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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would dodge the final blow the girl managed only for her to cling to the necklace? "Stop clawing your way to him, to the creature that robbed you off everything and just stop!" thankfully the rogue seemed far more the fit one of the two, she'd grasp the girl by her wrists and hold her.

"You always had someone, your sisters. You may have done horribly wrong, but your still their family. Stop serving a long dead monstrosity and seek aid from your sisters!" she'd let go and throw the girls hands down and away from her, before stepping back.

"We will likely never be allies, but we don't have to be enemies." perhaps now the rogues words had finally reached the mad sister. Rikke would be unwilling to strike her down, even after everything...
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke touched Victoria's wrists she felt how cold they were. It was the same way Emi felt in their brief contacts. Speaking her final words Rikke pulled the spirit away from her the force of the effort causing the necklace's chain to snap.

With it giving away Victoria lost her footing and began to stumble back towards the swirling vortex. The pendent left her hand only to be eaten up by the vortex which suddenly grew to a menacing size. Rikke could feel the pull and while she was able to anchor herself her hair loose cloths where pulled to the vortex. Victoria stumbling began to loose her footing her feet sliding closer to swirling void!

"Rikke! we need to strike now! Behind you look!" Turning her head to were Emi shouted Rikke could see an intricate delicate looking device which generated the blue light. slipping a little Rikke felt Emi's blade Spring Wind touch the ground. Looking she saw that it didn't disperse the shadows like her other items. Maybe it would be proof against the insubstantial device. But then again Victoria didn't look like she could hold her own and indeed seemed she wasn't really fighting the pull.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Damnit!" Time was running out!.. but the rogue just couldn't leave Victorias essence to be consumed by whstever that thing was! The heroine would grab Victoria and pull her strongly "Vic! Don't let it win again! Help!"

By either giving Victoria enough distance from the vortex or just hanging onto her with one hand, the girl gave her effort to aid the fallen demoness. However Spring would be Rikkes priority! Catching the blades hilt Rikke woukd ignore the sheaths fate and strike at the device!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Holding onto Victoria while anchoring her own feet made grabbing Spring Wind hard but she managed just as the scabbard lost its fight and flew into the void. Looking to the object Rikke took a swing she was just to far away with Vic holding onto her. If she let go she could reach it but that would doom her for good. Looking back she saw Emi standing nearby pulling on Victoria's other hand trying to help Rikke. "Shes gonna pull us in we need to do something!" Rikke wouldn't let her go she wouldn't doom another to such destruction. Seeing Rikke's resolve Emi sighed. Taking Victoria Emi pushed her closer to her. Eventually they were all next to each other. Looking at the ghost warrior Rikke saw a frustrated frown. "The fate of the world is more important right. More important than anything?" Nodding in agreement Rikke saw Emi nod herself "Im sorry Rikke but it is the fate of the world we are talking about. Not just one person." With a mighty blow Emi punched Victoria.. into Rikke? Rikke felt the girl dissolve into her the sudden lack of weight causing the girl to fall forward. She was free to move but the vortex kept growing she needed to strike.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just couldn't doom someone... But if she failed now... It would be Emi who'd made the choice. Suddenly the rogue saw Victoria fly at her? 'Eh-?' a moment later only wispy dust surrounded Rikke... Victoria was gone.

Even if the choice was bittersweet Rikke now realised just what this thing may be! The device that doomed her friends, crippled the whole world! Spring would let loose a subtle sheen seeming gentle pink petals followed the rogue as she rushed onwards! The future she saw would not happen!

It would not be single slash that the rogue let loose! But a furious assault!
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Footing Secure Rikke took the blade and let loose a flurry of attacks. Bright seams of light opened up all over the strange device casting bright pin pricks of light across the whole of the room. For a moment things seemed to warble as an impact hit the air. The whole room began a bright field of white blasting everything into its oblivion. Even closing her eyes Rikke could see the light finding no refuge. In the distance a feminine voice could be heard. "I told you one of my daughters could do it." This voice was responded to by a male one who sounded annoyed. "Your lucky the corrupt ones didn't finish their dirty work. The female voice responded again. "Please I choose my champions well and this one this one is one of my best." Rikke felt a warm hand brush her face. "Rest little one your body needs to heal as the world and time fixes itself. So just dream.. and see the works of your hand." Rikke felt her mind begin to drift. "So what should we do with the other two?" the male voice echoed out. "You worry to much I already worked something out with my sister Naya..."

Rikke drifted for what seemed an instant of eternity till voices could be heard focusing she found herself drifting over a ruin. Looking down she could see a group of girls laughing around a camp fire. nearby the knight from the sun-cult looked on. He was hungry a desire to feed filled him. He took a hesitant step before backing off. No he would meet his end before hurting the innocent. Turning away from the ruin the man walked away and into the darkness of the forest......

Once more Rikke drifted a sea of eternity seemingly passing in moments. Once more she was hovering over something. Looking about she found a ruined elf city nearby Carolian soldiers helped some wounded elves out of ruined tower. Stepping out Rikke saw the mage who owned the necklace wipe her brow. Nearby another man emerged carrying a wounded solider. Watching the figures a moment Rikke caught the mages voice. "I'm glad I didn't go down their alone I would have surely died."

Again Rikke was whisked away on the current of eternity until once more she came to rest. She was in a forest watching a familiar looking samurai walking down a trail with an every energetic kitsune mage. Stopping a moment Emi looked up at Rikke and nodded before bonking her companion on the head. "Come on Nysa lets go for a swim today. I hear a river nearby." "Ouch EMI! don't we have to meet that stranger today." Emi raised an eyebrow. "What a strange day were Nysa decided to due work and myself slack off. Lets just go have some fun we don't need the money and it just feels off." The rest of the conversation is only half heard as Rikke is once more rushed away.

The more Rikke drifted the more she became restless. Turning in her suspended state she caught a glimpse of Sir and Jenny. Together they began to help another girl who seemed hurt. "Hold on Riley we won't let that dark bastard touch you again." Sir the little construct nodded in agreement as the two carried the woman away from a ruined room. "Remind me to not visit Alice again shes kinda a bitch."

The current seems to slow once more as Rikke gazes off to see the nest. Watching she can see several figures talking. Looking closer Rikke could see Anna and her tankmates standing with Holo Sophia. Following her gaze Rikke see Kanna standing up and speaking out loud. "...... Once more my Wargs we are called to defend our kingdom from an outside threat. Only this time we are not fighting Bardians. We are fighting demons. Yes just like the old tales. They have come to invade our realm once more. But this time this time they will meet hot lead and our steely resolve. We can beat them just as our hero's did in the Black War. Rikke watches as Kanna directs her vision to a statue of Rhea, Janet, Saul, and herself. "They fought with magic and steel, with only their wits and armor to help them. They won and saved their city and we will do the same! They say the sword of the heroine Rikke De'laru was forged by my ancestors hands and proof against any demon. What say you Wargs will you be my blade forged in my hands to end our enemies!" A chorus of cheers echoed out as the Wargs of the future raised their hands in triumph. Still Rikke was pulled away.

This time the flow of eternity sped up as a rush of sounds and different lights shown before the girl. Rapidly she was drawn closer and closer til the river dumped her out over an edge of color and noise. In it she could hear Janet "Rikke grab my hand the magic its fading." Nearby Jess called out Rikke!" Still she was too far away and she turned she saw the girls arrive at paradise island. All of them frantically searching for her. Closing her eyes Rikke found herself in an open field with some talking going on. Nearby sat a figured clothed in green eyeing her quietly with no hostile intent.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke felt at peace as each image showed a far better end to those she saw or encountered on her strange visit.. did she actually did it? Did she prevent the end of magic with just those few finals slashes?

The heroine closed her eyes and smiled, even if certain things just didn't quite fall into place in the rogues mind... nor did she quite grasp what just occured, what mattered now was that she did it. An overwhelming relief rushed through the girls body as she relaxed...

Until a shadow seemed to swoop past her, opening her eyes Rikke could see exactly the thing that was at the back of her mind as she drifted - The Master in the final room. There was no mistaking it... Rikkes looked to the still vision, as other encounters with the horrid beast swirled around the girl. Wasn't he dead?... even more so what purpose did he have to try this? And by what means...

Still the flow seemed to rush onwards leaving the questions unanswered and soon enough Rikke felt a familiar floaty feeling grab her, extacly like from when this whole strange trip to a future that would certainly no longer happen... started.

"Girls! I did it! Wait for me!" Rikke called out to them with a huge grin, but felt herself swept away once again! Opening her eyes the rogue could feel a gentle breeze on her skin...

The heroine would quickly sit up and look around "W-where?" where was she now? More importantly who was this stranger near her?
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seeing Rikke stir the figure got up revealing a short woman with Auburn hair tumbling out of her hooded cloak. Pulling back the hood of the tattered green cloak Rikke saw a fair skinned elf with deep emerald colored eyes and long pointy ears. On her brow sat a pair of goggles with one of the lens having several clockwork leavers holding other lenses. She was slim of build her breasts only about a B. Her hair was dun up in a bun likely to keep it out of they way and she wore what seemed to be leather jerkin that had bronze armored plates on the shoulders and a light breastplate for the front. Her legs up to her knees were similar while around her waist was a belt full of bullets and a very similar sword on her belt. Extending a fingerless glove the woman offered it to Rikke to stand up. "Hello Rikke my name is Ri'Kalyra. Come we should meet up with the other lost Rikkes."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked at the words "E-excuse me?" she'd take the girls, who seemed to know her, hand and stand up "Lost... Rikkes?" somehow the rogue had a certain feeling that things were about to get strange "Where am I? What are you talking about?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hand still extended the woman wait for Rikke to grab it. Pulling her up the girl began to lead on. "Its simple really you just saved the world from the event right?" The elf woman looked back at Rikke. "Well your not the only one that did that at lest not the only Rikke." Walking the duo passed threw a small copse of trees. Passing threw Rikke saw four other figures. One was a very tall woman with a stiff posture. She wore a simple sleek sleeveless black dress. Glowing arcane writing and patterns could be seen flowing down her arms. Unlike the others present she had black hair and wore thin silver framed glasses. Looking to Rikke she had Green eyes like her own except they had veins of blue energy in the iris. Over her shoulder a large spider crawled up and moved to the woman's generous chest, nestling comfortably between her DDs. Upon seeing Rikke she flicked out her wrist and a thin black staff appeared topped with a glowing purple crystal. She followed alone wordlessly as they moved further in.

Still a little further in she saw a handsome man with Auburn hair and green eyes. He wore very airy clothing and had some strange wide brimmed hat at his side sat a rapier. Seeing Rikke he moved quickly and bowed taking her hand and kissing it. "Oh what joyous day a new companion, and quite lovely." This seemed to irk the tall woman. "Rick! Don't forget that she is you and you are her. Stop your narcissistic self love. Besides Im sure she would turn you down as did the rest of us." The man feigned a mortal blow. "Oh fair Mageitrix Rikke you wound me so." The woman gave a sharp tsk before turning away from them. A moment later she grinned as the man screamed out sharply. "Get the eight-legged monstrosity off me!"

It wasn't much longer till she came upon the sight of her Demon self arguing with her Angelic self. Both appeared as they had in her dreams. The angel though was covering her bare chest trying to hide her Massive Ds. "Rikke give me back my bra! Your such a meanie!" The demon version of her self just laughed as she held the garment above her head with her tail. "Oh come now Rikka you know all you have to due is jump and grab it." This made the angel's face flush. "I-If I do that then Rick might see he's such a perv!" This only made her demon self laugh louder.

"These two... gods I hope their worlds reform soon. I don't want to be stuck with them much longer." The elven version of her self sighed and moved to sit on a stump. Meanwhile Rick watched the scene a smile on his lips. However the stern woman looked at Rikke. "I will answer your questions but make them quick I want to study this realm while I still have time to do so!"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Just when things seemed they couldn't get any wierder... infact this far surpassed anything abnormal the rogue had ever seen throughout her adventures!

Rikke facepalmed strongly "T-these are all me aren't they..." from the absolutely creepy dark magician, to the strange construct-elf and even to the absolutely dreadful male version of her! "Thats not how I'd act.... who'd talk like that... No..." Rikke couldn't help, but crack a smile at hearing Rick call out a 'Hark' or the dark girl pet the spider for the good work... or the elf doing godsknows what with her self-moving glasses! The place was an absolute madhouse!

The situation was just far too outlandish for the rogue not to smile, infact after her initial utter embarassment of her own self others, she'd actively try to spot as many as she could! Laughtng or giggling at the absolutely absurd or the downright silly views... still...

"What happened? Why am I here?" Rikke turned to her would be guide.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Simple your world has not yet fully restored. So for now you are in this place. When your proper world has reset itself you will be sent there. And before you ask yes their are others scattered around if your feeling bored you can look. I found it amusing for awhile till I found the Orc version of us trying to have sexy times with slime girl version of us." The mage shuddered "Its not a sight I will soon forget. Now anything else?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While the mage shuddered... Rikkes lips actually puckered curiously as she glanced aside with clearly fake innocence. Actually the rogue had voiced her er... interest in enjoying private company with herself a few times. Heck even Jessica knew of this, she even gave the rogue a faint taste of what it would be like! Not that any of these Rikkes should know!... especially Rick.

"So.. I just wait? How long?" the rogue turned her head keen on more information, though just looking around and causing mischief around this... almost playground esque madhouse didn't sound so bad at all!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That I don't know. I've been here about a week. But others come and go all the time so I guess it depends on the state of the world that you left. Mine was being invaded by crazy creatures from the sky. Maybe the goddess is keeping me here till that blows over." The woman shrugged. Our elf self has been her only two days, and the fighting duo over there showed up a little after I did. As for Rick he was here before I was so no telling what he's been up to." The woman frowned "Or into too."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So... this seemed like a sorts of vacation until she could return. Heck the worst the rogue heard were just a week of waiting... which meant. By the time the mages spider cralwed back into view, only a few orange flecks of hair hinted at where Rikke had disappeared.

It was time to for some goofing off! Though where could she start first... or well who could she even find around here! Not really picking a specific direction, the rogue would scurry onwards keen to see just what went on in this.. silly Rikke-verse.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The first Rikke she came across was lounging in the sun her top off sun bathing in the nude. Next to her were some cloths in the style of the future she had just left. The only exception was some sort of vest that had a strange metal emblem on it that said Endus City Police. Nearby that was a gun similar to one's she saw in the alternate timeline though not nearly as advanced. Other than that she saw a small stream of water running nearby. The girl herself was easily a match for Rikke except in the chest department. This girl had small B cups and a strange line tattoo on her left arm.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke had quite enough of the future, the girl looked incredibly similar to some figures she saw from the land she just came back from. Only giving the girl a smile, the rogue dashed onwards to see what else she can find.

The area itself was an ever changing, but semi-open field. Though the rogue could see some forest in the distance. Otherwise this seemed to be a place of ever lasting sunshine... or perhaps the rogue would have to go deeper in to find even different climates and maybe even different times of day.

As the heroine rushed onwards she saw all manner of 'Rikkes', though some stood out more than others. As the rogue climbed a mountain and revealed further views her eyes went wide...

In this realm, Rikke felt her stamina was nigh-infinite allowing her to dash, run, leap without ever even feeling hints of being winded or tired! The rogue continued to dash up the hill more and more, though as the view behind it revealed itself the heroines dash slowed more and more.

It was her... except she towered the size of atleast a few mountains! Looking to the absolute giant Rikke felt the ground shutter subtly with each step as the giant took to it, until suddenly she turned and smile towards her?! But she didn't seem to see Rikke herself! "Oh... crap crap crap!!!" Rikke quickly began to dash away only to feel the steps come closer and closer until her own bare foot began to land on her!! "Aaaah!" *Slam!*

Rikke remained tensed and immobile on the ground for some time, before lifting her head up... seemed she managed to slip right between the gap of her own fingers. Some ways away she could see the giant Rikke traveling off to some sort of enormous mountain way too far away in the distance.

Sitting up the heroine sighed with relief and laughted merrily.. by the god that was too close! Still at the very least she was closer to the forest now... what sort of strange creatures of herself she could find inside?
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading into the forest as her giant self moved off Rikke found it rather quiet. A few birds chirped and a couple stray animals ran off but seemingly the forest was empty. Turning around slightly disappointed Rikke's nose soon caught a very sweet scent. Following it she found a version of her self that seemed to be made up of plants. Unlike the allarune from her realm however this one didn't have the plant tendrils. Where ever she walked though flowers began to bud as she moved from tree to tree with a string of vines. She was rather busty her pale green skin hiding nothing an absolutely clothing free except for a few decorative flowers. Her hair seemed to made out of a soft flower like strands that where a bright vivid orange. Her eyes however seemed to be a solid blue color.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the walk to the forest was without much incident, including beign squished by your own foot... sort of. Shaking her head the rogue explored the woods, that seemed quite simple at first albeit extremely lush and fresh. The rogue had almost hoped to find some strange creatures wandering here, perhaps used to living in such habbitat or hidding from others... much to her joy, she had indeed managed to find something most curious indeed!

"Ha~" Rikke smiled widely, voicing her amazement... were all people like this from where the girl came? Or was she alone like this "Hey! Wait!" the rogue called out and went in closer to learn a bit about the strange creature. Hopeful to learn about her.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Speaking out loud made the girl startle a moment. Seeing who she was she smiled and beckoned over to her. "Come Rikke sit talk. So many of the others avoid me. They think I might eat them or some such. Such silly things I don't eat people just animals." The girl moved over only then did she see the sharp pointy teeth in her mouth. As she moved the girl called up a strange large flower for her to sit on with another blooming across from her for Rikke to sit if she so chose.