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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Never let anyone say your dreams can't come true... *sob*

Thank you Aigis-sama! You marvelous goddess you!

Gratz for for 1 of broken unit, if you can timed her skill.
Sophie have xtreme high stat and can hit multi target unit (pre CC 2 block 1 hit / after CC + AW 3 block 2 unit hit)
While currently the advertisement just 1000 atk, in future Sophie can easily reach 2.5k atk 1000 def 60 MR making her truly godly killer and tank (sorry still can't tank 4-5k atk enemy)

I got a question, has her status implement yet ? if yes she should have a weaker of her aw ability which heal everyone in map by 10hp / 0.5sec (when aw changed to 18hp /0.5sec) when her skill is off.

Note: all angel unit have the same skill, so its better don't waste rainbow fairy of her yet... additionaly there a farm angel event unit (loli but ask nutaku that if she going to be released or not)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Gratz for for 1 of broken unit, if you can timed her skill.
Sophie have xtreme high stat and can hit multi target unit (pre CC 2 block 1 hit / after CC + AW 3 block 2 unit hit)
While currently the advertisement just 1000 atk, in future Sophie can easily reach 2.5k atk 1000 def 60 MR making her truly godly killer and tank (sorry still can't tank 4-5k atk enemy)

I got a question, has her status implement yet ? if yes she should have a weaker of her aw ability which heal everyone in map by 10hp / 0.5sec (when aw changed to 18hp /0.5sec) when her skill is off.

Note: all angel unit have the same skill, so its better don't waste rainbow fairy of her yet... additionaly there a farm angel event unit (loli but ask nutaku that if she going to be released or not)

I highly doubt any loli characters from the Japanese Aigis will be allowed in the NA version of Aigis. Unlike a lot of places in the world, NA has very clear feelings about lolita characters; it's kiddy porn. Which is illegal. I highly doubt Nutaku will be even considering any loli characters since they'd be inviting legal action from the feds.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I highly doubt any loli characters from the Japanese Aigis will be allowed in the NA version of Aigis. Unlike a lot of places in the world, NA has very clear feelings about lolita characters; it's kiddy porn. Which is illegal. I highly doubt Nutaku will be even considering any loli characters since they'd be inviting legal action from the feds.

That's what everyone thought, but then we still got Shiho, so who knows.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The issue is Nutaku's payment processors, like Visa. Basically they said if you include this content we will not process credit cards for you. Thus it got cut.

It really has nothing to do with the law, that has been stated by Nutaku several times. But they can't make money if we can't spend on their games because of payment processors.

Keep in mind that decisions about content aren't made by us - they're made by banks and credit card companies. It's not the US Supreme Court ruling on what sort of content is unacceptable, it's "the company whose card is in your wallet" deciding what they will process payments for. Nutaku fights for every character, even the questionable ones, because we want to bring over the successful game as it exists currently.

So far we're doing a pretty good job. The list of characters that have been delayed is very short and we hope to get them in anyway, at some point.

And to add to that Loli content in anime and manga is not illegal in the US. Those parts of the PROTECT Act criminalizing "a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting" were ruled unconstitutional during US vs. Handley.

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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The issue is Nutaku's payment processors, like Visa. Basically they said if you include this content we will not process credit cards for you. Thus it got cut.

It really has nothing to do with the law, that has been stated by Nutaku several times. But they can't make money if we can't spend on their games because of payment processors.

They have also mentioned at one point as they grow they may have more say over content. (Ah the power of money)

Well, if they ever get a prepaid card of their own, like so many sites do, then they'd have full control over content and the like.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It was never about US laws (which are already iffy on 2D porn to begin with; hint: there are countries with stricter CP laws than US), and I don't know why people keep bringing them up.

To begin with, Nutaku is based in Europe (Luxembourg office, Ireland payment processors, IIRC).

That said, they've gotten worse with censorship as of late, thanks to Osawari and LoV's eyejob debacle. Shiho was a reprieve, but the future for lolis still doesn't look bright. So we have to keep protesting about those shitty edits, at the very least.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Wasn't it because they're trying to run a tax loophole in Ireland that we can't have lolis? Ireland, IIRC, has a pretty strict stance on them. The US mostly doesn't give a flip and I can almost guarantee you Visa doesn't care.

Also man, stupid 4th map. I almost had a three-star on my first try, but I took one hit too many on two units right at the end from Lynn.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Wasn't it because they're trying to run a tax loophole in Ireland that we can't have lolis? Ireland, IIRC, has a pretty strict stance on them. The US mostly doesn't give a flip and I can almost guarantee you Visa doesn't care.

Also man, stupid 4th map. I almost had a three-star on my first try, but I took one hit too many on two units right at the end from Lynn.

The issue was addressed by the developers the very first time it was brought up, several months ago in the Lord of Valkyrie thread and they confirmed that the issue lies solely with their payment processors being against the content. This is also the reason they cannot bring over tentacle tactics as the banks view tentacle porn as bestiality.

On the forth map I cheated....I threw down two ninjas at the bottom then just stacked all my tanks on the row above that.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I got a question, has her status implement yet ? if yes she should have a weaker of her aw ability which heal everyone in map by 10hp / 0.5sec (when aw changed to 18hp /0.5sec) when her skill is off.

Not yet, I suppose this was added in a patch later (like the buff to witches and ninjas).

Note: all angel unit have the same skill, so its better don't waste rainbow fairy of her yet... additionaly there a farm angel event unit (loli but ask nutaku that if she going to be released or not)

Thanks mate, that's really nice to know, I've seen another silver angel once which I didn't find very loli (at least less childish than Shiho), but was a hermaphrodite if I recall correctly. Don't know how the english version will handle that, though.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks mate, that's really nice to know, I've seen another silver angel once which I didn't find very loli (at least less childish than Shiho), but was a hermaphrodite if I recall correctly. Don't know how the english version will handle that, though.

You right on that silver angel :p although everyone used to call her a trap (which i don't agree)
and nah she should have passed since that doesn't look like loli at all... I'm actualy confuse how much of look like they allowed unit to pass.
I think around age of 15++ ? while 12 and below not pass... (from my perspective)

I wonder the reason they didn't release misha is not cuz of the looks, but they lost the old illustration :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Try to deploy Len on Last Map
Nah.... IMHO she's not that good
Or is it becoz she's only 35?

Damn....... got Lynn
Still no Rosalie..... , I want Rosalie:(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

God damn it. I was not expecting Sophie to be the spotlight unit.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

God damn it. I was not expecting Sophie to be the spotlight unit.

I know, right?! I was planning to wait another week or two before I put more money into the game, but with Sophie on the spotlight along with Victoria...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What the... they removed Bashira from the Trading Post? Why?! New players automatically get her and I can't even buy her for 100 demon stones anymore? That is bullshit. I have 94 stones. I would've dropped an SC on a stamina refill if I'd knew that they take her out during the next update.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What the... they removed Bashira from the Trading Post? Why?! New players automatically get her and I can't even buy her for 100 demon stones anymore? That is bullshit. I have 94 stones. I would've dropped an SC on a stamina refill if I'd knew that they take her out during the next update.

She was only supposed to be available from October 13th to the 27th. You missed your window.

Speaking of missing a window; just 3 starred the third event mission. Still no Lynn for me. Makes me sad.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That is bullshit and unfair as hell. If it stays that way, I'm done with this game. New players get one of the strongest ranged units while I get shit, just because I was late to the party, even after months of active playing and money investment?! They can go to hell with that attitude. Dammit, I'm furious!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That is bullshit and unfair as hell. If it stays that way, I'm done with this game. New players get one of the strongest ranged units while I get shit, just because I was late to the party, even after months of active playing and money investment?! They can go to hell with that attitude. Dammit, I'm furious!

Your own fault for not being informed. It's why I didn't bother saving up demon crystals, because I knew I didn't have enough time. Instead, I'm saving up for either Spica or Saki, not sure which yet. There will be more chances for Bashira, but then, I also accepted that I'm going to spend about $100 a month on this game for Sacred Crystals just for summoning.

Eventually, I'll get the units I want.

EDIT: If you want to keep on top of these things, use . It's had the time limit for Bashira for a few weeks now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Heh, yeah, only if I'd have 100 bucks in a month in general, not just for this game. If I could afford premium summons on a regular basis, I'd get her eventually. Thing is, I can't. So this was pretty much my only chance, which I could have used, if I would have known that this was limited time. It was mentioned in the update notes. Somewhere in the middle of a wall of text. I give you that it's my fault for not paying more attention. It's still unfair and I still feel cheated.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

While Nutaku has pulled (and will continue to pull) some pretty messed up dick moves in the past, this ain't one of em. They clearly stated that it was a limited 1 time offer and how long it would be availible.
I currently have very mixed feelings about my Bashira. It made getting Spica a very minor goal, but I could've really used Saki for this event. and I don't have 3 silver archers to CC Bashira just to add to my frustration. I've got one lvl 1 archer and a lvl 39 (that I wanted to CC originally) and I don't have melee units that are capable of safely dueling lynn.
Any strats for map 4 that don't involve a fully beefed up premium team?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Okay, why is Castle Retake so damn hard? I have four CC'd units, Leeanne, Katie, Daniela, and Alissa, and I still can't beat this damn thing. The black armor unit comes out far too fast for me to get any mages up, then there's the red gargoyles that come immediately after, all those goblins... It feels like there isn't enough UP to keep up. Not to mention the previous map didn't need any CC'd units and this one is too hard to beat with four of them.

This is not balanced difficulty.