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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire raised an eyebrow at Ronny's words.

"Infantry, impressive. I was only a reservist... yeah yeah, a toon, but I spent a few years attached to a regular force unit... this was all ages ago though,"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Yeah I made SGT before getting out, being a toon isn't too bad. I mean after all you could have been a Piss Pot Cleaner and Latrine Inspector .

(Please don't kill me for insulting them if you know anyone there, I didn't mean it. I had to change it after I learned what that meant it's just wrong.)
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

At this point, Izzy was only half-listening to the three talking about being in the service. If he was a soldier, that might explain some of Ronny's comments about doing things he wasn't proud of. At least he didn't seem to be suffering from anything post-traumatic; he was just...depressed and had feelings of guilt. Plenty of time to pick at his psyche later, though she got the impression he wouldn't like that. For now, she just focused on her own task, which was picking through the scheduling and seeing what sort of evening classes were available to her that would coincide with her chosen fields.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy was making some headway rearranging her classes when her mouse pointer simply stopped working, the little arrow hovering near the center of the screen. After about three seconds, it slowly drew downwards and opened an empty notepad document, and words appeared in it all on it's own.

Isabella Frost.

Was typed in, the curser dropping down a line immediately after...
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy tries for a second to make the mouse work, not wholly freaked out on it working on its own, though she really didn't expect tech support to hijack her computer remotely. Obviously someone wasn't happy about her borrowing bandwith. Still, the name thing was rather freaky, but if they were looking at what she was working on, it made a little bit of sense. Pondering a second, she typed her reply.

That would be me.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

How's your sire doing? Tell him to come over here.

Another window opened, this time without the mouse moving, it being a feed from the webcam along the top of the screen. The two windows shifted, the text taking up the left half of the screen and the picture taking up the top half of the right.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Him? Oh shit. She cast a look over in Raven's direction, then paused, turning back to the screen, not seeming quite as nervous. The story fits. Just take it easy.

Shifting herself and the computer some, she leaned over to Raven. "Hey, check this out a second." She motioned to the screen with a slight nod of her head, taking care to turn it so she could see as well but it was blocked from Eve's view, if she happened to be at the right angle.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Raven looked over to her with a curious expression, before crawling over and leaning in beside her, being very careful not to touch her or get too close. It took him a few seconds to catch on, having focused on the image of himself from the webcam first, but when he did...

If it was possible for a vampire to pale in fright, Raven would have done it, right there. "Wh-wh-who is th-that?" He asked her in a panicked whisper.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Somebody on the network, I've gathered that much," she replies, just as quietly. Doing her best to keep the computer steady, she laid a hand on his arm. "Just remember what we talked about. It'll be okay," the last part was very quiet, mostly just for him.

Steeling herself, she put her attention back on the computer.

He's here. What did you want? she typed into the document box.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Her answer came almst before she finished typing.

A look at his face, and confirmation is all, for now. Make stopping by River's apartment a minor priority, and I'll see what I can do about your schedule.

The message stayed on the screen for another few seconds, and then disappeared, along with the webcam window. Her mouse seemed to work again, and the web browser underneath had changed back to the page that showed her schedule. Her name was now on all of the weekday night classes that she had the day versions of originally, despite the fact that about half of them were full when she had checked earlier...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Unable to reply to the statement, and taking it as more of an order than a request, she considered what she was looking at for the moment and shook her head. Maybe she'd have a chance to thank the whomever on the other end when they stopped by River's. Quickly taking the necessary steps to finalize the schedule changes, she set the now sleeping laptop aside and put her attention on another important matter.

"You okay?" she asked Raven quietly. "Any idea what that was about at all?" It seemed silly to ask, given how started he'd been, but maybe if he had some clue. Otherwise, she might just find River and ask her, if she didn't get too drowsy in the meantime.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"N-n-no idea." Raven stutters, mouth still agape. He opens his sketchbook again, but apparently decides against continuing, shutting it again and putting it on top of her laptop. "I'm g-gonna sleep now, if you n-need anything, just ask, alright?" He says, and then shifts over a few feet and lies down.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Okay. I might scoot up and ask River about this." She carefully moves their two items off of the cots, making sure they're safe and out of the way. "Then I'll be back down myself." She lets him get settled, brushing her fingers lightly over his hair, mouthing, "Sweet dreams," with a slight smile, before she slips off of her own cot and pads up the stairs to see if River's nearby to ask her about the unusual message. If she is, she leaves out the Sire bit for the time being, just mentioning being on the network and what she was doing, asking the other woman if she has any clue who it was.

((That is, of course, if she finds River upstairs, heh. And I'm about to find my bed. Sleepy and feeling blecky, so bed for Copper until tomorrow afternoon or night.))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch keeps on staring at the cards in his hands as they shuffle. drawing, adding, drawing, adding. "Iraq, '91. Fun fucking times." He tries the trick with the flying card again, but his timing is off - the card tumbles to the ground. The big man mumbles something and reaches down. . . only to freeze.

The Jack of Diamonds. Of course.
"Jack. . . Jack, they got me Jack! Fuck, where are you?"

Fletch realizes how he must be looking like - frozen in a bend, his ass is probably hanging out of his jeans, for fucks sake - and picks up the card before straightening himself. "I, uh. . ." Not really knowing what to say he pushes the pack of cards back into his pocket.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire slapped a magazine into her pistol, and cocked the slide back, and let go. It slammed forward with a metallic click and she pushed the gun into it's holster.

"Fuck this. I'm out of here," she said, almost angrily, and stood up, promptly walking towards the stairs to leave.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve nodded at Izzy and stood up to look for River. She hoped to find her, because she needed Mr. Alexander to call her manager.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire looked over her shoulder, before shrugging, and disappearing up the stairs, and out of the warehouse. Once outside, she began to sprint towards home... hoping to make it there before sunrise.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny just sits and watches as everyone does their own thing, hmm what an interesting little group we have going here. He thinks to himself calmly, probably the first time he's felt this way all night.

Seeing about half of them go up stairs, half asleep. Rashar doing god knows what since he's having troubles even looking over there. Just me and Fletch I guess. "You don't need to say anything, Fletch. You're not the only one though that probably won't help you any. I say we just get some sleep, and hopefuly by the morn- er night we'll all be in better moods." With that he pulls his jacket off and using it for a pillow he lays down and quickly goes into sleep.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Typical Gangrel mood swing. Works *grins*))

"Claire, what?" Izzy looks a bit startled as the other woman pushes past her and Eve but doesn't get a reply. She glances to Eve, looking worried, holding off on her question in case River needs to deal with that before anything else.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch sighs and stares at the ground for a moment. "You're right", he replies to the - probably already sleeping - Ronny. "It doesn't help any." The big man walks over to the cot and puts his stuff on the ground: The baseball cap, the plaid shirt, the pack of cards. He reaches down and pulls a harmonica (out of all things) out of a loop inside his boot that's likely designed to contain a knife or something similar. The working gloves out of his back pocket and his worn-out leather belt follow suit before Fletch finally takes the boots off and lies down on the cot. Due to his size he lies on his side, the knees slightly bent.