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ACT [Kyrieru] Kurovadis (RE093841)

Re: Kurovadis Demo

Well I'm looking forward to it. The demos you make are top notch, and I expect the same from this. ^^ Keep up the good work, you have my support.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

He was referring to the original demo, I'm assuming.

I took it down because ideally I'll release a demo of the full game within a week, so I figured the original one is going to do little more than give a false impression of what the game will be like and spoil some of the enemies.

yess, that was what I was referring to... ;)

ahhhh, okay, wil wait on the new release then, hope it is as good as it looks so far.... (from the few screens I saw..) :cool:
Re: Kurovadis Demo

New post on his blog in a long time..

From what I've seen the game is far from finished but this did refresh my hopes for it getting finished..

Anyhow, that's all for now. The next post I make will be that I've finished the game, hopefully.

That being said in the last post I got my hopes up, so I was honestly dissapointed at first, but the screenshot looks promising.

By the way, one of those "Grey area" questions..

Is it bad to necro a semi-old thread just because of a new blog post talking about small progress?..
Re: Kurovadis Demo

Updates are updates. Anyone with an interest in the game shouldn't mind being kept aware of its progress. If I knew Japanese, I'd be translating relevant update blog posts for all the games I started topics on, for instance.
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Re: Kurovadis Demo

is not that he is doing bad his job or anything, actually for him to do it alone and not taking a whole year for updates like other games who doesnt even progress. i think he is doing well but still he seems to have a complex about inferiority, is good in certain way that not ask donation or any kind of money since if he accept it and he thinks if do a bad work then ppl would torch him. yet also think that if is bad he wouldnt not work on other since probably would feel bad. in the end i personally likes his works and i wouldnt mind pay for any game he do as long he doesnt repeat animations, like certain games we all wait like a year for their new game and was same animations but with other story xD and mostly games are like that. just rep of other games ( specially some flashes and rpg makers games bassed with custom girl )

in the end i hope he works well and dont fear since not everyone have sucess in first time so evryone need to learn of mistakes and that will help so for me is ok if he takes its time as long not taking years hahaha
Re: Kurovadis Demo

New post on the blog it's a progress report.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

From the dev's blog

Basically I just play through the game, making it as I go (saves are compatible), and make it about average difficulty for me. Since I go straight through the game, I'm basically at the lowest level possible at any given point, so I can assume that players will not only be stronger than me (since they'd wonder more), but they might also grind. I think this levels things out fairly well.

I did the same when I made an rpg game once, but there's a lot of problems with this technique of building that has to be ironed out with beta testing..

Like for instance, accidentally--

1. Making secrets (And sometimes obvious puzzles) too cryptic.
2. Making a super hard "Pass or die" pinch-point in an area.
3. Making something originally trivial somehow absolutely necessary.

But then again I never had beta testers so my project didn't go anywhere fast. XD

Regardless, I still have high hopes for this game and anxiously await a demo/release. :)
Re: Kurovadis Demo

Another new post on her blog, she says she's nearing the end of completing it.

-From the blog-

Wait, wheres the demo? Shouldn't it be out by now??

Yep. Basically, I'm just going to release a demo after I finish the game completely. I want it to be a good representation of what the final game will be, so I don't want to give the wrong expectations by releasing something I might make a lot of changes to. At this point I might as well just finish the game as fast as possible.

I may finish the game, however I'll still have the artwork and a couple other things to do, so there's no way it would be released by the end of this week. Probably.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

theres a nice new CG on the blog, first game over CG i believe

and game is close to finishing, ill be looking out for this one, rlly the only game ive been waiting for (beside iris action)
Re: Kurovadis Demo

Megaman style gaming..AND GoR? If the creator if this is a megaman zero fan maybe he/she could consider creating rockman ciel after..I really like this work.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

I doubt it. that's a copyrighted character. after this game, they're going to be making games with intention to sell them. so most likely no ciel or any characters you know.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

Yeah, really anticipating this one.

Since the creator is quite talented and just starting out, could we hold off on the piracy for a bit? I know I'm probably the worst person here to be advocating against piracy but to put it bluntly, if they don't make enough money from this game they won't be making another anytime soon if at all.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

I'll inform Darkfire to ensure that everyone knows to purchase this game means to support the next one.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

I'm on board as long as I can pay for it through paypal.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

I hate to be "The bad guy" (Especially since slicer already made the good-guy post)

But if the next game is going to cost money, that's actually all the more reason to pirate THIS game since I don't think I'll be looking forward to his other work unless it's an even-better RoR-based game...

Besides, some of us don't have a choice when it comes to games that cost money, that's where pirating originated from after all... Don't forget your roots, guys..

That being said, if I, personally, were able to pay, I would... Unless of course I thought it was horribly expensive, then I'd be pirating out of spite... (But enjoying the game thoroughly none the less.)

... To compensate, I promise not to distribute this game for about a month (or longer, if requested) if or when I get my hands on it.
A note for the creator, if he happens to read this post of mine:

I have nothing against you, and I know that by pirating, I'm taking food out of your kitchen and making it harder for you to live, but to be honest, what
that other guy a while back said was true, making a living off of games on the internet isn't the best idea.. It's not that it's wrong, or immoral, but a career
in something involving business of any kind OFFLINE would be a more stable and balanced option..

I give no justification for my actions, and I know full well what I'm doing and what I'm saying.. If it ain't me, it's someone else, so I'm just being honest with you...

I hope you DO make a fine chunk of cash from this game, and I'll do what I can to discourage others from pirating it... (For now.)

I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you don't think too harshly of me.
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Re: Kurovadis Demo

I'm on board as long as I can pay for it through paypal.

Agreed to a point, although I could have swore Kuro would be free and that his next game would cost money? :confused: Maybe I missed soemthing...

Anywho, would I pay for Kuro? It depends on the price, really. I mean, from what I can remember, those sprites while well animated, were quite small and un-fullfilling in some aspects.

So if I payed:
-I don't want to pay for a simple mega man game(no offense)
-I don't want to pay for still CG's(probably not animated ones either)
-The sprite sex isn't worth all that much(mostly due to them being so small).
-I may pay for the game based on some of its control/design(I feel Ky tends to hit the nail on the head here)

So I'll say maybe, $2.00 for this game or less.

Honestly, there are only a handful(literally less than 5) games that have ever been on the web that I would have considered paying money for. As a quick example, Fairy War 2 was one of them. If I played a demo of the actual game however, I would never have payed for it afterwards, simply because it lacked too many aspects of a game that I enjoy. Then there was POTR, which I think I might have payed for, without even playing a demo. My initial opinion of POTR came from its concept, while my initial of FW2 would have come from its screens and its prequel, as well as its concept.

With Kuro in a nutshell(as Iv'e played it, in demo form), the sprites are too small, the concept is relatively cliche, and it has no such prequel that I've previously enjoyed. Although the animation and mechanic is top notch, its not enough to demand a high revenue.

I'm done ranting now....
Re: Kurovadis Demo

He's said himself not to worry about the game if you can't pay for it, guys. Fairly certain he's willing to GIVE it away since he knows it'll get stolen anyway. He's just testing the waters to see if he can actually make a living off of making games like this.

If no one buys this game, don't count on a better one showing up. Unlike some of you are thinking, buying this game means paying for the next one to come out, since an unfinished game can't be stolen.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

I'm also on board if paypal is an option. Its really the only way for me to pay online.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

I'll pay if I have to, besides when he gets better he's games will be too and I wouldn't mind saying that we help him to get there.
Re: Kurovadis Demo

I hate to be "The bad guy" (Especially since slicer already made the good-guy post)

But if the next game is going to cost money, that's actually all the more reason to pirate THIS game since I don't think I'll be looking forward to his other work unless it's an even-better RoR-based game...

Besides, some of us don't have a choice when it comes to games that cost money, that's where pirating originated from after all... Don't forget your roots, guys..

That being said, if I, personally, were able to pay, I would... Unless of course I thought it was horribly expensive, then I'd be pirating out of spite... (But enjoying the game thoroughly none the less.)

... To compensate, I promise not to distribute this game for about a month (or longer, if requested) if or when I get my hands on it.
A note for the creator, if he happens to read this post of mine:

I have nothing against you, and I know that by pirating, I'm taking food out of your kitchen and making it harder for you to live, but to be honest, what
that other guy a while back said was true, making a living off of games on the internet isn't the best idea.. It's not that it's wrong, or immoral, but a career
in something involving business of any kind OFFLINE would be a more stable and balanced option..

I give no justification for my actions, and I know full well what I'm doing and what I'm saying.. If it ain't me, it's someone else, so I'm just being honest with you...

I hope you DO make a fine chunk of cash from this game, and I'll do what I can to discourage others from pirating it... (For now.)

I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you don't think too harshly of me.

Just a suggestion, not an attack..but you could pirate it..and then if you get decent enjoyment out of it you could maybe send him some money based on what you think it's worth/pay for the game? That's how most people do it with video games these days since they usually turn out to be horrible re-hashes of older games that offer nothing new but are still fun nonetheless.

Just a suggestion to consider maybe.