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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

So THAT'S why he calls himself "Eggman"
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

..... New bosses for Mega Man!
Tentacle Man
Dildo Man
.... I'm sure I could come up with others, but I'm extremely tired and I'd rather see what other people come up with now that the idea is planted.

The third one here would also fit with those two.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I just imagined Mega Man as a new character in this game. My childhood ='(

You are now aware the original sprite of Zeta was a variation of the Megaman sprite from Marvel vs. Capcom. Have fun with that.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

It's just me or the site .tk is dead? Redirect me to other pages full of AD.
Also this page is dead:

The author has canceled the project? Or there is a new page for It?

Nevermind! Looking at page 45, I've found the forum link. And I've found here the answers at my questions:
Last edited:
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Yeah as often as people bitch at other people for not reading the earlier pages for links to a game, the first page link for this one needs to be removed or updated cause right now it just makes the internet have sex with your face.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

New level is pretty fun, and the Enemy+Zeta animations are quite nice (all I've had time to see). Gallery improvements are awesome as well.

I think there were sprite improvements in various areas, too.

If you don't want to beat the game twice for the gallery, you can still beat the game once and then load the resulting save.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Pretty good. Arena mode appears to be bugged though. Completing the first section (as Zeta at least) causes the game to close, and it doesn't save.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

i prove with blaze and too happen
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I seriously had to check the date to make sure it wasn't April fools.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Pretty good. Arena mode appears to be bugged though. Completing the first section (as Zeta at least) causes the game to close, and it doesn't save.

It's because evil characters aren't implemented. Zeta wanted to experiment with how she could integrate the shooting stage enemies into the game and hasn't found a way to do it. They're also retooling evil mode and the evil characters.
I like the Zeta and Zu animations for the new stage but I'll be the first to say the rest were rather lack luster and that they're place holder animations until the next update as I know they are for Amy.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

So I'm not sure if it's already been posted but I've found a glitch for unlocking stage select and gallery. After you beat the game for the first time, just load the game you just beat and it'll count as a 2nd complete.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

So I'm not sure if it's already been posted but I've found a glitch for unlocking stage select and gallery. After you beat the game for the first time, just load the game you just beat and it'll count as a 2nd complete.

That's existed since unlockables were first implemented o.o
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

So is the boss gallery unobtainable at the moment due to the game crashing when the Argonaut bosses are defeated?
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

So is the boss gallery unobtainable at the moment due to the game crashing when the Argonaut bosses are defeated?

Correct. Arena mode can't be completed, and as such, Boss Gallery's locked. THANKFULLY we now have stage select, so getting towards the boss of your choosing isn't AS painful as one thinks.

Really liked Blaze's animations in this new stage. REALLY liked the squid foe as well ( it actually WILL 'breed' itself to make another if you get caught by one! had fun with two players till the screen was clustered with a ton of them! ). New boss is ether very easy, or very hard depending on how well your char handles in water ( Zeta is the 100% inverse doing VERY well underwater, and blaze is beyond sluggish. ).

Worth the wait? Debatable, but overall yes. I think the mermaids where a tad underused thought as all they do is fisting with hands or tails ( unless you are tails, and then tit and blowjob WOO~! ). New boss only having one rape is also a little disappointing ( more less how fast it is over with it too! ). I like the shmup style for the stage thought, and they've shown off some new menu and cutsince elements thought, so the future looks better then ever.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

my little mermaid