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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Ah, that makes a lot of sense, I suppose, and would probably be a lot easier than shaping them by other means, or simply having them constructed," Hazel said, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "And alright, as soon as we get back to Feynrial, I'll talk to her about it. Though, likely in the morning. And... what do you wanna do about this?" Hazel went on to say, gesturing around at the rest of the dragon's horde that was left behind, which despite what Zin had taken, still had considerable amounts of wealth.

"Alright, she'll be able to come really whenever you need her to. She's actually my old sorceress apprentice. And she married my sister Daisy," Hazel said, pulling out another scroll and using it to contact her elven friend.

"We do not feel his presence on the island, at the moment. Nor in it's general vicinity. He did leave, as per your deal it seems. The last we felt him, was about three days ago, give or take," the island spirit replied to Kylie, taking a few moments before she did, as if conversing with the rest of the spirits that made up the core of the island. "Or he's flying too high up for us to detect him. I believe he knew that you could easily devour him, if he stayed, and did not want to risk that, most likely," she went on to say with a firm nod.


"Mmm... that was fucking amazing," Morrigan panted softly, basking in the glory of the amazing orgasm she'd just had.

Liliana and Sora both looked back to Calista and nodded as she stood there, urging them back to get their muzzles back on. They both nodded again at Calista's words about Sheena and her mistress and smiled as they got their muzzles back on, both kneeling and tilting their heads back to make it easier for Calista to get them on.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well, planning on ruling an island, Collect it and we'll put it into an insurance vault, money to put towards development and the like. I don't need it, I've got a fortune of my own and running businesses bringing in stable income thanks to Alan and others. she said about the wealth off handedly.

When she found out that the dragon had left as promised, she nodded and slid off into the night anyway, making a long circuit back towards her home, not arriving until morning as she walked the jungle and beaches.

She took her sweet time, walking her island. but before she knew it she found herself near Tear Cove. To the outside world, she would have seemed like a real ghost, taking a step and appearing 150 feet away, glowing in the night and flowing through the trees like a phantom. She was lost in her own thoughts and as dawn started to rise she slid into Tear Cove itself like that same ghost, carried on ephemeral banshee like steps towards the city center. Places she remembered from her visit here, back when she was so much weaker. It seemed like an entire lifetime ago, like a place she could never truly come back to.

She'd changed so much in the last few years, had grown by leaps and bounds in ways no one had expected. Where there had been a fiery but quiet woman ready to take on only what she could handle for a few close people, now stood something no longer human, ready to take on the entire world all by herself if she had to. Where she pulsed with power no one was ever meant to handle let alone carry in their body and soul. She looked up at the sky, into the clouds lit by the rising sun. In the very center of the city, she crossed her legs and sank to the stone slowly, steepling her hands in her lap, and let the island currents wash over her, felt the life of this city, tasted it's flavor, heard it's music, saw the beauty underneath the physical reality, touched it's soul, and took a deep breath of it's essence as she relaxed.

Everyone in Tear Cove would feel a pull in their hearts to the city center, a quiet brushing of power against their souls, like a summons, a call, from a monarch who didn't need a piece of paper to say this place was hers. She'd bonded with it on a level deeper then ink and words could ever explain. Merrick could study his entire life, and never once truly grasp the depth of the connection she had slaved in her meditations for and finally gained. There was a worry in her heart, and a trepidation in her soul that was part of the summons. She'd stay there, a light shimmer coming off her body, and through the cracks of the cobbled stones all around her.

The call would rush to the corners of the island, every crack and crevice and dark place and treetop, The Summit was being called, and everyone on the island wouldn't so much as hear her voice, so much as simply... Know. 3 days. Come and hear my words, know my wishes, see the one who will lead us all into a brighter age.

A light pulse would roll through the trees and the stones of the island as she made her true call. Their Queen had summoned them, and her belief in her status would make that title undeniable. A power had touched them all that dwarfed anything they could explain or summon, meanwhile, her touch would strike all the shrines of all the gods, causing fairy lights to dance over their surfaces, power welling into them, even those frowned upon, no god snubbed her attention, waiting to send that power when Kaal saw to her request to help ensure her words made it to them so they could join if they wished.

This would take a couple hours, and her eyes would stay closed until then, unaware of the other summons she'd sent to the people of Tear Cove seperately to come see their Empress Now.

Meanwhile Calista's girls, this still being the night and only just starting, long before Kylie's call, presented themselves perfectly, Calista petting Sora and Liliana gently and kissing them on the cheeks, before starting with Sora, slipping the cock gag between her lips slowly, letting her enjoy the feel of a cock, fake or not, spreading her lips and pressing against her tongue, before the tight straps closed, and the lock snapped shut. She smiled and kissed her forehead, before moving on to Liliana, doing the same with the same slow care and a gentle kiss atop her head when the lock closed. Stay on your hands and knees, crawl along behind me, let's go find Sheena's Mistress, and then Sheena. she said, taking their chains and starting to lead them through the guest house slowly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh what a splendid idea. We can also use it to develop schools and the like for the children as well," Delilah said with a happy smile, rubbing her belly softly as she did and positively glowing.

After she left, Kylie steadily began making her way around the island, moving fast, quicker than she had in a long while. As she made her way northward, circling around the island, she found her way to Tear Cove, where she'd see it was quite peaceful, albeit the night time antics and establishments were booming, and a bit to the east of the small city, she found Kes's home, a small manor that was a bit secluded from the main city area. Moving closer to it, Kylie could see the gold dragoness had been collecting as many of her things as she could, and was in the process of writing a letter out, and a few minutes later, she opened a portal, and left as told, not making a big fuss about it or anything.

As Kylie rested on the rock, and reached out to feel the island's currents of energies, they washed over her, like a small river gently flowing over the rock. It was as if Kylie was no longer just There on the island, watching over it as its guardian, but that she was more... a part of the island, linked together with it. When she sent out her message a little bit later, she knew that the people had heard it, in their dreams, in their minds, but they had definitely heard it, and would respond to it in the three days she had said for them to. Many small fairies that roamed her island sprang to life, little beings that she hadn't really seen much of, but knew they were there, and they started flocking around to Kylie's position, and began surrounding her.

"Lady guardian. Nay... our queen. Do you wish for us to spread your words to every corner of the Tear?" one of the fairies asked Kylie softly, buzzing forth closer to Kylie, being the bravest of them.


Sora and Liliana smiled as they felt the cock gags going into their mouths, and neither struggled when she locked the things around their heads, nor wriggled uncomfortably. Both seemed to be enjoying themselves actually, and when she ordered them to crawl along behind her, they nodded and immediately dropped to all fours, and started following Calista around.

As they roamed through the guest house, Calista wouldn't find Sheena right off, but after a couple of minutes of searching, she would find Sheena's mistress. Lynette was found in her room sorting through a small pile of toys, and scratching her head. "Hmm... what to use for training Sheena with?" Lynette muttered softly to herself where Calista could hear. "Oh... lady Calista, what brings you here, hmm?" Lynette asked after a few moments, turning and spotting Calista, Liliana, and Sora in the doorway.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled, bathing in the currents, one with the island, and felt her message spread, knew it had taken root in the hearts and minds of everyone in the island, while small lives sprang forth as the currents woke to older magics, little fairies, drifting spirits, old things given a new chance to drift back into this world through the outpouring of energy and the unity of it linked through a single soul and the island itself.

She smiled as they gathered around her, these little sprites and fairies, opening her eyes. To every corner, to ever secret place, to every creature,
spirit, and soul that calls this place their home. From the most well meaning even to the darkest hearts, for this summit only they may walk this land all as equals in peace and truce to hear my words in 3 days time. Things are changing. Even those seen as truly evil will have a chance and a place. Even if they refuse to admit,
none will be able to deny my rule as absolute law on Melora's Tear.
she told them, reaching out gently to take the brave little fairy in the palm of her hand, smiling, warm and soft. Let's make Melora's Tear Shine brighter then any other. But do not put yourself at risk little ones...
Call to me if there's trouble, and I will come personally to see you safely through the task. Thank you for your help.
she told her quietly, simply resting where she was, enjoying the wee fae folk all around her.

Calista smiled as she saw her girls enjoying themselves and the situation, moving to follow her instructions without any hesitation or resistance and moving behind her on hands and knees quietly.

As they found Lynette, Calista smiled and offered a wave with her free hand. Girls, offer yourselves to Lynette, even if she declines. she told them gently, ordering them to present while she smiled at the spider woman. Making Sure Sheena found her way back into your hands like she was ordered by Kylie. And honestly, I'd like to watch and join you tonight. I want to see how someone as willful as Sheena is,
is handled. I quite approved of your solution to her mouth last time, I personally wouldn't see any reason not to pick up right where you left off.
I have Cells down in the basement, feel free to use them at your leisure,
or for an extended time. Kylie wont protest and so long as Sheena is free to pursue her duties during the daytime hours, her patrols, her combat training for a time? You may find her much more pliable. Who's to say though,
the girl has always been a handful.
Calista said, sighing softly but seeming more then genuine about her interest, and about locking Sheena in a Cell again.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Every sentient creature on the Tear shall know of your call, lady queen," the fairy replied, giving Kylie a respectful bow before she turned to the others and nodded. "And worry not my lady queen, we never take too great a risk, ever. All shall know of your call, at least those that will heed our words. Is there anything else you wish to ask of us?" the little fairy went on to say, looking back to Kylie as the hundreds... nay, thousands of little fairies that had come at Kylie's call, began to scatter, zooming out of the grove Kylie was in and taking her summons around to everyone that would listen.

"Yay, let the shining commence!" one fairy cried as she zoomed off as the one in Kylie's hand snapped to attention and gave her a little salute, before she buzzed off with the others.

"We shall call upon the animals to help spread the word too. Never again shall a demon desecrate our sacred lands," the brave fairy captain cried to the others, where a little cheer went out among them as they scattered out from Kylie in every direction.


Liliana and Sora nodded at Calista's words and crawled over to Lynette, and sat there gently pawing at her, not for attention, but more to ask if She wanted Their attention. "Oh she's willful, that's for damn sure. But, I know how to get her to do what I want her to. And I might just take you up on that offer of using the equipment downstairs, lady Calista. Perhaps tonight, perhaps tomorrow, depending on how Sheena reacts to my... ambush, hmhm," Lynette said, smirking to herself as she picked up a bitch suit and looked at it up and down, looking happy as she held it there, as if imagining Sheena in the thing already. "Hmm... I wonder if I should use this one, or maybe another one," Lynette muttered softly, as if undecided on just what suit to use, if any.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Calista tilted her head back and forth a little. Honestly it depends, while she's willful and capable, she may be like Liliana here, who balked at my control at first, but.. with strict rules, and a constant promise of fairness,
and safety, she's finally submitted. Sora here has been incredibly helpful,
Sheena looks up to Kylie a great deal. After tonight, maybe ask Trilla to train together. As for any suits? I know for a fact she spotted Maria, Kylie, and Sera in bitchsuits earlier. Maybe a good amount of time bound up and muzzled like a dog will get her to try harder for a bit more freedom. Last I checked she still hadn't earned speaking rights from you outside mealtimes.
she said, chuckling. Lynette didn't seem to need attention from her own girls, and Calista grinned. I think a Bitchsuit would be perfect, she can move about like Liliana and Sora are now, and see that as she behaves things get lighter,
she pointed out, kneeling down to pet the two women gently. You're both my lovely well behaved little pets aren't you? she asked them both, smiling.

As the fairies all zipped off to spread the word, Kylie smiled a little wide, and started to head back. It wouldn't be good to disappoint Trilla after asking for her to continue with her. She promised she'd be their by morning, and so she started walking again, taking a longer route that would see her back by dawn.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye, will definitely have to think about that. Sheena is... unlike any little sub I've ever had before to be honest," Lynette replied softly, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, or maybe treat her like a little cat perhaps. Either way would work really. And technically no she hadn't earned those rights. Because gods she almost never shut the fuck up. I won't lie, it was... annoying at first, to have such a talkative sub, that despite what all had happened and everything, and despite the fact she seemed to dislike me at the beginning, actually rather enjoyed what I was doing with and to her. But you are definitely right in that the more she sees that she behaves, the more freedom she'll get, until she learns how to follow commands, both mine, and Kylie's. And of course I'd never have her doing anything when she's supposed to be on patrols and the like, I remember her telling me much the same thing earlier actually, and Giselle mentioned it too," she went on to say, while Liliana and Sora both looked up at Calista and nodded when she told them they were her nice and behaved little pets.


Taking her longer route home took Kylie around through the desolation that Treerazor had left behind. The blighted lands were already receding rather quickly, and on the northeastern side of them, Kylie noticed a sizeable camp of about fifty or so people. They were from Tear Cove, a force of paladins from the high temples in Tear Cove, and priests and priestesses that were cleansing the blight as best they could, though they weren't nearly as powerful as Kylie was, but they were still trying their best, and seemed to have been at it for several days now.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well, Kylie's speech gem is still in Trilla's collection, I managed to snag one as well, Sera also had one, so. If you want her Unable to talk,
stick one on her until she behaves. But, let's go get her. My girls are night owls,
being vampires, let's make the most of the evening.
Calista said cheerfully, clapping her hands together.

Kylie meanwhile spotted the paladins dealing with the blight, and started moving towards them, raising a hand and whistling sharply. Whether they'd know her or not she didn't know but if it was power they needed she had plenty left to offer from the Astral Sea with no place to go.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm, I honestly don't know if that would be better, or worse. Having to listen to her talk, or having to listen to her meow like crazy, or bark, from being unable to talk. Although at first she would definitely sound cute and stuff," Lynette replied with a soft chuckle, scratching her cheek gently as she imagined those things, before smiling at Calista and leading the way. "Now I believe she was just about to come back from her patrol for the evening. I remember her telling me that Mara said she wanted to stop at the tavern for a drink before she did anything else, and relax, while Sheena I think was coming straight back here. I don't want to tire her out too much, but I do want to play with her some, and it'll do her some good I think if I do play with her," she went on to say as she led the way towards the entrance of the guest house, where she'd look outside to see if Sheena had arrived yet.

They would find that Sheena hadn't gotten there just quite yet, but they didn't have too long to wait before she did, the young human yawning and stretching as she came in from the road to town. "Ah there she is," Lynette commented softly as she stood there on the porch with Calista, smiling and winking as she hopped down and pranced towards Sheena,who hadn't noticed her just yet.


As Kylie whistled to get the attention of the paladin guards for the night shift, the two on the side of their camp she was on did notice her, and put their hands on their swords, until they saw her approaching. They did seem to recognize her though, and as soon as they saw who she was they released their swords. "Ah lady Kylie, welcome. What do you need? Have you need of a safe haven to sleep for the night? If so, be welcome in our camp," one of them, a man, said to Kylie as she came up, bowing politely to her, as a show of respect.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mmm, I'm safe anywhere on this island. I came to offer my help with the blight... I don't know any of your magics... but... I'm a wellspring of raw power. Though thank you for the offer, and the concern. she said, smiling as she walked forward. She looked around at the corruption left and sighed sadly. The sooner we heal this wound the better off everyone will be. Let's get to work. she said, stretching and cracking her knuckles, starting to glow with the astral energies she'd taken.

Calista meanwhile nodded and scratched her head. Your her mistress of course. Merely a suggestion. she said, laughing softly as she led Sora and Liliana behind her, following Lyzette towards the entrance.

Waiting with her for a moment, she sat with the two vampires, petting them gently in her lap, running her fingers over their backs and sides gently while they watched Lyzette hop out to surprise her, enjoying how excited she seemed. What do you think Liliana? Would a muzzle do a loud mouthed sheena more good? Or would taking away her speech so she learns to appreciate it more? One moan for muzzle two for gem? she asked, gently rolling her over to brush her fingers over her breasts slowly, teasing her nipples while the denial rings they wore continued to hum softly around their clits.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh... I see. I shall get the high priestess then, and she can speak with you on those matters. If you'd like to come with me, we can go see her," he replied with another little bow, before heading out towards the center of the camp where a fairly large, but still rather modest pavilion tent was, that the high priestess here apparently was staying in. "She can tell you where we've been putting the majority of our focus, so that you can help strengthen the purification," he added.

A few moments later, he tapped on the tent flap and a woman within told him to enter, and so he did, holding it open for Kylie. "Ah, young one, please come in. I felt your calling earlier, as did most of the others attuned to the spiritual, natural, and arcane energies of the Tear," the priestess said to Kylie, a soft spoken woman in her mid thirties, but she was still quite the looker actually, having silver colored hair that shone in the moonlight, rather large breasts around E-cups, beautiful sapphire blue eyes, fairly tanned skin and a slightly toned body that showed she definitely took care of herself but not as well as she probably could, and though she was sitting down and all, Kylie could tell she was around three or four inches taller than herself, and she also wore a light and thin white robe that was partially see through, with only a small pair of pasties covering her nipples, and a simple pair of white panties on down below. "You might have heard of me from Amara in passing, or maybe not, but I am Katarina, or Kat for short if you like. I took over a year or so ago, when the old high priest of Tear Cove retired," she went on to say, introducing herself, while Kylie was glowing with her astral energies.

"And ah, those energies would be a great help in maximizing our purification of the blight," Katarina said at Kylie's glowing energies, getting up from where she was relaxing at, and grabbing her large quarterstaff to follow Kylie outside.


Liliana and Sora nuzzled against Calista as she sat there and pet them, and after Sheena showed up they followed along with Calista. Liliana looked up at Calista after a few moments and nodded softly at the question posed at her, moaning twice in quick succession, sighing softly through her nose as her breasts were both groped softly and her nipples pinched and teased.

"HA!" Lynette cried at Sheena, who yelped cutely, as Lynette surprised her by slipping a blindfold over her eyes, and jumped on her back playfully, riding her to the ground so she couldn't get away, where she quickly locked her hands behind her back with a simple pair of handcuffs. "There we go. Now I gotcha," Lynette began saying before Sheena whimpered.

"M-Mistress... what are you..." Sheena began to ask, before Lynette pulled a ball gag out of her pocket and slipped it into Sheena's mouth and wrapped the straps around her head and buckled them swiftly into place with the simple little belt like buckle it had.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded and followed along, she'd meant what she said, short another massive incursion like the previous, she doubted anything on this island stood a prayer of actually putting Her in harms way. Entering the tent, she smiled at the priestess. Only in passing, It was sad to hear about your predecessor. But, let's get to work undoing this damage. she said, letting her pass and then moving into step behind her. It would be nice to but all this pent up energy to real use, and it could be used here.

Calista meanwhile watched as Sheena was ambushed, giggling as she was blindfolded and then ridden to the ground, the spider woman wasting no time at all in cuffing her hands behind her back. As Sheena started to protest, she was ballgagged just as quickly, Calista throwing two thumbs up. 10 for effect! 10 for humor! maybe an 8 for subtlety! she said, laughing brightly as she guided Sora onto her back as well, giving her the same light teasing as Liliana as they watched Lynette forcibly take back control of Sheena.
I'll let Kylie know you came back here all on your own Sheena. She'll be proud I'm sure. she called, knowing Sheena could still hear her at least, watching Lynette and her Pet curiously and moving to follow if Lynette went somewhere else, not letting even a tiny detail escape her notice. They're really kinda cute together aren't they.
Most people can't get Sheena to act like that, shy I mean.
she told the cumpires. Let's stick with them. she said, quite enamored with her pets.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Indeed. He was a good man. But alas, all good things must come to an end eventually," Katarina replied softly, motioning with her hands as she muttered a prayer under her breath. "Now, let us begin. We've been pouring everything we've got into it, but we're barely making a dent until lady Amara arrives. If you're here though, then I don't doubt that we'll be able to make a sizeable dent in this blight," she went on to say with a smile as she got to work on getting her holy symbols at the ready to channel the astral energies, and Kylie saw that she had holy symbols of Sehanine on her, and the small earrings she wore had small silver crescent moons dangling down.

Katarina placed one of her hands on Kylie's shoulder and began chanting in Celestial speech, and Kylie felt those astral energies that she was positively glowing with begin to siphon out of her body, where they shot out and through Katarina's body as she channeled it, and within moments, Kylie felt the blight receding a bit more from where she was standing, as Katarina placed her hand on the ground. The brightness from the intense blast of astral energies was nearly blinding, even for Kylie. Behind them, Kylie could see several more priests and priestesses stepping out of their tents, along with the paladins, all having looks of awe on their faces. "My goodness... it's so bright," one of the younger priestesses said, shielding her eyes with one hand.


Sora and Liliana followed Calista over, shimmying their hips back and forth from her teasing, and Sheena wriggled around as well Calista saw, as she spoke to her. "Aw, only an eight for subtlety? Well I guess that's fair, it wasn't as subtle as it could have been I suppose," Lynette asked, before shrugging and chuckling softly to herself, while the two cumpires nodded at Calista when she said to stick with Sheena and Lynette.

"Hmm... now what to do with you, Sheena, my sweet little pet. Maybe... tickle you, perhaps," Lynette cooed softly, pulling a single feather out from her robes, and goosing Sheen's right side with it, making her squeal around the ball gag as she bucked a bit ticklishly, but it was obvious she enjoyed the tickling. "Or perhaps a little spanking for back talking and stuff when we agreed that you would come back to me. Although I suppose it's fair that you might have just been putting your weaponry and whatnot away, so you didn't feel tempted any to use them on me," she went on to say after a few moments, giving Sheena's butt a playful, but slightly sharp little swat, making her yelp into her gag and jump a tiny bit.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It can be so much brighter. Kylie said softly to the younger priestess watching as Katarina used the energy Kylie had amassed. Take what you need Kat, I can always get more. You wont hurt me she said, encouraging Katarina to take all she needed to heal the island, opening herself up fully.

Meanwhile Sheena was getting toyed with a bit, squealing and squirming as she was tickled before yelping at a sharp little spank. Sora and Liliana were squirming about a bit as well as Calista continued to tease them, her tail suddenly curling around to push into Liliana's folds, fucking her slowly with her tail as she squirmed. You've both earned an orgasm, and I suppose training time for tonight is up. This would be your free period. Calista said, slowly fucking Liliana with her tail to an easy, smooth climax, before moving the limb immediately to Sora, giving her the same slow, easy treat, plucking the denial rings away while she watched Lyzette and Sheena. Still, I'd like you to stay with me for now and for the rest of tonight. Tomorrow when your free period hits you can roam the grounds as you wish. And can keep doing that as long as I don't get a single complaint. she told them, impressed with them both for being so good tonight, willing to trust them with a truly free, free period after tonight so long as they stayed out of trouble. I'll have to think of new schedules, there will be a mandatory breeding period every day. How you behave will determine if you're allowed to cum during it, or if you're in denial the entire time. So always remember what you do reflects on me, and that I will not overlook things. she told them softly, the message stern but her voice and eyes proud and gentle.

Reaching down, she gently unlocked their muzzles, and pulled them away. Stretch your legs and speak freely, but politely and quietly.
Lyzette was nice enough to let us join her during her training period.
I'm proud of you both.
she told them, kissing their lips softly and helping them stand, keeping them leashed, but nothing more.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh I'm not worried about hurting you, lady Kylie. I'm worried that it will be too much for My body to handle, as I'm merely human. But worry not, I will take all I can to purify the blighted lands here. I may be no angel like lady Amara, but I'm still fairly powerful in my own right," Katarina replied, nodding to Kylie, who felt a lurch in the channeling as Katarina drew more on those astral energies, focusing them into a spear, which she stabbed forth into the blight.

Kylie could sense the island almost sighing with relief as this happened, the blight purged from the areas which Katarina was surging those energies out into it at. The holy spear of pure astral energy surged forth, with Katarina working it as best she could, but it was clear that she was weary from it already, likely from having been trying to purify it all throughout the day. "I... must purify it... as much as I can. I must... be helpful," Kylie heard Katarina mutter softly under her breath from Kylie's side, focusing as hard as she could to force those energies out into the blighted lands to purify and heal them.


Liliana cooed around the gag as Calista's tail entered her, and squirmed around deliciously, making her ass sway back and forth. Sora did much the same thing as Liliana did when Calista switched to her, both of them nodding to Calista in understanding as she spoke to them both. When she unlocked their muzzles, they both took in a nice big deep breath through their mouths and let it out slowly, even though they didn't need to truly breathe, cos vampires. "O-Of course, mistress Calista," Liliana whispered, the first true words she'd uttered since their fun time had begun really, as she and Sora both sat back and stretched their legs and arms out, while watching Lynette and Sheena.

"Hmm... oh I know. How about we start teaching you to stop, back talking your mistress, and boss, hmm. What do you say my little cutie pie?" Lynette cooed softly to Sheena, gently pinching one of Sheena's cheeks and smiling softly as she sat there next to her.

With that, Lynette got her leash out and clipped it to Sheena's collar, and got her up to her feet. "There we go, now come along, to my room to get you all fixed up in your new suit. Then maybe we'll have some fun in the basement," Lynette said, leading Sheena along to the guest house, and up towards her room.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It will all be fine. Kylie told Kat softly as she continued to move, helping as best she could for now. She'd be hungry and tired later herself.
Good Girls. Calista told Liliana and Sora gently, watching Lynette, Sheena wasn't putting up any resistance at all. As she was leashed and helped up, Calista unclipped Sora and Liliana from their own chains. I want you to head up to Miss Lynette's room and clear everything and anything out of the way. Sheena's blindfolded. Then you two can help get Sheena into her suit. she said, shooing them ahead of herself and Lynette so it was easier to move Sheena about blindfolded.

Moving to stand next to Lynette just as Sheena was helped to her feet, she leaned into Kylie. Kylie will be proud of you, coming back on your own. I'll make sure and tell her. Calista said, kissing Sheena on the cheek just above the strap for her ball gag, before walking with Lynette as she led Sheena to her room. What do you think Lynette?
Liliana thought a gem would work. I know Kylie would be willing to put hers back on during training to help her so she has someone to talk to. ANd as much as Giselle didn't want to admit it, she thought Kylie sounded adorable
Calista said, giggling.

Kina meanwhile hadn't managed to find his way out of the hamster ball, but he had managed to somehow escape the spiders with the help of the hallway plant of fuckery, hiding in it's pot as they skittered around and panting, tired. dat bitch.... Gonna bite her. Gonna bite her right on the tush. he muttered, all flopped out and falling asleep.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I... I know, my lady. It is... difficult, especially after all we did earlier through the day. There's no way for us to get it all tonight, without lady Amara though. But... if you would come back tomorrow, or the day after, perhaps with her, then we can cleanse this blight. Though... I can do this at least, and get it good and started," Katarina replied softly, and Kylie felt another tug, this time a bit more physical as Kat's hand squeezed and slightly pulled on her shoulder, before Kylie felt the more spiritual tug surge through her body, as Katarina's spear of holy energies that was piercing the blighted lands suddenly radiated with an enormous power, and exploded in all directions, completely eradicating the blight everywhere within a good kilometer of them, though Kylie knew there was still plenty more blight to have to cleanse.

Looking back, Kylie would see Katarina collapse to her knees, out of breath, and completely exhausted. "I... I must rest, lady Kylie. Please... forgive me for being unable... to do more than this," Katarina panted softly, as a couple of the other younger priestesses rushed to her aid, though she waved them off. "I... I am fine girls, just... tired," Katarina told them, where they stopped fussing over her, and gently helped her up.

"Thank you for the aid, my lady. Once I have recovered, we will begin anew, and we won't give up trying to cleanse it all. I promise you that," Katarina told Kylie as she was helped up to her feet, leaning on her two priestesses that had helped her get up.


"Y-Yes mistress, of course. We will clear them a path," Sora said quietly, bowing deeply along with Liliana, where both of them rushed off and Calista could hear the sounds of them doing as told.

Sheena meanwhile whimpered softly and wriggled around, shaking her ass back and forth a bit more, as Calista and Lynette both spoke to her, blushing slightly at Calista's words, and looking like she wanted to say something, but the gag of course prevented it, so she didn't bother trying much after a couple of seconds. "Aye, I know the gem, and I believe that would be perfect," Lynette replied, grinning as she stood there with Sheena, and taking the leash and gently pulling it to urge Sheena to walk along with them back towards the guest house. "And of course she thought Kylie sounded adorable with the gem on, because Kylie was adorable with it on, hmhm," she added with a giggle.

Heading on inside, the path they found was cleared of anything Sheena might trip on, and once they got inside the doors, Lynette gently touched the back of Sheena's neck and pushed downward. "Now pet, on all fours, and follow us upstairs okay," Lynette told Sheena, who gulped softly and went down and began crawling along with them through and up the stairs towards Lynette's bedroom, where Calista would see Liliana and Sora both smoothing out the covers on the bed together.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Seems I'm more popular then i thought, more people know of me then I know of myself. Take your rest, I'll come back the following night at least. And the rest of you, thank you for your hard work, but don't strain yourselves. Let's not let Treerazor claim another life even by accident. she said, bowing to them all slightly before leaving Kat with her attendants, and heading off on her own again, walking smoothly.

Calista meanwhile would smile as Liliana and Sora got straight to their task, and would look around in approval before grinning as Lynette mentioned the gem, nodding. The hardest part for her was being alone. If Kylie joins her in it? It will be much more manageable. She finished training with hand signs with Trilla. I really think she'd be able and willing to help you with Sheena,
regardless of the request.
she said quietly, sharing that with Lynette so she would know what had made that training so difficult for her.

Outside that though she had no worries and once Sheena was on her hands and knees, Calista would kneel down and pet her gently, before moving on, both moving slowly so the blindfolded Sheena could get up the stairs without trouble. When she saw Liliana and Sora smoothing out the bed, she beamed. Well done girls. Would you give Lynette a hand? she asked them, gesturing at Sheena and Lynette, knowing the suits were easier to put on with more people, and that Sheena may start to struggle or wriggle once she figured it out. So far she'd accepted Lynette's control, seemed excited, but Sheena could be fickle and the help would make things go smoothly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, well Amara speaks very highly of you to all of the other temple priestesses on the Tear. And all of us look up to her as our... guiding light, you might say. I mean, she is an angel, after all. So it's hard Not to look up to her," Katarina chuckled softly. "Be safe, my lady," she added as Kylie began to walk away, motioning for the priestesses to help her back to her tent, where she likely collapsed right into bed and fell sound asleep.


"Mmm... perhaps, though I'd not want to have her help if she felt that she couldn't handle it. I don't want to make her upset, or Trilla. Sera could help some too I suppose, since Trilla still has her speech sealing gem, last I checked anyway. But only of course, if they'd all agree to help," Lynette said, making it clear that she didn't want to push in on another dom's pet without their permission.

As they began heading up the stairs, Sheena reached out with one hand and touched the railing and the wall with the other, getting her bearings, and following slowly behind. She wasn't purposely going slow of course, but slow nonetheless, so that she could make sure she didn't make a wrong step, as she felt for each step with both her hands, and knees, to ensure she didn't slip. When they finally got to the top and to the bedroom to find Liliana and Sora waiting for them, Lynette smiled as they both bowed respectfully to them both, as Calista gave them their next orders.

"Yes mistress Calista," Liliana replied quickly, as she and Sora moved as one and collected the suit Lynette had decided on and left laying out for this.

The one she had decided on using was simple, but to the point of what she was wanting of Sheena. It was a deep dark purple latex suit all the way, that went up and covered her legs from the tips of her toes, to the tops of her thighs, leaving a diamond shaped opening at her crotch to more easily allow plugs, cocks, and the like to be put into Sheena without any trouble or rubbing in discomfort, and the diamond shaped opening stretched far enough around the front of her crotch to reveal her pubic mound, and the lack of hair there. Her torso part of the suit was split, starting just underneath the bellybutton and stretching upward in a deep V shape that went upward, looking almost like a jacket or something that the zipper was pulled most of the way down, that showed a lot of cleavage, but was still sturdy enough to stay on properly as it stretched up over her shoulders and down her back it was mostly a solid piece, save for the area down near the bottom around the crotch and around her ass, those areas being opened up somewhat to reveal her ass cheeks as much as possible without sacrificing too much of the strength of the outfit. The sleeves were similar to most of the other bitchsuits Kylie had worn back in the sanctuary, in that the arms of the wearer slid down into the things, where the hand pieces curled their hands around slightly to be better stuffed into mitts, gloves, or paws of some sort, but for now Lynette settled for a pair of simple mitts to put over Sheena's hands to prevent her from really using them for anything. The collar of the outfit stopped just underneath Sheena's collar Giselle had given her, and almost linked to it, that's how snug it looked, but after Sheena was put into it properly, she didn't look like she was in any discomfort, so it could only be believed that she was okay in the thing.

When they had her in the outfit, Liliana, Sora, and Lynette all stepped back to admire the work as Lynette sat Sheena down on the bed, some straps for the wrists and forearms being around the waist on either side of the V slit to bind both arms to that area if need be, a total of five and those all being an inch across and spaced out so two were around her wrists, and the other three going up her forearm, with a single 2 inch wide strap around the top of her arms around the bicep area to help strengthen that to ensure she couldn't wriggled her arms free, with each strap sewn to the suit in some way and buckling around like a simple belt, but with a spot for a small padlock to fit into to make sure they couldn't be pulled free without first unlocking them. The thing had no leg straps though it seemed, and Lynette didn't seem mind that, or to be wanting to put her into that kind of bitchsuit Just quite yet from the looks of it.

"Ah... gorgeous, simply gorgeous," Lynette said, smiling as she reached out and cupped one of Sheena's breasts gently, giving it a little squeeze.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Calista simply watched as Liliana and Sora helped Lynette get Sheena suited up, getting no trouble at all from her as she was worked into the tight latex and swiftly bound up, locking her arms in place and fitting mitts over her hands. Crotchless, there were other straps to afford more options, allowing for straightjacket like positions and even belts like the ones Sora and Liliana were still wearing to bind their wrists. It was a well made little piece.
Usually you would ask Trilla, about Kylie but... Kylie is so powerful it would be best to ask her first, and have her, ask Trilla along with you.
but I don't doubt for a moment that if it was for Sheena, Kylie wouldn't hesitate.
Believe it or not she's very fond of her. Hear that Sheena? Kylie cares about you,
A Lot.
she said, talking to Lynette before speaking to Sheena.

But that was all Calista had to say on the matter and once Sora and Liliana were done helping, she'd walk over and gently guide their hands back into their mitts, their wrists once more locked to the leather belts around their waists, before reattaching their leashes, taking them away. You two, because it's your first night here, and you've done so well... Can spend the evening in the same cell tonight, locked,
and have the rest of the night off.
she told them, hugging them both tightly. Soon enough, I'm hoping you're both so well behaved I don't even need to use more then a leash. And don't worry,
I'm sure the slimes have already set up the cell chains and rails for everyone,
so I wont need to keep you restrained beyond that in your cells.
she said, kissing them both on the cheeks, and then on the lips, slowly, and deeply, moaning softly and fingering them both slowly at the same time. Cum for me my beautiful pets, just let it happen. she whispered to them softly, working their folds with her fingers right in front of Lynette and Sheena. She wouldn't stop until they did, rolling her thumbs around their clits while her fingers thrust, and when they had gotten their reward for the night, she'd step back and look at them, seeming to be waiting for something from them. Seeing if they remembered to thank their Mistress or not.

After that it'd be time to follow Lynette again.