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RPG RPG Maker [えのきっぷ / Enokippu ] 赤首の闘技場 / The Girl in the Red Slave Collar (RJ140344 / RE140344)

Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Did you guys figure out what different types of perfume do? Especially the ones you get from the guy in the fun district.

Here's a list. I'm writing this down here for future reference.

性奴隷の香水: Wearing this turns you on more easily during battles. But you get a slightly larger reward if you beat your opponent.
赤首の香水: Same as the above. Only a bigger reward and a larger aphrodisiac effect in battle.
催淫の香水: The strongest of the three. But you only get this if you follow the true route. 15000 per master-level opponent in the arena but you are likely to climax after 2-3 grope attacks.
売女の香水:You'll get REALLY turned on with this perfume equipped.
催促の香水:Males get really turned on. This and the perfume above are probably only useful for the fingering game and if you use the seduce skill in practice fights.
静寂の香水:With this equipped, you're less turned on by sexual attacks.
深海の香水: The same, only a stronger effect.
虚無の香水: You'll need this against the final boss. Absolute immunity to sexual attacks as far as I can tell.
武人の香水: 25 ATK boost
守護者の香水: 25 DEF boost

I didn't bother with the lesser +12 ATK and DEF perfumes. But you can figure those out on your own.
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Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

There isn't really anything to figure out.
Either sunset or early night (probably latter), go into the pub, leave through the back door, talk to shady guy, agree, lose the fight (for the full h-scene). After that, keep winning the game whenever he allows you to play and use up all your DDs for a huge power & sp boost.

Strangely, I was only missing the guard npc and true end scenes in the gallery.
I know it's the one where you try to run away from the town and get electro-raped by the collar. But the game never showed it as unlocked for me...

By the way, for those who know Japanese...
The true final boss. Is that
Sonabia's protagonist, or someone related to her?

Looking at the scene involving the gang-rape (and eventual hanging), it seems to be something involving the gang at the pleasure district at night. But for the life of me, I couldn't get past the guy at the front so I never figured out the trigger.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Thanks to both of you.

I did read your previous post, Harleyquin13, I just couldn't find anything relevant in the readme.txt because I mostly use TA to translate, yes.

Thank you for your patience and clarification.

I will not repeat here my opinion/distaste about NewGame+. I'll look into the DD potions rewards, as suggested by skeith, and make my way from there.

PS : The game is really good otherwise, I'd recommend it. Play it. Buy it if you can.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

I'll look into the DD potions rewards, as suggested by skeith, and make my way from there.

Or just make use of the new game+ function to get 200000 from the maze at night each time. You can then game over by losing to the boss.

Your #1 priority is getting yourself a good weapon and other equipment. Then gather DDs you can find for SP and max-upgrade as many skills as you can for a huge EP boost.

Again, the final boss of normal route is way too strong.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Anyone have an idea of what stuff does? Aside from getting raped when I fight in the coliseum I have no real idea what I am actually supposed to be doing.

I figured out how to train, and then I saw the guy behind the bar at night and I won that little minigame to get a DD thing, which I assume is a training special thing since it game me a massive stat increase when I used it.

Other than that.. clueless.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Anyone have an idea of what stuff does? Aside from getting raped when I fight in the coliseum I have no real idea what I am actually supposed to be doing.

I figured out how to train, and then I saw the guy behind the bar at night and I won that little minigame to get a DD thing, which I assume is a training special thing since it game me a massive stat increase when I used it.

Other than that.. clueless.

You are supposed to defeat the guys from the right guard with the clock above his head. The left guard is for training and getting moneyz, that you don't get from the other guy for some reason. Yeah, you use the dojo to train her, to eventually be able to defeat the enemies. also the +25 attack and defense items are a big help. The card/dice battle system is hard to figure out without knowing exactly what each card does, but the one with the eyes is a massive physical damage attack and the one with the bonk on the head paralyses the enemy for some time. To get ep for better cards either grind for SP and get each card 6 times for 1 ep or use the cheat engine method (x*2+1) you can use cheat engine while equipping and unequipping cards.

The Event Guard gives you new enemies after a couple of days has passed. You can also get events by going to different people at different times of the day, but you get most of the awesome CGs from just losing to the event bosses, albeit winning also unlocks them in the CG gallery

I also wonder if there is a way to walk around naked, since some of the gallery pictures suggest it. And to make her pee herself in battle outside of the timed instant ko from the third boss...
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Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

I'm really curious as to the plot of this game since the main character seems to have a unique interaction with her slaver and the background as to why they're catching girls to fight.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Also tried to unlock the gangbang scene with no luck, literally tried to talk through the guard on all parts of the days.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

By the way, for those who know Japanese...
The true final boss. Is that
Sonabia's protagonist, or someone related to her?

I had another look at the conversation after you win the battle. It's not Sonabia's protagonist and I haven't played the game so I don't know who 薄子 is supposed to be.

From the banter, both characters worked closely with Sonabia's protagonist. Both also underwent significant image makeovers.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

So going full chivalry on the 6th boss since he's the only one who doesn't try to hump you isn't the right way...got it.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

i might be stupid to ask have anyone beat it in 1 run? :confused:
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

i might be stupid to ask have anyone beat it in 1 run? :confused:

Which part of "Game balance predicated on New Game Plus" did you not understand? Short of cheating, you can't do it.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Which part of "Game balance predicated on New Game Plus" did you not understand? Short of cheating, you can't do it.

Then let me be the 1st stupid person who beat it on the 1st RUN.

Take note no cheat no luck just skill.
what i miss out is the how to unlock gangbang scene , gate scene , and beside the gangbang scene.
Dun tell me that horse can unlock all.
Its more fun to read the story then unlock without knowing.

Harleyquin13 thanks on that Thread on #61 really HELP a lots.

Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Well if your save is genuine, congratulations. I'm doubtful though since I just tried a fresh run and could only get past the Knight on turn 19. Apart from a bug that stops me from viewing one dead-end scene, this first run has all scenes with the exception of the normal end and the GOR loss scenes against #7, #8 and the final boss.

If your "skill" relies on using the bash skill in the hope of stopping your opponent from moving that turn for the whole battle, then you're relying more on luck than anything else.

If you got lucky and the hero vendor had the +30 defence buff in stock and could afford it, then it is definitely possible to make it to the normal end.

As far as I can tell, players who want to finish the game through to at least one of the day 28 endings can only do so if they forego some of the scenes that don't contribute directly to the heroine's combat power. The gang-rape scene in particular really hit me hard since I lost 6 time slots I could have used to train/fight plus I ended up with lack of sleep debuff when I finally regained control.
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Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Right. I've had a look at the save. The secret to your success is skipping the gang rape scene, using the seduce and heal skills to win the cash fights without really investing in the passive skills, possible use of the food buff to compensate for weakish stats and quite a bit of save and loading if the healing/bash spam against the gold knight doesn't quite work.

I had neglected to go for the food buff in my first run but it probably wouldn't have made a difference in the end. At any rate, filling up all of the CGs requires at least three runs or a good save point after 20 days.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Anyone know if there's anything good with maxing those hears in her stats? (The one where is shows a heart pointing to each part of her body indicating something).

I think it is possible to clear it in 1 run but you really need the RNG god to be by your side and try to abuse the DD potions if you know where to get it. With careful planning and knowing what skill, item and buff is useful for what boss will help to beat them...probably not the last boss though

I got this luck where I have 2 concussion cards in my set when fighting the 6th boss and was lucky enough to get it in almost every try while healing back at the same time. Then I got owned by the 7th one...

Although I doubt you can clear it on the 'first' go without knowing anything beforehand.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

u are right u cannot beat the game if u dun know what is ahead.
I might list all the boss fight item and skill needed

I start with boss 3
item need go to shop buy both crystal say on the bottom right shop it's inside cost 6000 each get all it skill to change to 3rd skill if not at least get to 5 and 1 for the 2nd skill.

4th bosses need u to set all to 4th skill. And u can beat it.

5th boss need only a item to redue ur hony meter and u can beat it out.

6th boss just heal and beat the shit out.

7th same as the 5th boss.

8 same as the 6th boss.

Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Anyone know if there's anything good with maxing those hears in her stats? (The one where is shows a heart pointing to each part of her body indicating something).

Although I doubt you can clear it on the 'first' go without knowing anything beforehand.

The hearts indicate her hitzones for the groping attacks and rapes. Unlike real girls, she gets more sensitive by using the zone more. If the heart is full, then you get a bigger increase for the red bar. You also get an increase for every time she cums in battle, up to 5 Orgasms (It is not a multiplier though).
If you want all the hscenes, then do it, and begin a new game with resettet sexual states. Or cheat, whatever you like :D
If you get groped by the final boss, say goodbye to your chance of victory. But at least you get to see the only ingameprego scene ingame (or more like big belly instead of prego)
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

I'm really curious as to the plot of this game since the main character seems to have a unique interaction with her slaver and the background as to why they're catching girls to fight.

Well, let me summarize what I got.

In general the arena and the slave girls are to keep the rowdy population amused. Bread and circuses and all that. Country of assholes, really.

Anyway the heroine is special. She's inherited some magical blood from her mother and there's a witch with the ability to steal powers from others that wants that blood. And the country's archmage, or whatever he is, wants that witch dead and does not want the witch to steal any more power because that only makes things even harder.

So he sends his knight buddy to kidnap the heroine and put her in the arena. That way, at least the heroine will be safe from the witch for a while. She'll also be very motivated to get better at fighting so that she might just get powerful enough to beat the witch.

Also he puts a curse on the heroine so that her soul will return to the first day whenever she dies so that she'll be able to grow much more powerful than she would normally be able to in the span of 20 days. That's the explanation for New Game +.

Oh, and all the other slave girls get three months, not 20 days.
Re: enokifu's new heroine RPG!

Well, let me summarize what I got.

In general the arena and the slave girls are to keep the rowdy population amused. Bread and circuses and all that. Country of assholes, really.

Anyway the heroine is special. She's inherited some magical blood from her mother and there's a witch with the ability to steal powers from others that wants that blood. And the country's archmage, or whatever he is, wants that witch dead and does not want the witch to steal any more power because that only makes things even harder.

So he sends his knight buddy to kidnap the heroine and put her in the arena. That way, at least the heroine will be safe from the witch for a while. She'll also be very motivated to get better at fighting so that she might just get powerful enough to beat the witch.

Also he puts a curse on the heroine so that her soul will return to the first day whenever she dies so that she'll be able to grow much more powerful than she would normally be able to in the span of 20 days. That's the explanation for New Game +.

Oh, and all the other slave girls get three months, not 20 days.

So basically he tries to protect her by sending her to fight perverts and rapists who are more likely to crush her fighting spirit than actually help get her stronger. Also that doesn't explain why he can't just have his friend train her himself or why she becomes the other contestants slave if she loses the fight. Rather than do this at all, wouldn't it be wiser and safer to kill her right there? Why risk the witch getting her when the only reason to let her live would be the unlikely chance that she is able to get strong enough to defeat the witch. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

Edit: Forgot to put it in a spoiler.