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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ashera sat down at the table and ate a hearty meal for her breakfast, with Maria and Sheena both being led by her, down to the kitchen. She didn't seem to mind Kylie teasing the two that much, but she did insist on Kylie eating more than just an orange. "Now Kylie, you should eat enough to give you energy for the day," Ashera told her, though she didn't make Kylie eat a whole lot, just more than a mere orange.

The suit was soon put onto Sheena though, and Ashera took her leash and smiled, petting Sheena lovingly as she touched the collar on her neck. "Hmm, what are these things for anyway? I tried taking them off of the others after they fell asleep, to set them free, but they just wouldn't budge," Ashera asked curiously, hooking a finger under Sheena's and giving it a little tug.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hrm? Those are special gemstone collars made by a halfling named Chesire who is apparently a fallen God. And no, they don't come off. Only Giselle can take them off... Kylie said, tilting her head and petting Sheena as well, thinking Puppy Sheena was best Sheena.

Mmm you look lovely in that Sheena, very sexy. Kylie said, tickling her folds while she was stuck on all 4's like that, all exposed and open to be played with. They also Give Giselle pretty much full control over our bodies. From what I understand the only real limit to what she can do is her imagination. I've even seen her force the collar to materialize a ball gag before. Kylie continued explaining even as she slid a finger into Sheena's cunt and stroked her gently.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I see, that sounds amazing, truly amazing. I would like to meet this, Chesire, and make her mine as well. And I shall have to see if I can take these off for you girls," Ashera said, touching Kylie's collar, as well as all the others.

Sheena whimpered at Kylie's touch, and shook her head slightly as she teased her some more, but she didn't blush, and didn't deny the pleasure at all. "I may have to get some collars for you all, of mine own in that case then," Ashera said when Kylie spoke further about the collars.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie tilted her head. Mistress Ashera I dont think that would be wise. Chesire is responsible for my body. Despite being fallen she still wields the power of an active diety. I do not doubt you, only... think it could go horribly wrong. I do not know where she went when this all started, but she vanished without any trace. Kylie said, running her hand along the collar, before looking at Maria, picturing the Priestess on her hands and knees firmly in her mind, and snapping her fingers, wondering if Chesire had given her the same control over the other harem members that Giselle had.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Mmm, either way, she would be good to have on our side. Do you have any idea where she might be though?" Ashera said, looking curious as to where Chesire's whereabouts were.

Kylie found that Chesire had in fact... not given her the same amount of control, knowing that Kylie liked losing control to Giselle and whatnot. "Well, we can deal with her later, for now, let us go and see to the town. I'd like to know if everyone has chosen the path of light and love that I have brought," Ashera said after a few moments.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie pouted and stuck her tongue out at Maria before hearing the question. I have no idea Mistress. She seems to come and go at a whim. I don't know where. Kylie answered, before gearing up and following Ashera to the village, Sheena being a good puppy for her walkies as they went. I would think so Mistress. Between the influence of your servants and the toxin I created to make it easier, I would be surprised to find any outliars or resistance left. Kylie said, tilting her head as they walked.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm, we shall see I suppose, and that's too bad about this Chesire. I'd like to meet her and... speak with her," Ashera said, leading the way on to town.

Once they got into town, Kylie saw that it looked... almost the same as before, though everyone was wearing less clothing, looking much more open about things, and lewder obviously, as well as hornier from the looks of it. Kylie saw Ashera being bowed to wherever she went, and offered free tastes of food around, and drink, and one guy even offered himself to Ashera, though she declined him for now, but told him that she may return later in the day to have some fun.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

This is wonderful Mistress, look at how happy everyone is? Kylie said, smiling around at everyone and giggling as the man offered himself to be rebuffed gently. Purple was such a pretty color :D

Kylie would follow Ashera wherever she went as her honorguard for now, simply being in the background a bit and keeping a watchful eye, smiling and waving at people she knew.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Mhm, well, happy and horny, a perfect combination indeed, hmhm," Ashera giggled, petting Kylie as they walked onward through town.

After they came by one of the seamstresses in town, Ashera was offered a royal purple colored outfit that seemed like it would just barely fit her. "My mistress, you deserve the colors of royalty, and so I gift this to you," the seamstress lady said, bowing deeply as she offered the thing to Ashera.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It was a purty dress. Kylie saw no threat here! And so instead continued to look for those that would threaten their happiness!

As it stood, Kylie just wandered about with Ashera, walking Sheena along obediently and introducing her for pets and scratches for everyone, one of the breeders noticing her state and kneeling down to pet her head and finger her wet folds steadily, making her squirm.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sheena did get multiple pets and caresses from the townsfolk, most of whom looked only too happy to do so. One of the male breeders grabbed Sheena's ass and fingered her a little, before Ashera gave Sheena's leash a little tug to coax her onward as they made their way to the tavern. "Ah, the tavern, where everything interesting just about, happens," Ashera said with a sigh as she stepped inside and found Bella inside along with a few patrons.

Bella bowed deeply to Ashera, her tail wagging like crazy at being graced with Ashera's presence. "Mistress, please come in, make yourself at home. W-Would you like anything to drink?" Bella said, coming over and looking a bit giddy.

"Yes please, an ale would be fine," Ashera replied, where Bella bounced to it and got a large mug of ale for Ashera and set it in front of her, where Ashera began drinking it.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie sat down and had a scotch herself. What's wrong mistress? You don't seem happy despite being free. Kylie said, tilting her head and sipping on her drink, wondering what was wrong.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm? Oh I feel just fine, still getting used to being free is all. It's been many long years since I last was," Ashera said, ruffling Kylie's hair softly as she sipped on her ale and Kylie got her scotch.

"It's on the house you two," Bella told them with a bright and happy smile.

"What made you think something was wrong dear?" Ashera asked Kylie after smiling back at Bella, who blushed a bit and bowed deeply again.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I... I dunno. You just seem.. Restrained. Or melancholy I suppose. Kylie said, rubbing her hand into the ruffles before shaking her platinum hair back in line and smiling back.

I'm just worried you aren't happy is all. It seems like you... expected more? I guess? I'm not sure. Speaking of.... what was that armor I found Mistress? I'm still curious about that.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Not so much that, I just don't want to overdo it and get in the sights of a powerful being like I did the last time. I'm still not at my full power yet," Ashera replied, petting Kylie and Sheena both some more. "And it's not so much I was expecting more, I was just taking my time is all," she added, petting Kylie some more and kissing her on the lips.

"The armor though, was my gift I left for someone to someday find it and bring me back into the world. I'm so glad it was you dearie, hmhm," Ashera told Kylie, smirking a bit as she spoke. "It was something I originally made to trap Amara in before she caught on to what I was doing," she then explained.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I'm really the only one who goes into those old Mines anymore. So i'm not overly surprised it was me who found it. Kylie said, smiling and tilting her head a little.

But Mistress, her Aunt Hazel is more powerful then she is. We must be prepared. So please, while you rest, excuse me to see to our defense. Amara... I will do my best not to hurt her. I love her to. Kylie said, hugging Amara tightly and finishing her scotch before turning to leave.

She was not sure how she could defeat someone like Hazel openly, but she had a few ideas and found herself searching for the elf that had enchanted her ring, Serena, with no real purpose in mind. She stopped herself short though and turned away, instead heading for the temple for some clue that could help her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Indeed, though I'm rather glad none of the fey found it, for they might have destroyed it and I'd never have met such a beauty like you," Ashera told Kylie, hugging her again. "And Hazel never came here too much before as far as I know. Not to my knowledge anyway," she added.

Amara returned Kylie's hug before they parted ways, and Kylie headed for Serena's place before stopping to go to the temple instead. Kylie found the temple virtually empty, save for a few animals here and there, and looking devoid of most all life. The path up was covered with leaves, the interior was starting to look a bit messy, a few bits of leftover food in the kitchen and attracting flies, and the beds all looked a bit messy as well, what with the leftover and now long since dried cum on the bed sheets and blankets.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie... felt bad, about the state of the temple, truly upset about what had happened to it with no one to tend it, And since she couldn't quiet her mind at the moment, she did it. Every dirty sheet washed, every dish, every bit of food, the leaves. She did it all. it probably wasn't to the same standards that the temple priestesses had kept it, but when she was done, it would be clean.

Once it was all set back in order, Kylie would head out to Maria's favourite meditation spot, but rather then sit under the water, which Kylie.... still didn't quite understand, Kylie sat in the cave underneath it, crossing her legs, closing her eyes, and focusing not within, She KNEW what was within herself, better then most. But outwards, rising into the air, to the storm still blowing around. It had quieted around the village considerably, so Kylie focused further outwards. Not able to see with her eyes, or any of her other normal senses, but she could taste and feel the creation magics, those natural energies that rested within everything, raw, untempered.

It hit her harder then ever that what she did wasn't magic, wasn't even sorcery. She simply.... Gave a current a nudge here, or viciously yanked another, almost unconcsiouscly so far the weather on this island had reacted to her whims and wants, and she could see why. There was a part of her that had become embedded here. She was in tune here. But she kept looking outwards, and soon came to the edge of her influence, miles out into open water, a whirling maelstrom of hurricane force had encircled the island, storms raging the thundering without mercy, and Kylie thought perhaps, just maybe, she reacted as much to the weather, as it did to her. And she sought to set that right as well, calming the winds, letting the storms dissipate, letting that wall she'd summoned without even meaning to fade into clear blue skies, and rolling beautiful lapis waves.

The exercise was.... Cathartic. Relaxing. Very much so, and while she felt like she had worked hard to steer things back to balance and peace on the open waters, she felt refreshed as well, as if the island underneath her at this very moment heaved a sigh of contentment.

Only then did she come out of her hidey hole and look around. Smiling with the temple now in order, and the weather back under control. As it was meant to be.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie washed the sheets and cleaned the kitchen and whatnot, and while it did take her quite a while, Kylie did manage to get the temple cleaned up back to the standards it had been at. After going to Maria's cubby hole in the waterfall and began to meditate some, she felt quite at peace considering.

As she reached out to the storm she had herself created, Kylie began to feel more in tune with it around her, more than she ever had before, and it was simply amazing to say the least. It didn't take long for the weather to respond to her peaceful state of mind, and her emotions, and soon the weather had calmed down considerably, though it seemed that while it did react to her somewhat, it didn't completely. While the storms died down some, and the maelstrom that encircled the island began to dissipate more and more. By the time Kylie came out from the waterfall area, she saw the sun shining brightly in the sky, as if the whole storm had simply been a part of a simple monsoon and was now being pushed aside by the wind.

The temple looked more in order now, though it did obviously still seem just too empty without any of the priestesses there to tend to it. Kylie felt a sigh of contentment coming from her mistress, and realized now that she had been gone for nearly two to three hours. "Oh Kylie, come to the tavern, Bella has something to give you. Tis a gift she says, one that she thinks you'll like," Ashera whispered in Kylie's head.

When she got to the tavern, Kylie saw Bella sitting there with Ashera, and there was a large mug sitting next to Ashera's own, and her mistress gestured for Kylie to sit with her. After she had, and looked into the mug, Kylie saw it had mead in it, and Bella was grinning. "First batch of it that you brought the honey for, my best quality stuff, and you get the first cup," Bella said with a smile.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Everything was set back to the way it should be, but the temple still seemed so empty. It was a conflicted feeling but she knew it would pass, and soon they could all be happy just as they had been but in the biggest most loving and devoted family ever under their caring mistress.

Slugwoman or Not.

Heading back at the summons, Kylie smiled at Bella and then remembered the Honey incident and the Ale. Smiling, she accepted the mug and sampled it, smacking her lips happily despite not really being an ale drinker herself. It was wonderful.

Well worth the trip then. Wonderful. Kylie said, finishing it and sighing happily. I dispelled the storm Mistress. It was toying with my mood. It is stressful on my mind to set such a thing in motion. I didn't mean to let it get so out of hand. Kylie said softly, gesturing at the windows where now the sun was shining brightly, happily.

The village seemed to be continuing on well, and Sheena, being bound up and walked about as a pet, seemed a little pent up, probably cos Kylie's tail was already drifting up and down her folds, before sliding into her slowly, Kylie taking her from her place under the table to give her a reward for being such a good girl. Leaning down, Kylie kissed her head. Do you like the suit Sheena? It's relaxing isn't it. First it's scary, not having control. But then you realize you have nothing to worry about, and it's freeing in a way. she said, continuing to slowly thrust unless her Mistress told her to stop, letting Sheena enjoy a good orgasm bound up in her suit.