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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There's no seduction going on. Just a simple pro/con of going or staying. To be honest, if I could contact the devs directly, I'd tell them to offer a direct transfer of accounts from the Nutaku one and be gone in an instant. They could cut out the middleman and just let us give them our money directly in return for a superior product. Sounds like a win/win for both developer and client.

Edit: So I made an account because I'm curious what I could pull with 60 free crystals. You know how we get Kerry the semi-useless Gold Valkyrie as our first "summoned" unit? Well does everyone on the DMM version get Bashira or did I just luck out? I'm seriously seeing fewer and fewer reasons to stay with Nutaku's version on this one.

I'd agree, there's a lot of temptation to leave. I won't simply because I'm too vested and well, I like being able to read what I have.

I do think the game will not last much longer with the current rate things are being done. By this I mean I expect a sever decline in the player base for our version of Aigis. If left as is there will be fewer and fewer active players (many may indeed move over to DMM), so this will affect content release since the Devs have out right stated we have to reach certain numbers to get things [my answer to those devs: ..|.. ] so it becomes a self defeating circle until Nutaku decides it is no longer profitable for the server(s) to remain on.

Don't get me wrong, I do not put all the fault on the Devs or Nutaku but the games design. While great in almost every facet, it has one major caveat. You must PAY if you want to keep playing for more than 30 minutes after level 60 or so. A game that you can't play unless you pony up cash will not continue to keep doing well in a western market, especially if it has poor content releases. Which currently is what we got. It is what it is, I'm not trying to be negative here, just stating how the game is currently being handled IMO.

I think statistically we'll see Aigis drop off and Agelic Saga (for current releases) gain a stronger player base. Namely because the game can be played infinitely with out paying if desired. I hope I'm wrong here (hope they both grow well), but we'll see how things go in another 6 months or so.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Quick update: Hey guys, you know that nifty auto-complete feature on JP servers? I have almost an entire team of level 20's since I last posted (about five hours ago). Up to Royal Road in story, sitting on Garania, Gina, Cyrus, and Anemone from premiums, gifted Bashira and Iris. And within the next month, they're going to give me 58 more crystals as an apology for other people cheating. I like to imagine this is how it feels for a development team to care about their fan/playerbase...

And I think I'm going to pull the trigger, regardless of whether or not I can convince them to consolidate profile information. Yes, I spent a lot of time/money/commitment to Nutaku's version. I played since day 1. My thanks for my investment is to get shafted on promises without any communication or updating about it. Anyone remember that list of questions we submitted? When was the last that any Nutaku dev even acknowledged that?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Look at Lord of Valkyrie, Angelic Saga, and PeroPero Seduction. All three of those games have run smoothly. No real delays, and definitely no increasingly long delays.

Can't say much about 2 of those since I barely played LoV at all and Angelic Saga beat any and all records by boring me out in just one day, but PPS is so horribly broken most of the time I'll bet you anything that effort and manpower spent on it is about the same. I mean, Aigis events at least look tested and balanced when they DO come out. Poor guy they isolated from the rest of their team and locked in the closet to work on out version is at least treated right. With PPS, it feels like they not just locked the guy, but made his sleep and food income heavily dependent on amount of work done, then physically punish him if he's not done in time.
In the end, events DO come out at somewhat stable rate, but they are so broken you just know there was no testing, with bugs reappearing time after time (as in - 1 bug was seen 3 times during 2 SS events).

Don't even get me started on the greed. At DMM the latest "feature" of new set of Slayer Cards being introduced halfway into SS would never see the light of day - and never was. My mind all but blew up when I saw this shit. With Aigis, they at least don't change the rules halfway into event to get more money.. just make you feel like a second-rate citizen with no real rights. I can't help but feel that they see us non-natives as a Jim Crow of sorts.

I think statistically we'll see Aigis drop off and Agelic Saga (for current releases) gain a stronger player base. Namely because the game can be played infinitely with out paying if desired. I hope I'm wrong here (hope they both grow well), but we'll see how things go in another 6 months or so.

I actually much prefer Aigis system to what they did in AS. Non-stellar from the start, their battle system becomes utterly boring combined with terrible AI. In Aigis I can afk-farm, where in AS getting points needed felt like pulling teeth without instruments - slow and painful. Add auto-complete and I will be almost fine even with slow event schedule, simply reclassifying half-afk game to all-afk.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

not to sound like a broken record, but you guys remember me ranting a long time ago about how nutaku does not care much for it's player base right? well... look now..

sure, they take some time to come talk to us, but they dont take much action towards things. very soon i might be getting another job and if things dont improve by the time taimanin asagi comes around (if it ever even does). they wont see another dollar out of me. i pay mostly to support rather then to get good pulls. these are luck/roulette type games after all.

if they dont deserve support, that means they dont deserve the money.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I actually much prefer Aigis system to what they did in AS. Non-stellar from the start, their battle system becomes utterly boring combined with terrible AI. In Aigis I can afk-farm, where in AS getting points needed felt like pulling teeth without instruments - slow and painful. Add auto-complete and I will be almost fine even with slow event schedule, simply reclassifying half-afk game to all-afk.

I see Aigis becoming the first part due to the latter, bolded.
Half afk or full afk, that's the definition of boring to me. Why bother "playing" if you can even call it that.

As far as AS, once they fix the tournaments and you have real people to fight, the challenge will be there, and the rewards will be better too.

They both have their pros/cons.
I'm simply saying I find there to be more cons with Aigis currently.
The other side of the coin is this, Aigis is completely reliant on the JP Dev team, if as stated previously by Nutaku, they have control with current releases, this includes AS. Which game do you think will end up getting more attention in the long run?

On a slightly different note. No one on this forum has as much to loose on Aigis as I do, unless you spent over 4grand, you got nothing to say to me. I did my "support", a failed investment is what I call it now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm pretty sure there also alot ppl here spended their money....
Some of them also can't bear to part with that UNKNOWN reason summoned Nanally nonstop.

Well if u asked me why i'm trying soo much to get ppl to DMM....
I will be honest, i want more ppl to play DMM ver so if in future there more event that require contribution of all player like this joy fairy.
It will help us even player that already playing aigis for long time.

So its better to get more ppl start building their team now.
The prize for clearing this type of event benefit all player in aigis after all, the last time maximising joy fairy within 10 days should gave us 160 magic crystal to every player...
but lets say if we able to maximise it on 7th day..... thats 300 magic crystal a pop.

Lastly i see too much complain here and instead of enjoying the game ppl just complain more and more....
So why not enjoy the original, i find this game is enjoyable (although i also see comment ppl with tons of crazy black unit team say its too easy -.-)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

TBH, the reason I'm so deadset on contacting the devs directly is because I'm not entirely sure that's true. I just don't buy that a team that can provide such great service, support, and product to a certain audience wouldn't be willing to do the same elsewhere. Just to be clear: I'm NOT saying that Nutaku is just holding content hostage until whenever because they've gone Batman-villain on us. I AM saying that giving away 60 free crystals over a month would hit someone's bottom line VERY hard, and between the devs double dipping into both the American and Japan market or Nutaku who pretty much just has the American market, only one group comes out the worse by a wide margin... And I've learned long ago that responsible parties for pretty much anything are usually those who stand to gain or lose the most money.

I would buy it. I've had enough experience with eastern developers to know that it's rare to find one that treats the western scene anything close to how they treat the eastern scene. Pretty much any Japanese/Korean MMO outside of Final Fantasy - good luck getting any real support in the foreign ports (if they even exist). Browser games, even worse. I readily believe that these are developer issues, which is why I'm either going to stay here or not play at all.

Also, the other games here would be by completely different dev teams that have differing philosophies, and only then, LoV is the only game so far that has not been poorly handled. Peropero is full of bugs that the developers don't care enough to go in and fix before the event is halfway over, Angelic Saga has already had a delay of weeks on tournaments, which is really the only reason to play the game, and we all know about Aigis.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

not sure how many of you guys saw the angelic saga glitch. they were giving out random amounts of tickets to player ranging from 20 to 70. these tickets were fully usable and allowed by nutaku since they didn't see it as an error.

when questions, nutaku did not reply. there is no equality or fairness in this company. the only thing they have going for them is the fact they have games we want to play in english. even if it is looking to be inferior versions.

here is more info on the glitch for those interested or would at least like to ask nutaku for an answer.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

id like to put my 2 cents in if yall dont mind i play on both dmm and nutaku i prefer dmm version for its massive support its devs give to its player base if i could read the kanji in their games id just jump ship completely but then the second issue i have is the stupid censors im not gonna complain its a culture thing but the reason i play the nutaku version still is for the uncensored and in english pps is censored so i stopped shortly after first event AS is just not got enough echhi content for me so ill jump into events and thats about it lov is just a daily game so i dont really care much
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

not sure how many of you guys saw the angelic saga glitch. they were giving out random amounts of tickets to player ranging from 20 to 70. these tickets were fully usable and allowed by nutaku since they didn't see it as an error.

when questions, nutaku did not reply. there is no equality or fairness in this company. the only thing they have going for them is the fact they have games we want to play in english. even if it is looking to be inferior versions.

here is more info on the glitch for those interested or would at least like to ask nutaku for an answer.

Just point of note, Altrius is not the only person to say some roll backs were done due to the glitch. See below:
A friend of mine got their card rerolled.... including 1 that he lv-ed up gone...
The funny thing is he said his quest for the event stayed there so he lose the exp card from winning the boss fight.

Guess its better not to try to sneaking around and used those ticket....

So my guess is that people did not get to keep glitched items they received. I didn't have a glitch so I can't confirm myself one way or another, however this is getting OT for Aigis.

I have no problem with game glitches as long as they get fixed. I hadn't seen a fully "released" and playable game from any company for over a decade. It's no longer a case of a game being fully tested before release, so to use that as the basis makes me wonder how much gaming anyone does if they see this is an issue or something "new".

All the games released by Nutaku including Aigis have had bugs, thankfully they don't seem to last forever at least.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

not sure how many of you guys saw the angelic saga glitch. they were giving out random amounts of tickets to player ranging from 20 to 70. these tickets were fully usable and allowed by nutaku since they didn't see it as an error.

when questions, nutaku did not reply. there is no equality or fairness in this company. the only thing they have going for them is the fact they have games we want to play in english. even if it is looking to be inferior versions.

here is more info on the glitch for those interested or would at least like to ask nutaku for an answer.

So basically there was a glitch in-game that gave out tickets and as far as Nutaku knows it's not the fault of the players. I don't see how that's a Nutaku issue.

I have no problem with game glitches as long as they get fixed. I hadn't seen a fully "released" and playable game from any company for over a decade. It's no longer a case of a game being fully tested before release, so to use that as the basis makes me wonder how much gaming anyone does if they see this is an issue or something "new".

All the games released by Nutaku including Aigis have had bugs, thankfully they don't seem to last forever at least.

Absolutely. That's just the state of game development right now. It's not a question of trying to get the game as bug-free as possible for launch, it's a question of which bugs developers can ignore and either get away with it or just fix it in a post-launch patch. Though there are some Nutaku games (read: one in particular) that have devs that just don't care at all about bugs to begin with.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The premium ticket glitch in Saga seems to have been caused by some values getting mixed up. That is, all droplets of light upgrade materials were turned into premium tickets somehow, so people who used their tickets ended up having all their light droplets gone when the change got reverted.

In other words, it wasn't a favoritism thing, so I don't know why people are acting like it's Nutaku's fault for "rewarding" some players and not others.

That said, how the devs have been handling the fix has been sloppy. Some people have been rolled back, some people have been "compensated" with a measly limited ticket, and others kept their cards. A full rollback at this point would cause further upset, but some consistency or a notice from them would be nice.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

not sure how many of you guys saw the angelic saga glitch. they were giving out random amounts of tickets to player ranging from 20 to 70. these tickets were fully usable and allowed by nutaku since they didn't see it as an error.

Other than Altrius, who support mistakenly said could use the tickets, how many other people were able to use their tickets without anything being taken away? The facebook link also fails to mention that all 79 tickets I had were removed so they were never used.

Most people probably weren't even aware of the glitch because the new default gacha is the limited instead of premium during the event, so you wouldn't have known unless you went to spend some premium tickets. I myself wouldn't have known if not for someone posting that they got those tickets, which caused me to check mine.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well this starting to get off tracked to angelic saga, but yeah glitch and cheat exploit is normal within game as long they reach fast to fix it and compensate for the bug it did.

In angelic saga when i got that 28 premium ticket i already posted twice about it and they let me use them and confirm it safe so even now i still have my card, while as xovian quoted me my friend got his card deleted and he already lv-ed the card.
He also didn't get any compensation for this bug thats why he went emo for a while (not sure if he quit or not).

Well whatever ppl felt about still sticking to nutaku or quit is up to them, just so everyone know they tried to bring alot of these dmm game translated and available for oversea player, some of the game even become uncensored for player as well, so give them a break don't just keep complaining.
At least their service is good when i ask for help desk regarding aigis clock error and this angelic saga bug they replied back less than 10 mins instead of ignoring it like some other game -.-
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well this starting to get off tracked to angelic saga, but yeah glitch and cheat exploit is normal within game as long they reach fast to fix it and compensate for the bug it did.

In angelic saga when i got that 28 premium ticket i already posted twice about it and they let me use them and confirm it safe so even now i still have my card, while as xovian quoted me my friend got his card deleted and he already lv-ed the card.
He also didn't get any compensation for this bug thats why he went emo for a while (not sure if he quit or not).

Well whatever ppl felt about still sticking to nutaku or quit is up to them, just so everyone know they tried to bring alot of these dmm game translated and available for oversea player, some of the game even become uncensored for player as well, so give them a break don't just keep complaining.
At least their service is good when i ask for help desk regarding aigis clock error and this angelic saga bug they replied back less than 10 mins instead of ignoring it like some other game -.-

I'm still waiting on a reply for the Aigis unclaimable crystal in my giftbox that I sent a support ticket for about 5 and a half months ago. :p
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I would buy it. I've had enough experience with eastern developers to know that it's rare to find one that treats the western scene anything close to how they treat the eastern scene. Pretty much any Japanese/Korean MMO outside of Final Fantasy - good luck getting any real support in the foreign ports (if they even exist). Browser games, even worse. I readily believe that these are developer issues, which is why I'm either going to stay here or not play at all.

Agreed, it can be rather shocking to see the level of disparity in how the different player bases are treated by some developers. This recent... event... has reinforced my decision to stick with Nutaku's version rather than jump to DMM. I understand that our version is in an incomparable state to JP Aigis and that it may take some extra work to avoid unexpected bugs, and our player base is younger and a small break between events would be beneficial for those who joined more recently, although that does result in some boredom and doldrums for most, if not all, of us who have played since day one.

Small... discourse... continued in the spoiler below.

However, delaying this event to fix an exploit and ban offenders, if any, in the EN version while JP continues nearly uninterrupted save for emergency maintenance periods to do the same sends the wrong message, especially when the latter gets massive compensation for not cheating. Their actions build good will in the latter which will only help their bottom line in the end considering JP's recent push to bring back old players who have quit as well as lure in new players, but while I don't expect to get 60 crystals over a month in EN, it would be at least somewhat equitable to give us 5, 10, 20, or even 30 rather than just 1 for delaying the event. Getting 60 like JP would be nice, but it is unrealistic to expect that since this market is much smaller at the moment and most likely has fewer whales, regular spenders, and occasional spenders so the reward for not cheating would be adjusted accordingly.

As for Nutaku giving us gold, that's not quite the same as getting crystals in-game since Nutaku gold could be used in any game rather than just on Aigis. So while that would be great of them to step up and give the players a little something to make up for the shortcomings of the Devs, it could go either way, whether build up good faith in Nutaku and get more player spending or result in a loss as that gold is used in some other game of choice.

However, enough negativity and onto some positive notes. I'm glad Nutaku was started and is bringing over various DMM titles. I derive some pleasure seeing others enjoy media that I relish and do what I can to support the companies that bring that media to the west. Even if I've already purchased a VN in Japanese, I'll buy it again if I liked it if it is released in English and if I think or know the group handling it will do a good job. So for the foreseeable future, Nutaku will continue to get money from me every month and that amount may increase depending upon the titles that are added to their line-up. So, here's to an excellent future and I look forward to what may yet be in store.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Quite a week for Nordland to be off. I'll try to field some of your questions while I'm here.

1. Did we know that this would be cancelled in advance?

No, our office found out on Tuesday morning, after the event was supposed to go live. We wouldn't have teased it otherwise.

2. Does Japan not care about the English version of the game?

They do. But they devote resources to the games dependent upon their level of success. I don't agree with that philosophy, but it's there nonetheless.

3. Are you holding Aigis content hostage?

No, what possible reason would we have to do that?

4. Can the game survive with this level of support?

The game continues to grow. Most of our players have never heard of the Japanese version of Aigis. As it grows, our level of support from JP will grow, and we can get all the nice things we want for it.

The delay this week was an unprecedented situation for them. It sucks that they prioritized fixing their multi-million dollar Japanese franchise over our version, but it's not particularly surprising, all things considered.

5. What happened to the list of questions? (Thanks, DartRed)

After saying yes, they took a look at your questions and said no.

6. Will you threaten to withdraw the game unless JP devs increase event frequency?

That would really be shooting ourselves in the foot.

6. Will you give all Aigis players 60 premium crystals worth of Nutaku Gold?

We actually talked about this when we saw the compensation difference. But there's one problem.

Nutaku works by splitting revenue between the developer and portal. Developers can give out whatever they want in-game, for free, but when Nutaku gold is spent on their portal we pay a percentage of the value of that gold to whomever the users' choose to spend it on.

Essentially, we would be paying a six-figure sum to a developer because his compensation was less than stellar. We can't do that.

7. Is this all a massive conspiracy to drive players to DMM?

I certainly hope not.


You guys clearly love this game and I'm sorry that it's not living up to your expectations. Aigis is personally my favorite game on the site, but Nutaku is not synonymous with one title.

I've submitted (again) a request that they increase event frequency, add the auto-complete feature, consider adding unique ENG-characters, implement promotional codes similar to PeroPero, and a raft of other suggestions. But we can't do it for them.

I hope that you appreciate that the teams that work on our games are very different groups of people, and form your opinions of them on a case-by-case basis. I also hope you continue to patient with Japan's Aigis team until they see that there is an equal potential for games like Aigis in an ENG market as there is in the JP one.

For those of you who are willing to tough it out, we'll keep trying to turn Aigis into the game you want. So thanks.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

since you're here. a question on angelic saga.

a lot of people still can't claim a days worth of the limited log-in. we are 1 day behind and others are working just fine. at this rate if it's not fixed we will be missing out on the final log in limited gatcha ticket because we are locked 1 day behind.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hey NutakuDev, thanks for coming by and answering a few questions and concerns. All completely understandable, and the first number 6 (although it should be number 7 since you have two 4s and also have two 6s with the second being number 8, but I digress) is definitely a good reason not to give out gold then, especially since giving in-game currency just has a theoretical cost as the actual losses would be difficult to calculate depending upon who would and wouldn't spend as well as the amount those who spend would actually pay whereas you'll definitely be losing large sums of money if you try to make the situation more equitable by giving out gold.

I admit I was a little upset with the delay in the event since I took the time to adjust my pace and not do all the runs I could for an ideally placed level up to farm Odette, but I'm already over that. Anyways, I'm invested and committed enough that I'll be playing EN Aigis for the foreseeable future, possibly until the game is taken down. So through the good and bad, I'll be here and will continue to hope that more good than bad news arrives in the future.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

since you're here. a question on angelic saga.

a lot of people still can't claim a days worth of the limited log-in. we are 1 day behind and others are working just fine. at this rate if it's not fixed we will be missing out on the final log in limited gatcha ticket because we are locked 1 day behind.

I'll swing by the Angelic Saga thread after to discuss those issues.

Hey NutakuDev, thanks for coming by and answering a few questions and concerns. All completely understandable, and the first number 6 (although it should be number 7 since you have two 4s and also have two 6s with the second being number 8, but I digress)

Thanks for pointing that out :p

I admit I was a little upset with the delay in the event since I took the time to adjust my pace and not do all the runs I could for an ideally placed level up to farm Odette, but I'm already over that. Anyways, I'm invested and committed enough that I'll be playing EN Aigis for the foreseeable future, possibly until the game is taken down. So through the good and bad, I'll be here and will continue to hope that more good than bad news arrives in the future.

The game is certainly not going to be taken down. It's big, it's making a profit, and it's a draw for a lot of people. Not to mention that the mobile version is in development.

Actually there are a few fresh new faces on the JP dev team and we have very high hopes that some of those suggestions I mentioned earlier will make it live.