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ACT [ 寝無様 ] シティガーディアンズ (RJ071623)

Re: Shitigadianzu

I don't suppose someone could post a high-leveled save file?
Re: Shitigadianzu

juuuub beat me to it
in that basement you can also go to the top right and speak to one of the two vip area guards for another match with the monsteers and 5k gold in the end, however that seems to be a one time offer from them and I don't know what the match is cause of moonspeak

also, the guard at the entrance to said basement will give you an octopus pet after you make a couple 'shows' for the patrons
Re: Shitigadianzu

i dunno how many people know this but after the town is on fire you can go to the town in the bottom left and there is a hidden arena in the graveyard next to a random green bush

you can go in there and win money without getting killed/game overing but every time you orgasm or the green ? bar fills up you lose some exp i think its like 100 exp or something so its not a good idea to spam death there

when you talk to the knight guy blocking the stairs you can choose the 2nd option which will give you money even if u lose so its a nice way to make some extra gold while the town is on fire and you can rest/buy armors/items there too

hope this was helpful to some of you having a hard time

ps. the enemies in the arena i think are a certain set but randomized constantly between that given set...i just dont know what exactly the set is =p
Re: Shitigadianzu

Allright...did EVEN MORE testing, damn this game is ridiculous.

1. If you level up beyond a certain point, the next time you visit the world map the town WILL be on fire (after you go somewhere else if you just beat level boss). I reduced the amt of exp needed to level, leveled up to twenty, just defeated the pixie town, and when I exit everything's ok. I go to bottom left town, exit, and burrrrrn.

2. You can buy more then one armor, you can equip it if your current armor (basic armor) gets worn but hasn't broken. Armor is pretty expensive though, even the basic version.

3. The starting armor is the best as far as how long it takes to break. The enemy has to break the blue and the green bars, while advanced armor just has green. You might want to save the good armor for bosses, and wear the shitty armor for general monsters.

4. I have found no way to cure certain conditions. Basically if you actually start getting violated, and the armor is off, then good luck curing the condition you will likely get. Also certain chests/trap floor tiles will inflict pregnancy and pre-pregnancy status, which again is uncurable as far as I know. Well I guess I should clarify...there is an item that will cure pre-pregnancy state, but it costs 100 gold and is way too expensive to use all the time.

5. This game is #%$%$%^ hard. :mad:
Re: Shitigadianzu

As for curing pregnancy... you can participate in the arena's first option, the one where you fight waves of enemies for gold, and lose (get raped, give birth and all). That will cancel your pregnancy.

As a side note, doing the second option (where you get gold when you lose) will NOT cancel your pregnancy, even if you are raped by a different kind of monster. Though she will still give birth, which is amusing.

I do not know if you get the option to give birth when you lose in the first one right away... when I noticed that it cured an existing pregnancy, I had participated quite a bit in the second option. I received gold for the birthing scene as well, which I'm sure requires having participated in the second match a number of times.

Edit: It seems participating in the arena (the second option at least) multiple times increases your chance of getting pregnant when raped. After making 8000 gold or so, it was nearly guaranteed even at the first orgasm. Which also comes faster.
Re: Shitigadianzu

Not sure about other pets, but the fairy 'rescued' my character when she got killed (just teleport you back right outside the town)

.- . but now I have a pregnant character on the save...and being pregnant really really screw you up (slow you down, reduce attack/defense, etc)
Re: Shitigadianzu

If you wanna dash pregnancy real quick, you can always go pay the priest 250 to heal all your stats...:D
Re: Shitigadianzu

Anyone know how to survive the respawning demons at the second boss area of the demon lair? I'm playing as the monkey girl and am finding it pretty difficult to get through it all, even after running in and using her third attack (area-wide) to clear out the first wave.

I only have like 11 potions on inventory, and the translated alert message that shows up at the start of the fight says something about '100 cuttings' or something... So I'm kind of concerned that I'll end up having to fight like a hundred of the bastards before I can win >.>
Re: Shitigadianzu

Anyone know how to survive the respawning demons at the second boss area of the demon lair? I'm playing as the monkey girl and am finding it pretty difficult to get through it all, even after running in and using her third attack (area-wide) to clear out the first wave.

I only have like 11 potions on inventory, and the translated alert message that shows up at the start of the fight says something about '100 cuttings' or something... So I'm kind of concerned that I'll end up having to fight like a hundred of the bastards before I can win >.>

You do have to fight and kill 100 of them, good luck.
Re: Shitigadianzu

Allright...did EVEN MORE testing, damn this game is ridiculous.

3. The starting armor is the best as far as how long it takes to break. The enemy has to break the blue and the green bars, while advanced armor just has green. You might want to save the good armor for bosses, and wear the shitty armor for general monsters.

4. I have found no way to cure certain conditions. Basically if you actually start getting violated, and the armor is off, then good luck curing the condition you will likely get. Also certain chests/trap floor tiles will inflict pregnancy and pre-pregnancy status, which again is uncurable as far as I know. Well I guess I should clarify...there is an item that will cure pre-pregnancy state, but it costs 100 gold and is way too expensive to use all the time.

5. This game is #%$%$%^ hard. :mad:

3. It's not that the starting armor is best, but some armors (like the starting one) is made ot give you those special health bar(the blue one)
There's a few other armors within the same line but more expensive .- . just look for the katakana for "Coating" and you should find them.

4. As someone stated, you can remove pregnancy, just not on the go (and the pre-pregnancy thing you think of is more like 'aroused' condition, which randomly drain the crap out of your special bar whenever you move...yeah pretty much you're doom if you don't cure this).
Re: Shitigadianzu

Lurker here, reporting for duty.

While i do like the artwork, i have to agree when people say the game is insanely difficult. So far, i've only managed to beta the slime zone, and even then, i only did that thanks to an hour spent spamming the cat girl's holyshitmegagrocks attack (the one with the blue bar)

Also, while i do find the octupus's ridiculously annoying tendency to rape you at the least opportune moments (e.g when fighting the freaking bee castle thing boss fight), i do love the animation.

ps. yes i am aware that teh rape is not supposed to be opportune or helpful.
Re: Shitigadianzu

im quite some way into the game right now
have some info for strugling people:
pregnancy is cured at churches in the first town for 200G, in second - for 500G
to remove other debuffs you need either of the two potions sold in first town (the first two from the top for 5G each)
there is also a potion sold in the second town for 8G that cures all 4 conditions (slime web poison and paralysis) but if you stock up on that one then you only have 99 in the inventory (and they go down fast if you have the rabbit or octopus pets) so i recommend the first' town's potions
the sedaive costs 100G and is one of two ways to cure aroused (or indecent) state, it also decreases your orgasm bar; the second way to cure arousal is to rest in a bed (i think the yellow save point does that too...)

On a side note: Does anyone know how to prevent the damn rabbit from running off half way into a dungeon??? would be much appreciated!
Re: Shitigadianzu

On a side note: Does anyone know how to prevent the damn rabbit from running off half way into a dungeon??? would be much appreciated!

Try feeding it a lot.

There's 3 5g items for the 3 different pets in the first town, and second town have 8g food for all pets.
Re: Shitigadianzu


How the frigid fuck do you kill that cyan haired bitch in the town hall?
Re: Shitigadianzu


How the frigid fuck do you kill that cyan haired bitch in the town hall?

it took me ages...but i eventually managed. Heres a quick run down of what i had and what i did.

1. first of all, i chose the cat girl. Her main claw attack is definetley the srongest, which really comes in handy.

2. i had about 40 potions which healed 100 hp, 20 potions (each costing 150 at the item shop) which fully heal hp, as well as most conditions.

3. i had the octupus with me who, despite his annoying habit which i mentioned in my previous post, auto heals with any hp healing potions you have.

4. I also had the most expensive armor(?) in the game (the one which you can find in the 2nd town.)which costs 5000

5. To avoid those god damn dark energy balls, you have to make sure she is on the left side of the room, then, if you hide behind the two pieces of rubble which are next to each other on the right side of the room, you should be able to avoid most of the energy balls.

6. Just keep attacking her, and healing when hiding. Also, whenever you feel you have the chance to use one of your specials succesfully, USE IT(as long as it doesn't have to be charged.) It really helped me.

And thats all i got. Hope this helps.

P.s As was previously mentioned, the hidden arena is an excellent way of making money. I made about 10,000 in 15 minuites ( by choosing the first option when you talk to the gaurd blocking the stairs.)
Re: Shitigadianzu

I guess then I too add my two cents. Her charged attack can be interrupted by your special attack, you just have to hit her with it before she can drain your energy. Not an easy task as you think.

BTW isn't the octopus rape only happening when you don't feed him?
Re: Shitigadianzu


How the frigid fuck do you kill that cyan haired bitch in the town hall?

If you are using the normal red-head, you can use either the blue invincibility attack and just chase her aggressively, or use the sword. If you attack just when she starts standing still for the energy balls, then you can break the attack, but this is hard to do.
Re: Shitigadianzu

Allright, that's it, I'm done playing through this game the way the creator made it. I'm level 20 (max), have the best overall stat-boosting armor for the red-hair girl. I was trying to play through the burning town, beat the SECOND boss (the guy), and now the game is throwing me through a gauntlet of endless bees and a mazelike building. My armor is broke (which lowers my stats dramatically), of course I can't repair it, and every 3 minutes I'm getting raped, with half the time leading to aroused state and using my 100 gp a pop cure. I don't have enough to make it through, and I definately can't fight when I'm slowed down to a crawl.

I can see how it could be beaten, basically exploit the town dungeon fights, get a ton of gold, buy a ton of elixers, potions, armor, etc, then slowly grind your way through. This is pretty much the ONLY way without reloading a billion times or using a different character. I'm assuming you can't get pregnant if you don't fill the ? bar, so if you keep using the 100 gold potions you can avoid that state, which is basically a death sentence. This however is ridiculously tedious.

Challenging games can be fun, and I really liked this game for a while, but now its just gotten frustrating.
Re: Shitigadianzu

BTW isn't the octopus rape only happening when you don't feed him?

I thought so to, but then, even after i had fed him several times, i walked into an arena match and he started at it again. Maybe that's just a glitch?
Re: Shitigadianzu

For those that don't have the will or time to grind in a hentai game, here's a save editor for rpgm 2k/2003.
