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The Klub 17?? (Discussions about forum only)

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Re: The Klub 17??

Edited to Add: Thank you ULMF for having this thread. The DNS issue has hit our creative community like a tornado, and here we are seeking shelter as we reorient ourselves and rebuild. Thank you ULMF

+ 1

I expect our "russian" friends also found a shelter somewhere during this storm ...
Re: The Klub 17??

Since the "official statement" sounded an awful lot like something Altgurl would write (ranting, wallowing in self-pity, throwing in some retarded and extremely far-fetched conspiracy theories etc.), I think that might even be a legit post.

A particular gem of his is at the official gamerotica-forums in the thread titled 3DSexGame Economics 101?. Reading that post is like being bukkaked with stupid.

I totally agree. In the past I have had to manage a team of digital creatives: programmers, 3d modelers, texture artists, script writers and level developers - as a team. Many of these creatives share some of the personality quirks of other creatives - a prima-dona complex. Think "bridezilla" type personalities times a dozen of them. Because of the production model for game developers, geeky meltdowns are quite common. At one moment they are amazingly intelligent and breathtakingly creative, and the next moment they retrograde into their terrible twos and need a passify-er to suck on (no kinky pun intended).
Re: The Klub 17??

Are we waiting for Razyuli to come back, or a completely different site? Having to post all my poses again and there are a lot of them, would be a pain, but I guess that's the price of being nomads.
Re: The Klub 17??

Well well, it seems that there is quite a stir about this other site. I suspect they were found out and removed. Nevertheless, I was a new member on the Russian site and ended up creating my own blog where I shared stories and such. It appears the drama never ends...yes this is my first post here because I wish to keep up on the club. You can continue bitching at each other now I'll just watch the mayhem ensue...:D:p

BTW the edit button does work ... what a concept....
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Re: The Klub 17??

I do not believe that 3x is loosing money because of the klub

Oh, I do, since there are lots of reasons for that.

Some people only begrudgingly paid for the game in the first place, and jumped ships as soon as they got wind that an alternative exists.

Some people would have paid a more reasonable sum, but refused to pay the amount the 3x goons considered appropriate.

Some people were simply totally pissed off by the way 3x handled their PR, raised the prices for micropayment, and generally treated their most loyal customers like idiots.

Some people would have sticked to the original, but left after it became clear that the original version fell behind the modded one (which they basically admitted for everyone to see).

And so on, take your pick.
Re: The Klub 17??


I generally agree with you, the mod is much better. So much better in fact that I believe that under the hood the mod is approaching the clone: if you change enough of the binary it becomes a freestanding work of its own right - the essence of digital copyright issues: which is why 3x is running scared.

Remember the issues surrounding the PC Clone? SCOTUS and other courts have clearly defined the status of digital clones in regard to hardware and software. Under US copyright law if a software vendor unduly restricts the user rights of expression in the ELUA, the vendor looses its copyright protection and abusive EULA subsection are unenforceable. Imagine ms flight simulator without the mods - modding is an inherent right of freedom of expression (sharing mods is generally legal with rare exceptions if done right).

THAT is why 3x is reacting the way it is - they are scared. Once the klub mod clearly has more unique binary code than it does have in common with SV - beyond the binary code that is common among all software of its type - then the mod becomes a clone and has its own identity. Most software shares a lot of common code, and only a few minor sections of it is truly proprietary.

Oh, I do, since there are lots of reasons for that.

Some people only begrudgingly paid for the game in the first place, and jumped ships as soon as they got wind that an alternative exists.

Some people would have paid a more reasonable sum, but refused to pay the amount the 3x goons considered appropriate.

Some people were simply totally pissed off by the way 3x handled their PR, raised the prices for micropayment, and generally treated their most loyal customers like idiots.

Some people would have sticked to the original, but left after it became clear that the original version fell behind the modded one (which they basically admitted for everyone to see).

And so on, take your pick.
Re: The Klub 17??

Are we waiting for Razyuli to come back, or a completely different site? Having to post all my poses again and there are a lot of them, would be a pain, but I guess that's the price of being nomads.
lol totally agree i feeling like a homeless now. i really don't care of all the legal issue or us governor or the military ,lets just wait and wish good luck to make it back
Re: The Klub 17??


I generally agree with you, the mod is much better. So much better in fact that I believe that under the hood the mod is approaching the clone: if you change enough of the binary it becomes a freestanding work of its own right - the essence of digital copyright issues: which is why 3x is running scared.

I have to disagree with this. As good as the mod is, I think your little overestimate how much the mod has changed the basic code of the game. It should have pretty major changes before we could talk about clone, and I don't think we're anywhere near that. Klubbers have added some cools things in to the game, but the core is still the same old DirectX8 based 8-year old game.

3x is pissed of because of the reasons Thesandmand just represented. Most of the Klubbers haven't paid anything to 3x, and even those who have, don't pay as much as they would without The Klub. That's the ugly truth. We're the gipsies as they said.

But if 3x would want to fix the problem, they should make their game better than Klub, and they should rethink the pricing (by this I don't mean that they should offer a free game, I mean just more reasonable pricing). I'm just afraid that it isn't going to ever happen...
Re: The Klub 17??

BeaTleS порнолаб им не закрыть))))
Re: The Klub 17??

Hiya People!!

Glad i found you all. :)

What has happened to our haven?
Did the "Holy Shit Crusaders" struck again?

Thanks ULMF for letting us refugees "crash" in here so we can regroup and rebuild :)

»In TK we Trust«
Re: The Klub 17??

It's hard to say what happened..

One side says they struck the site down.

The other side says its just a technical issue.

All I know is I was digging the voice mods being made. The games default voice sets are so bloody boring.

Hear! Hear! I was loving it too, especially the work put in by 23eyes. I was in the process of creating 3 new sets of voices myself when we were blasted to oblivion! I've lost the complier, so can't do much till I can get hold of another copy ... ;)
Re: The Klub 17??

Hey now this is all contentious enough as it is, lets keep things in english and not talking about PMing people things.
Re: The Klub 17??

Hey now this is all contentious enough as it is, lets keep things in english and not talking about PMing people things.

Hmmm, on earlier posts you didn't want the klub here and now you ask that we not PM each other!!!! you may monitor this thread but you cannot control the type of communication that is born out of this forum.:eek:
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