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ACT [ 寝無様 ] シティガーディアンズ (RJ071623)

Re: Shitigadianzu

dunno if anyone noticed this, but every time you orgasm, you loose exp. u can even drop down a lvl.
Re: Shitigadianzu

Playing VH, I couldn't find any H-scenes anywhere... I didn't play for long on account of the overabundance of moonspeak, and the guide on the translation aggregator/atlas recommendation page thing has broken pictures in it... So you can't actually see wtf the guide is talking about whenever it gives an instruction.


Could someone please post a link to a trans-ag/ATLAS guide for VH and/or Shitigadianzu? (Preferably one with pictures that aren't broken :p )

Edit: Finally found a working guide and am now running translators over game.

go to google an dtype in vh wiki, pretty much every quest and h scene so far is on there.
Re: Shitigadianzu

to anyone struggling with their characters:
in the very beginning, when you select the character, the game says that playing as the red ranger and the monkey girl has easy difficulty, while other two characters have hard difficulty

though, i don't know if that is only regarding to their skills and if it has any impact on the monsters and the gameplay
Re: Shitigadianzu

I've been pouring over the thread for a while and have yet to see a list of control/commands. My common sense generator is currently defunct. Would someone kindly list all the controls?
Re: Shitigadianzu

For those that don't have the will or time to grind in a hentai game, here's a save editor for rpgm 2k/2003.

:eek: where did you find one? i've looked all over for a 2000/2003 editor but the only i could find was a VX/XP editor.

In any case, +rep for you
Re: Shitigadianzu

I've been pouring over the thread for a while and have yet to see a list of control/commands. My common sense generator is currently defunct. Would someone kindly list all the controls?

arrow keys = move

z = attack

shift = switch attack type

as you level up you get different attacks, up to 3 I think

anyway like someone else siad, this game is insane. I just jacked all my states up to 9000 with the save editor..is there anyway to reverse the..uh..speed at which the '?' bar fills? I know at the beginning it fills very slowly, but at this point in the game getting raped = insta pregnancy
Re: Shitigadianzu

id really love to give this game a try but i cant get that rpg rtp 2000 to install. Every time it gets to 44% while installing 2000 it stops, says a sound files missing, then gives up.
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Re: Shitigadianzu

Decided to do a little work on this game to make it more enjoyable for myself and others. I'm calling this version 1Gm. All translations done using google, so don't expect much.


- Many items, skills, statuses, and general terms translated to English.
- Removed the level of the hero being factored into the town attack.
- Many statuses are less punishing in one form or another, pregnancy and arousal no longer slow you down.
- Leveling made much faster.
- For modders translated many of the common events, and a few other things.
- Added a money cheat, won't say where except that its in the second town, in a convenient place. No confirmation given.

Additional notes:

- Base version had the town being attacked after twenty times of leaving a monster area, this was not changed.
- Base had town attacked for any hero level greater than or equal to 10 (slime forest), 14 (pixie forest), 16 (ogre fortress), and 16 (second town) when leaving these areas.
- Slowdown effects are cumulative for both versions, but pregnancy and arousal don't slow you down at all in 1G.
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Re: Shitigadianzu

Since you are so home in the game could you tell me in which common even do I find how long the rape last? I think its a little short for my taste. So I want to lengthen it a little while keeping the damage it does on the same lvl.
Re: Shitigadianzu

@ gmanprime: sadly, i can't even get your version to run - gives me some gibberish in japanese :/

edit: might be something with the files in the picture folder - they all seem to be renamed from the original and Winrar says something about syntax errors in the filenames...
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Re: Shitigadianzu

I give up. I used xp and vx... and I am somewhat good in them, but 2000 is a big pile of... I rather don't finish that sentence.
Anyway... it isn't user friendly at all.

So if someone can please modify some of the common events so the rape animations last much longer, and reduced with the same amount the damage a trust does, so at the end of it it will do actually the same amount of damage. 2 or 3 times longer if possible.
Only if its not a trouble ofc. I wont and can't force anyone to do this for me.
Re: Shitigadianzu

JhonDoe posted a save editor for 2000 on the last page. I've basically pwned everything :D

which reminds me, when you beat the crazy cyan haired bitch and all the dungeons as well as the arena, is there anything else to do? I'm just curious because i saw a rape screenshot on the front page which i haven't found in game(a guy raping you with a chain round your neck)

ps. whats vh? (a game someone mentioned on the first page)
Re: Shitigadianzu

lose to the guy after the girl in town hall (the guy who looks like a wannabe saiyan)
Re: Shitigadianzu

lose to the guy after the girl in town hall (the guy who looks like a wannabe saiyan)

I've already fought the crazy bitch twice and no guy ever appeared...should he have?
Re: Shitigadianzu

after you rescue the initial town from the monsters the other town gets attacked and when you rescue that one game ends
Re: Shitigadianzu

after you rescue the initial town from the monsters the other town gets attacked and when you rescue that one game ends

really? thats never happned to me...
Re: Shitigadianzu

After you have beaten the girl with the tentacles in the first Town, speak with the Mayor and he tells you that they got attacked from within. Now you go to the building left of the Townhall, enter it run around there, kill the guy there (its the one from the chain screenshot) ... and so on.... till you beat the game

VH is a really really nice game, sadly it isnt finished.
There is also a translation crew, but they recently stopped the translating, since the game still updates.