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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Both the Lich and Vampire have a 1% chance to be assassinated, nearly everything can be assassinated(albeit some at some insanely low rates) and we haven't gotten any of the enemies that cannot be.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Bosses can be assassinated, but the odds are lower by a factor of ten or so. I forget the specifics.

Had Saki assassinate the vampire leader twice already.

Anyway, up to 433 serum now.

Edit: Oh, here we go.

I didn't know that, Thanks.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There is only a handful of enemies that are completely immune to assassinate. Normally it is due to you having to do something else to kill them. However, some targets have like a .0001% chance... and at that point....
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so...am i the only one who has both Leanne and Christopher already maxed?

i mean they do have 4/5 but that last one takes a long while >w<.

BTW! should i save some crysthophers for the moment i can finally farm for some silver Fairies? mine is not yet CC....
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so...am i the only one who has both Leanne and Christopher already maxed?

i mean they do have 4/5 but that last one takes a long while >w<.

BTW! should i save some crysthophers for the moment i can finally farm for some silver Fairies? mine is not yet CC....

You mean like this?



10 Chris failed the last CR but get max skill by the 5th one -_-
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you're overflowing on Christophers don't forget you can you use them to skill up the other silver healers. I think we'll need some 30CC healers when awakening comes out as well.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Now 518 Serums and 10 crysthophers ... 7 3* and spend 1 SC, sometimes 2 SC each day
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Now that I think about it... I'm having some rather poor luck with Silver drop rates, 525 Serums and only 3 of each. :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I will say, I find this event kind of frustrating. While with some previous events, it took me the whole time, or a lot of work, or whatever to make it, all told, I did "make it" as it were, managed to get pretty solid results, but with this? I mean, I get the idea that making challenges paying to help complete is "good" for the company, as it were, since it might draw more of the all important $$$ but it's almost literally a pay to win scenario and it just kind of rubs me the wrong way. I'd say "Oh well, they have to turn a profit somehow" but as far as I understood it Aigis was actually doing pretty well for them already.

And I suppose, arguably, you could make up a decent number of those SCs from 3 starring the event maps, but still, just feels off that using SCs is mandatory for good/best results.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I will say, I find this event kind of frustrating. While with some previous events, it took me the whole time, or a lot of work, or whatever to make it, all told, I did "make it" as it were, managed to get pretty solid results, but with this? I mean, I get the idea that making challenges paying to help complete is "good" for the company, as it were, since it might draw more of the all important $$$ but it's almost literally a pay to win scenario and it just kind of rubs me the wrong way. I'd say "Oh well, they have to turn a profit somehow" but as far as I understood it Aigis was actually doing pretty well for them already.

And I suppose, arguably, you could make up a decent number of those SCs from 3 starring the event maps, but still, just feels off that using SCs is mandatory for good/best results.

Err, my counter argument here is that you are talking about an event unit, yes, but Immortal Princess Karma's a black-rarity princess with arguably one of the best skills in the game. I mean, really, is it that outrageous to think that the devs would expect their player-base to fork out a little cash for something that powerful? And for free players that don't want to drop the cash? Access to possibly your first princess at plat rarity with a competitive price tag. That doesn't make Aigis pay-to-win; Karma's still powerful even as a vampire princess, especially if you don't have any princesses in your roster yet.

If you want the free-play experience, then just enjoy the free-play content and experience for what you get. I'm sick and tired of hearing people complaining about the free-to-play model giving perks to people who pay. There isn't even a dead horse to beat anymore, you are just pounding gore into the mud at this point. Sorry, I'm not directing this rant at anyone in particular, but please guys just enjoy the content that you chose for yourselves. Aigis is a great game. Just love it for the way you want to play it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have a problem with your entire thesis. See, I don't mind that people who pay get access to, generally, better units faster, or in larger varieties, via having more top tier summons if they want them, or the fact that they get daily stuff faster by being able to recharge their stamina, if they want, or even that being able to recharge their stamina means that they have an easier, or more forgiving time in events, if they screw up, they can just magically have that stamina back if they want it. And that's cool, that's not something I'm inclined to object to, but the idea that "This unit is so powerful you have to pay for it" is an attitude I don't think anyone really likes from a game dev.

Warning, rambly and probably over dramatic:
Hell, while it's more problematic in games with any sort of PvP aspect (Where it becomes "Pay to win" and no one, ever, is happy about it), having "the best stuff" from hard events stashed behind a paywall creates a pretty easy to see cascade effect. Just as some events have to have easier aspects so that new players can participate/get something/etc. denying all but the paying players a unit with one of the "best skills in the game," and similar things stacked on top of each other (as I sincerely doubt this will be the only event in this format), eventually creates a power divide that cannot reasonably be bridged, which means that future events/content ends up split between stuff that is actually challenging for people with the "best stuff" and the rest, likely the majority, of the community gets to feel inadequate, or it's lamely easy for the people on top so everyone else can participate. Certainly in a game like this some aspect of that is inevitable, what with it gaining new players who haven't been around for events, etc. but having unique, strategically powerful units segregated from what is likely a majority of the player base has longer term ramifications than just "people who pay deserve perks." Because I'm not saying they don't, I'm just saying that some perks cause bad blood and possible structural issues. And maybe Aigis isn't really in danger of these sorts of problems, I don't know. That's more just design theory than any actual knowledge from looking at how the Japanese version went or anything, it's just what crosses my mind when I think about the design decision. Well, that, and the fact that I've seen plenty of complaints of things being too easy in this thread already, and at least a few comments of the Immortal Princess's skill being a dealbreaker to clear(? 3 star? I don't remember) some maps prior.

But, really, I guess the reason the subject gets such a rise out of me is because the way "I'd like to play it" is as a strategic and planning game, I want to feel like through my efforts I can succeed, excel, w/e. and know that the best I can do, if I do everything perfectly, is score like 50% is just a lousy feeling. This is probably reiterating myself, but I don't have a problem with it being easier to succeed by paying, it just rankles when there is no way to succeed except by paying.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Now sitting with 555 serum and 6 SC (one from the 25th Login bonus)...

the time left from natural stamina regen is 217 hour

217/6 = 36 * 13 (average serum from dweller X) = 468

555 + 468 = 1023
6 SC x 14 Stam = 86/6 = 14 x 13 = 182

do you think it is worth to spend 6 sc to get the last -1 CR?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm inclined to object to, but the idea that "This unit is so powerful you have to pay for it" is an attitude I don't think anyone really likes from a game dev.

...... it just rankles when there is no way to succeed except by paying.
Here's the thing.
Unless you are new to the game, the above simply isn't true.
There has been an extended amount of time for people to collect stamp, mission, and previous event crystals (star events you don't even need to use a single crystal to get a perfect unit).

Unless you've been frivolously with SC, there's been more then enough given out to get a perfect immortal karma with out having ever spent. Now how many people saved their crystals with expectations for Karma, or any specific event unit for that matter, is as good as anyone else's guess. But the option for free players is there.

If you made choices earlier that you now regret, that's not the games fault, especially when we have been getting events as slowly as we have been. You can play how you like, but like most things found when dealing with businesses, don't expect to have your cake and eat it too with out some planning.

If you have them, yes.
Few event units affect the game (especially later) as greatly as Karma can.
Like I said before, this is the one event, unless there's just no way you can, you should try to do everything you can to perfect her.
This is true whether you already have a princess or not, she's just that good.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you would have saved SCs for this event you could have gotten a perfect Karma or at least the immortal princess. If you would have played it as a strategic or planning game like you would like to play it, you could have a chance now and wouldn't be ranting here.
If you need an example look at Altrius, he's a free player from the beginning and doesn't complain.

It's simple. If you're a freemium player you have to sacrifice something and it stands to logic that people who support the game by paying have an easier time or get something exclusive. In the end of the day it's them who count, because it's them that make it possible that you are playing the game.

Life in general is pay2win. :rolleyes:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Its totally possible to get a black Karma without paying a penny. I've never bought any crystals, yet I've got enough free ones to collect her. Planning how to use your limited SC is as much a part of the game as planning which units to upgrade or sacrifice.

If you want to complain about OP pay2win units, only the black premium summon units are out of range for free players to get fully CR'd. Even then we've still got a low chance of getting them.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well, it's almost unplayable laggy on firefox and it crashes on chrome randomly.
Losing 6h because of this is so frustrating.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Damn. Missed two days because of vacation trip. And last map really hates me. Last five runs without 3x serum drops. :( Time to burn some crystals i think.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most things have been covered already but there's one thing people need to remember: Premium summoning is called that for a reason, it's luxury. If one only dabbles or completely ignores it, even a free player can get enough Sacred Crystals to fully clear every Event and max out the unit they receive.

Sacred Crystals are a precious resource that shouldn't be squandered, the game's nice enough to hand out many of them for free, it's not that strange that they take it into consideration when designing Events. To be blunt, if you're short on Sacred Crystals for Karma, you just failed part of your planning, that's all.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Pssshhh... there barely free SC in en ver :p
But agree there should be enuff SC to max out event unit, we got most of our SC during event map as there usually 6-8 map to be cleared (nowday jp has increased their map to 9-10 map / event)

although.... maxing a farmed unit specialy its skill 9-->10 is questionable
10/10skill: 1-2 100% / 2-5 50% / 6--9 25% / 9-10 5% chance

Well the drop rate on the map is at least 50% on the unit at the cost around 6-7stm and in more to future there 1 100% drop rate at 12 stm. (evet last for 1 week period)

On another note, there already alot of case ppl burned alot money for premium summon and well basicaly for these same reason:
1. the new gacha unit skill / stat is soo great that you want it (this happen to Erenia the dragon knight a platinum, but she is our no 1 top melee with range dps skill with highest dmg *overpowering sybilla with aw skill* (well reason thinking she also cost more to deploy))
2. want more new unit, as if waiting event unit you possibly only get 1 / 1-2 week (En ver felt like 1 new unit / month)
3. the new gacha unit is cute > all :p

And most of this reason of burning money for gacha --> aigis become to easy and repetitive then quit afterward as usual.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

For anyone who could not reach the 700 serum mark to get black rarity Karma. Fear not because she will come back in later revival event with arguably cheaper price.