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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

My theory of bringing recent events from DMM over to English remains to hold weight. Gloria's revival ends in a few days on DMM.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

My theory of bringing recent events from DMM over to English remains to hold weight. Gloria's revival ends in a few days on DMM.

So in other words there's a possibility that we won't have to worry about extended breaks again. :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I can't remember which event it was, but I had a streak of ~15-20 runs on a 50% drop map where I never got anything. It happens. Not a great feeling.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So in other words there's a possibility that we won't have to worry about extended breaks again. :D

Most people will call me names by doing this, but I actually can't keep up with all the new units and shit.
I have so much stuff that needs levels, affection and awakenings and never the time to invest in that.
Not that I want long breaks, just... a small one? Occasionally?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most people will call me names by doing this, but I actually can't keep up with all the new units and shit.
I have so much stuff that needs levels, affection and awakenings and never the time to invest in that.
Not that I want long breaks, just... a small one? Occasionally?

Inb4 they start doing an event with double revivals and subjugation at the same time. :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'd like a break too, DMM if possible. So many units and blacks that are still only level 1.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most people will call me names by doing this, but I actually can't keep up with all the new units and shit.
I have so much stuff that needs levels, affection and awakenings and never the time to invest in that.
Not that I want long breaks, just... a small one? Occasionally?

i am completely 100% okay with a drop rate increase.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most people will call me names by doing this, but I actually can't keep up with all the new units and shit.
I have so much stuff that needs levels, affection and awakenings and never the time to invest in that.
Not that I want long breaks, just... a small one? Occasionally?

Prioritize what you want. I for one def don't want breaks again, almost dropped this game because of them. This upcoming event for Gloria is a great example. I'll be doing dailies instead of it.

Will still get the crystals as well cus you can just beat the stages on Saturday and Sunday.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

5 frans so far.

still only -2 cr +2SU

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just noticed we skipped Sera event for Gloria.

Guess they decided MWA is not rdy for intro to Mithril Golem.
Miranda is once again ignored as well. :V

Edit: Hrm, Yurina is a completion reward for the 30/2 map of the second half, wonder what they're replacing her with. At least with a Star Trial I can finally focus on replenishing my affection item supply when I'm done, especially since there isn't any Silvers I really need farming from this event.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most people will call me names by doing this, but I actually can't keep up with all the new units and shit.
I have so much stuff that needs levels, affection and awakenings and never the time to invest in that.
Not that I want long breaks, just... a small one? Occasionally?

Nobody should call you names but you should be aware breaks are exactly how the English game became as borked and unbalanced as it is. We veterans have had an exorbitant amount of time to get teams together thanks to the week to six week break cycles the English version has gotten. This is something DMMs version never ever had. Its not how the game is intended to be played. You are meant to pick and choose, farm event units, farm affection/crystals/fairies/gold, farm prince/unit exp, etc. With the breaks it completely removes any need to choose. You aremeant to feel like there are things to do as an incentive to buy SC to play more.

i am completely 100% okay with a drop rate increase.

How convenient then that DMM received a 100% first time drop rate in a couple events after our current area in the event time line. Once that happens, assuming events keep coming, everyone will be drowning in silvers and armors.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most people will call me names by doing this, but I actually can't keep up with all the new units and shit.
I have so much stuff that needs levels, affection and awakenings and never the time to invest in that.
Not that I want long breaks, just... a small one? Occasionally?

I'm in for it. I liked the most when we had one week breaks.

Just checked Gloria... she seems quite nice and useful unit. Much more useful than Sandra, or am I wrong?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm in for it. I liked the most when we had one week breaks.

Just checked Gloria... she seems quite nice and useful unit. Much more useful than Sandra, or am I wrong?

i really doubt anyone will main team her. her cost is nuts for a duelist with modest stats and an ability with a 30 second cooldown no matter how nice it is to one shot a big zerg with it.

well, i will, because oppai army is life. but nobody with a brain and common sense will use her.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most people will call me names by doing this, but I actually can't keep up with all the new units and shit.
I have so much stuff that needs levels, affection and awakenings and never the time to invest in that.
Not that I want long breaks, just... a small one? Occasionally?

Some might not call you names, i will though. How exactly do you call the time after getting all stars needed for a perfect Paula? What did you do after getting perfect Eden? Did you drop the game after getting perfect Sandra???

You just need to figure out what you want to with your time during a star trial, this events are desing to work as breaks, you can actually farm resourses and leave the event for the last couple of days, really getting silvers shouldn't be your first priority if you are missing other resourses.

On the other hand, not everything we had so far deserves to be AW or max lvl, out of the 3 i mention before only Paula can be useful in a myraid of situations. I' not saying the others are useless just too situational.

EDIT: Gloria huh? she was revived this week in the other side so doing her maps would feel weird this soon xD
We're getting close to Pipin and even closer to Sera shit i need to ready my SC stash before those 2 arrive.

Gloria and Sandra are different in their entire essence. Sandra is for flying enemies while Gloria hits ground foes, her skill stall for a brief period of time and i believe it hits up to 3 enemies (not sure haven't test her)
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I understand the 'wanting-a-break' mentality, considering I am a staunch completionist. My brain tells me to get all units in the game to max level and 100% perfect, and breaks make it far easier to do that.

But honestly, more content trumps quenching my completionist thirst. It adds the dynamic of having to pick and choose which units are worth it to you, and thus adds uniqueness to your army. It also challenges you to be efficient with resources and makes beating maps more meaningful.

Plus, it just plain means more content. If you want a break, nothing is stopping you from taking a break on your own to prioritize leveling what units you have. If you want to truly "not miss out" on anything, you gotta shell out the cash. Devs gotta eat in order to make more content after all.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm doing alright with Fran event, hovering just a tad below 50%.

But, the no drop BS can and has happened before. While not as bad as 0 for 10, there was a stretch of around 36 hours in which I did 8 Oddett revival runs at last map and got absolutely nothing. Needless to say I was pissed about that.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I think you exaggerate a bit about "wanting a break mentality". Noone complained yet. I know that we had bad experience in the past and word "break" can get some of us to go nuts (those months of no events were tough...), but right now I think it's more like... we can see that there's a possibility that in the "near" future we will have more content at the same time than we want or will be able to deal with. Just lately subjugation+event+revival could be a bit too much. But it is good once in a while. So I would call it just some kind of sentimental thing maybe?

Edit: Ok, more importantly - where is Eliza and Miranda ?! :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just checked Gloria... she seems quite nice and useful unit. Much more useful than Sandra, or am I wrong?

Frankly, neither are that useful and only have situational uses.

But for me, Sandra have more utility for her situational skill uses. She is very good in Crystal Keeper G. She is also useful in slicing some flying dragons or other mobs from all the way across the screen. Basically Sandra is specialized against air units and Gloria against ground units, but they are just niche units and won't be used too often.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Frankly, neither are that useful and only have situational uses.

But for me, Sandra have more utility for her situational skill uses. She is very good in Crystal Keeper G. She is also useful in slicing some flying dragons or other mobs from all the way across the screen. Basically Sandra is specialized against air units and Gloria against ground units, but they are just niche units and won't be used too often.

Yeah, with Sandra now Crystal Keeper G is a child's play. Well at least Gloria seems gorgeous :D