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ADV [ sugar star ] Tales of Boinboin / ちちうし物語 RE105810 RJ105810 RPGMaker

Re: ちちうし物語

Is Erin the only female npc to not have repeatable scenes unless you're dating her or helping her heal after dungeon grinding?

Charlotte I don't think does either since she wants to move in, which makes sense for her character (at least from what little I can make of it via the translator). All the other npcs seem to have something repeatable and I'm guessing Erin's is only the blowjob scene?
Re: ちちうし物語

Is Erin the only female npc to not have repeatable scenes unless you're dating her or helping her heal after dungeon grinding?

Charlotte I don't think does either since she wants to move in, which makes sense for her character (at least from what little I can make of it via the translator). All the other npcs seem to have something repeatable and I'm guessing Erin's is only the blowjob scene?

For Charlotte, once you get her back after her leaving you can do the face sitting scene. If you make her your girlfriend, it changes to sex. Also, having sex with her maid has a chance of making it a threesome. All 3 of these are repeatable.
Re: ちちうし物語

I found a cool little easter egg, as the Merc go talk to the maid, you can pay 500 to smash a vintage car in what I presume if a refrence to street fighter.

I also am assuming it was added in V2.0 as I never found this before, you also may need to be dating her as I am.
Re: ちちうし物語

For Charlotte, once you get her back after her leaving you can do the face sitting scene. If you make her your girlfriend, it changes to sex. Also, having sex with her maid has a chance of making it a threesome. All 3 of these are repeatable.

I mentioned that, I'm pretty sure you only get the 2-3 scene variation and then it stops until you decide to date her. After you're dating her and having actual sex you have the option with the maid. Without dating her, after the variation, it stops repeating for me. The translation for talking to her doesn't make a ton of sense, so I don't immediately recall what she talks about.
Re: ちちうし物語

Couple of basic questions (I can never get translators to work on my PC):

What is a decent way to make money? Seems I am always waiting for the prize money from a competition to do anything serious like repair the vehicles or buy something expensive. I've discovered the 4th (edit: or rather the 5th) option when training the cowgirl gives you a bottle of what I assume is milk, which you can then sell to the trench-coat guy in the city, but she only lets me choose that option once per day.

Where do you craft these items everybody is talking about? I must be missing something really obvious. The only thing I can think of is maybe that barrel in the upper left hand corner of the cowgirl's room, but whenever I use that all that happens is I lose a little stamina and sometimes it forces me to sleep (probably when I'm too low on stamina). If that's not what the barrel is, what is it?

What are all the different girls you can interact with? I'm assuming Charlotte is the person you pay your debt back to, in the place you have to talk to the maid to gain access to. Then I've seen people talk about a hooker named Ai with green hair - that's the tattooed girl standing outside the barracks. Erin is the girl you use to go through dungeons. I'm interested in the blue-haired girl. How far can you go with her? Who is that girl in the left-hand screen of the city that sometimes stands outside the building with the clock? I've never gotten any CG from her. And who is that huge-boobed cowgirl you met at the first competition? I never saw her again after that. Is there any more interaction with her?

Thanks for helping =)
Re: ちちうし物語

Couple of basic questions (I can never get translators to work on my PC):

What is a decent way to make money?

Theres probably far better methods of making money, but the last job on Charlotte's list gives you 1000 at the cost of taking up the rest of your time during the day. Theres no time limit afaik, so you can just keep going to sleep, doing that job and repeating. Since you're skipping days you'll also be getting the competition bonus. Rare fish using the bait from the merchant that sometimes appears on the docks sell for about 1000-1500 each as well. Alternatively, use cheat engine.

Where do you craft these items everybody is talking about?

Visit the blue haired merchant, buy the third item from the bottom(costs 1000) and then give her that item to build the workbench for creating items.

What are all the different girls you can interact with?

Everyone that has a portrait has a scene. Some have a few requirements for more advanced scenes, but the basic ones are pretty easy to get. Hanako(cow), Charlotte(ex-fiancee/noblewoman), Aru(prostitute), & Erin are the only ones that can move in with you.

The item merchant & Victoria(purple haired clerk) have a threesome, but I'm not sure what the requirement is. Likely just visiting them both a lot or having a high level.

You need some kind of aphrodisiac(forgot exactly which) if you want to have sex with the item merchant.

Charlotte & the maid have a threesome if you're dating Charlotte.

The two sisters want an ice crystal & fire crystal and have scenes after you give them those. Fire crystals are in the lava cave. Earliest you can get the ice is in the poison swamp, I think. In the NE theres one spot that'll give you a random crystal.

Erin has scenes with guys in town if her green bar is low after coming back from a hunt. Theres only 2 pictures but each guy has different text. Poor George only gets a handjob.

Hanako has a masturbation scene if you're living with her. Erin does as well. Aru & Charlotte have new scenes if you pick them. Theres really only 1 or 2 each, so just make a separate save to see them all.

Who is that girl in the left-hand screen of the city that sometimes stands outside the building with the clock? I've never gotten any CG from her. And who is that huge-boobed cowgirl you met at the first competition? I never saw her again after that. Is there any more interaction with her?

Unless I'm missing something, those are just the same sisters you see playing near the plaza. Their position changes based on day. Ibuki(massive tits cow) eventually has a scene after Hanako ranks up.
Re: ちちうし物語

Thank you! That was incredibly informative. I kept wondering what all those "renovations" people were talking about were, it's the scrolls you get from the item merchants, then give as gifts right back to her. This helped a lot. +rep.
Re: ちちうし物語

Thank you! That was incredibly informative. I kept wondering what all those "renovations" people were talking about were, it's the scrolls you get from the item merchants, then give as gifts right back to her. This helped a lot. +rep.

A little bit to add to the money thing. You can't do the job posted until you've fixed truck, and when you are it's more beneficial to do other quests for her first like cleaning mansion or giving her shoulder rubs then doing the 1k one to end the day.

Each of the small quests will take up 30 mins of your time so it may be possible (I say "may" since i've never tried to see if she has a limit) to get a lot more out of those jobs than just the 1k. Just remember to do the 1k one before 5pm or she won't give you jobs anymore.
Re: ちちうし物語

I like the cactus in the desert.

Matching up a monster hunt quest with Charlotte before doing a dungeon helps a lot too.

You might abuse the save load with the above lol...

Doing cow competition and selecting hardest diff also helps a ton (be sure to up her endurance and heal back to full for it!), as I got 10k from winning the 1st one.
Re: ちちうし物語


What's the story with Erin's scenes at the barracks? Voluntary or rage inducing?

I didn't get a good gist on why she let the other student take advantage of her, but it was enough that I reset and skipped the rest of the prologue.

edit: I see, that's why you said poor George. She's replenishing herself using them, ok. Was afraid she was basically becoming trash due to her treatment during the prologue :(
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Re: ちちうし物語

I'm shaky on the prologue myself.

From what I understand she's a commoner going to a school with mostly nobles (she's on scholarship or something of the sort I guess). The folks who abused her are a group of nobles as I understand, whether it was blackmail, threatening family or whichever I'm not sure.
Re: ちちうし物語

About that car Easter egg... you don't pay her 500. She pays you 500 to destroy it and you get 500 exp.:)
Re: ちちうし物語

v 2.02 is out ;)

-bugfix after giving birth

link googledrive hxxps://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6TzNOCR6pY4VzZhdVNZTDl3bnc/edit


Re: ちちうし物語

Thank you as always for giving us updated.

Still one of the best game in recent months IMHO.
Re: ちちうし物語

v 2.02 is out ;)

-bugfix after giving birth

link googledrive hxxps://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6TzNOCR6pY4VzZhdVNZTDl3bnc/edit



Thanks for the new updates. I'll change the original post's download link to yours, since most people don't go through the thread finding the most updated version.
Re: ちちうし物語


- bugfix autorecovery action in combat



Re: ちちうし物語

Thanks for the updates, you are good man.
Re: ちちうし物語

Any chance of getting a repost of the latest version? I seem to have missed my opportunity.