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An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Gotta go punch some deep ones.

Harmless goblins. Every adventuerers first stepping stone. I figured they'd make a good first enemy for a nice, harmless fun campaign.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Zilrax: Investigation and a char pic thingie to give folks an idea of your gal,.. if you can find a non newd one.

Ranger: Gelbooru doesn't always allow direct image links, .. .huh never mind, now I see it.
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Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Done, though she might roll in mud before going in for camo heh. And 22 Investigation.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I think I might have fixed the image link, was linking to the primary page instead of the image page because I'm an idiot. Take a check. Otherwise I'll just upload it to ulmf and go from there.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Nah can see it.

btw, assume thats enough to disable the trap unless any of you wanna rush to the task and try it out first hand. *nudges Corruptive*
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Does the group know each other?
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Alice and the other seem to. I doubt Taya does.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Does the group know each other?

Up to you, and I'll let everyone at least gather before advancing into the caves, latecomers are still welcome, Markus will guide yer.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Nah can see it.

btw, assume thats enough to disable the trap unless any of you wanna rush to the task and try it out first hand. *nudges Corruptive*

Are you insinuating... How rude! I can't believe you Pervy. You're a rascal. A knavish rogue!

Well then again I don't suppose it's slander if it's true. I would have taken the bait if Taya hadn't already gotten to disassembling it.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Are you insinuating... How rude! I can't believe you Pervy. You're a rascal. A knavish rogue!

Well then again I don't suppose it's slander if it's true. I would have taken the bait if Taya hadn't already gotten to disassembling it.

Bad Taya. No spankings for you.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I'll have my next post up after the Trap Question is resolved
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I'll have my next post up after the Trap Question is resolved

.. there was a question? Alright, I'll just post on ahead.

Extra credit for anyone who can tell me that scribbles name without looking it up.
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Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I'm assuming survival wasn't the right skill to identify the goo stuff?
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I'm assuming survival wasn't the right skill to identify the goo stuff?

If I didn't even realize that thats what you wanted to do thats a no and a circumstanial penalty. Either that or you give me a carteblanche on what 'investigate the goo' means here, I mean by what you've written I can assume your character dips a finger in and has a taste, poison saving throw pretty please, I also don't see vials listed in your characters equippment, also a dex check on scooping some up without touching it.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Huh. Looks like I completely forgot to stock myself with adventurer's gear.


Ignore that entire part then.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Its not that a vial is a big thing, its that I doin't want folks to pull out random gadgets to help a situation.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I didn't intend it like that, I just assumed I had one. I always make a survival kit with the money I have left and it looks like I forgot to this time.

Wait a fucking second, I have a Herbalism kit. Would that of been more situated for the goo?

Edit: And apparently a 4 ounce vial costs an entire gold coin. RIP alchemists.
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Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Good glass vials are expensive. Trust me, I just spent about 200$ on a destillation apparature.

That said, a herbalism kit most definitly fits the bill, alright, you take the vial from your herbalism kit, still a dex check, you can't be certain its not contact poison.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Given it's on a net, I think it's almost certainly a contact poison, if it's a poison at all.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Ignored the 24, it should be a 22. I added five instead of three.
