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Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Passing off the topic of names for now, Maya answers Lanai's other short question first. "Yes, a sister. She's a plant." Said with a happy nod, as though it was the most normal thing in the world. "She has lovely white flowers and is very nice. No thorns." adding the last part as an after thought.

"It's strange? I just thought it was a dream, but... I suppose it is a bit different." A genetic memory? One of dozens of new phrases to test young Maya's comprehension. Had Lily once said something similar? Something about memories of her kind that she had never met. It was a curious thought. She continued to listen as Enigma gave her insights into the subject, doing her best to keep up with the Elf's words and swift winding train of thought. What was a pity? A lack of means to... confirm, something... about the dream? Maya continued to listen attentively, a bemused smile growing across her face as Enigma went further into voicing her thoughts aloud. Method of demons? She agrees? Maya was blinking along with her, either waiting for clarification or to piece it together herself.

Oh! She wanted to see the dream? Right, of course. Well that shouldn't be difficult at all, though Maya allows Enigma to finish what she had to say regarding this method. The talk of devouring sounded suspicious, unsure of how literally to take that. But a tryst in the manner of demons? That sounded interesting... possibly, since she still had no idea what that meant. Until... a suitable body part? To drain with? Oh! The lingering confusion in the daemon spawns eyes being swept away and replaced with a degree of excitement. Well if it was possible to do it this way, it certainly seemed worth a shot as far as Maya saw it.

"Ohhh. You mean you want to... I didn't know you could do that with sex." She says, with a small laugh. A pair of tails seen beginning to swish and flick behind her chair. Her gaze wandering to eye up Enigma's form once more, or at least what could be seen above the blanket. Shifting forwards in her chair as if making to get up. "Doing this... I won't lose my dream will I? It's one of my favourites." Though if this was the same thing as with Phyrra yesterday, then...

Well... The anticipation of receiving those feelings again was hard for her to hide.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

Lanai quirked an eyebrow as Maya announced that her sister was a plant, but made no comment on the matter.

"It's possible, under the right circumstances. It's not easy, by any means, but unless Enigma does permanent damage to you - which I won't allow her to, don't worry - you wouldn't lost anything." Lanai made the assertion that Maya would not be harmed quite stringently, and directed it at Enigma in a manner perhaps more than was necessary. Of course, given the elven necromancer's normal MO with her test subjects, there was a fairly good reason for that. Regardless though, the demoness then beckoned Maya over to the bed with a small, patting the spot next to her.

Of course, with her full power active as it currently was, she could have taken the memory of the dream from Maya almost as easily as she herself could have simply shared it with the two of them, but if the demon was being given a chance to feed, then she probably wasn't going to pass it up.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

With an eager smile Maya leaves the lonely rocking chair behind and hops onto the soft bed. Crawling a little closer to the centre of the bed, she finds a pair of legs concealed under the blanket, and sits herself over one leg, leaning forward once more as she looks between the two in anticipation. Her tails swaying freely behind and her aura practically opening up already. It wasn't actually much unlike seeing a regular house cat anxiously awaiting a coming meal. Only in this case Maya had either enough patience or human self control to avoid rubbing her face all over the two of them as they prepared, and it wouldn't be the cat that was getting fed here.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

Perception (Maya) : Failure.
Perception (Lanai) : Failure.
Perception (Enigma) : Success. Roll of 20 vs roll of 1.

Lanai gently placed a hand upon Maya's lower back as the young half daemon joined the two of them on the bed. The demoness directed a coy glance toward Enigma and began gently pushing Maya over toward her former mistress while stroking the girl's soft skin, apparently quite willing to join in on the festivities.

Then the entire room went pitch black, blinding all three women completely. "What the hell!? Mis... Enigma, this isn't you is it? What's going on?" Lanai's voice said, and although the words might have seemed panicked they were delivered in an utterly calm tone. All three women easily sensed the supernatural origins of the cloud of darkness, but while Lanai and Maya could sense nothing through the thick black miasma, Enigma could just barely sense a familiar figure moving through it. Though she couldn't sense its exact position, she knew generally that it was just passing by the rocking chair Maya had been sitting in mere moments ago.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Shuffling further forward towards Enigma, and loosing a small happy "Mmm" sound at Lanai's gentle stroking on her back, she gazes expectantly into the Necromancers curious eyes. Again, they seemed unlike others, and gave a feeling of containing secrets and some strange power. Oddly captivating but with a slight inexplicable uncomfortable side to them. She ended up blinking a few times as if trying to adjust her vision, but upon one blink, when she opened her eyes again the room was gone.

"Whoa, ahh!? I... I can't see! What's..." She starts in shock and recoiling, suspecting something related to those eyes at first, though quickly gaining the impression that this blindness wasn't affecting only her as Lanai voices her confusion also. Trailing off her startled outburst and going quiet for a moment she sits back to listen and try to focus her fledgling spirit sense. Still able to feel the presense of one of Enigma's legs beneath her, whilst moving her right hand onto Lanai's lap to confirm both their presence.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

((As much as I hate not replying to each of the posts that had been addressed to Enigma prior, for my own sanity's sake...))

Unlike the others who began to panic as darkness suddenly filled the room, Enigma remained almost unnervingly calm. Remaining still as she closed her blinded eyes so as to grant her other senses greater focus.

"No dear...this is, something different. Though awfully rude given the present circumstances. Especially when one is ever so familiar..."

Having been suppressing her aura for the most part as best she could, in her attempt at "choice devouring", Enigma chose at this moment to hide it no longer as she allowed it to lash out in an attempt to devour the very magic that the miasma consisted of, having no patience for magical trickery at this time.

She had experiments to run, and whoever...whatever that was passing by the rocking chair...was disturbing them!

((Devour Magic 20. Eliminate whatever magic the darkness is, if not any other magic within the room altogether.))
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 83/109, Status = Pregnant, Gonna feel that when she wakes up
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

Enigma uses Devour Magic, X = 20! Total of 24 EP spent, 2 over her spirit ceiling.
Resistance: Success! Enigma has dispelled the darkness and revealed her foe!

Attack (Girl) : Hit.
Damage: 4 + 3 + 5 + 60 = 72 damage. Enigma is KTFOed.

Attack (Lanai) : 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 = 10 * 10 = 100 - 60 = 40 damage! Ouchies.

Maya's reaching hand found Lanai's thigh just as the darkness around them was devoured by Enigma's aura, the power used to create it torn to shreds and reduced to nothing. That allowed them all to see the girl standing in front of the bed, now within arms reach of any one of them, and certainly not someone that Enigma and Lanai had ever expected to see again. The shadowmancer who had shattered Enigma's own protective aura back within the mansion, when she had first found her precious Lanai alive once more following the initial battle against the adventurers, stood before them once more. Despite having had a building dropped on top of her earlier, the girl seemed very much alive, and even in good health.

Of course, neither Enigma nor Maya, who had never seen this girl before in her life, could see even an inch of the girl's skin. Every part of her was covered in smooth black armor, shielding her body both from harm and from view. Enigma had seen this sort of power before, and knew that it also enhanced the user's strength. Unfortunately, she found out that fact first hand as the girl, her voice filled with inconsolable rage, reared back her first and roared; "Hola, bitch!" The girl's punch hammered into Enigma's head before she could get out of its way, or before Lanai or Maya could attempt to stop her. She was at the apex of her reach, and that alone kept her from pushing forward and smashing the elven necromancer's skull against the rear wall of the cabin like a rotten potato. Instead, the blow alone sent Enigma reeling and caused her head to whiplash backwards, slamming into the wall painfully.

That sent what little sense had been left in the woman's head right out the window, and the dull throb told Enigma that once her nervous system decided to start working again she'd be in the very worst sort of pain. As she wavered toward unconscious, just lucid enough to see and hear what was transpiring around her but not enough to call upon her powers, Lanai shouted; "Enigma! You'll pay for that!" The demoness raised both hands towards their mysterious attacker, and a burst of violent red light swept out from her hands and hammered against the shadow clad girl with savage ferocity. Maya noted that it was similar to the power she used when calling upon her green flames, the simple patterns present within the power almost identical despite the varying delivery methods.

Lanai had pushed enough power into the blast to bisect a human in a single blow, her rage at Enigma's sudden injury only increasing the potency of her blast. The girl staggered back a step, her armor partially shredded before it seemed to simply knit itself right back together. "Ouchies," she said, the sarcasm in her voice not enough to hide the strain beneath, but when she went on her fury hid the pain she'd just endured admirably; "That one hurt almost as much as when you dropped a building on me and murdered the only people who've ever treated me like something other than a monster!"

Maya could feel her gathering power, no doubt in preparation to return for the violence that had been inflicted upon her by Lanai. The pink haired demoness knew it too, and was scrambling to retaliate. All four of them also recognized that it wouldn't come in time to stop whatever this girl was going to do. The only one in any position to do anything about it now was the one who hadn't yet acted, leaving Maya with a brief window in which she might be able to prevent the girl from harming the demon sitting beside her. Whether she was actually going to do as such was up to her. Enigma, meanwhile, could only watch helplessly as the blow against her lover was readied, the time before it was delivered measured in the beating of the elven necromancer's heart.
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

As the darkness cleared Maya's expression was one of pure bewilderment. Without enough time to put up any kind of effective defence, she could only watch and grimace as the brutal blow sailed past to connect with Enigma's head. The quick retaliation from Lanai soon following likewise, as the catgirl was lost for words or a course of action. Who the hell was this? She had just gotten in the mood for some pleasant touching, and suddenly everything erupts into hectic violence and talk of murder and dropping buildings on people. Way to go and kill the magic, party pooper. Not to mention being massively confusing and frustrating as hell.

Seeing the looming attack being prepared however, she wasn't going to sit idly by and let Lanai get ruined by some kind of black magic. Screwing up her face as she breathed in, and thumping the bed with both hands.

< < < "STOP!!!" > > >

Bellowed out in a commanding and irate tone, accompanied by a psionic wave that would amplify the volume four fold in the mind of the interrupting shadowmancer.

(Dominate attempt on Shadowgirl. Command more or less as stated. Not taking total control currently, but denying any significant action or attempt to leave. If successful then continue as below.)

"Just stop, ok!?" Said with an exasperated scowl. Wiping her hands down her face with a frustrated growling grumble and sighing. Just glaring about whilst trying to take in what was going on for a second, looking between all three of them. "So should I even ask what the hell is going on? Or should I just step outside and let you kill each other?"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 83/109, Status = Pregnant, Gonna feel that when she wakes up
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 97/105, Status = Fine, Dominating

Resistance: Maya wins!

At Maya's commanding tone, both Lanai and the girl attacking them froze in place instantly, the former pausing just as she was about to raise her arms up defensively while the latter was overwhelmed by Maya's psychic push. Despite the half daemon's not inconsiderable power, she found the girl to be possessed of an incredible will that smashed ruthlessly against her mental control, boundless rage and hatred pushing her on despite Maya's fairly solid hold on her. The girl's fury wasn't direct at Maya herself, however. A quick peak within her thoughts, a natural occurrence with such a link even if Maya didn't know it, showed the half daemon exactly what the girl was feeling, as well as the rage directed at the now barely lucid elven necromancer lying beside her.

When Maya delivered her open question, the girl in her grasp immediately grumbled vehemently; "Yes, I do want you to go outside while I tear these two limb from limb! You're not part of this!" Lanai, meanwhile, lowered her arms slowly and sighed. "No, don't do that Maya... She's not wrong when she says that you're a not involved, but I suppose she does have a fairly good reason to be cross with Enigma and I..." Lanai trailed off as the girl before her sputtered for a moment and then roared; "A FAIRLY GOOD REASON!? YOU AND YOUR FREAK FRIEND DROPPED A GOD DAMN MANSION ON ME AND MURDERED EVERYONE I'VE EVER CARED ABOUT!!! AFTER WE LET HER GO WHEN WE COULD EASILY HAVE FUCKING KILLED HER!!! IF SHE WASN'T STOPPING ME RIGHT NOW I'D BE PLAYING JUMP ROPE WITH YOUR FUCKING ENTRAILS YOU.... YOU.... You...." She trailed off weakly, and a moment later her armor receded away.

The girl beneath wore a thin robe that was badly torn and soaked in blood, wounds that still oozed blood and filth visible through the numerous rips. Her eyes were puffy and red, and her fingernails were covered in blood, with at least one finger on her left hand bent slightly in the wrong direction as if it were broken. Fair of skin and hair, the girl looked like a normal human girl save for the tiny horns that curled lightly upwards from her forehead, barely more than an inch long, and for her deep red eyes that glowed with unnatural power. After she trailed off, the girl went silent and didn't make move any more, her eyes unblinking and unfocused. Maya couldn't feel the girl's blinding rage any longer, the emotion having vanished completely in the span of only a few seconds, and was replaced by total emptiness.

After staring silently at the doomed girl for a moment, Lanai explained; "Enigma and I did destroy the mansion on the other side of town, but only after this girl and her friends attacked us several times. They had come to kill the lord the mansion, and she asked us to help her defend herself. The first time we fought them, both Enigma and I were nearly killed, and the second time when we had our backer's support we didn't fare any better. They captured Enigma, but then let her go on the condition that she and I leave, which we did.... Once we destroyed the supports for the mansion and caused it to crumble. As far as we know, the only ones inside when it fell were the hunters and the woman they had come to kill, neither of whom did we have any reason to care much for."
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Having successfully halted the commotion, Maya paused to take a breath, even as the wash of feedback came over the link. Maya frowns further as the fierce rage hits her, her expression twitching once as she accommodates. Feeling the intense emotions seeping into her own thoughts, even if she had nothing to direct the stolen false anger at. Recognising the emotions as not being her own she quickly shakes them off and reinforces her control. She had never known anything to be so focused and hateful before. The closest that came to mind was her fleeting moment of fury against the floating grey entity back in the tower.

The roaring outburst was frightful, and the revealed state of the vengeful girl that followed equally so. Maya cringed a little as she looked the unexpected assailant over. With the amour and her will to fight seemingly quite suddenly depleted, the mental dominance was probably no longer necessary, but without any other idea of how to proceed she simply maintained it quietly. Giving no instructions nor taking direct control spare reading for any undesirable sudden actions. The way that the girls burning fury had disappeared so suddenly leaving something of a contrast and being somewhat disconcerting itself. Was the girl still there inside? Or had she simply burned out all her energy?

She readily listens to Lanai's explanation of the situation. Not that any of it gave her any better idea of what she should make of this ordeal. People sure did like to come over to shout at this pair.

"So... what now?" She asks stumped, looking between all three. Enigma, Lanai and even the interrupting avenger.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 83/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 97/105, Status = Fine, Dominating

Lanai glanced at Maya, and then at the seemingly pacified girl, and then at Enigma, and frowned for a moment. The girl said nothing in response to Maya's question regarding what they ought to do now, and Lanai waited for a moment and stared at her before quietly but firmly saying; "We should probably kill her." There was barely even a twinge of acknowledgement at the dark words from the person they were spoken in regards to, and after a moment Lanai went on; "If she ever comes at us like that again, we might not survive it. Enigma would know that too. Honestly, it'd probably be a mercy if I killed her now, I don't even want to think about what Enigma's going to do to her when she wakes up if this girl is still around."
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Maya sighs and grumbles again. "Well I'm not doing it. This is your thing not mine." She says swinging her legs off the bed and leaning her elbows on her knees, looking to the unconscious Enigma with a bit of concern about the blow she'd took, but finding it hard to properly empathise with anyone right now. Next resting her head on her palms in thought for a second, before raising her gaze to glare at the un-named girl some more.

"Arggh! What's wrong with you anyway? Damned idiot attacking whilst you're all broken and torn like this. Worked out real great huh?" She spits her words at the silent girl. "So I guess you're fine with this then? Nothing else to say or what?"
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 83/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 97/105, Status = Fine, Dominating

Lanai frowned and said nothing in response to Maya, instead turning and seeing to Enigma. "Looks like she should be alright. She'll likely wake up in a few moments too." The demoness began pushing light healing magic into the elven necromancer, gathering energy from their surroundings rather than using her own to repair the damage done to Enigma, quickly halting the bleeding that had resulted from the blow to her head. The girl, when questioned by the cat-like half daemon, blinked and glanced up at Maya quickly as her eyes refocused.

She remained still as Maya railed against her, not even flinching as Maya spat irritably at her. When she replied, it was in an utterly emotionless deadpan voice, "I don't care. I really, honestly, don't. Being dead couldn't possibly be worse than being forced to live any longer, particularly if you're going to give me to these psychopaths. Everyone I've ever cared about died in front of me a couple of hours ago anyway, it's not like I have anything left to live for."
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Whilst at first Maya's brow furrowed in confusion even more, her face soon loses it's sharpness as the girls apathetic surrender to fate is explained. Whilst it might have seemed fairly obvious to others given what had been said already, the concept was new and alien to Maya. Her expression sinking a little, she pauses unsure how to respond now. Her lips parting to speak, but simply closing again as she looks away and then around the cabin aimlessly. She semi consciously releases her mental grip on the girls actions now, not expecting her to do anything, but not wanting to play judge over this situation anyway. Her thoughts going back to her family at the homestead and the bounty hunters that had came before, wondering if this might anything comparable to that. She tries to imagine what she would do or feel like if those hunters had won instead.

Leaning forward and resting her chin upon her palms again Maya simply stares off into the corner off to the right behind the girl, with nothing more to add right now.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

((One thing after the other…eesh. If not RL, it’s a multi-year old MMO. Anyway…let’s get this started.))

The Bickering Subconscious

It was that scene once again…a room of mirrors, shadows, a shimmering pool to the breathing world, and a towering throne… a place where the strongest amongst the amalgamation of souls held their discussions, their debates, and arguments amidst the chorus of screaming inferiors. Normally, little would be accomplished here, for it was ever so hard for any voice to be heard…regardless of how boisterous they were, amongst thousands clamoring for attention. But now with many of them weeded out or reduced to whispers… certain voices became noticeably more prominent amongst others.

The chosen topic of discussion today: the frequency in which their host had been visiting the subconscious domain of late and what was to be done of it. Weakness had begun to be felt by those amongst the collective, and all too many were eager to express their discontent and question the state of affairs.

Back so soon? One would almost think you enjoyed knocked out with how often you’ve been here

A snide remark, accompanied by a condescending tone, telltale signs of an ascended mortal, that arrogance…

Ssssoft… Growing weaker… A harlot to demonsss…

Serpentine by nature, there was little questioning who the voice belonged to. Though much quieter and loss vivid than normal, the only serpent that could persist even in death was the devourer of the world…

Sanity is taking its toll on her it seems. So much for the “Mad” Wanderer eh? Kukukuku”

Madness amongst madness, the voice was…distinct at least, yet to be considered insane amongst a crazed gathering… truly, it could only be a comedian.

Perhaps it’s time for a change? For a new alpha to lead the collective pack?…

A low animalistic growl and domineering tone of voice…a creature unused to being “Beta” to anyone, a wolf or canine at the very least.

All these and more expressed their disapproval, while the one seated upon the throne, and the one towering behind it with ever-burning flames, listened to their arguments one by one… paying attention to the shimmering pool at same time. Yet as the argument grew to a heated peak, it would be then that a voice…more clear and prominent then the rest would ring out from that very same throne.

”Silence. I am and will continue to be “Enigma”, regardless of how “soft” you think I’ve become. And my purpose is our will, such is how it has been, and such is how it shall always be. If any would dare to contest that…”

A fixated gaze on the shimmering pool, and then a maddened smile…

”…Then we shall have a little game, one of pity, sympathy, and convenience~.”

[Color= Orange] “Such is the will of the host and heritor. Those that would bear complaint, make thyselves known now.” [/color]

…But with the threat of golden flames, and the means to devour anything…all voices would fall silent yet again. And the meeting would conclude, just as light began to illuminate the shadows once again.

*Crick…Crack* The sounds of bone cracking would be the first sound to follow as flesh and veins reknitted and the elf’s own defense mechanism reverted thanks to the healing magic that had been infused into her. If not for incredible luck and fortune, the insane act of attempting to dislocate the bones that held her neck together at a last moment to lessen the blow may have brought her closer to death than even the blow itself. Yet…such was not that strange a thing for Enigma, one known for the most inane and roundabout approaches to matters at hand. Nor did waking from unconsciousness and a brush with death seem to bother the necromancer that much at this time.

”Oof…Thank you love, the body doesn’t respond nearly as well as the spirit does at times, truly. Enough about me though…our guest, our poor unfortunate guest…That should be our main concern at the moment.”

Instead, she seemed fully focused on the one that had knocked her out, heterochromatic eyes immediately darting to the horned shadowmancer a small distance off. Yet there was no malice in her eyes, but instead… eagerness (the same look that signified her recognition of a new “test subject”, one Lanai knew all too well) followed by…pity?

” Truly, she’s been through so much. Alienated from youth, treated and shunned as a monster… I know that tale all too well. Yet the path she’s taken to remedy it... that will only doom her to despair. To mourning and tragedy, and wasting away…A waste of life and talent if anything…”

More likely than not, any who knew her personality would be… staring at her strangely at the very least at this point. Compassion, pity?... Such fake emotions from one who treated the world as a harvest ground for knowledge and experiments. Yet… her tone of voice, and even a few years…seemed to make it sound convincing, as the elf closed her eyes and lowered her head… as if to mourn.

”There is no need to fear though. I have no intentions of taking her life, I am about to bring forth life after all. Rather… what I wish to do instead is to remove her suffering, to take away the things that are making her suffer so at this time. I’ll even introduce her to an acquaintance, one that’d be willing to treat her as more than a mere monster. If anything, I’d be improving her life as a whole, all while putting an end to this current tragedy. I can do it after all, I am called a ‘doctor’ by some after all…~”

But, illusions to illusions, smoke to smoke… the tears would fade almost as abruptly as the smile that replaced it appeared. And while no malice was present still in her visage, for she truly had none, that maddened glint…was perhaps more terrifying than anything else altogether. Enigma had returned anew, and found a new “distraction” to boot…
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

As Enigma stirs Maya turns her attention away from empty space and silently regards her, waiting to see what would come next. Her initial reaction didn't seem that hostile at all. She wasn't sure what she had expected, if anything, but this seemed gentler than whatever it might have been. Though then again, thinking about it, jumping out and yelling or overt lashes of violence didn't seem to be Enigma's style either. The lack of anger here, again proving oddly disconcerting in it's own right. As before it left Maya having to repeat the woman's words in her mind, unsure if she'd caught the full meaning or intention of them. She glances to Lanai looking for hints of expression that might tell more, thinking back to what the Demoness had briefly alluded to just earlier. She also noticed how Enigma had expressed her thoughts without specifically addressing her assailant once in the process. All in all, Maya remained silent and more or less in the middle of the scene, glancing between her current company. Feeling somewhat detached but at the same time committed to seeing where fate would lead this.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

Lanai seemed momentarily surprised when Enigma suddenly awakened, but recovered from her surprise quickly as she simply nodded and said, "You're welcome." The demoness remained as silent as their captive as Enigma observed her, and to Maya it seemed that Lanai was as confused by Enigma's words as she was was. The battered girl looked at Enigma as if she was attempting some sort of emotion and failing miserably, and after a moment seemed to give up as she simply stared blankly at the elven necromancer.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

And with no intervention from an external party, it would be then that Enigma began the first step of her experiment. That being "the complete subjugation of a subject so as to ensure experimental success." Rising from the bed to full height, so that she stood tall with her feet directly in what she was to sculpt, and with heterocromatic eyes glowing, the necromancer would "sing" a single musical note...one that would cause the earth and wood next to the crestfallen shadowmancer with alarming speed. The form they had chosen to take? Two halves of a "stone maiden", a coffin by which many would meet their ends slowly (though this iteration bore no spikes), one which would immediately slam shut about its intended victim.

Of course, as Enigma had no time to fully observe the proportions of her victim beyond practical height, the device would not be initially to scale... thus to the receiver it would be more as if two large stone slabs had suddenly chosen to squash her in between them. At least, until after the coffin began to "readjust" to "fit" it's intended target...so as to almost meld into its target's very shape and form. If the former adventurer had opted to open up her mouth to speak, or so much as of gasp... the living earth would flood into her mouth (though not down her throat yet) so as to extend its "molding" there as well...to ensure it's target's complete and utter binding. And all the while this was going on, Enigma would seem nonchalant, and even opt to use this time so as to "educate"...Maya perhaps, or simply no one in particular.

"You see, many often forget that the ability to bring the unliving to life, means the ability to sculpt and shape them as well for more practical purposes. Granted there are limits, depending on the material you're working with, however..."

One hand would then move to the kettle of tea...it's contents having become perhaps luke-warm by now, causing it to "levitate"...before smashing into upon the top of the coffin, the metal being forcibly torn apart and the tea spilling over the statue so as to give the construct more...flexibility in it's sculpting.

"Given enough experience, you learn to quickly mix and match various properties so as to give you what you desire. Liquids for malleability, solids for reinforcement...and so forth. "

With the properties of the tea and the kettle mixed into the coffin, the "statue coffin" would begin to change and shift yet again... A metallic "seam" of sorts beginning to form along the various curves and lines of it's subject's body. The portion that encompassed the victim's face... now with greater malleability than before, would be the part to reshape the most after the addition. The earth...now more of mud, covering her eyes, ears, and nose would mostly melt away, so that the girl could once again see, hear and breathe. Had she not opened her mouth before, she would now find her mouth forcibly opened as the earth made and effort to literally seize her tongue, and pull it as far out as possible...before binding it once again. When this was complete, the girl would find Enigma with both arms extended towards her...palms open, while explaining the next step.

"Now then, the next step of the procedure shall begin. One in which a toll must be taken, so that a sufferer may be born anew."

And then last but not least, Enigma would close the palm of her right hand, in a gripping motion... and cause the earth around the shadowmancer's arms and legs to begin to move once more...to tighten, and twist more and more until the mold by which they were held were no more. It was plainly obvious that the necromancer intended on taking the girl's arms and legs as toll. And if she should so resist...well, that's why the left palm remained open...

((Action: Animate 20 EP.. If she shadow armors or seems she'll break out Devil's Lightning 16 EP.))
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 89/109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

When the earthen coffin formed suddenly around the shadowmancer, she did indeed open her mouth to gasp in surprise, an action mirrored by Lanai. The demoness was the luckier of the two in that she didn't have a block of mobile earth jammed into her mouth, however, and with that the meek struggles of the girl began. They came to naught, however, as she was unable to break free of the restraints around her as they molded themselves perfectly to her form. There was a series of sickening pops and crunches followed by a muffled scream as the girl's arms and legs broke from the force exerted by the coffin, and there was no further squirming from within.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

As the semi shaped stone coffin rapidly emerges from the ground and slams shut about the captive, Maya jumps slightly on the spot, taking a moment to realise that the girl hadn't been crushed right there and then. "Hey wait, what are you doing...?" She tries to ask, but the words failing to find any air and coming out as little more than a whisper, which she doesn't make to repeat. Glancing between Lanai and Enigma either side of her once more, her attention suddenly brought forward again as the sickening sound of severing limbs issues from the cruel earthen construct. Maya cupping her hand to her own mouth to subdue a shriek of her own, recoiling back onto the bed slightly in horror. Inching a little further with each crack and sound, simply staring into the entrapped girls eyes. 'This isn't... I didn't want...' short broken thoughts running through her head. She couldn't just sit and watch something this horrible.

Her breathing and heart rate shooting up, her energies likewise surged back and forth, in a state that would gain attention but not quite signal what she was about to do. Rapidly looking to and from Enigma and her new toy restlessly, a plain glare of disapproval forming, she tries something new.

Suddenly screaming out hysterically and rolling back onto the bed, Maya grips at her arms and kicks her legs frantically at nothing. Writhing on the bedsheets as if in terrible pain for a second or two, before ceasing her commotion just as suddenly and falling off the other side of the bed, as she finishes the makeshift technique by mentally projecting the link she'd made onto it's intended target. Making a deep gasp she crawls back away from the bed a little further and climbs to her feet. "Does that really feel like the removal of suffering to you!?" She shouts in a distraught manner, holding her arms still despite there being nothing wrong with them.

[[Target both captive and captor with a dose of the Empathy power.]]