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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

The day I bought TF2, I stopped giving a shit about new games. I think I've bought two games since I got TF2. Borderlands and Garry's Mod, if that even counts.

With almost 450 hours put into a 20 dollar game, I'd say I've gotten my money's worth. gg to the fags who buy 60 dollar games with 5 hour long campaigns

What about that time you played Maplestory? You were pretty damn addicted. Hell, you were ALWAYS playing that game. So addicting.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fork awf, drakfier.

Also, bart reminded me that I got L4D2 as well. So that's three. I still play TF2 a looooooooootttttt moar.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dragon age, I see.

Highly addicted to it, despite the massive curse-fest that some of the fights can be, holy god. I love the character interactions and exploring and tactics that come with some of the fights. And it inspired me for a story and I like stuff that can do that.

Man, I am going to have such a hard time being a dick during my later playthroughs, but I am going to give it a go. Need to, for some of the trophies, not to mention I'm curious as to how things turn out in certain situations.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just make sure you let it patch itself. Turns out that some of the battles didn't level properly and were stuck at max level.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That would require me figuring out how to hook my PS3 up to the internet, which I'm not sure I'm physically capable of doing, given that it's in my basement. But good to know.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That would require me figuring out how to hook my PS3 up to the internet, which I'm not sure I'm physically capable of doing, given that it's in my basement. But good to know.

You mean you still use... *gasp* WIRES?!?!?
This is MADNESS!
Personally, I would prefer a wired connection to a wireless one. Less dropping and I could actually host.

Yeah, that would be a problem, though, not being able to hook it up to the internet so it can patch. If you can move it at all, just move it temporarily, let stuff patch, then move it back down. If that's not an option, well, have fun with those battles that are stuck at max level or what-not.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

This is Sharyn, the character that I play in Besieged. I finally managed to beat Dragon Age with her, after nearly 60 hours of gameplay. Without spoiling anything, the payoff at the end is well worth all the trouble. It really does feel rewarding, unlike many other endings I've seen in my gamer career.

The game really knows its orchestrating, I'll give it that. While the overarching story is nothing too special (There is an evil force! You have to stop it!), the great detail is what really elevates it above the bulk of fantasy games.

A second playthrough though? I don't know if I'm really up to that. I've been interested in playing the asshole character as well, mostly to unlock certain specializations, but I'm not sure if I want to. I also realize that I'm not interested in archers (or crossbowmen for that matter) as a character. I don't really feel good until I can wade into battle with a sword (or a hammer) in my hands.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

1 dragon age tip: if you see a specialization book in a store and can buy it, save the game, then buy the book, then reload the game. You will have unlocked the specialization class without losing any money. (You can also do a similar thing with the demon in redcliffe if you are playing a mage and want the blood mage specialization.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, so THAT'S where you get that. I assume you get the Raider specialization. . .
from Kolgrim, the leader of the Andraste cultists, after defiling the ashes?

Don't know where to get the Arcane Warrior either.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yes on your guess, but Arcane warrior is one of the easiest to get.

In the elven ruins in the werewolf forest, in the section with the skeletons, check every room until you find a glass phial. It isn't one of the revenant ones, then when the spirit asks you to release it, do so. You may need to be a mage for this.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My only complaint about Dragon Age (aside from when it likes to take away my health pots and lock up my skill for no good damned apparent reason) is that unless I'm playing a mage, it's hard to keep my party alive. Nobody seems to be able to heal others worth a shit. I have to micro-manage EVERY aspect of the battle, because if I don't, someone forgets to use a pot when they should, or someone decides that using an ability that has upkeep is a good idea, when the situation has no call for it whatsoever.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Funny, I have Wynne in my party and she does very well as a healing mage. My *only* complaint is that I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to set a tactic with her to Raise people. I can't find a trigger in the list for "Dead." Anybody help with that? Or do I continue to micromanage that bit?

As for the locking up of abilities (not sure on items...) they do have a cool down period, where they need to recharge and you can, therefore, not use them again right away. Only thing I can think of there.

With regard to hooking up to the net, my house is not designed to have me hooked up to the net and be anywhere near a TV, not without a huge long cord. And honestly, I'm not tech saavy enough to understand routers and the like, I'm afraid. Might be able to ask a friend about it, though. Have to see.

Also, I got yelled at by my friend today. I was all set and settled to go after Zevran and wound up having conversations with Alistair and, well, yeah *grins* Let's just say I've been accused of leading the poor boy on. *laughs* I may yet break it off
Since there's no way I can really go through with Hardening him, nor am I playing a human character right now, so if he's king, I can't be queen
but I haven't decided yet.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wouldn't complain if it was the cooldown period. I mean it's been a good 5 minutes since I used one, and it just says 'fuck you, you can't use this pot/skill'.

Must just be me then, because no matter who it is, even Wynne, no matter how hard I try, my party members just don't like to heal other people half the time. I have to micromanage EVERYTHING, and that takes some of the fun out of it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, that I don't know what to tell you, I'm afraid. My first reaction is "glitch," but without actually seeing the problem, I can't say, I suppose. Good luck, maybe? That's about the best I can manage, I'm afraid.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just make sure you let it patch itself. Turns out that some of the battles didn't level properly and were stuck at max level.

Lolwut? Heh. I'm not sure how to set to auto update, as I bought the game in store rather than through steam, but installed one patch; the one that fixes daggers amoungst others as I was playing a rogue.

Also on the arcane warrior thing, no, you don't have to be a mage to be able to unlock it.

Rogue ftw. DPS monkey. If you're playing a rogue, or if you use a melee rogue, don't be fooled into thinking it's a good diea to give them large weapons just because your skill says you can use them without penalty becauyse you got TWF mastery. The rate of attack on daggers; getting half your dexterity to damage, plus your cunning bonus, plus .8 strength, plus any critical or backstab bonus...

Well, you get the idea. Also paralyse runes on weapons that strike frequently. Caused a certain duel in the game against a certain hardass to be a joke of a walkover, since he could barely get an attack off between all the stunning and paralysing and the like.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wouldn't complain if it was the cooldown period. I mean it's been a good 5 minutes since I used one, and it just says 'fuck you, you can't use this pot/skill'.

Must just be me then, because no matter who it is, even Wynne, no matter how hard I try, my party members just don't like to heal other people half the time. I have to micromanage EVERYTHING, and that takes some of the fun out of it.
...you've never played Dungeon Siege, have you?

You can't get the DESIGNATED HEALERS to heal in THAT game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wouldn't complain if it was the cooldown period. I mean it's been a good 5 minutes since I used one, and it just says 'fuck you, you can't use this pot/skill'.

Must just be me then, because no matter who it is, even Wynne, no matter how hard I try, my party members just don't like to heal other people half the time. I have to micromanage EVERYTHING, and that takes some of the fun out of it.

Um... only mages have the ability to heal other people. You can only use potions on yourself. Also, are you sure your people aren't using potions on themselves and that's why you can't assign them manually?

Funny thing: I did an arcane warrior once, and I was able to wear stronger armor than my warriors.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

There's only one thing about the bots in TF2 that bug me; they're fucking retarded when it comes to disguised Spy's. There's this one server I've been going on a lot recently that has been set up to have the teams balanced out with bots so you can join any team at any time. Anyway, I've been trying to improve ability with the Spy and I can run around disguised as an enemy and NONE of them except the one I'm disguised as takes any notice of me. Hell, even when I'm sapping their buildings they still ignore me. The only time they have attacked me is when I've come out of my disguise though when I cloak myself they instantly go back to chasing down my other teammates instead of trying to find me. On the odd occasion where they have tried killing me after I've cloaked they seem to know exactly where I am with pinpoint accuracy.

Sure, I know the bots are still in beta stage, but it still does bug the hell out of me.