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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

And just to clear up something before I sound even saltier, ...

You never sounded salty to me!

Also, applying to the "Zeph-someone in the EE section said something I can relate to porn" mentality is just fine! There might be even +reps in for you, if you care about that! :D
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

This seems to be going in a different direction than anticipated...

You know Toxic's a decent guy right? Sure those couple paragraphs of vitriol he spewed at you the first time you were a shit might've stung, but you don't find anyone else that cares enough to take that time with a response now do you? And let's be honest, we all deserved it. I shouldn't need to mention the unsavory tactics that others might've resorted to.

Not only this but he's one of two mods that oversees the entire H section, and they keep it in pretty good fuckin order, so I won't have anyone casting derision on his actual functions as a mod.

You're welcome to keep badgering him, but let's be honest, he's not the one you want.

Maybe pick on one of the 3 dozen RP thread mods?
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

You know Toxic's a decent guy right? Sure those couple paragraphs of vitriol he spewed at you the first time you were a shit might've stung, but you don't find anyone else that cares enough to take that time with a response now do you?

I do believe Toxic to be a decent guy, I do. But he is acting wrong in his position. Should I honestly be happy that only Toxic actually responded to this? I adressed, him so I was ready to read what he says. But in all formality, he isn't even moderating this section. He can't change anything, even if he wanted.

Toxic, if I personally insulted you, I apologize right here, right now.

And let's be honest, we all deserved it. I shouldn't need to mention the unsavory tactics that others might've resorted to.

Might "others" be bashing our heads in? Punishing or even banning us for our opinion? Is this why we should shut our mouthes and be happy with our +rep blocks and joy in poking newcomers' noses?

Not only this but he's one of two mods that oversees the entire H section, and they keep it in pretty good fuckin order, so I won't have anyone casting derision on his actual functions as a mod.

If there is one thing I have always appreciated about the ULMF forums, it's the organization of (at least) the hentai game section. It is a beautiful masterpiece of "one thread only", even though it might need some use of the "search" function every now and then - but then again, that's what the damn thing is there for. :D
However, the hentai section is under direct moderation of at least two moderators, so there is some pushing and pulling going on, for the sake of order.

You're welcome to keep badgering him, but let's be honest, he's not the one you want.

You are definitely right. I'm probably bashing away at one of the rather good guys. And I know he's no asshole.........well f*ck. Yeah, I am sorry. I apologize for just blatantly bashing away. I am sorry. :(
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I support this being merged with the old thread too, but the old thread needn't stay closed. This staying open while that stays closed is just completely nonsensical. No attitudes or usage of rep have actually changed, just the rules governing it and the quantifying mechanics, so none of this "Aw, people said mean things" shit suddenly becomes daisies and roses here.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Well I got one from my first post in this thread.

"this idea was originally Cappy's, Cappy has no good ideas"

Wow salty much, dude if you don't like the thread, then stop looking at it. Well it doesn't really matter, your opinion is garbage anyways. XD

For every neg rep I receive , stuffie's nipples get suck by Agenlina Joli.

For every positive, toxic gets molested by Ariana Grande.

For every grey, slicer's penis will be a half an inch bigger.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Well I got one from my first post in this thread.

"this idea was originally Cappy's, Cappy has no good ideas"

Wow salty much, dude if you don't like the thread, then stop looking at it. Well it doesn't really matter, your opinion is garbage anyways. XD

For every neg rep I receive , stuffie's nipples get suck by Agenlina Joli.

For every positive, toxic gets molested by Ariana Grande.

For every grey, slicer's penis will be a half an inch bigger.

Well shit. I like both of those options.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Got a grey rep for this one.

"complaining about lack of yuri, in a non-yuri game."

The previous game had yuri and it was non-yuri. Now the second one doesn't ? Also it's reusing the same sprites just in a different color. People making money on cheap designs need to stop.

If you like the game, that's great. Now go buy it, instead of waiting around for a link to the game, you cuntcicle.

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Can we ban this guy?
Spamming thread with weird comments.

It already happened. I reported him, but CourageWalf read all the post messages of his in the shoutbox and reacted.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

It already happened. I reported him, but a mod in the shoutbox read all the post messages I believe.

I'm still banned in the shoutbox T_T
I don't know why.

-Ohh well. Hopefully he wont come back
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Should send a message to Courage or Shadow about that, they have to un-ban you.

Sticks a 20 inch light saber in byzantine's wet mouth, byzantine sheds tears and gets a flush face
You can guess who, thanks for the treat :D
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Actualy I think this is all about porn...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I just wanted to clarify, I intend to use this thread the exact same way the old thread was, there's just been a rather short supply of negativity even though the rules don't actually say you can't insult somebody, just not pointlessly, there has to be a valid criticism there too, and I guess try not to go out of your way to do it to the same person over and over because that could leave ULMF liable due to legal systems being politically correctified, in other words, rendered even more retarded than prior.

Or at least I hope so in regards to the insult part, otherwise the new rules are much more authoritarian than I'd expected, and this thread might actually become a kind of tone changed reboot of the old thread without as much punch or style. It isn't entertaining if I take a massive dump all over somebody who had a mild disagreement with me unless it's about elves, and nobody reps me about elves or cares that I hate them deep inside my bones in a way that only complete silence or humility can dissuade.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version


Also f*ck Elves.

Damn right, screw Elves! Like...one way or another!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Damn right, screw Elves! Like...one way or another!

So we are fucking elves now? o_O

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

So we are fucking elves now? o_O

Especially Dark Elves!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Agreed, arrogant immortals must be purged. This includes vampires.
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