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Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Slime
17 vs 2

Senira's lighting flew true and the slime screeched as the electricity coursed through it's form. Heavy steam left it's body as it almost started boiling in it's own form. It shuddered and bubbled before she saw it coming at her.

Slime vs Senira
4 vs 7

However, she was too fast for it as it tried to engulf her with it's form and it flailed wildly at the space where she used to be standing.

Senira FP: 5/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Slime FP: 1/5 AP: 0/0 Status: Frustrated
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Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Are you getting frustrated? Or was I supposed to stand still?"

She launches another fireball, and smirks.

"What's the matter- spineless? Quivering in fear? Shaking in your nonexistent boots?"

She actually tries to show off, trying to make it look easy.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Slime

20 vs 16

The fireball struck true and the Slime gave one final shriek before it lost it's cohesion and spread out into a slimy pool on the floor. From within the gooey remains she saw a twinkle of something metal that the slime probably ate at some point and it almost looked like the tiny Slime she had first seen had actually survived being squashed and was trembling before her.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

As the little slime trembled, she looked at it. Senira was many things- powerful, brave, , even cocky and overconfident to the point of arrogance- but this? Well... it was scared, it was fearful, and she was pretty sure it might have wet the ground around it in fear.

Despite all that, well... she wasn't heartless.

"Look... I'm not going to hurt you. Go ahead and run along home, okay? Find a nice, cozy corner to grow up in. Besides, you really wouldn't be any challenge for me."

Nodding at it and even giving the little slime a smile, ashe turned back to the pool that used to be the big slime. Something metallic was there, and that usually meant something useful. She'd reach out and pick it up, maybe give it a once-over or three to see what it was. after that, she'd keep moving.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

The little Slime took the hint and it quickly slid it's way a little ways down the corridor and squeezed itself underneath a door that was heading south.

As Senira ran her hand through the pool that once had been attacking her, her fingers caught a metal chain. Pulling the chain out, she found an amulet hanging from it and it had an image engraved into a surface. It appeared to either be a woman engulfed in flames or a women who was flame itself and it was indistinct enough that it could be either one.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Well, it looked promising... but at the same time, it could be bad news. She remembered the time she'd looted a ring off a bandit and immediately stuck it on her own finger- only to lose three days and wake up dripping in cum and naked as a newborn goblin. She'd stick the amulet into her pack and proceed through the door the slime just squirmed under.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

As she placed the amulet into her pack, it occurred to her that she hadn't really looked in it before. Within she found a money pouch with 50 Gold coins in it and three sets of clothing similar to the one she was currently wearing. Having taken stock, she repacked her bag and proceeded down the corridor to the door that the slime had just escaped through.

As she opened the door, the unexpected smell of greenery hit her. Within she found that part of the outside wall had collapsed and the pool inside aided small plants in their goal to grow within. The largest of these plants was a sapling that was struggling to spread it's roots into the stone floor without much luck. Within the pool itself, she could see the slime floating around like some kind of jelly fish. It was then that the sapling did something odd and it almost started waving it's small branches to beckon her closer.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"A tree? Waving its branches? This I have to see..." she says to herself, looking in the pool. She sees the slime from before, and acknoeledges the little one, nodding at it and giving it a faint smile. Then she turns to the sapling, drawing closer to examine it.

"Let's see... I take it you have something to show me?" she asks it with a grin. In all truthfulness, the plant looked helpless- and kind of cute.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

As she approached, one of the limbs touched a leaf to her arm and she could hear a voice echoing through her head. “Greetings, young traveler. I am a dryad, a spirit bound to this sapling. I would like your help... I allowed my seed to be carried into the castle in an attempt to reclaim this soil from the evil that had taken over this stonework. I have been stymied by Miguel's influence and every time I try to set my roots through him he not only easily repaired the damage but infects me with his own evil spirit. I fear I am running out of time and options.”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Miguel, huh... I've heard of him- haven't really seen him before. Sounds like the kind of guy you'd want to stay away from everyone you know- and also those you don't. Considering that he wants to break me and give me as a gift to his master, whoever that is, well... if it'll kick the spokes out of his wheel, so to say, I guess I can help you. What do you need?"

She looked around the room again- after the armor had tried to attack her, and the giant slime on the ceiling, well... she couldn't be too careful. Not to mention, if it would irritate Miguel, well, that was a bonus, too.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Yes, you have actually... you stand on him right now.” The voice corrected Senira. “Much as I am bound to this sapling, he is a spirit bound to the stone work of this castle. He didn't start off strictly good or evil, but he was corrupted by the... thing that he now calls master. He now prepares the unwary to be toys for his masters use... even I am not immune to his influence.”

The voice grew silent, as if in indecision. “He managed to change me to be a little more like him and his master. I can still grow strong with water, soil and sunlight... but while I have ready access to water he moves any soil that collects here away from me and I think he leaves this wall unfixed to taunt me with sunlight. He's trying to force me to grow using... a woman's vaginal secretions.”

“I won't force you to do anything you don't want to, that's exactly what he wants me to do. But if I had any other recourse I wouldn't be asking you this...” The voice sounded embarrassed by the request it made.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Boy, he's a piece of work. I guess that's yet another thing I'll have to knock him around for- or his master, at least. I'd be willing to give you anything you need. What are you craving right now- some sun, a nice bit of fresh dirt with some water... or are you craving a little of... me?" She languidly stretched, causing her tunic to ride up- revealing that there was very little standing between the dryad and one of her food sources, should she desire it.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“I... thank you...” The leaf breaks contact with her arms and the branch lowered itself toward her Senira's flower. The supple branch slowly began to rub itself against the fabric of her panties but even for a sapling it seemed soft. It slowly caressed the dampening spot that was forming before it managed to catch the fabric and slid it down far enough to grant it access to the area it desired. Instead of the branch, this time it pressed a leaf against her moist petals and it seemed almost unnaturally firm as it fit itself to the contours of her womanhood. The leaf seemed to absorb most of the moisture exposed to it and through her growing arousal, Senira could see the dryad's tree visibly growing and extending out further branches.

She could feel the additional branches slowly pull her closer to the tree as the supple green branches slowly worked out how to bend themselves most effectively toward their new purpose. The branches that had not yet grown hard began to encircle and grope her breasts through her tunic. Others were tipped with strange flowers the caressed and kissed the exposed portions of her flesh. Tendrils slowly raised her tunic and the branches kneading her breast paused and released their catch only long enough to gain access to her lush flesh. And still the leaf, now joined by many of it's sisters, continued to rub and caress her nether regions to drink her juicy nectar.

And still the tree grew until it pushed through the stonework in the floor and through the wall that was desperately trying to repair itself in time to stop it. Even the ceiling was slowly forced to make way for the growing branches. The sapling that had seemed so frail before was now a thick and strong tree that seemed to grow stronger yet with Senira's aid. And then she felt something she didn't expect.

A pair of arms encircled her form as part of a feminine form emerged from the bark of the tree. An elfin face smiled at her before it placed a small and then a deeper kiss upon her lips leaving a sweet sticky taste in her mouth. The two hands massaged her back moving down the rub her ass even as a pair of flower bearing branches began tease and kiss her nipples in aid of the branches already groping her flesh. Every erogenous zone the dryad could conceive of was being touched and caressed and she couldn't hold it back anymore. With a loud, lewd moan her back arched as her orgasm hit her with the intensity of a tsunami. And yet the leaves and flowers continued to absorb her arousal into the now imposingly strong tree and the dryad held her as she rode out her orgasm even as the dryad continued to rain kisses on her.

“...that was good, wasn't it? I hope it was.” The dryad asked with her new mouth, as Senira slowly regained her faculties.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

As the thin branch began to tease her through the thin fabric, Senira let out a cute moan. She was no virgin, mind you- not by a long shot- but a soft touch did wonders to awaken her her feelings, as she quickly developed a wet spot upon her panties. Her breathing grew deeper as the branch continued its work, drawing more and more moisture from her flower, until she felt the slim branch wind its way under the slight bit of fabric and tug them down. The air provided a pleasant chill against her folds, and she reveled in that feeling- until she felt a leaf, cool, damp, but full of life, press into her womanhood and hold there, absorbing her juices as they came out.

Closing her eyes, Senira reveled in the feelings, the strange sensation of her fluids being pulled from her as she let them out... odd, but still highly arousing, moaning lightly as the dryad sipped from her flower. As more branches encircled her, she saw what her fluids were doing- it already looked healthier, and stronger from what she'd provided... and the feeling of the new branches caressing her body renewed the feelings coursing through her, rewarding the dryad with another splash of her juices. The feeling of her breasts being squeezed caused her to close her eyes in pleasure- and when the tendrils finally unlatched her tunic, she lifted her arms to help get it out of the way, and then tossed her hat after it, letting it rest with the tunic so that she was almost nude in the dryad's branches.

Feeling the flowers over her creamy flesh drove Senira's arousal to new heights, and she moaned quite audibly as she was rubbed and carressed by new leaves, each serving to work more moisture out of her flower, the leaves collecting it like new-formed dew.

Still, the tree grew- into one that wouldn't have looked out of place deep in a forest... except for the body forming at one side of it. As the dryad's lips met hers, Senira opened her eyes wide, looking into the dryad's, before she melted into it, and began giving as good as she was recieving. Her tongue danced with the dryad's- teasing, searching, and matching it as their tongues danced while her smooth hands ran over Senira's back and body. If her fingernails could have left grooves in the bark of the tree, they might certainly have- having her breasts squeezed, nipples sucked, and her flower rubbed quickly were all driving her towards a peak, with thier groping, squeezing, sucking and kissing...

It was no secret when Senira finally came. She let out a short cry and felt her muscles contract, thrashing about as the waves of pleasure radiating through her like a warm sun on a spring afternoon. Her fluids were alomost gushing, squirting out onto the leaves and flowers that awaited them, helping the dryad's tree to grow to a massive size.

Senira wasn't really able to speak for a few minutes as she collected herself, catching her breath and slowly feeling the effects of her orgasm leave her as she rested in the dryad's combination of branches and arms. It had been a long time, that was for sure, but a contentment she hadn't known for a while filled her.

"Mmmm... you know, don't take this the wrong way, but you know what you're doing... so much that I'm tempted to dig you up and plant you in my bedroom..." she finishes with a content sigh.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Sorry but I've already taken root deep into the castle... but if you want, by the time this is all over, my seeds will be mature.” The dryad stroked a lowering branch, bristling with green seeds. She smiled at the not yet mature seeds. “I'm quite sure one of my daughters will want to be sown in a far off place.”

“...but for now, in this area Miguel's influence is greatly diminished.” The Dryad gestured toward the wall where the stonework had tried to repair itself, but the branches were now strong enough to tear the stones apart. “If you become weary, feel free to return to me. Also, I can feel something strange about the third floor... a strange magic prevents me from growing into it and I don't sense the sorcerer responsible in the area. I effectively had to grow around it to reach the fourth floor.”

The Dryad paused and she seemed to be collecting information from her root system. “That poor man... they bound a Wolf spirit to him without either of their consent and it's driving both mad. I can also sense an evil soul on the first floor... and it seems intelligent, for better or worse.”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"I might take you up on that... but that's for far later. I ran into the man they bound the spirit to. If I can, I'd like to free him. I could use someone to watch my back- and if he's good at it, maybe he might get to watch my front, too." She grinned at her little joke, but then grew serious again.

"The intelligent spirit, on the other hand, could be a problem. I haven't run into it yet, but I'm not too worried."

She would take a minute to clean herself in the pool, washing herself off before re-dressing.

"Before I go, do you have any suggestions on how I can free the man from the wolf spirit, and the both of them from this place?"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“The man and wolf were bound together by a powerful Sealer... Before he tried to corrupt me, Miguel tried to have such a Sealer bind me first but it didn't hold.” The Dryad paused to consider the apparent options. “Anyone with magical power could potentially break the connection, but it would likely kill both of them. The safest way would be either to find the Sealer and convince him to undo the seal... unlikely unless you make it worth his while. And finding him would be the biggest problem as he is probably hidden away and they are running out of time. There is still time, but who knows how much...”

“Another option, aimed more to preserving their sanity then anything else, would be to try to stabilize the connection and bring harmony between them. The wolf isn't evil and it's likely just as scared and confused as the man." The Dryad sighed. "He would remain half-man and half-wolf but he would retain full use of his faculties in both forms. The man would likely become more beast like, but the wolf would become more man like. The biggest problem would be convincing both of them that this is a good idea. And once this is done, the connection would be permanent but it could be done quickly.”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

It wasn't what she wanted to hear.

"So essentially, I'm either condemning him to life as a werewolf, or I can try to find the Sealer and convince them to undo it..."

Absentmindedly, she pulls out the amulet she got after beating up on that giant slime, and washes the slime off of it before slipping it around her neck.

"I think it might be kinder to find that sealer. I think that's everything... are you going to be fine if I leave you here? I'm heading back to the front door and heading down the other passageway- I think I could at least get rid of that spirit before I head into town."

If the dryad has nothing to add, Senira will walk back the way she came and head down the other pathway, into the other half of the wall.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“If you seek the Sealer, he will probably be hidden in the Castle proper.” The Dryad informed Senira. Her eyes fell on the amulet and regarded it curiously. “Is that a Fire Amulet? It's supposed to boost the power of fire magic, I think...”

“I'll be fine. Miguel wasn't expecting me to grow this strong without being corrupted so he will have more than a little trouble dislodging me.” The Dryad smiled confidently before turning serious. “Please be careful... Miguel has trouble influencing the town due to the relative lack of large stone structures, but he's probably left a number of monsters there due to the tendency of adventurers to set up camp there.”

Regardless of if she chose to wear the amulet or not, she bid farewell to the Dryad and headed back down to the first floor. As she headed down the other passage way, she swear she could have sworn heard something.


??? vs Senira
17 vs 5

Senira found a pair of soft, but strong arms encircle her from behind to pin her arms to her body. She could feel a pair of large breasts press against her back and a hardness against her ass. “Well well well... I thought I saw something pretty lurking about here. And I was just getting... hungry, too.”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Well, this wasn't good. She immediately started struggling against the arms holding her, not even taking the time to make a crack. In the back of her mind, though, she considered it almost karma- after she'd gotten away from the slime and the armor, it was really only a matter of time before the shoe was on the other foot- or the tentacle was on the other breast, so to speak.

If she got away, she'd fire it up with a quick fireball.