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Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

I'm getting timed out when I try to connect
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Okay, it's all working.
Last edited:
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Saturday reminder that game is tomorrow.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Server's up, ready to recommence battle time.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

I am going to be conspicuously absent this coming game. work scheduled me, and I can't find a replacement. Also can't manage another one of those 'start shift six hours early' things, body just can't handle that right now. sorry folks.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

We'll just say that Zurui can't move her legs due to last night's events. :3
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Okay, kind of late bringing this up now, I realize that. However, the last couple of weeks have been pretty hard on me and I haven't been able to do any real thinking on the game. I'm still feeling pretty crappy today, and feeling like cancelling this week's game. However, we'll see what Saturday brings. At the moment, it's kind of a toss-up. I'll post here when I've got a concrete answer.

Somewhat relatedly, the next bit in the game will probably see you arriving in the capital city. I've got a few very rough ideas about things to do there, but would like some idea of what you'd be more likely to be doing so that I can focus on that first.

Firstly, there's the offer from Edgar, however, since you left a few weeks ahead of him, he hasn't arrived yet. You can still head to the magistrate's office and see if they have something for you guys to do while waiting for him to arrive.

Second, you could look into the events at Asuka's village. The capital is home to the Arcanists' Guild (aka, Mages' Guild) and they have a considerable library to do research at. Fu would be accepted as a member without too much trouble (some entry fees, a small interview, etc.).

Third, there's that bag of Rust Dust you found in the stockpile. It's trade is considered illegal, so that probably hints to some smuggling activity going on. If you wanted to play at vigilantes, you could do some investigations into that.

Finally, something that you don't have a lead on, is possibly meeting up with and doing a small job or two for Madame Rouge, one of the starting contacts. Doing so would definitely require Shrike though, since her and Zurui have some background together.

Or, if any of you had any other ideas or things you wanted to look into while in the city, let me know. It's the biggest city in the Eastern Empire, so just about anything you could think of (within reason) would be possible to be found there.

Some character specific thoughts:
Lyna: She'd be able to find some fellow members of her order in the city, with a bit of searching around.
Nyktan: (Lots of people + Performance)*Catman = PROFIT!
Zurui: She'd likely hear about Madame Rouge having a brothel in the city and might want to visit her, even if only for a social call.
Fu: I imagine he'd want to go to the Arcanists' Guild anyway, cause magic and stuff.
Rissiki: There's the ratling slums in the city (well, separate), as well as a sizable population, so if she wanted to get in contact with more of her own kind, that'd be easy to do.
Robern: Besides sticking with Zurui... I got nothing.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Unless something profitable(like selling the rust dust) comes up, Fu will indeed most likely stick in or near the mages' guild, both learning new spells and making scrolls as well as possibly researching stuff.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Oh, that's another thought too. If you wanted to get in on the drug dealing action, you could see about finding someone to buy the stuff.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Sounds like I may be late, instead of missing entirely. Currently, I'm hoping for about 2-3 hours after the usual start time, about the time i'm posting this now at the latest.

That said, could also be interesting to pick up work from the Madame without Zurui, then have it be a pleasant surprise to show up for the return visit. That would let the group pick that up immediately, instead of waiting for me.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Sticking to the others is fine, but I'll possibly figure something out. Hopefully I won't forget, but this week has been incredibly draining and I very well might not be able to wake up in time. Also, my schedule will probably be changing in a few weeks, meaning that the game after next I might have to be late from now on, as I'd only be getting out on Sundays at 2 PM my time, one hour after game start, so probably an hour and a half late.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Somehow, Maiko's idea for Nyktan gave me the mental image of a massive orgy with him at the center.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Rissiki would never allow it.

Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Too bad. Metal Rockstar Nyan needs groupies!
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Well, good to know who wears the pants in that relationship. And groupies? Those poor souls.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

But who wears the pants in Lyna's multiple relationships?

Oh who am I kidding. It's Aust. Pure Bottom.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Okay, going to have to say that tomorrow will be cancelled. Hate to do it but just not going to happen this week.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Okay, so what are people planning on doing for the next session? So far only Spider has given any indication so far.

Also, considering this weekend is easter weekend, should I be expecting anyone to be absent?