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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Thanks a bunch, everyone. :D

I went through the files to double-check for anything I missed...and to my horror, the Ass File isn't finished. Fuuuuuuuuu.......!!!!!!!!!

It's fine, though. I'm just gonna translate a few more and do some tweaking before I call it quits and provide that much-needed guide for everyone.

You may all hate me now. :(
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Thanks a bunch, everyone. :D

I went through the files to double-check for anything I missed...and to my horror, the Ass File isn't finished. Fuuuuuuuuu.......!!!!!!!!!

It's fine, though. I'm just gonna translate a few more and do some tweaking before I call it quits and provide that much-needed guide for everyone.

You may all hate me now. :(

I'm pumped to get my hands on the next patch. :)
Keep being awesome.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Thanks a bunch, everyone. :D

I went through the files to double-check for anything I missed...and to my horror, the Ass File isn't finished. Fuuuuuuuuu.......!!!!!!!!!

It's fine, though. I'm just gonna translate a few more and do some tweaking before I call it quits and provide that much-needed guide for everyone.

You may all hate me now. :(

No, I'm happy to get anything at this point. Been waiting so long.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Huh...can't seem to find anything about this in the Ass File.
(In my butt……精液[5] filled
it all up……
It's the 'ピュッ'. I've heard the sound before, but I don't recall what it means.

EDIT: Fawk it, I'll just update now. The Skill Set takes forever to tweak anyway and the Ass and Boobs File can be finished later. I'll bring my attention to them AFTER I've brought everyone up-to-speed.

Battle dialogue for the following has been fully translated:
- Vagina
- Mouth
- All holes at the same time
- Milking (Unintentional, but I did it anyway)
And I've forgot the rest, but they were all indeed battle dialogue-related. (This is what happens when one focues on a part for too damn long. You end up forgetting stuff. :p )

If this update crashes for whatever reason, do let us know.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Huh...can't seem to find anything about this in the Ass File.

It's the 'ピュッ'. I've heard the sound before, but I don't recall what it means.

EDIT: Fawk it, I'll just update now. The Skill Set takes forever to tweak anyway and the Ass and Boobs File can be finished later. I'll bring my attention to them AFTER I've brought everyone up-to-speed.

Battle dialogue for the following has been fully translated:
- Vagina
- Mouth
- All holes at the same time
- Milking (Unintentional, but I did it anyway)
And I've forgot the rest, but they were all indeed battle dialogue-related. (This is what happens when one focues on a part for too damn long. You end up forgetting stuff. :p )

If this update crashes for whatever reason, do let us know.



1 Glossary (Search for Meaning and glossary of Pyu')

Progressive Japanese-English Dictionary medium (third edition) commentary

Zing, Pyu' [zing, Pyu']

1 [sound, such as arrows and bullets hangs strongly sky] whizz; zip; beeow
2 [feel the wind quick movement] zing; zip
3 [sound such as a whip and cane is cut strongly sky] swish
4 [jet of liquid] splirsh; squirt <----------- presumably it's this one.

Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Has any more of the story /h-scenes been translated or just battle dialogue?
Either way thanks for the update, going to give it a play tomorrow :)
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Has any more of the story /h-scenes been translated or just battle dialogue?

Juuuuuust battle dialogue. That's like the one thing players will see for 40% of the game, which is why I had to focus on it. And believe me, there is absolutely too bloody many. (Because I just found ANOTHER BATCH OF BATTLE DIALOGUE!!! OH, JOYOUS DAY. :< )

EDIT: Hmm, this new batch wasn't too difficult. Welp, back to the Ass and Boobs. :D
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Gonna make the guide now. Let me know if the process went A-OK.

1. You're gonna need 'Python' from 'python.org'. It is recommended to use '. Specifically this version. Later versions will not work. Furthermore, you'll also need ' '. (Click on the links to access them.)
2. You'll need 'Notepad++' (Or XML Copy Editor) to access the converted files. Be warned, however, that this software has a tendency to crash when you least expect it during 'saves' and 'searches' and takes file data to the grave. Be sure to make plenty of back-ups.
3. Okay, now we'll need the tools. I've added them to my MEGA folder to save time. Grab it and unzip it. The main things you want to look out for is 'Output' and 'Input' folders. If you don't see them, make them.
4. Next, grab the game's .lsb files and drop them into the 'Output' folder.
5. Activate 'Disassemble.bat' and the conversion will turn the files into .xml files located in the 'Input' folder.
6. Once you're done, use 'Assemble.bat' to convert the files back into .lsb files. Drop them back into your game folder and you're set to play.

Now for a quick guide on tackling the translation.
1. This guide only goes over Notepad++. You have to go to 'Search' and use 'Find' to locate whatever it is you're after. 'Wrap Around' looks for all characters matching your search regardless if it's in a sentence and 'Match Whole Word Only' will only search for characters matching that particular search, usually a word on its own.
1.5. Oh, almost forgot. To search for all the text in a file, type in 'ExtraData' into the search function.
2. For quicker results regarding your search, be sure to click 'Find All in All Opened Documents'. This will search through all opened files. Be careful with this though - if it searches for a common character throughout all opened files, it can lead to a crash due to stress.
3. Find a software on the net and draw the JPN characters, or take a screenshot and find a software to pluck out the characters. All-in-all, you're gonna need to grab the JPN text if you're planning to search for them in the files.
4. When translating, you have to take into account the size of the in-game text box. You cannot alter the size of text or change the box's size to accommodate. You have to work with what you've got.
5. Also, there are two types of text boxes: Full horizontal and half horizontal. The latter is usually reserved for combat, but can appear in various parts of the game. Be sure to keep this in mind.
6. BE EXTRA CAREFUL WITH THE CODING. Especially code about variables. Unless you're familiar with how it works, you can easily crash the game and make things inoperable. Trial and error is key.
7. If you're planning on working in groups, make sure your work doesn't overlap. It's difficult to keep track on which file has been altered. To make things easier, it would be best to assign a file per user.
8. Finally, SAVE OFTEN. You don't want your hard work to disappear in digital smoke.

EDIT: New info.
9. If you are unsure of an edited file, you have to use the 'Compare' plugin function for Notepad++. (You'll have to download it first. 'Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager') This allows for the user to compare two identical files for any changes. This is very useful, so don't ignore it when working in groups. Additionally, you'll want to make use of the 'Navigation Bar' for an overview on comparing files.
10. Keep an eye out for <Str Name="">. This thing is responsible for containing important elements. Such as 'Enemy names', 'list of choices', 'combat-related text', etc... It is crucial to ensure that all related results, such as magic attack 'Flame', must be changed. Otherwise, the game will go wonky and the combat will be broken. Trial and error is key here, so don't rush this part.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I've updated the folder. If extra hands want in on this, you're all more than welcome to take a shot at it.

Of course, when this happens, I need to stay out of it. I don't want to step on anyone's shoe.

To help get things started, here are key files:
Follow the guide and you'll be fine. :) For context regarding the text, well...my advice would be...don't go overboard. ;D

Welp, now that I've got this out of the way, I'm going to focus on the Skill Set. Here we go, ya complex bastard~~!!! :D

EDIT: I forgot to mention what I updated.
It's the battle dialogue I mentioned above. This one concerns the enemy prematurely cumming on Feena. If the player can get the enemy to cum without them raping Feena, they end up cumming on her body or face....and she responds appropriately.
The issue, however, is the choice between 'cum' and 'semen'. Because I already used the word 'semen' as a variable elsewhere, I had to resort to 'cum' to avoid any potential crashes.
...hope it looks good. XD

RE-EDIT: By the way, if it wasn't clear, this is the point where I stop. (At least until I can get my bearings again.)
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I've updated the folder. If extra hands want in on this, you're all more than welcome to take a shot at it.

Of course, when this happens, I need to stay out of it. I don't want to step on anyone's shoe.

To help get things started, here are key files:
Follow the guide and you'll be fine. :) For context regarding the text, well...my advice would be...don't go overboard. ;D

Welp, now that I've got this out of the way, I'm going to focus on the Skill Set. Here we go, ya complex bastard~~!!! :D

EDIT: I forgot to mention what I updated.
It's the battle dialogue I mentioned above. This one concerns the enemy prematurely cumming on Feena. If the player can get the enemy to cum without them raping Feena, they end up cumming on her body or face....and she responds appropriately.
The issue, however, is the choice between 'cum' and 'semen'. Because I already used the word 'semen' as a variable elsewhere, I had to resort to 'cum' to avoid any potential crashes.
...hope it looks good. XD

RE-EDIT: By the way, if it wasn't clear, this is the point where I stop. (At least until I can get my bearings again.)

Just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work. I hope that your family issues sort themselves out without too many issues/damage. Keep us posted on how things go. Good luck with everything.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work. I hope that your family issues sort themselves out without too many issues/damage. Keep us posted on how things go. Good luck with everything.

I'm not the only person who deserves thanks. XD Everyone who participated in translating them pesky sentences were a big help. The best I contributed was understanding how to tackle the files and how to provide a working guide for future participants. :D

I hope that, after I've figured out the variables for the Skill Set, everyone can rest easy and simply focus on translating story dialogue. :)
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Oh holy shit, I had no idea anyone was working on translating this! This makes me so happy...

Thank you so much for your time and effort Memory and team :)
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Princess Sacrifice never got a translation, right?
Nah, deddest in the west. Even m1zuki took a look at it and fled
Dat sweet denial. XD

Has anyone touched on the key files I listed?

Because my attention is elsewhere.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Hi, can I help?

I've recently been bitten by the translation bug, and I'd like to lend a hand. I can (and would like to) translate, but I'd also like to go over the existing text and spruce it up a little, if that's all right. I'm a pretty good writer, and some of the sentences sound really awkward in English.

edit: Urgh. I've been going through the lines with a fine-toothed comb, and, well, I hope no one takes offense, but there are a lot of mistakes, both in interpreting the Japanese, and in expressing the concepts in English. Right now, even the parts that are done are not release quality. That's okay, it just means I'll have to rewrite more than I thought.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Hi, can I help?
Hey hey, well it's simply great that you'd choose this game to work on for your first translation effort.

I've only really played it via machine translation, but I really liked the game and the story. So, if this does eventually get a good translation, I'm sure it'll be one of the more popular games out there.

Umm, I haven't looked at the translation files, but as far as I'm aware, you might be the only one looking through them at this stage, unless Memory is still going though them. Keep us informed though, since this is easily one of my all-time favorite games, hentai or not.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Thanks, I will! I'll post here with updates.

The technical side of things is a little tricky, but I think I've got a handle on how the scripting works now.

By the way, shoutout to Memory for his excellent data extraction guide, it was invaluable. I'm not blown away by his translation, but his technical skills are on point. If it hadn't been for him, I probably wouldn't have gotten this far.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Hi, can I help?

I've recently been bitten by the translation bug, and I'd like to lend a hand. I can (and would like to) translate, but I'd also like to go over the existing text and spruce it up a little, if that's all right. I'm a pretty good writer, and some of the sentences sound really awkward in English.

I've been going through the lines with a fine-toothed comb, and, well, I hope no one takes offense, but there are a lot of mistakes, both in interpreting the Japanese, and in expressing the concepts in English. Right now, even the parts that are done are not release quality. That's okay, it just means I'll have to rewrite more than I thought.
Welcome, good user~! :D This project needs all the awesome help it can get, so if you wanna go through the text and give it that extra polish, give it a right ol' spin.

you might be the only one looking through them at this stage, unless Memory is still going though them.
I'm focusing on the technical aspects. So no, I'm not translating at the mo. It's also out of the way (I think...?) so don't mind me, y'all~! ;)

The technical side of things is a little tricky, but I think I've got a handle on how the scripting works now.
Word of advice from me who went through hell and back through the game's script:
In dialogue, there is a small space before the very first word in its own line, usually the second line and onword. It's there to balance out the structure of the sentence. I always copy-&-pasted that space because I couldn't reproduce it normally. Keep that in mind.

I'm not blown away by his translation,
You shouldn't. At all. (But you are more than welcome to one-up me. Take that horse and ride it to victory! :D )

BTW, I forgot to bring this up.
If someone chooses to translate this game and its various parts, always let yourself be known so your work doesn't overlap with someone else's attempt. Nobody likes to waste effort. Especially one's own.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Hey, thanks! I figured out the space thing already, it's one of those Japanese double-space characters. Yeah, easiest just to copy-paste.

Couple more things I'm throwing out there. Let me know if you have thoughts on any of them!

1) 「 and 」 are Japanese quotation marks. They should not be used in an English text. I'm replacing all of them with “ and ”. I tested it, those characters work fine and don't seem to conflict with anything.

2) ... (three periods) and … (special ellipsis character) are both used in various places in the translation. I'm going to change it to be … everywhere, because it saves two characters of space and it's more correct anyway. Also, six dots are only used in Japanese, not English, so I'm gonna just use three (that is, a single ellipses character) except in special cases where there's a particularly long pause. Finally, Japanese uses ellipses way more than English does, and it's not really correct to transcribe them every single time. I'll be removing some of them.

3) Onomatopoeia (words that imitate sounds) are extremely different in Japanese and English. I'll be translating them to their English equivalent. Same for transcribing screaming, moaning, gagging, etc. This is actually a really hard case-by-case judgement call. "Kyaaaa" is probably okay in English and doesn't need to become "Eeeek" or "Aaaah", but gagging in Japanese is transcribed as "げっ" (ge~tsu), which is utterly meaningless to an English ear. In English, it's more like "ghk!". (That is not a random example. There is a remarkable amount of gagging in this game. Go figure.)

Yeah I know, not exactly the most titillating stuff, but there's a lot of it and I don't feel like going back and redoing it differently later (even if many of them can be solved with find and replace). So if there's a problem, speak now or forever hold your peace!
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I believe! The Dream is real!