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Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Looking about the tall grass could provide some cover but the wall by far was superior. Checking the approaching woman once more Michael finally got a decent look at her. She was faire skinned and had blonde hair her eyes where red as blood and her voice was almost to drawing. In the back of her wagon looked to be more people but they where not moving if they where. The dog was a hellhound clearly this woman was in leage with the demons of Acheron.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael growls as he reaches for his rifle, taking it off the sling and resting it on the wall, his left eye closing as he sights in on the wagon, pulling the lever down then back up to chamber a round. His heart began to beat faster, and he began to exhale, though something inside him told him to hold his fire, and he did so, taking his finger off the trigger and just watching the woman, though his rifle was now in full view, and was likely to give him away if the light caught it at the wrong angle.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Taking this moment to hold his fire Michael relaxed his trigger finger. Clearly this woman was unarmed but then again such creatures hardly needed physical weapons. Watching the woman she stopped her wagon and got out handing over a large bundle to her massive hell dog. The beast tore into it immidiately laying down to eat what ever it was that she had given him. Petting her beast a little the woman headed back to the rear of the wagon and lowered agate. "Come on girls come on. Time to get some exercise while they clean up the pens. Move it!" The girl smacked her hands together to make a loud noise. This of course caused the woman as Michael was finally able to tell get up and move out. All of them had massive breasts and each had swishy tail and some even horns. The girls giggled and ran about as the blonde haired woman watched over them.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael's left eye opens once more, turning around and resting his back against the wall while holding his rifle in both hands, focusing just on keeping his breathing even. He relaxes, his rifle coming to rest in his lap as he rests his head against the wall, hoping the women would just be on their merry way. The last thing he needed was a fight with a demon or that hellhound she had along.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

As Michael rested a distict sound of a bell got closer and closer as well as a vapid giggle. Sitting and waiting the soudn got closer and closers. Till he felt the wall he was resting on shift a little. Small plumes of ash fell onto him as her heard someone scarching their back agianst the wall. "So good MooOOOOO! ahhhhh." Suddenly his antenia where jostled as a tail sweeped over the low wall. This didn't seem to bother the owner of the tail is it continued. "So good to be outside."
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael tenses up, the feeling of something touching his antennae sending a jolt through his spine. moving carefully, he scoots away from under the owner of the tail, before simply standing and dusting himself off, yawning as if he had just woken up, scratching the left side of his head, and acting as if he was oblivious of the woman scratching her back on the wall.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Standing up and yawning finnally drew attention to himself. Looking at teh woman he found her to have huge tits that sweeped a little milk. She had two long looking horns growing from her head remincent of a cow. Other than that she had black cow tail that matched her hair and sparkling green eyes. For a moment she looked at him before she paled. "AHHH BUG!" Before he knew it the cow woman was running away her bell jingling loudly making sure all the remaing woman looked at him. Most just staired a moment and then looked back doing what they where doing before. However the hell dog had gotten up and groweled slightly before the blonde woman clamed him and approached Michael.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael rubs his left eye as he hefts his rifle onto his shoulder, his eyes squinted at the blonde-haired woman. "Pardon my rudeness, but yon woman woke me up from my nap." he says, pointing at the cow-woman who had run off, obviously addressing the blonde-haired woman.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

"I see..." The woman eyed the gun slung over Michael's shoulder. "Im sorry they are after all a bunch of dumb cows." The woman stopped just short of Michael trying not to be to close to seem intimidating. At this range Michael could see she was slight of figure a stark contrast to the overly endowed cows all around the field. Still while slight of build she was pretty her red eyes searching Michaels own facited orbs. Her look wasn't one of disguest or fear. It had a certain curiosity in it that seemed benign. "You sir are the most handsome bug I've ever seen. My name is Penalope and yours?"
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael tilts his head slightly and clicks his mandibles. "Michael." he says calmly, looking over the woman and tilting his head back upright. "Might I ask what you and your......Herd.........Are doing out here? These roads are fairly dangerous." he says, moving his hand down to the sling attached to the handle, and slipping it over his shoulder, to show he wasn't interested in fighting.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

"Oh they can be but Tiff over there scares most bandits away. And those that don't well... I could always use more bulls." Penalope smiled and it was clear she was jokeing.. to an exstent. "I bring the girls out here for relaxation and a change of scenery. After all the farm dose get a little boring at times. Its not far would you like to visit?"
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael places his right hand on his hip, just above his revolver, his left hand rubbing his insectoid chin. "If you do not mind, Miss Penalope. I've been living off the land, so to speak, for far too long to turn down friendly company." he says, crossing his left arm over his chest and lowering his head.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

"I don't mind at all though we need to let the girls have their time. After all they look forward to it every week." Unless Michael objected Penalope would sit next to him and watch the cows talk and walk and even play in a small pond nearby. After a few hours of this however Penalope got up and started to round the girls up and put them in the cart. "Come on girls come on I promis next week we will spend the whole day here." The girls looked rather dissapointed but headed for the wagon anyway. Michael soon followed suit though it seemed Tiff was none to happy about him being there. Still the hell dog did nothing and they where soon on their way. Riding with the woman Michael found it a bumpy ride and much more jostling than flying. Still after another hour or so on the road they ended up at a dairy farm of sorts. In a lone field stood a couple of cow woman with the exception of haveing large cocks. Looking away from those sights Michael soon found a series of stalls that seemed tohave been freshly cleaned.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael remains silent much of the time spent at the ruins and on the road, only speaking up when they began to approach the farm. "This is quite the farm you have, Miss Penalope. Judging by your *ahem* herd, this is a dairy farm. Do you trade with anyone nearby often?" he asks, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

"I do mostly its for the bakers in Acheron. They prefer specific types of milk and cheese." Blushing Penalope lead her girls to the stalls and hooked up a miling device to them. "Go ahead inside just knock on the door and mention your a guest and the hands should treat you well. I have to get the girls hooked up and the bulls back on task." Getting to work Penalope let Michael decide to do as he would stay and help or head to the house.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael nods, his hands sliding into his pockets as he heads for the farm house, knocking on the door with the back of his knuckle. Were he to receive an answer or someone open the door, he'd mention he was a guest.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Knocking at the door got a low and gruff "Who is it?" Responding the door opened to reveal a rather short looking demon. He was portly and looked like the churches typical demon with red skin pointy horns and black facial hair. He even had a pitchfort though it was ovisiouly a farm implement. "A guest huh.. come in warm youself by the fire." Heading in Michael noticed another person in the room a much older woman who quickly moved over to the demon and began caress him. "Who is that dear?" Looking to the woman and to Michael. The demon sighed "Our lovley daughter Penalope brought another quest in. I tell you Mary she is too trusting. She gets it from her weak human side. I knew we should have had her properly turned like you."
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael takes a seat next to the fire, looking over at the demon and then the woman. "I take it you are Miss Penalope's parents?" he asks with his usual buzzing tone of voice, his curiosity once again piqued.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Both people nodded at Michael eyeing him with slight mistrust. Still after a moment Penalope came in. "Hello ma and pa. This is Michael I found him while taking the girls out to the old Mitchal place. Michael this is my ma Mary and my pa Lucky."
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael lowers his head in affirmation, seeing both of their looks at him and acting as if he hadn't. "It's a pleasure to meet the both of you. I hope I'm not intruding or anything." he says, his antennae bobbing as he nods his head.