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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

For anyone who could not reach the 700 serum mark to get black rarity Karma. Fear not because she will come back in later revival event with arguably cheaper price.

um... the unit itself is cheaper price i agreed there....
But geting her skill up and CR is totaly more expensive price + we don't have the time to farm all those revival crystal with given time.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm finally with 250 serums, now lets see if I can reach black Karma until the end spending a few crystals. More than 700 is unreal for me, and tomorrow is the day to earn some cash with the armors.
I hate the last map, the only two times I completed it I received nothing, and in "Vampire" almost all times I receive at least 16 serums, so I'll stay with it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm finally with 250 serums, now lets see if I can reach black Karma until the end spending a few crystals. More than 700 is unreal for me, and tomorrow is the day to earn some cash with the armors.
I hate the last map, the only two times I completed it I received nothing, and in "Vampire" almost all times I receive at least 16 serums, so I'll stay with it.

The last map have 1x 10 serum on 100% chance drop rate, its drop from the vampire lord.
While doing daily instead of focusing geting as highest karma stat as possible is up to you.. (specialy you can do the daily anytime). I just hope this choice didn't prevent you on making up to black karma later on.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm finally with 250 serums, now lets see if I can reach black Karma until the end spending a few crystals. More than 700 is unreal for me, and tomorrow is the day to earn some cash with the armors.
I hate the last map, the only two times I completed it I received nothing, and in "Vampire" almost all times I receive at least 16 serums, so I'll stay with it.

I really don't recommend doing dailies if you're scrapping by for Black Karma, it's a waste of Stamina. :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Started farming last map as soon as three-starred everything else (damn Wolf Den X!) and haven't spoiled a single Stamina since then.

Atm I only have 346 serum. Judging by reports from you guys above this seems to be sorta low amount:(

I guess I'll have to settle for imperfect black Karma.

Hopefully I'll manage to hit 1 000 serum mark...

(I'm STRICTLY no-pay player)


Does anyone know if we are getting desert story maps anytime soon?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Started farming last map as soon as three-starred everything else (damn Wolf Den X!) and haven't spoiled a single Stamina since then.

Atm I only have 346 serum. Judging by reports from you guys above this seems to be sorta low amount:(

I guess I'll have to settle for imperfect black Karma.

Hopefully I'll manage to hit 1 000 serum mark...

(I'm STRICTLY no-pay player)

Without paying, and assuming no lucky Stamina refills from level ups, you are only guaranteed 40 serum a day. Since the event ends in 9 days... 360 serum you can for sure get. You'd need SC's to get a 1,000 mark by now I'm pretty sure, since you can only get 16 Serum in the last map at the most, I think? So that's only a possible max of 64 per day, and if you somehow kept that up for the entire 9 days... 576.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Without paying, and assuming no lucky Stamina refills from level ups, you are only guaranteed 40 serum a day. Since the event ends in 9 days... 360 serum you can for sure get. You'd need SC's to get a 1,000 mark by now I'm pretty sure, since you can only get 16 Serum in the last map at the most, I think? So that's only a possible max of 64 per day, and if you somehow kept that up for the entire 9 days... 576.

Well I do have 7 free SCs stored...

My math is fairly simple - I get another 400-450 serum (I hope there's a tiny bit of luck in store for me, right?) from runs. Combined with my current serum that will be around 750 serum, and I REALLY hope that investment of 7 SC (equals additional 16 runs in my case) will be enough to add another 250 serum, thus hitting 1.000.

Gotta be pretty lucky for that though.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you are trying to reach that Perfect Immortal Karma, make sure you have reached the currently recommended daily allowance of Serums by the end of the day which is: 514.28 (515) Serums for day 6 of the event.

Why can't she just take vitamins like the rest of us?
As long as we don't have to start counting her calorie intake we should be good at least. :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Does anyone know if we are getting desert story maps anytime soon?

Not anytime soon, desert maps have a lot of unimplemented units and even classes, it's probably going to take a while to get here... :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Atm I only have 346 serum. Judging by reports from you guys above this seems to be sorta low amount:(

Now that you mention it i just checked my serum + i just though that we nearly 1/2 way there considering this event start at monday.

I'm on 582 serum myself, and i been farming the 2nd map lately after i got 10 christoper -.-
I'm intended to keep farming the 2nd last map, and in the case i got alot archer already i might going even lower to farm 40/3 map for silver soldier.

As for how many SC i have on hand is 27 atm.
i stop doing premium roll ages ago and the only time i roll premium is on mehlis since i badly need the mage (thinking we passed that mage event)
After that never did i press that premium roll button, even i see ppl bragging their black roll
+ yep same i'm strictly free player, as i mention before once it you start trowing money, it will kill the difficulty of the game and even worse sometime you just can't stop spending :p
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

My main account got 422 serum with 19 SC and my alts got 424 serum with 16 SC. Both of them should have enough resources and time to get at least immortal Karma, am I right?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

My main account got 422 serum with 19 SC and my alts got 424 serum with 16 SC. Both of them should have enough resources and time to get at least immortal Karma, am I right?
Yeah, easily. I'm at 200 serum (missed over 2 days) and planning to get that black also. :D

You don't need to spend SC's to get that 700 actually.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Okay, I have a little bit of a problem with some of the "If you don't have 20 SCs on hand it's your fault and I wash my hands of you" attitude. And it's basically that it requires people to already know what SCs are going to be used for in the future when they start playing.

Like, hey, yeah, I spent some on summons early on, because based on the early events, they aren't used for anything but summons and paying for temporary buffs, and I certainly didn't feel the need to use any of those. It's not like the game comes with a warning "Oh hey, some content requires these so you might want to hang on to them. And if you want to say "Oh, well it's your fault for not starting the game with the wiki and a guide already open," I think your standards are a bit wack. Now, of course, I have started saving SCs to a decent degree since seeing some of said guides and some of the chatter in this thread, but it hasn't hit the threshold of having 16-20 just lying around. I mean, I find it a little frustrating that this particular event basically requires you to look up the solution to every map because you don't have the time to fail/miss drops even once (and I'll take the fact that I couldn't clear every map/missed the V. Lord a few times on the chin, that's on me), but that's just how things go. And I don't feel like expressing some dissatisfaction with this particular design choice seems like it should be so controversial. Yes, with enough forewarning/knowledge you can "work around" it, but should you really have to?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It's not like the game comes with a warning "Oh hey, some content requires these so you might want to hang on to them. And if you want to say "Oh, well it's your fault for not starting the game with the wiki and a guide already open," I think your standards are a bit wack.

+1 000 000 000 000 000

(that's fifteen zeroes)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

..Yes, with enough forewarning/knowledge you can "work around" it, but should you really have to?
Just wow. You're playing for FREE.
Self entitlement much? Seriously?

Get over it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

well, it's f2p game and companies must do things which will push us to use real money, and at this point of view my opinion, the way when devs don't give you 100% info how to clear event and you can plan how to invest your free-premium crystals muuuuuuuuuuuch better then games where devs just saying you "yeah, this is premium unit, spend your money or gtfo".
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

How should i say this again....
Do you know that you don't need a full buffed event unit in 1st place ? you still able to clear the content anyway.
It just make life easier only that and its a game, will failing this can become something unrepairable like real life ?
At the moment the guide was MADE by the player for players.
Let's say if the game is completely new and there still no guide... its always by trial and error, or are you demanding the game maker to make the guide for you ?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Okay, I have a little bit of a problem with some of the "If you don't have 20 SCs on hand it's your fault and I wash my hands of you" attitude. And it's basically that it requires people to already know what SCs are going to be used for in the future when they start playing.

Like, hey, yeah, I spent some on summons early on, because based on the early events, they aren't used for anything but summons and paying for temporary buffs, and I certainly didn't feel the need to use any of those.

Not like... the number on recommendation from every player ever was... 'Don't waste your SC as a free player. You need that for event units'.... wait.... it was.... hmm maybe it was just our group.... wait no... same advice is given everywhere. Hell I made my free player SC guide knowing people would want to premium roll and place that in there so that they could.

It's not like the game comes with a warning "Oh hey, some content requires these so you might want to hang on to them. And if you want to say "Oh, well it's your fault for not starting the game with the wiki and a guide already open," I think your standards are a bit wack.

... that would be an accurate statement. You decided not to look into a game. Went in blind. Did stupid things with your resources. Now you can't get something due to your own fuck up.

You can't blame anyone but yourself. I sure as hell don't go into any game without looking up what the hell I am suppose to do in said game.

"God this game is so unfair. It gave me the resources to do what I want to do now, but I spent them on something else. Stupid game it is your fault!"

Now, of course, I have started saving SCs to a decent degree since seeing some of said guides and some of the chatter in this thread, but it hasn't hit the threshold of having 16-20 just lying around. I mean, I find it a little frustrating that this particular event basically requires you to look up the solution to every map because you don't have the time to fail/miss drops even once (and I'll take the fact that I couldn't clear every map/missed the V. Lord a few times on the chin, that's on me), but that's just how things go. And I don't feel like expressing some dissatisfaction with this particular design choice seems like it should be so controversial. Yes, with enough forewarning/knowledge you can "work around" it, but should you really have to?

Yes, yes you should have to work around it. The entire model is paying so you don't have to because you want to be lazy. Those who don't pay to be lazy have to work around it.

Want strong units, but don't want to wait for events and not have strong units for them? Alright be lazy pay us money and take a chance to get something good to make it easier.

Still not strong enough? That is fine! pay us and we will buff your units for the event!

Want the perfect version of this collection unit without having to wait and didn't save up? That is fine... pay us and you can have more crystals!

Literally all you are paying to do is be lazy and get things quicker. Even the 'premium only' units are gotten for free out of base summon and base summon SP. It is only a matter of time and resources to get them.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

See, this attitude is what baffles me. "You deserve to be punished for not having done a ton of research on the game before having started playing it."

How on earth are you advocating that as good game design? And how on earth is noting that something doesn't seem to be a good aspect of design entitlement? How many games would you seriously want to play that are designed so if you don't keep a guide open from the beginning you're permanently punished? Does that seriously sound fun?

I'm not saying "ARGH AIGIS IS A TERRIBLE GAME." I'm not saying "SOMEONE SHOULD CHANGE THE WAY THINGS ARE FOR ME." I'm saying I disagree with this particular design choice. Hell, I'm not even complaining about Nutaku, they didn't, as far as I understand it, design this sort of event structure, it was inherited from the original, pre-translated game. Like, I'm stunned by the sheer hostility here. Do you all have some sort of personal, emotional investment in the game that any sort of critique or observation of personal difficulty needs to be dogpiled? What the hell.

And "You are paying to be lazy" is something I'm fine with, as said repeatedly above, I don't see how that was relevant.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

When everyone around is saying you're a chair, stop and consider that maybe you really are. Thinking that everyone else is wrong and you are the only right person is a sure sign of immaturity.

Oh, and ANY game needs some research if you want to play it right and not miss on something. Unless all you ever played was CoD single player or Barbie games until now and this is your first take on a real world of gaming. Seriously. As someone who played EVE Online for 5 years this kind of "spoon feed me NOW" attitude is just laughable for me.