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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

After constant losing and demoralization, I finally managed to pull a single victory from a SR deck user.

Yeah, there are a number of SSR cards that are basically unbeatable from an otherwise equal board state. But, the game is designed to make you want to spend to get those cards, so it's unsurprising it feels pretty unfair playing the people who have put money in.

That said, have had some really fun tournament matches. Just played dragonag in a game have been won on decking if he didn't concede with 6 cards left. Basically he played a card which heals if not defeated, and pumped it to 2400 ATK. I had the board otherwise, but no way to kill it without getting my single Decree, or one remaining Book of Awakening. So, he could kill one thing a turn but I could clear everything else he had. I misplayed not trying to hide a character with high enough attack, and he saw through the rather obvious Prepare for Battle attempt. So, went through most of both of our libraries, but finally got the Decree when I had one remaining character with over 1500 ATK.

Silliest loss, to one Miyabi, brought back twice with the 11 mana spell that returns your last fire character. Would have been winnable if that didn't also give haste.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Yeah, there are a number of SSR cards that are basically unbeatable from an otherwise equal board state. But, the game is designed to make you want to spend to get those cards, so it's unsurprising it feels pretty unfair playing the people who have put money in.

It would've been easier to have a small chance if they didn't change the gacha rewards since it'd give normal players a chance to level up their cards. During the first couple times tournament was opened, was getting 3600 gacha per win. When tournament was officially launched, was only getting around 1100, and now 5-600 per win.

So more or less 0 chance vs the players who have full maxed SR decks without a quicker way to level up cards since it's faster to farm arena for gacha now.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I've just met a trap card that reduces the attack of all enemy characters on the filed by 100 for every manapoint they cost. For 3 rounds. :eek: That is bloody broken! I had an obliteration card so I could get rid of it. I had Witch Warrior Candella (1960), Chief Mercenary Kira (1780) and Bloodthirsty Berseker Sylvie (2600) against two vastly inferior cards in the previous round. The next round Candella and Kira got owned and the only reason that I didn't lose is because I could get rid of that spellcard the next round. That, and because I still had a Chain, so my opponent committed suicide on my buffed Sylvie. But damn, I do NOT want to see that spellcard again!

Edit: Oh hey, I'm the 71th on the toplist. That's surprisingly good, considering that I haven't spent a dime on this game AND that I still have 14 premium summons laying around. I don't have any illusions about getting significantly higher, but if can stay in the top 100, I'll be a very happy badger.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

so they lowered the amount of gatcha points you get from tourney's again. this is really an unsatisfactory amount now. do they enjoy slowly gutting their games to the point where they are no longer fun?

i bet next they will remove tickets from events and say that it was to easy for people to get premium summons.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I've just met a trap card that reduces the attack of all enemy characters on the filed by 100 for every manapoint they cost. For 3 rounds. :eek: That is bloody broken! I had an obliteration card so I could get rid of it. I had Witch Warrior Candella (1960), Chief Mercenary Kira (1780) and Bloodthirsty Berseker Sylvie (2600) against two vastly inferior cards in the previous round. The next round Candella and Kira got owned and the only reason that I didn't lose is because I could get rid of that spellcard the next round. That, and because I still had a Chain, so my opponent committed suicide on my buffed Sylvie. But damn, I do NOT want to see that spellcard again!

Edit: Oh hey, I'm the 71th on the toplist. That's surprisingly good, considering that I haven't spent a dime on this game AND that I still have 14 premium summons laying around. I don't have any illusions about getting significantly higher, but if can stay in the top 100, I'll be a very happy badger.

There's also the card that reduces the opponents card to lv 1, it's only like 6 cost to use it or something as well, really hurts when it causes you to lose 1k+ attack on your maxed cards.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

So after losing horribly a gaggle of times in tourney-style, I decided to hold out until I hit 10,000 points and can max out my cost 5&6 cards AND swap out my low-cost cards for either 5&6's or some low-cost draw cards and high-defense. Part of the problem with this game is your likelihood of getting useful rares is something like a 100:1 ratio. Couple that with how "useful" a lot of them are, you end up filling your deck to the rim with 5&6 cost girls because the process to summon any of the high-cost is generally a late-game thing. If you can end it by turn 6 (or at the very least, have a full board so whatever happens doesn't put you at much of a disadvantage) then your deck is doing something right.

The issue I've found is that a combination of paying players and people who farmed for mats/cards will more likely than not set their low-cost girls and you've got the issue of either running everything on your board into it in hopes that it doesn't have high defense, or that you don't get snagged by a nasty effect. I've found much like ygo (and thankfully, the automation prevents players from picking and choosing when this happens) you can bait out unpleasant traps and such. Only problem I have is keeping something weak on the board by mid-game so I can bait any potential issues.

Also, what is with people crashing their weak 2-costs into a 4- or 5-cost girl on t2/3? I always see something like that and raise a brow because it often leads to me winning. I also don't get why people still play chain reaction given it's not that good and the most you're doing is 1500 dmg. Unless you're running a burn deck (can this game even do that?) it's silly. Also, people who go t2 and summon a weak monster right off the bat. Sure, you do that. 600 dmg to me is negligible when I can just drop a marsha on the field next turn.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

. I also don't get why people still play chain reaction given it's not that good and the most you're doing is 1500 dmg. Unless you're running a burn deck (can this game even do that?) it's silly. Also, people who go t2 and summon a weak monster right off the bat. Sure, you do that. 600 dmg to me is negligible when I can just drop a marsha on the field next turn.

The point of chain reaction is to do damage when you're unable to, similar to how some cards do direct LP damage to the opponent. It's a trap so no risk of a character dying before even getting a turn unless the enemy happens to have spell breakers.

It's most useful when you're playing vs people with better cards than you if you start out with an early advantage, but slowly lose it when they start summoning 2 2k+ cards per turn. Or even worse, when you suicide a character to finish off their 2.8k Ogre Miyabi, only for them to revive it and attack with it immediately after to gain board control back.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Chain Reaction has won me two matches i would have otherwise lost.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

So Chain Reaction is good for decks that can do early-game damage but can't sustain late-game advantage? I wonder if I shouldn't play a couple now.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

So Chain Reaction is good for decks that can do early-game damage but can't sustain late-game advantage? I wonder if I shouldn't play a couple now.

Another thing to note, chain reaction damage always occurs before the opponents attack, so if you're both really low and they're going for the finishing blow, you'll win because they die before you.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Unless you're running a burn deck (can this game even do that?)

Yes. 4000 LP in 4 turns is a beautiful thing.

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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

For me yesterday was good, ran into decently challenging decks (finally got to play in the tourney). Had a few where my cards out leveled the opponent or I get one of my few good rare out that lets me hold control for awhile. Went 21 games with 20 wins. Most of my fights were with in 500 RP. Pretty good day I'd say. Very few of the games were completely one sided for either player, one 1 was that way for me (and they had great cards).

Today every single game has been one sided, no skill, no tactics, just straight one sided with no chance of recovery for either player. ZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzz
2 wins 5 losses simply because I got out rare(d) or I out rare(d) my opponent. Lame.

Let me know when the tourney that forces all units to level 1 comes around, then we get to see who has the skills and not just the highest leveled rares.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

they need to fix match making. i keep getting paired with swinder who is almost 1700 and i'm mid 1300s.

he has a fully upgraded, fully maxed deck. there is no chance to beat him when it comes to putting down cards of equal cost, his always win. he has way to many ssr and SR cards.

now i'm not saying he shouldn't have all those fancy cards. he payed for them so good for him, but he should be against people at HIS mmr and not bully for free wins against us lower mmr.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Yup, I concur. Ran into several like him too.

Matchmaking should be on a point basis for decks not based on just RP but also point wise based on card average level. When both players place (as an example) 3 level 6 cards, but one player averages at least 200 point better on each card, something's wrong.

Eventually as people have fully leveled cards in their deck, it may become less of an issue, but at that point you're simply barring the door for any new players, and they'll be forced to only play vs the AI to try and get better cards and level them before they even step into the tourney. Limited player base, less fun and odds of losing players increases.

On another note:
@Nordland / NutakuDev:
Suggestion - Offer a button that does a 1 time only redraw of your initial hand, and the change is permanent if you select it. It's very annoying to just be stuck with a horrid hand from the start which can put you behind the curve from the start.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

they need to fix match making. i keep getting paired with swinder who is almost 1700 and i'm mid 1300s.

he has a fully upgraded, fully maxed deck. there is no chance to beat him when it comes to putting down cards of equal cost, his always win. he has way to many ssr and SR cards.

now i'm not saying he shouldn't have all those fancy cards. he payed for them so good for him, but he should be against people at HIS mmr and not bully for free wins against us lower mmr.

How you get matched is based more or less on your competition points, which you have a LOT of. You're ranked 36th overall right now and everyone else that was fighting him probably stopped queuing so it matches him with the next highest player, which just happens to be you.

TL : DR If you wanna fight people your level stop playing for a day or two.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I remember the only time I beat Swindler, it took a very good opening to withstand his flurry of max leveled Natalies and Rosemarys then getting Onyx at the best moment. Besides having good cards, he's also very cautious so he rarely makes mistakes and he can afford to let the game drag on because he's has better cards. I had a game against him where his Sakura wouldn't attack for 3 turns because he was so cautious, my face down card was actually an Emily. I don't think there's any other player at his level though so he's forced to fight those with much lower mmr than him.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

TL : DR If you wanna fight people your level stop playing for a day or two.

Care to tell me how I got matched with a player, no kidding, no card he played had it been level 1 was under HR, his RP, 1250. Not to mention I'm well into the 1300's. (Was 1400 ish). Got this more than once with different players.

It may just be that the RP has leveled out yet for the week, but today is extremely unbalanced compared to what I saw yesterday.

I have seen others, oddly enough the ones I ran into all had Asian sounding names other than his.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

and up against him right now again...

update: turn 3 he summons the 6 cost water girl that can attack when summoned. turn 4 he summoned natalie.

i had no chance to setup. my turns were basically his turn. money is a scary thing.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Care to tell me how I got matched with a player, no kidding, no card he played had it been level 1 was under HR, his RP, 1250.

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here. If possible could you rephrase it so I could better understand what you mean.

Anywho, the one thing I do know is ranking points is RP x Competition points, simple as that, and based on that your opponents are selected.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Yeah, that was what I was talking about. I got the 6 cost haste girl's name wrong, it's actually Crow I think.
I have an Asian sounding game name too, it's Erojidai. I guess there are others but the only person I've encountered with 1.5k+ RP is Swindler, maybe One but I can't remember his RP. Though with One you can feel that you two are closer cards-wise.