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Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)



Himari Shotainushi:
Name: Himari Shotainushi
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Bow expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Himari is a young futanari neko that stands 5'4" tall, and has foot long penis between her legs. Everything else about heer featuers can be seen in the pic. (If you'll allow me to start as a futa of course. If so then just imagine this pic as a futanari neko with a large foot long penis.)

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Himari is a kind gentle person that will always try to help those in need, though she'll fight savagely when the need arises. She'd like to find herself some companions/lovers during her adventures as well. She also has a few hidden fetishes that she'd love to explore, her being a futanari is one of those. Anything else I'll try and RP as best I can and her other fetishes will reveal themselves as she plays.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Pretty much anything goes save dismemberment, scat, goldenshowers, and anything that'd make a person sick, or rather make a normal person sick, cause there are some sick and crazy people out there that like that kind of stuff (Though I can't imagine why). I can handle anything else really. The different kinds of creatures in this particular game is up to you, though Himari getting a succubus, an angel, and maybe a dark elf companion later on would be nice.

Edits to skills:
Bow +1 for being damned lucky
Perception +1 for being a neko

Himari woke up bright and early Saturday morning to get over to the EGG testing facility. The EGG corporation building was a tall structure with an outside consisting of a lot of steel and glass. On the inside, the facility was a sanitary white, with a receptionist at a desk as soon as she entered. The receptionist, a friendly, middle-aged woman motioned her over, and upon seeing her EGG tester badge directed her to her personal testing room.

Inside, she was faced with what could only be described as a human adult-sized egg secured to a white stand. After a minute, she was joined by a female researcher who pressed a few buttons, causing the front half of the egg to swing up, similar to a fighter jet cockpit. Once she took a seat on the comfortable fabric seat inside the EGG the reasercher explained a few things about the EGG. "Alright, looks like you're all set from a technical standpoint. Here are a few things you should know going in.

One, time goes by much faster in the EGG than in real life.

Two, an ingame prompt will appear every realtime hours, it is recommended you at least take a short break at these intervals, though it is not necessary. However at the nine hour mark you will have to take a break if for no other reason than to allow your physical body to move. At that point you will also have to go see the nurse down the hall for a checkup. There haven't been any adverse reactions to the game so far, it is more for formalities sake and a chance for you to talk about what is happening ingame if you so desire.

Three, the computer will not be assisting you directly in game, rather, it will act indirectly through NPCs.

Four, once the hatch closes, the computer will actually form a mental link with you. The initial setup can be done by thought or by voice command, though thought command is better, especially when it comes to avatar creation. And that's all I needed to tell you, any questions?
After answering any questions Himari had, the researcher pressed another button and the EGG closed down on her.

Ensconced in blackness, a menu popped up before her, it read:WELCOME TO THE EGG, PLEASE INPUT USER PREFERRED SETTINGS:
Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Abominations (Twisted or corrupted lifefroms, giant insects, mutated animals, zombies, anything else that generally violates nature): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Mythical beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futa option (You start as a futa): Y/N (Add size and whatnot if Y)
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y/N (If Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting. Can very from monster to monster and situation to situation, but put in what you generally want and I will base sex off of this and various situational factors. (Monsters may be rougher on you if you go down swinging than if you submit, though I will generally keep it in line with what you put down here)

Extras: (Put whatever extras you want right here, I'll do my best to add it in wherever I can, also add a frequency to whatever you put in if you don't mind, it'd help me out a bit.)

After these features were selected a message showed up onscreen: SETTINGS CONFIRMED. SETTINGS CAN BE CHANGED AFTER AN INTERMISSION. Another menu popped up. PLEASE SELECT LOCATION FOR ADVENTURE (CANNOT BE CHANGED):
Jungle Fever
Cave of Dreams

Easy (+2 to all player rolls, intended for the elderly)
NORMAL (no difficutly bonuses, recommended for new players)
Hard (+2 to enemy rolls, for those looking for a bigger challenge)
Insane (+4 to enemy rolls, -2 to player rolls, intended for powerful characters with good gear or those who just hate to see their character succeed ever.)
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Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

After arriving at the EGG corp facility, Himari was directed to her testing room after receiving her testers badge and upon entering the room she listened to all of the woman's words and decided to ask a couple of questions before getting started.

"If the computer won't be assisting me in game miss, then how am I supposed to exit the game when it's time to do so? Also will I be able to communicate with you while playing in case something happens in there?" Himari asked, wondering if there was a menu or something.

After the EGG tech answered Himari, she was done with any questions she had. Wanting to get right into it. As soon as the EGG closed around her, she stared at the menu for a few moments and read the part about choosing her settings before deciding on them.

"Let's see here. How about these," Himari mumbled to herself.

Humans: Y 2
Male/Female: Y 1 (for humanoids 5 for like monsters and stuff.)
Female/Female: Y 5
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y 5
Birthing: Y 5
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
BDSM: Y 3 (Though less emphasis on the S&M part though.)
Slavery: Y 1 (light slavery at most, like her having to wear a collar and serve her mistress, though nothing too... over the top. I don't normally like slavery, but I'd like to try something new.)
Abominations (Twisted or corrupted lifefroms, giant insects, mutated animals, zombies, anything else that generally violates nature): Y 4
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y 5
Cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y 2
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y 5
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y 5
Futa option (You start as a futa): Y
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y 5
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y 2
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y 2
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Let it vary between 2 - 4

Extras: (Put whatever extras you want right here, I'll do my best to add it in wherever I can, also add a frequency to whatever you put in if you don't mind, it'd help me out a bit.): Can't really think of anything much more to add honestly, anything else I'll tell you in game as we go.

"Hmm... I'm torn between the Cave of Dreams and the Jungle Fever areas to play in. The Jungle fever seems like a hot and passionate one, while the Cave of Dreams just sounds so romantic in a way," Himari said to herself. If she could look at the explanations for the two, then she would. But she was leaning more towards the Cave of Dreams for now and input it for her level, thinking if she lost for whatever reason she'd play another game with the Jungle Fever level and have some fun with it.

She decided on choosing Normal for the difficulty for now, thinking she'd raise it up to hard later on if she was doing well. After that she went into the avatar creator and made her character look like she wanted. "I wanna be a neko, and let's see I've always wondered what it feels like to be a man, I wanna be a futanari in this game. That'd be really fun I thin. Let's see if I'm going to be one I wanna be really well endowed so let's make it a foot long, and... two inches thick. And there we go, done and done, now let's get this show on the road," Himari said to herself, and then told the game that she was ready and to start whenever it was ready.
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Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

The researcher thought to herself for a moment before replying. "Well, when the time comes to exit, an ingame prompt will appear telling you its been x number of hours, followed by a choice to exit. You will just need to mentally select yes to exit or no to continue playing. You will see its actually very simple once you get inside, when I said the computer wouldn't assist you I meant by intervening ingame is all, and as for exiting early... well lets just say a lot more people are forced out after nine hours than choose to exit early... She said this last bit with a mysterious grin.

"But we can't contact you ingame, if for some reason you just have to get out, there is a safety phrase you just have to focus on or say aloud, 'Gosh that Italian family at the other table sure is quiet.'" The researcher rolled her eyes after saying that, "One of the developers is a Family Guy nut... But yea, that's all you have to say and the game will give you the option to exit and talk to the nurse about what happened. After that, we will see about getting you some help in game with whatever happened. Oh and one last thing, the computer will be sure to inform you of any game lore your character is expected to know. Have fun dear!" And with that she was left to select her settings.

After finishing with the settings a series of messages showed up onscreen.
SCENARIO OUTLINE: JUNGLE FEVER: The player is a soldier with a mercenary platoon en route to reinforce a larger garrison at a digsite for an ancient relic of untold value and power. Soldier is currently returning to the platoon's campsite from patrol to the sounds of heavy fighting.
SCENARIO OUTLINE: CAVE OF DREAMS: The player is an adventurer from humble origins drawn to a town by the well-regarded legend of a cave that is home to a great spell-weaver. Anyone who reaches this powerful entity will be able to make their wildest dreams come true. Many have entered, almost none have returned.

If you choose Jungle Fever:
Hirami found herself crouched in dense foliage. Hot, humid air pressed in on her, making her sweat in her light leather armor and saturating the already sogging ground with additional moisture. She was in the foliage at the base of one of the many towering trees in the jungle, listening to the sounds coming from her campsite only a short distance away. Memories came to her mind, the game getting her up to speed with what was happening, why she was here. Immediately, she knew there was trouble, she had been out patrolling the surrounding area for a few hours, and now on her way back she could hear the sounds of combat coming from the campsite of the mercenary platoon she was a part of. Two other mercs, young, disheveled men, were crouched with her. They looked as nervous as she undoubtedly felt.

It hadn't seemed like such a terribly difficult job when she had first heard about it. She had been with this company for a few months and run with them on a few lighter missions, so they brought her along on this one, figuring a neko's perception would be of use in a jungle. It had all sounded so simple, go march through the woods and help make sure some hapless archaelogists didn't get eaten by wolves while they dug up some old vases. Or something...

A day or two into the jungle and Hirami began to wonder if she hadn't bitten off more than she could chew. She hadn't realized just how oppressive the jungle could be. Even on a clear day she couldn't see more than ten feet in front of her most times because of the foliage, and then these hot mists would show up and cut visibility even further. Sure she could hear things, but in a jungle where there was life all around her, it was sometimes a disadvantage. It was rather unnerving, being able to hear all of the unseen creatures moving around at night while she was trying to sleep. And even though nothing had yet given them trouble, she always knew something or somethings were watching her.

And then she began to hear more about the digsite. Apparently it wasn't a bunch of stupid old pieces of pottery, but a relic. Something of unheard of power. Apparently the group paying them for security had paid serious extra cash to keep things quiet, enough cash to get her superiors to more or less lie about the seriousness of the mission. An ancient temple digsite, relics of a past civilization, mysterious powers, and the incredible secrecy. No one knew the group was out here, and it was all beginning to so clandestine, so...wrong. That had fallen into place yesterday.

The platoon, well on it's way to the digsite in the ancient ruins, was only a day's journey away now. Up until this point the trip had been surprisingly, no, eerily uneventful. They had been told to expect some resistance from the species that called the jungle home, and, now that they couldn't turn back, they had also heard many a tale of unwary mercs losing their lives, sanity, and souls to the predations here. There had been more tension in the air than humidity these past few days, but there had been hope that they would reach the main force at the digsite without incident. They were just one day away... But now it sounded as though the small camp was under all out assault, and it didn't sound like things were going well for the mercenaries. Her bow and quiver hung over her shoulder, cat ears twitching as they tuned in on the sounds of the fighting, and adrenaline pumping through her veins, Himari was left with two choices, the two mercs with her looking at her expectantly, she knew they would follow her whichever option she chose. She could move forward and determine just what was going on at the camp, or she could turn tail and run into the jungle towards the digsite. She did know her way to the main garrison, but the thought of deserting her platoon when she didn't even know what was going on, and then having to got the rest of the way through the now hostile jungle with only the two men with herwere both unappealing thoughts.
If you choose Cave of Dreams:
Himari walked down the path leading from the small town. She had spent the night in an inn and left now that it was morning. She was making good time, only on the road an hour and already within sight of the rocky outcropping that marred the face of the grassy fields.

It may seem strange, given the legend of the cave, that the closest town would be an hour's journey away, and that it would be small by most standards. An ancient and powerful being was said to dwell in this cave. It was said that it was a spell weaver of untold power, not seen in this world in generations. It was also said that could anyone reach the being in the cave that they would receive some of this power, a small fraction of which that would allow the person to make even their wildest dreams come true. Such a cave surely warranted a large city of tourist traps, merchants of arms, and military forces to keep undesireables from claiming such a reward.

But there was more to this legend. The story of the Cave of Dreams is an old one, hundreds of years old in fact. In all that time, more people than can be named have journeyed into the cave. Only a handful have returned, and they were never the same, telling tales of unspeakable horrors inflicting unmentionable fates upon those who would enter the cave. What's more, it seemed the cave had a mind of its own, and a connection to everyone who entered it, subjecting all who braved its passages to different treatments, torments, and horrors designed to break them down.

However, all tales are built upon some concrete facts. Not more than twenty years ago, a young maiden, not so different from Himari went down into the cave. She had been a nobody, a slave who could not even read who had escaped her bindings and run into the cave seeking to hide from the thugs who had unlawfully enslaved her. She had emerged from the cave a long time later as the most powerful sorceress any alive had known and is currently the ruler of a distant land.

Though now it is known that there is truth to the legend, this woman remains the only one to have successfully journeyed through the cave and captured her dreams.

As Himari travels down the road, her pack sits on her shoulders, her bow hang from her shoulders as well, her bow in an easily accessible location and the quiver is snug against the pack, keeping it from moving around excessively. She has a full weeks's provisions and a few days worth of water.

Now Himari stands at the entrance to the cave looking in. There is a lone path stretching into the darkness. It actually looks rather innocuous, despite the lore. A short distance in the path splits into a right and a left. The left path goes down sharply into the darkness, the right path is a more gradual descent, her cat ears can hear the water coming from this direction.

Now that I have written these and looked back at your intro post, these seem really, really grim. Far more grim than I thought they would come out to be... Not to worry though! I have some literary judo cooked up to swing things into much sex time and light hearted philandering. And by that I mean these aren't grim horror tales and Himari won't be in constant danger of death or anyting like that (though the mercs in jungle fever might be. Oops, spoiler alert. :rolleyes:)

And just so you know, the settings you have choosen will work equally well whichever story you choose, as will your desired party members. Oh and yes, I do have over-arching stor plots in mind for whichever you go with. Sorry for all of this, just my first time as GM so I'm trying to make sure I cover everything.
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Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

(In my first post I meant I'd choose the Cave of Dreams, so you didn't need to bother with the info on the other, what I wrote was merely her thoughts on the matter. Thanks for it though.)

Himari was well on her way out of town and had only been on the road for an hour and saw her destination in the distance, that was good she thought. While Himari had heard all of the different tales and stuff surrounding this Cave of Dreams, the good ones and the bad ones, she herself was a neko and neko's were just like regular cats in that they were curious beings. She was from quite a poor background and wanted to make a name for herself, and most of all she wanted to find some great treasure to take back home to her family, so she could take care of all of her siblings, and make it so her parents didn't have to work so hard anymore just to take care of them all.

A quick inspection while she walked showed her what all she had, which was her bow slung over he shoulder where it would be easy to draw along with her quiver in an equally accessible area, she found she also had a week's worth of food and nearly as much water if rationed correctly.

After walking a while longer she found her way to the cave entrance and looked inside to see the darkness stretching before her. She takes her first few tentative steps inside to see a fork in the path already, down the left simply goes down into darkness, while down the right path she can hear water running. She decides to head down the right path first, thinking maybe she could rest for a few minutes before going further in, and to refill her waterskins before going on down as well.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Opting for the path to the right, Himari moved towards the sound of water. It wasn't a bad idea, finding water early on would probably prove useful.

Perception roll: 14

After traveling a short way into the cave, she found herself a small stream running from under some rocks and traveling down a dark passage further into the cave. Stooping to refill her waterskins, she noticed as she took them out of her pack that she also had three extra sets of whatever clothing she had chosen for her avatar to wear.

Just as she finished refilling the last waterskin she heard something click on the rocks behind her and turned to look. She recognized a threat and immediately rolled out of the way, dodging a tentacle from a bizarre attacker. Coming to her feet, her bow and quiver still on her person, she got a look at her attacker.

It was some sort of large beetle, though like no natural creature she had ever seen. It was an easy four feet long, and nearly three feet in height. It had black chitin covering it, partially disguising it against the darker cave background, explaining how she hadn't seen it earlier. Besides being rather large, it also posessed a handful of tentacles and it had a roughly foot-long, phallic-shaped spine sticking out of the middle of its back.

Now Himari was faced with a decision. She could either fight the monster, or run. The beetle was blocking her from going back the way she had come, but she could run across the stream and take the path on the other side deeper into the cave, though she would have to abandon her gear because the beetle was currently standing right over it.

Himari: FP:5/5 AP: 0/10
Horn-Beetle: FP: 3/3 AP: 0/10

A couple of things I just thought of you may want to know for future reference.
I will roll a perception check each time I post. I won't post what the check is against because sometimes it won't be against anything. It is just my way of being a jerk and not letting you be sure if there isn't something present or if you just got too low of a roll to see it.
If a creature gets the jump on you, like the beetle tried and failed to do, you won't get to see its stats for that round to account for the surprise of an ambush. Just in case me being a dick with perception checks wasn't enough.
Last thing I can think of is that the ambient lighting, unless otherwise stated, in the cave is some wrought iron torches secured to walls that provide a spotty lighting throughout the area, some well lit areas with dark patches. Just in case you were wondering how you could see. Which reminds me, I am giving you a +2 to perception checks since Himari is part cat. This may be negated at times, but I will let you know when.
EDIT: Initially had her wielding a sword. Fixed that
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Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

A short distance down the right path, Himari saw an underground stream and decided to go over to it and refill her waterskins. She knelt down by the stream of water she'd found and began refilling her waterskins, looking around the room cautiously as she did so, and as she finished up she heard something behind her and rolled instinctively out of the way as a tentacle came at her from out of no where.

She saw some sort of large strange looking beetle that didn't look like any she'd ever seen before then. After taking a moment to see what it looked like she decided to fight it, knowing that she'd be unable to go forward without her gear and not willing to leave it behind as it took her too long to gather it all up since she and her family were all so poor. She'd had to do too many things she didn't like to gather all of that equipment, like having sex for money and stuff like that, and she wasn't about to lose what she'd worked so hard for that easily.

"That's My stuff dammit! Get away from it!" Himari shouted at the creature. Himari notched an arrow and took aim at her foe, then once she'd took aim at a good soft spot on the creature, she let fly with her arrow.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Himari atk 12 v 9Beetle HIT
Beetle atk 11 v 19 Himari MISS

Himari 32 v 2 Beetle CRITICAL KO! FATALITY!!!!

Himari's arrow flew true, striking the beetle straight in it's neck where there was space between it's hard head and body carapace. This seemed to anger it as it slapped at her with a tentacle, trying to knock her feet out from under her. Fortunately, Himari lept back out of range with her cat-like reflexes and quickly notched another arrow.

This one flew even more truly than the first, going straight into the beetle's eye. It was traveling at such a velocity, that when it hit the eye straight on it burrowed so far into the thing's skull that only the fletched tip was sticking out. This undobtedly pierced the thing's brain, as it immediately fell over, dead.


Himari was now free to gather her gear, retrieve her arrows, and either continue down the path here, or backtrack and try the other way.

I will let Himari carry 20 arrows with her in her quiver, I figure that should be more than enough for any encounter. Also, I will *almost* always let her collect her arrows at the end of an encounter, I'm not going to be a jerk and break them unless she gets a critical failure or something. And even then I will generally let her find some more if she starts getting low.
Additionally, I haven't figured out what exactly will contribute to a critical, but I figured winning by 30 will probably be within acceptable margins. And since you managed that on the first encounter I just went ahead and gave you the +1 to bow, though don't count on that happening very frequently.
I will try to remember to keep your stats updated on the sheet on the top of the page, though you may want to check it every now and then just to make sure I don't mess it up.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Himari let loose her arrow, which struck her foe right in the soft neck between its hard carapace and head. It retaliated by trying to trip her legs out from under her, but she easily dodged it by jumping back a few feet as she notched another arrow. Her second shot flew even truer than the first and went straight through the things eye, and when she saw how much of the arrow was left outside of the thing she couldn't help but be amazed at her own skills.

Wow... I didn't expect that honestly, but at least I killed it. Stupid bug, try to get my stuff, I worked hard for this stuff and I wasn't about to let you have it that easily,” Himari said aloud as she recovered her arrows, still a bit amazed at her shot.

After retrieving her arrows, Himari gathered her things back up and decided on the path she was on for now, figuring that she could head down the other path later once she'd explored the one she was on for a while.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Himari perception roll: 1 :)
Well, technically that's a 3 with the bonus, but I've always played where a 1 is a critical failure regardless of bonus. But since I haven't really hammered out concrete rules on this stuff yet I will give you the 3.

After gathering her gear, Himari moves on down the path. A short while later, the stream passes under a rock face and she is left to travel alone without the sound of water for accompaniment. The path went on for a ways before she came to a room. In the center of the room was a pedestal with a ruby lying haphazardly on it. On the other side of the room was a solid-looking stone door with an indentation that looked suspiciously ruby-shaped... Though to call the stone door a door may not have been accurate. It was more like a boulder that some powerful being had left behind when it formed the cave, something that she couldn't hope to move with any amount of physical strength. There appeared to be some etchings on the ruby, but in the dim cave lighting she couldn't tell what they said.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

OOC: (That's fine with me man.)

A little ways down the cave path, Himari found the underground stream passed under some more rocks and out of sight. A ways further Himari found herself in another room, and inside she saw a pedestal with a beautiful ruby just sitting on top of it and on the other side of the room she saw what looked to be an slot that was shaped like the ruby set into a large stone door. She noticed some sort of etchings on the ruby, but in the low light of the room she couldn't make them out as of yet.

Hmm, a nice gemstone sitting right in front of me for the taking. Let's try and see what this is wrote on it first before I touch it,” Himari said aloud to herself, then she looked around for any torches or something for light, thinking that there was enough light to see by so there must be some torches or something that she'd be able to read the etchings by.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Sorry, guess I wasn't clear, I meant to express that Himari could see etchings on the ruby from the doorway, she just needed to be closer to read them. Lighting not really being much of an issue. In the future I will be pretty explicit if lighting is an issue.

Looking at the torches, they were bolted into the wall pretty securely, no way one of those would come out. It turns out it didn't matter, as Himari got close to the gem, she found she was able to read the inscription, the light not being that dim.

Careful to not trip anything as she approached, Himari didn't see any traps in place, the gem was definitely just sitting there. Wisely not taking any chances, the catgirl tilted her head to get a good look at what was inscribed on the ruby. It read, "A hero must always perceive their surroundings"

And perceive she did. Reflected in the gem was not just her face, but three of the strange beetles like the one she killed earlier, and they were blocking her entrance into the room. Unfortunately they had crawled out from holes she hadn't noticed in the floor right by the door that she had missed on her way in. Himari rolled a natural 50 vs horned beetles 4. Lucky jerk... As the creatures reached out to grab her, she easily backflipped away and towards the other side of the room, out of reach of the beetles for now, giving her plenty of time to draw her bow if she chose that as her course of action.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Though Himari tried, she couldn't pull any of the torches loose from the sconces on the walls, but when she went back to the ruby laying on the pedestal it turned out her catlike eyes adjusted to the darkness enough for her to see what the inscription was. When she read what it said, she saw the reflection of not only herself but more of the beetle like creatures from earlier. They advanced on her position and with amazing catlike agility and reflexes, Himari did a backflip as the tentacles reached out for her again like the previous one did, and as she landed she chose the closest one to fire at, aiming for its eyes like with the one earlier.

Take this you ugly things,” Himari mumbled to herself as she loosed her arrow.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Quickly readying her shot and loosing an arrow, the shot hits a chink in the beetle's caparace, seeming to hurt it (Himari rolls 49 vs. Horn Beetle 48 for arrow attack. 1 FP damage). Well it at least pissed the thing off and it swung a tentacle at her, knocking her in the side of the head and dazing her for a second (Horn Beetle 1 rolls 47 vs. Himari 35 for whip attack. 1 FP damage). This proved to be extremely costly as the second beetle managed to grab her with multiple tentacles in the seconds she lost focus (Horn Beetle 2 rolls 34 vs. Himari 2 for critical grapple, auto-strip, and penetrate).

The tentacle wrapped around her waist, trapping one of her arms and lifted her into the air while another tentacle reached up under her skirt and removed her panties, allowing her member to hang free. This actually gave the beetle some pause. It didn't stop for long though, as two more tentacles guided her over the things back, carefully aligning her slit with the phallic spine on its back. This one was just shy of a foot long, and had a slight curve to it. The beetle gave her a moment to consider her predicament before it began to lower her slowly towards the tip.

With agonizing slowness, Himari felt the horn press against her nether lips, and despite her struggles, she felt it began to penetrate her ever so slowly as she was lowered on to it. One inch, two inches, then she was being raised up somewhat quickly before being slowly lowered again. This time she went a little further down before returning to the top. This continued until, amazingly, she had taken seven inches of the horn into her tight hole, her rod hanging off to the side, being jostled by the horn during this time.

Once she was down, the horn began to vibrate and pulse softly within her, elliciting some a favorable reaction from her now damp pussy as her fluids began to run down the horn, towards a strange looking patch at its base. The arousal caused by the vibrating horn was not confined to her pussy, her whole body flushed somewhat, and her member began to grow semi-rigid. It seemed that the beetle actually cared more about her pleasure, as it wasn't in some sex craze and brutalizing her. It was actually being quite gentle.

Perhaps she could use this to her advantage. It was still quite possible for her to escape as the thing moved her up and down it's horn. The three beetles were still blocking the way she had come, however if she got off she could have a clear shot to grab the ruby and make a break for the stone slab door...thing. Or maybe she could just sit and let the beetles do their thing...It wasn't an unpleasant feeling at all really...

Himari: 4/5 FP 2/10AP grappled, being fucked, can't attack (with a bow)

Horn Beetle 1: 2/3 FP Horn Beetle 2: 3/3 FP 0/10 AP Horn Beetle 3: 3/3 FP

Himari still has her gear. If she escapes successfully now, the only thing she loses is one arrow. And her virginity if her character was a virgin.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Himari loosed her arrow at the beetle and only did minimal damage to it as it came closer, then swung its tentacle and smacked Himari in the side of the head before she could ready another arrow, which elicited a surprised meow from her lips as she was nearly knocked to the ground. While she was recovering from the blow to her head the second beetle came closer and wrapped several tentacles about her body and lifted her into the air. While one of her arms were trapped and her body being held in the air by several tentacles, a lone tentacles reached up her skirt and removed her panties to reveal her flaccid member, and when it was revealed the beetle stopped for a moment and Himari thought that it was going to put her down and let her go, but it in fact did not and maneuvered her into position right over its phallic horn on its back. The horn she saw was nearly as long as her own member when at its hardest and had a slight curvature to it that could only be meant to increase the amount of pleasure she'd feel.

She felt it slowly slip inside of her nether lips an inch or two where it lifted her back up and slid her down an extra inch or two, then repeated this until it was seven inches deep inside of her tight moist hole. As soon as she felt it touch the lips of her honeypot a moment before she shuddered at the feeling, and felt a little revolted that she was about to be raped by a giant bug no matter how good it felt to her. When it managed to stuff its entire length inside of her tight hole, she shuddered again as it began vibrating and pulsing like mad inside of her, eliciting a meow of pleasure from her lips. Her moist folds instinctively clenched around the invading member as her juices began flowing down its length and onto the strange looking art of the beetle's back that Himari knew not what it was. Soon enough she felt the arousal in her body causing her member to start getting hard itself and when she looked down at it after throwing her head back to moan out from the pleasure she saw it was already half hard and her half erect penis was dribbling a few drops of pre-cum from its tip.

Despite being raped at the moment, Himari could tell that it didn't seem to want to hurt her, and that it merely wanted to make her feel good, which it was doing a very good job of at the moment as Himari threw her head back again to let out a loud and lewd meow of pleasure from its gentle pleasuring of her body.

"N-No... come on and let me go, I don't have time to play right now okay. I'll come back and play more later, but first I've gotta keep going... for my family," Himari said, shuddering on top of the beetle creature.

It felt so good to her, but she knew she couldn't just give up that easily to these things, and so she attempted to free herself and bash the thing in the head to knock it out, or if she was able to roll away quickly enough then shoot an arrow at it.

I honestly have to say... really. Three enemies? Not that it matters really to me, but just damn, three enemies that early for the poor thing.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Yea...not gonna lie I felt kind of bad about that, especially after you got a natural 50... But you did roll a natural 1 when you entered the room, so they got the jump on you. And then you got crit'd which I wasn't counting on happening either. Though at the risk of meta-gaming I will go ahead and say that I won't throw you into situations where you WILL get raped regardless, your rolls seem terribly touch and go right now.

At any rate, if you find yourself in a ridiculous situation which you probably couldn't win or avoid getting raped (like now), then there is probably another easier way out, there are two doors in this room after all.

Carefully timing her escape throught the pangs of her arousal, Himari waited until she had been shifted up to the top of the phallus before pushing off from the thing's back with her legs. It was such a powerful jump, that the force of it pushed the thing to the ground with a thud, knocking it out for the moment. (Himari rolled a 46 vs. Horn Beetle 2 to uber-break the grapple) Himari flipped through the air, and landed on the ground, notching back an arrow and letting it loose at the closest beetle to her. This one found a chink as well, sticking into the beetle's hide, wounding it. (Himari rolled a 33 vs Horn Beetle 16 for an arrow shot

After hitting it, the beetle retaliated, whipping at her with it's tentacles and catching her in the side, winding bruising her a little bit. (Horn Beetle 34 vs. Himari 33 for tentacle whip) Himari quickly recovered from this though, remembering what had happened last time she was slow to recover. Noticing her surroundings, she finds that her dramatic escape earlier had landed her next to the pedastle with the ruby on it. The other beetle wasn't close enough to hit her yet, and it would be possible for her to take the ruby and bolt for the other door/slab if she wanted. Though with the lucky KO, the tide of battle could well be turning in her favor.

Himari: 3/5 FP 2/10 AP
Horn Beetle 1: 1/3 FP
Horn Beetle 2: KO'd like a boss
Horn Beetle 3: 3/3 FP will be in range next turn

Cost of retreat if successful: Lose the two spent arrows, lose the panties (they're under the ko'd beetle)

And after that you go and get a ridiculous critical... I guess you just have a very love-hate relationship with the dice. But yea, barring you getting absolutely fucked over on rolls, I don't plan on rape-regardless scenarios. Though one may happen every now and then if I just can't help myself, and you roll too fantastically otherwise, well, if they do happen it will at least be a culmination of choices you make leading to rape, but that's neither here nor there. But that's all in the future....or is it?
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Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Himari managed to time it so that when she was lifted again to be impaled upon the beetle's hornshe brought her feet around and kicked off of the creature. Her push on the thing was so powerful in fact that it must have slammed its head into the ground and knocked it out, as it didn't get back up when she got away. Himari performed some more acrobatics as she flipped through the air and notched another arrow as she landed, then fired at the beetle she'd already hit once.

That beetle retaliated against her however by bringing its tentacles around and slamming a couple into her side, though she was able to catch herself before hitting the ground. She noticed after she'd recovered herself some after the hit that she was next to the ruby on the pedestal and the though crossed her mind to just snatch it and run.

No... I'm not going to back down that easily. Besides those are my panties, and I'll need those arrows later on I'm sure,” Himari said to herself as she notched another arrow, deciding to try and win this fight as she aimed at the beetle that was almost dead, firing at it in hopes of taking it down to even the odds even more so in her favor.

It's fine man, and about the dice, I've had nights where I could roll great for everything I had to, then the next night I'd roll under a 10 every roll just about. Also I don't mind a situation once in a blue moon where she'd get raped no matter what as long as she don't lose her stuff because of it or anything. But that is all up to you as GM really. The reason I'm not having her retreat just yet is because I'm going to let at least another round play out and see what happened with it, then if it looks hopeless, she's gone.
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Resolving herself to fight with memories of her loved ones, and her panties, Himari notched another arrow and fired at the almost-dead beetle. The arrow went through it's neck, finally causing enough damage to drop the creature for good. (Himari rolls a 46 vs. Horn Beetle 33) The other beetle was close enough to attack her now and it sent out it's tentacles to ensnare her, missing as Himari dodged backwards. (Horn Beetle rolled a 26 vs. Himari 43, not enough for a crit defense)

Perception: 6 (forgot about this the last few turns, no worries though, its back to torment you)
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

Himari's arrow struck true in the beetle's neck, killing it off and leaving only one more to fight with. She saw the last one coming for her before she could notch another arrow and hopped backwards to evade it before it ensnared her like the one earlier did. She notched another arrow and aimed at the last one, taking more time to aim better now that it was one on one and she had the time to do so.

"Take this," Himari muttered under her breath as she loosed the arrow at her last enemy, hoping it struck true.

(I'm going to assume that perception roll was to see if she noticed the other one waking up. Am I right?)
Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

You better believe it haha. I have decided that KO's like the one you performed will recieve a roll of 1d6 for how many turns they are unconscious, with a +2 turns to rolls of 1 or 2 (I will just count each of your posts after I label an enemy as KO'd as a turn). May change without warning for some special enemies. This is only if you explicitly KO someone without draining their FP, not beat them down to FP of 0, those guys are dead or unconcsious for until you're long gone.

And while I'm thinking about it, I am just going to be pretty arbitrary when it comes to beating enemies. I will either have them die or be rendered unconcious depending on the situation. But if you specifically state that you want to kill or beat them unconcious, then I will write it as such, with no penalty to rolls.

Himari loosed another arrow at the last beetle standing, unfortnately, the thing shifted unexpectedly and the arrow glanced off it's carapace (Himari rolled a 45 vs Horn beetle 49). In return, the beetle used it's tentacles to sweep at her legs, tripping her and causing her to land on her butt, with a tentacle wrapping around her left arm, binding it to her waist. (Horn beetle 35 vs Himari 29 to grapple)

This wasn't too bad, she could probably break free from this if she struggled hard enough. Though now the beetle was pulling her towards it as it advanced on her, sending more tentacles her way. It was pretty obvious what was in store for her if she didn't break out of this soon. Casting a look at the unconcious beetle, it wasn't moving and didn't look like it would be up for awhile yet, so she still had some time (Himari rolled 38 for perception),

Himari: 3/5 AP Grappled

Horn Beetle 1: Dead
Horn Beetle 2: KO'd for ??? turns (over a 30 will give you a rough indication of when it will wake up, at least a couple of turns in this case)
Horn Beetle 3: 3/3 FP Grappling Himari

(To eliminate confusion, enemies that can potentially wake up and continue fighting will be listed as KO'd. Enemies that were reduced to 0 FP but not killed will be listed as unconcscious.
And after internal debate, contemplating rework of the roll system, especially as it applies to grapples. In the meantime, if you succeed in this grapple check you will get a regular attack before the beetle retaliates, so just post what Himari plans to do if she breaks free)
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Re: Himari Shotainushi (Mind Flayer)

That's all fine with me and I'll keep it all in mind.

When Himari loosed her arrow at the remaining beetle, she missed as it glanced off the thing's hard shell. The beetle then swept its tentacles about at her legs and caused her to trip and fall backwards, landing flat on her cute little heart shaped neko butt. The beetle moved a tentacle around to wrap around her left arm and hold it down against her waist after that.

She felt that she could likely break free easily enough from the tentacle holding her, but she could feel the beetle slowly pulling her towards it as it came towards her with a few more tentacles writhing towards her, which pretty much told her what would happen if she didn't break free. She could tell that the one she'd knocked out at least was still unconscious thankfully.

Himari grunted and whined as she started struggling to get free, not wanting to lose so easily to these things, because she wasn't sure what they would do to her if they did beat her, and she didn't want to find out either. As soon as she was free enough, she would attempt to bounce away and put an arrow into the last beetle.