are lvl 40 then use the big exp armor guy?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The idea is the same as lvl goes higher the cost of combination increase.
In this case we try to put a big chunk of exp in 1 go to reduce the cost.
The highest way to gain exp is: 2unit + 2 fairy = 8x exp or 1 unit + 3 fairy but fairy is harder to get.
If you talking about platinum armor exp, they are hard or rare to get... if you got 1 you can tell urself lucky.
There is alot ppl who spend 30-40 stam on the N map and didnt even get 1 (i'm 1 of them but got tons of gold made 200k in that daily)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Should i use all extra silver copies now for cost reduction if i have more than 2 of the same unit (main unit and 1 for CC) or waiting for CC, i'm still confused about this.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i got 1 plat yesterday and used it on my silver female archer for 8k exp with silver fairys. just need 1 more level to max her out.

what does a 3* archer mean in her evolution graph. does that mean it requires a silver archer in order to evolve? also it needs a silver fairy too?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The reason why I am asking about whether or not to use the exp armor is because i got really lucky yesterday and ended up with 4 of them some how. So im not sure wether to cash in now or not. I also have 5 silver fairies as well, got good runs so far from dailies.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i got 1 plat yesterday and used it on my silver female archer for 8k exp with silver fairys. just need 1 more level to max her out.

what does a 3* archer mean in her evolution graph. does that mean it requires a silver archer in order to evolve? also it needs a silver fairy too?

yes thats the reason of why we tell everyone to hold on your silver units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

well, i guess ill have to use my female tan silver unit. i got everything else covered minus another fairy.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

does using an upgraded let say lvl 25 iron or silver for CC component is better than using lvl 1? or it doesn't have effect at all?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

does using an upgraded let say lvl 25 iron or silver for CC component is better than using lvl 1? or it doesn't have effect at all?

It was mentioned a little earlier that level didn't matter for CC.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

hmm, one question how additional unit skills (ex cuterie with treasure hunting) works? unit must on field and then it'll works or be in a party enough?

The map drops are determined on map load. Having the unit with such ability in your 'deck' is enough to affect the drop probability.

Hello im new and i have a question. I rolled the black thief berna and a platinium witch adele and a rogue cypria are they any good? thanks.

They are good, but not as bonkers as some other people who boasted in this thread. All black units are broken, but Berna is imho the least impressive one currently available. You will get a free Cypria during leveling, so while with your roll you will be able to cost reduce her with your rolled one, you are still unlikely to use her a lot, especially since you have black Berna...

Does it worth spending 3 crystals for any of the boosters if not going to spend money on crystals?
The gold one seemed like a no brainer but i'm not really sure

You would have to calculate it yourself, but I remember someone claiming you will get more gold spending those three crystals on refills during Monday daily. The calculation might be off on the start, when you get levels all the time (so doing more maps than your natural regen would afford).

If you can afford sitting on Aegis for hours I would recommend xp bonus on start (once you realize you need to start waiting for natural regen while you want to still play). It allows you to get resets faster and play without interruptions. By the time 15 days passes your level will be high enough for the bonus to no longer matter, so you are unlikely to buy it another time.

Don't buy cost down bonus unless you are desperate.

5th try on daily quest E and finally 3*'rd it. got a spirit of rainbow, what does that do?

This has been mostly answered but I agree that you should keep it until you get some powerful unit.

Is it better to hold on to the silver fairies for when they are lvl 40 then use the big exp armor guy?

No, silver fairies are so easy to farm that you can afford to use them liberally.

Should i use all extra silver copies now for cost reduction if i have more than 2 of the same unit (main unit and 1 for CC) or waiting for CC, i'm still confused about this.

Use them for CC. Moreover on few maps you might be compelled to use multiples of same unit (especially mage, witch, healer, archer). You don't need cost reductions until final story mode maps and evets, but by that time you should be more aware about what you can sacrifice and what not.

i got 1 plat yesterday and used it on my silver female archer for 8k exp with silver fairys. just need 1 more level to max her out.

what does a 3* archer mean in her evolution graph. does that mean it requires a silver archer in order to evolve? also it needs a silver fairy too?

Yes, number of stars equals rarity. 1 star = iron, 3 star = silver, etc. All silver and gold units will require two irons and one silver (of specific classes) and one silver/gold fairy to CC. Plat+ require three silvers + fairy.

The reason why I am asking about whether or not to use the exp armor is because i got really lucky yesterday and ended up with 4 of them some how. So im not sure wether to cash in now or not. I also have 5 silver fairies as well, got good runs so far from dailies.

As mentioned earlier, it is good idea to use plat armors to reach level 50. Since there is currently no event, you want to raise units that will help you with high-tier dailies. Otherwise, there is no rush and you can bank plat armors.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What is the consensus on Black Robe Cyrus vs Philosopher Barbastroff? I know they get different awakenings down the road, but I have 2 copies of each so I would like to know which is the better one to raise for the long term.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What is the consensus on Black Robe Cyrus vs Philosopher Barbastroff? I know they get different awakenings down the road, but I have 2 copies of each so I would like to know which is the better one to raise for the long term.


Well if you don't care that they are male units (unlike me :p) Why not both? You are more then likely going to need two mages on given maps... so why not two gold mages. I still kind of hate in any game that you can use more then one of the same person at the same time...

It would be understandable if they were just faceless soldier, but they aren't. Oh well.