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Noxian Nights (Updated 9/28 - FINAL CONTENT UPDATE)

Re: Noxian Nights

You seem to have made a 180 from your original statement .You said ''Also, a proper explanation why Riven can't sleep anywhere else (like the one Cnal gives her in the pub, but at the start of the game instead of days later)'' , and now here you say that in fact you know about the first scene and even say it was reasonable, so for what is a 30 min demo, we have 2 scene explaining already why she cant sleep anywhere else, that combined with half of the city being clickable ,and having a small dialogue, to try to find another place to sleep, is somehow not enough?
Out of curiosity, which scene do you mean by "the first scene"?

Here's how I played the demo:
Started the game, lost the battle (as expected), woke up, refused the guy, tried to leave only to discover I'm not allowed to leave the Slums, gave him a blowjob (since there was nothing else to do - even drinking the free potion makes no difference), walked around town, visited all the shops, tried all the locked doors, talked to all the NPCs I saw, avoided the stairs in the north part of town thinking the soldiers must be there, tried talking to the people that are selling stuff (turned out only the guy selling paper had something to say), left town, fought some monsters until Riven was low on health, went back and gave the guy another blowjob in exchange for sleeping there, went back to the monster area and explored the two caves, another rest, then I finally checked out the stairs in the north part of town and saw Sulla. After the following cutscene it was dark and Riven said that "Surely there must be another option...". I tried all the doors in the regular part of town - all locked (except the pub). Tried talking to the NPCs - just some new lines. Tried one of the houses in the Slums - no one answered the door so I gave up (especially since I had already tried all the doors during the day).

Next day I went to the lakes looking for the reeds and accidentally found the lost sister. After the following cutscene I hoped Riven would at least ask to be allowed to stay at their place, but it was not to be. So I went back to looking for the rest of the Reeds. Don't remember the rest in detail.

I didn't even find the mine area until the next day, and the only proper explanation why Riven has to stay at the Slums with that guy was the conversation with Cnal at the pub - which is the kind of explanation that should have been given much sooner.

After Riven said "Surely there must be another option..." I expected Riven to actually ask people about a place she can stay. Something like this:

By the way, there's a bug that causes the game to completely freeze: When Riven escapes from battle the enemy tries to move away from player. However sometimes that is not possible (for example in the lakes map with all the narrow paths). In that case the game freezes because the move cannot be completed but the game waits for it to be completed.

And another small bug: After losing a battle and getting raped for the first time the screen fades in and then the picture gets displayed. It looks a bit weird - the fade-in should be after the picture is displayed.


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Re: Noxian Nights

Well then, I have to wonder who it will be.
That is excellent news. I'm interested to see what other content gets added to the game.
The next version of the game should be out for backers early September! While obviously it won't have everything, you'll get some answers on the characters that will be in the game and a wider variety of content. ^^

Next day I went to the lakes looking for the reeds and accidentally found the lost sister. After the following cutscene I hoped Riven would at least ask to be allowed to stay at their place, but it was not to be. So I went back to looking for the rest of the Reeds. Don't remember the rest in detail.

I didn't even find the mine area until the next day, and the only proper explanation why Riven has to stay at the Slums with that guy was the conversation with Cnal at the pub - which is the kind of explanation that should have been given much sooner.
It might be worth thinking about how many notes along these lines we should add, so I appreciate your feedback.

By the way, there's a bug that causes the game to completely freeze: When Riven escapes from battle the enemy tries to move away from player. However sometimes that is not possible (for example in the lakes map with all the narrow paths). In that case the game freezes because the move cannot be completed but the game waits for it to be completed.

And another small bug: After losing a battle and getting raped for the first time the screen fades in and then the picture gets displayed. It looks a bit weird - the fade-in should be after the picture is displayed.
You're right on both accounts, but fortunately these are among the bugs that are fixed for the upcoming version.
Re: Noxian Nights

Is this door bugged?


Walking to it when it is closed will cause the entering sound to play and the screen to go black but then you find yourself once again outside the building and can't walk inside even if the door is opened.
Re: Noxian Nights

Is this door bugged?


Walking to it when it is closed will cause the entering sound to play and the screen to go black but then you find yourself once again outside the building and can't walk inside even if the door is opened.

Yea that one is a bug, it is fixed for the next version, there is nothing in the building itself.
Re: Noxian Nights

So, any hints on what kind of kinks we can look forward to appearing in the next update? No need to identify who is doing what, just some things to get people excited for it.
Re: Noxian Nights

So, any hints on what kind of kinks we can look forward to appearing in the next update? No need to identify who is doing what, just some things to get people excited for it.

We revealed in our patreon that one of the scenes will be in the bar, so the patrons picked an outfit for the girl, that one scene is already finished art wise, for the others... hmm without revealing much, one will have a not human partner ^^
Re: Noxian Nights

In case you haven’t heard elsewhere, Noxus Nights 0.2.0 will be coming out soon. Our plan is to release a new version of the game near the beginning of every month. It will generally be on the 5th or 6th, after Patreon finishes processing pledges. Patrons will get to see the game then or soon after (depending on your tier) and later it will be released publicly.

Happy to say that we’re basically on track for that release! 90% of the art is done and the core gameplay stuff is complete. We’re hoping not to be late, but if there is any delay, it will only be a brief one while we smooth out details. We want to release as polished an update as possible.

The special rewards, like the art packages, will also be sent out beginning of next month. Nomo has been making extra edits for the 2 people who were generous enough to pledge $50, so we hope you like what we have for you. There will also be another poll for a special scene early in the month, after people have played this update.

If you’re on Patreon, now is a good time to check that you’re pledging for the rewards you want. And regardless, please look forward to the next version of the game! ^-^
Re: Noxian Nights

... 90% of the art is done and the core gameplay stuff is complete...

Sorry if this has been asked before, but how will the gameplay be?

I mean during combat: will there be combat rape?
If not, can you give an overview on the core gameplay mechanics? (Or link to where you've already answered.)

EDIT: Love this art, though.

I'm also curious how many "stages" of corruption (or lust level-changing her behaviour).
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Re: Noxian Nights

Sorry if this has been asked before, but how will the gameplay be?

I mean during combat: will there be combat rape?
If not, can you give an overview on the core gameplay mechanics? (Or link to where you've already answered.)

EDIT: Love this art, though.

I'm also curious how many "stages" of corruption (or lust level-changing her behaviour).
Nomo and I have talked about combat rape, but in the end we decided not to try to take that on in our first project. Instead we chose standard RPG-style combat we're confident we can deliver on time with good quality. As our skills develop, we'll be taking on games with varying mechanics, so it's always a possibility for the future.

There are seven stages of lust in the blowjob, but the game won't always be divided into exact stages. For example, you might be at one blowjob level, and a few more lust won't bump you to the next one, but it is enough to reach a different scene, which might give you enough to see a different blowjob. We wanted to show the variants in the demo, but for the finished game we're planning for all the scenes to flow together.
Re: Noxian Nights

Nomo and I have talked about combat rape, but in the end we decided not to try to take that on in our first project. Instead we chose standard RPG-style combat we're confident we can deliver on time with good quality. As our skills develop, we'll be taking on games with varying mechanics, so it's always a possibility for the future.

There are seven stages of lust in the blowjob, but the game won't always be divided into exact stages. For example, you might be at one blowjob level, and a few more lust won't bump you to the next one, but it is enough to reach a different scene, which might give you enough to see a different blowjob. We wanted to show the variants in the demo, but for the finished game we're planning for all the scenes to flow together.

Thanks for the heads up about no CR. Well, if the art is good enough, then I suppose I don't really mind that much.

As for " we're planning for all the scenes to flow together" does this mean that if we see lvl 1 seen. Then reach lvl 4 without seeing lvl2, lvl3, we will see lvl2, then 3, then 4? Is that correct?
Re: Noxian Nights

Thanks for the heads up about no CR. Well, if the art is good enough, then I suppose I don't really mind that much.

As for " we're planning for all the scenes to flow together" does this mean that if we see lvl 1 seen. Then reach lvl 4 without seeing lvl2, lvl3, we will see lvl2, then 3, then 4? Is that correct?
Sorry, not what I meant. While the current design makes it unlikely that you'd skip a blowjob scene, you can in theory (it's easy with the Wet Potions in the demo). What I meant to say is that you won't be doing a lot of game overs or repeated scenes to grind up to a new blowjob level, you'll be seeing them naturally interspersed with the other scenes in the game. The scenes will stay consistent with Riven's lust level based on the decisions you've made.
Re: Noxian Nights

The new addition to the game is out for our $15+ backers, so you can expect the public release to be posted here next week on Saturday. This version of the game includes a variety of features, including:
- Five new scenes.
- All four main characters are revealed.
- Riven's skills now use a cooldown system.
- If you want to remove Riven's base image, you can clear the screen via a new item in your inventory.
- You can check Riven's status (and exact lust) via a new menu option.

Meanwhile, we wanted to bring everyone up to date on some things. Patreon has been slow to process pledges this month, so if your card was charged late, it's possible you didn't get the links. If we see your pledge payment from last month come through, we'll send you the links, but if you got charged and didnt receive them, please send us a message and we'll get things sorted.
Re: Noxian Nights

The new addition to the game is out for our $15+ backers, so you can expect the public release to be posted here next week on Saturday. This version of the game includes a variety of features, including:
- Five new scenes.
- All four main characters are revealed.
- Riven's skills now use a cooldown system.
- If you want to remove Riven's base image, you can clear the screen via a new item in your inventory.
- You can check Riven's status (and exact lust) via a new menu option.

Meanwhile, we wanted to bring everyone up to date on some things. Patreon has been slow to process pledges this month, so if your card was charged late, it's possible you didn't get the links. If we see your pledge payment from last month come through, we'll send you the links, but if you got charged and didnt receive them, please send us a message and we'll get things sorted.

Do some of those new scenes have "stages" based on Riven's lust stat, like the blowjob scene?
Re: Noxian Nights

I'll wait for the release next week. Hopefully, it's no buggy.

Also, I noticed that on patron, you guys have a milestone for eating raw potatoes. Did you guys a actually eat a full bag? :D
Re: Noxian Nights

Do some of those new scenes have "stages" based on Riven's lust stat, like the blowjob scene?
Actually, many of the scenes this update involve the new character - we hope to feature all of them throughout instead of focusing exclusively on Riven. This update does provide a chance to choose how much to increase Riven's lust, however, making way for future lust-based or lust-variant scenes.

Also, I noticed that on patron, you guys have a milestone for eating raw potatoes. Did you guys a actually eat a full bag? :D
We can assure you, we take our potato-related goals extremely seriously.
Re: Noxian Nights

I'll wait for the release next week. Hopefully, it's no buggy.

Also, I noticed that on patron, you guys have a milestone for eating raw potatoes. Did you guys a actually eat a full bag? :D

We were originally a 3 man team, but we made the 3rd person do the eating, now we are a 2 man team.
Re: Noxian Nights

We were originally a 3 man team, but we made the 3rd person do the eating, now we are a 2 man team.

I hope the third person gets better. Too much potatoes are bad for your health LOL.

One more question: Can/Do we start from the beginning (of where the first demo began) or is the save data from the previous demo transferable?
Re: Noxian Nights

I hope the third person gets better. Too much potatoes are bad for your health LOL.

One more question: Can/Do we start from the beginning (of where the first demo began) or is the save data from the previous demo transferable?


For this version saves wont work sorry, since we had to change core stuff, but in future all your saves will be viable to play from.
Re: Noxian Nights

I'm just asking out of curiosity but will there be something like a NG+ function?
Re: Noxian Nights

So, we'll need to start over? That's fine with me. Are there any new scenes to find during the parts leading up to where the first demo left off?