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[Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

comparing to osawari island this game doesnt give the amount of tickets for the casual draw every few days...

Comparing a game with nearly 1500 girls and one with less than 100 currently isn't a very good comparison for that though. :p
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

comparing it with the j version and how much actually could be implemented with a bit work on translation...its getting close to that, and soon~ they want to add another method to get draconic shards/eyes so you can get the ssr tickets in the exchange in less than years.... my only hope atm, advent battle without sr kamihime and nearly no soulpoints,gems or jewels is not appealing at all.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

comparing it with the j version and how much actually could be implemented with a bit work on translation...its getting close to that, and soon~ they want to add another method to get draconic shards/eyes so you can get the ssr tickets in the exchange in less than years.... my only hope atm, advent battle without sr kamihime and nearly no soulpoints,gems or jewels is not appealing at all.

Comparing with the jp version, there would still be less than 200. More realistically you could round it down to 150, since you can't use alternate versions of the same character in the same party.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

arent they already on 250-300? and the alternate versions, i counted 2 so far, amon and cybelle, probably there could be another nike and baal version but thats it? or are they doing this *extravagant* and *holiday* theme in this game too? didnt see any of these yet.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

arent they already on 250-300? and the alternate versions, i counted 2 so far, amon and cybelle, probably there could be another nike and baal version but thats it? or are they doing this *extravagant* and *holiday* theme in this game too? didnt see any of these yet.

Maybe if the jp wiki is out of date, or you're counting eidolon along with the himes.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

i did not since they feel less important and more difficult to lb than kamihime, but they could be counted in too because they are rare drops have scenes and are a bit more useful than weapons...
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Nutaku version currently has 58 Kamihimes according to the in-game Library.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

^ 1/2 of those need $ to get ...
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Well all of them are available for Jewels you can get for free if you're lucky enough to pull them. That being said I'm saving all my jewels for the summer limited edition Himes lul.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Well all of them are available for Jewels you can get for free if you're lucky enough to pull them. That being said I'm saving all my jewels for the summer limited edition Himes lul.

#ohBABY, somoneones got a good plan
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

I just started playing this recently and I was wondering if you guys had any kind of guide to look at. I did some searching but the best thing I could find was the wiki which is pretty bare bones. In particular I had a couple questions to figure out the best way to setup my party. If anyone can point me to something or chime in it would be really appreciated.

Is the autoselect feature useful for most fights or should I take the time to setup my party manually?

Do I get the passive effect for all my sub eidolons? For instance could I have 5 of the same eidolon that gives me a 10% light attack boost for a total 50% boost? Is it the same way for weapons?

Does the element of the sub weapons matter or is it just about raw attack damage?

Should I spend my magic jewels on gacha or should I save them for something else?

I hate asking to be spoonfed like this but detailed information about this game seems pretty sparse on the web. Thanks in advance!
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

I should be able to help here since I play this game an awful lot - if im wrong feel free to correct me:

Is the autoselect feature useful for most fights or should I take the time to setup my party manually?
- Autoselect is fine to use it will automatically set your parties up for the element you specify and use your best Kami's for that element. However you may want to manually change the order of Kami's (i.e. Ramiel in a Thunder party has alot of atk buffs so you want her buffing your team first before other skills), also some Kami's are good in multiple teams so you may want to add a good SR Kami to a team over a bad Rare kami in a team (good examples are Sol, who is a god tier SSR healer you'll want in every lineup, or Beelzebub who is a very good support character with many useful buffs)

Do I get the passive effect for all my sub eidolons? For instance could I have 5 of the same eidolon that gives me a 10% light attack boost for a total 50% boost? Is it the same way for weapons?
- Only your main Eidolon and your support Eidolon gives you the passive bonus. The rests are essentially stat buffs. In saying that consider the skills of your Eidolons too as they can help with certain scenarios i.e. Jormundgar is a water Eidolon that inflicts -%ATK on the enemy, or the Kaiser Dragons that give +Resist vs Elements which were useful in the Medusa event (lots of status debuffs)

Does the element of the sub weapons matter or is it just about raw attack damage?
- Same with the Eidolons, only the main weapons matter the rest are just stat sticks. Note if you can you always want your main weapon to be 1. The element type of your party (since on burst combos the element type of the burst will be based on the first character who started the burst combo, which is usually your soul), and if possible be a +ATK weapon type in the passive of the weapon.

Should I spend my magic jewels on gacha or should I save them for something else?
- Its worth buying some +Inventory spaces for weapons and Eidolons (I went to 120 and havent found myself needing more than that and ive been playing since release) then just use them on Gacha.

I hate asking to be spoonfed like this but detailed information about this game seems pretty sparse on the web. Thanks in advance!
- No worries =) This is a good page for information: hxxp://harem-battle.club/kamihime-project/ (not sure if links are allowed so just change the xx to tt)
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Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Just a side note to ^ : whenever and as much as you can > STACK the most himes with the same element you need together (like the event now is water, you want to spam all the thunder you can).

Sure having a team of SSRs with random elements may sound more appealing than a bunch of scrubby-same-element Rs, but keep in mind the "element-counter" > whatever attack power you have will be 1.5x against the countered element.

Say your jumbled together SSRs add up to 20k total power (pretty wimpy, but it's just an example) > that's what they'll output versus the event girl. Now say your 3-4 R thunder girls push out 16k total > thanks to the element counter of around 1.5, they'll be outputting 24k. Better damage and you'll also have the added benefit of only suffering ~1/2 the damage back from the boss girl ....

EDIT : They added another week of log-in jewels
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Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

I just started playing this recently and I was wondering if you guys had any kind of guide to look at. I did some searching but the best thing I could find was the wiki which is pretty bare bones. In particular I had a couple questions to figure out the best way to setup my party. If anyone can point me to something or chime in it would be really appreciated.

Is the autoselect feature useful for most fights or should I take the time to setup my party manually?

Do I get the passive effect for all my sub eidolons? For instance could I have 5 of the same eidolon that gives me a 10% light attack boost for a total 50% boost? Is it the same way for weapons?

Does the element of the sub weapons matter or is it just about raw attack damage?

Should I spend my magic jewels on gacha or should I save them for something else?

I hate asking to be spoonfed like this but detailed information about this game seems pretty sparse on the web. Thanks in advance!

Autoselect should be fine to start. Eventually you'll want to manually form parties as you get more kamihime though. To start, it's best to focus on either a holy or dark party since they'll be usable in every event, whereas if you focus on an element you may end up in an event where your team is countered by the opposing element. If you're starting this late it's probably recommended to reroll until you get a decent starting team for either holy or dark.

As for elemental advantage, you generally deal 145% damage to enemies weak to your element, and receive 75% damage from them.

Now for the reason why you take holy or dark.

First of all, holy and dark do 3% more damage everything. Also, when your holy or dark team are facing an enemy of the opposing element, you deal 148% damage to them, while they only deal 75% damage to you.

As for Eidolon, as someone already said, only the passive effect of your main eidolon and friend helper take effect.

Don't be in a rush to fill your friends list. If you focus on one element like holy or dark, you need to find friends who only use holy or dark. A lot of people will switch their party if they have multiple elemental parties, and their helper eidolon changes along with it.

While it is less important, another thing to keep in mind, if your eidolon's element matches your himes element, you get a 10% stat bonus from that specific eidolon's stats on each of the himes who have matching elements.

The element of your main weapon determines the element of your soul as you've probably already figured out. To start out, your sub weapons will just want to be whatever you find with the highest stats. This changes later on though.

When you get far enough along, you'll want to collect weapons the same element as your himes, with preference to weapons the the assault skill. When the element of your weapon matches your hime and it has a skill, you'll notice when you go to your character menu that one of the buttons on your himes will say Skill #. It basically means that your weapon is applying a stat boost to your himes.

Weapons R and higher currently come with either Assault or Defender as a skill. Assault should be much higher priority since defender only gives you more hp. R weapons pretty much just get used as skill fodder once you have a full grid of SR and SSR weapons. You can slowly farm SR weapons from the bosses at the end of the 1st world, or by joining a raid and either getting MVP/Vice MVP, or getting lucky and rarely getting one from a gold chest drop from the boss. If you're the one summoning the boss you automatically get a rainbow chest, and two of them if you get mvp/vice.

As for weapon skills, the rarity determines the starting power of them.

The bonus for the base weapon are as follows
R +0.5%
SR +3.5%
SSR +6.5%

Each skill level you add on to them, regardless of rarity, increases it further by 0.5%

The bonus affects your total power, and you'll notice a lot more when you go to fight an enemy.

Another weapon bonus, which you don't really need to worry about until WAY late game, is the hime's preferred weapon bonus. Like the eidolon bonus, if you have a hime's preferred weapon, that hime will gain a 20% stat boost from that specific weapon.

All the girls you get from regular story default to arcane orb as their preferred weapon. If you happen to pull their alternate versions when they're released, most will change though.

Preferred hime weapon list can be found here

It is very unlikely you'll get a full party of people using the same preferred weapon though, so this isn't really something you have to worry about.

As for pulling from jewel gacha, that's really up to you honestly. There will be limited time gachas eventually to get special versions of characters so some people are saving their jewels for those. However, even if you do, you're not guaranteed to get them, especially if they're SSR.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

If you're just starting I recommend you take full advantage of the 6000 jewels campaign and keep rerolling until you have at the very least 2 SSR Kamihimes. It's gonna take you a while but it will be well worth it later on.

As for what you should do with your jewels: Well, if you get good starter rolls I recommend you invest them in some inventory space and after that save them all: This game has lots of events with limited edition Kamihimes (Summer, Halloween, Xmas). Some of them can really make or break team of certain elements (Like getting a Fire elemental Sol).
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

I kinda wanted to ask of the veterans who played this on dmm if there will be a guaranteed ssr with a 10 pull with jewels in the future?
Cuz that's mainly what i'm saving my jewels for
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

^ You can have a 100% SSR ticket if you do daily quests for ~2 years ..... :rolleyes:
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

^ You can have a 100% SSR ticket if you do daily quests for ~2 years ..... :rolleyes:

Technically a bit less, since revival events should give a chance to trade for eye pieces if I'm not mistaken.
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

^ I'm talking right now, without any bonus events
Re: [Nutaku] Kamihime Project R

Mmh... When can we expect revival events to start happening then? Are they ran simultaneously with new events over on DMM?