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Meet and Fuck Games Community

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Somewhere it was discussed that, after the Beauty and the Beast round, perhaps the admins would maybe flow with the hype and have a round for Power Ranger parody ideas. :roll:
It got me thinking and I may have come up with this.
By the way, I'm still working on the images for the characters. :D

Bimbo Rangers

Note – to try and avoid confusion, paragraphs with quotation marks “” are meant to be in-game text.

Short Version:
MnF Metropolis is under attack by the latest monster of the space-witch Orgasmolia. Only one team of scantily clad heroes can save the day: The Bimbo Rangers.

Long Version:

“When the villainous space-witch Orgasmolia arrived in MnF Metropolis, she began planning her takeover of the city. The city was a paradise for her, as the unusual abundance of sexual energy was perfect for constructing her monsters.”
“However, the enchantress Elsbeth Umbra decided to intervene by granting five girls with the power to stand against her.”
“Thus they became the Bimbo Rangers. And ever since then, they’ve been juggling their hero duties with their everyday lives. And much to their annoyance, those duties seem to pop up when they’re least wanted.”

Scene 1:
Scene opens on Lydia, Beth, Freya and Eliana in Lydia’s house watching the final of a singing contest show.

Lydia is the Red Bimbo Ranger. She’s the leader of the group and their main strategist. She does her best to keep order within her team.
She’s 5’8’’ with red hair, green eyes and a nicely curved figure.
Beth is the Blue Bimbo Ranger. She’s the brains of the group. She does her best to keep a level head, though she’s a little shy and is easily flustered.
She’s 5’10’’ with light brown hair, brown eyes, a slightly chubby body and the largest breasts of the group.
Freya is the Yellow Bimbo Ranger. She’s the muscle of the group. A little short tempered and always ready to let her fists do the talking.
She’s 6’1’’ with black hair, dark brown eyes and an athletic build.
Eliana is the Pink Bimbo Ranger. She’s the looks of the group. Taking her beauty seriously, she’s not afraid to use her looks to her advantage.
She’s 5’7’’ with brown hair, blue eyes and a perfect hourglass figure.
Clover is the Green Bimbo Ranger. She’s the wildcard of the group. Whilst she’s usually calm and peaceful, her attitude can drastically change if someone manages to piss her off.
She’s 5’8’’ with blonde hair, green eyes and a curvaceous figure.
All of the girls have a bracelet with a heart shaped gem on their left wrists. The colour of the gem matches their Ranger colour.

TV Host: Hello viewers. And welcome to the final of MnF’s Got Talent.
Beth: I hope Clover hurries up. She’s going to miss it.

At this point, Clover enters the room, looking a little out of breath.
Clover: Hey guys. I haven’t missed anything have I?
Eliana: Don’t worry darling, it’s only just started. You haven’t missed a thing.
Clover: Oh thank goodness. I wonder what Jason’s going to be singing. He’s so dreamy. – Clover sits down next to the others.
Freya: Yeah yeah, he’s cute I guess. My money’s on Carol. Not only does she have the best voice on the show, but she has the best body too.
Lydia: Alright. We get it. You’re a lesbian that likes older women.
Freya: Hey it’s not just older women. If you weren’t such a prude I would’ve taken you to bed already.
Lydia: Hey I’m no prude. After the show we can go upstairs and you can give that tongue a proper workout.
Beth: Oh... Umm... I-I do wish you wouldn’t talk like that. – Her face blushes.
Freya: You know you’re welcome to join us Beth. I’d love to get my hands on those puppies, just like every boy in town.
Eliana: Will you guys shush. You’re missing it.
TV Host: Alright, that’s enough from me. First up we have...

The screen suddenly flashes and changes to an emergency news report.
News Reporter: Attentions citizens of MnF Metropolis. We interrupt your regular broadcast to bring you this emergency bulletin.
News Reporter: The Downtown area is under attack!
News Reporter: The individual identified as Orgasmolia has appeared with yet another creature and is causing havoc.
News Reporter: It is imperative that... Oh God! It’s coming this way! Geoff put the camera away. Get the van. GET THE VAN!
The TV screen goes black.

Freya: SERIOUSLY!? That Bitch Is Acting Up Now!?
Lydia: Hey calm down. I know it sucks, but if we hurry we can kick her ass and catch the end of the show. Come on girls.

The girls raise their left arms into the air and the gems on their bracelets start glowing.
All: Bimbo Rangers! Power Up!
There’s a flash of light and the girls transform into their Bimbo Ranger modes.

Scene 2:
Scene changes to Downtown MnF Metropolis. Orgasmolia is standing next to her monster and they’re surrounded by her grunts.

Orgasmolia: Heh-heh. Excellent work Har-Don.
Har-Don: Thank you mistress. Look at the pathetic humans run.
Har-Don: Ha ha ha. This is so fun.
Orgasmolia: The fun is only just beginning. We still have the rest of the city to conquer.
Red Ranger: HEY!! Orgasmolia!
Orgasmolia: Rangers!? Why do you tramps always insist on interfering with my plans?
Yellow Ranger: Why the hell do YOU insist on interrupting our shows?
Orgasmolia: What are you talking about? It doesn’t matter. Har-Don! Head uptown and continue your rampage.
Har-Don: With pleasure mistress.
Har-Don leaves and heads uptown.

Orgasmolia: As for you moron’s. Get Them!
Grunts: Burr...
Red Ranger: Ok, Beth, Eliana, you head after that monster. Freya, Clover and I will deal with the Grunts.
Blue, Yellow, Pink and Green Rangers: Right.
The Blue and Pink Rangers head off after Har-Don.
Red Ranger: Alright girls, let’s do this.

Sex Scene 1
The Grunts gang-bang Lydia, Freya and Clover.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
The Grunts cum inside them.

Scene 3:
Scene changes to further up the street. Har-Don has cornered a couple of civilians in an alleyway.

Har-Don: Ha ha ha. Look at you. What pathetic cowards you are.
The Blue and Pink Rangers appear behind Har-Don at the entrance of the alley.

Pink Ranger: Hey! Ugly!
Har-Don: Huh? Rangers? I thought the Grunts were taking care of you?
Pink Ranger: That’s the benefit of having friends you dim-witted ruffian.
Blue Ranger: Go on. Get out of here. We’ll deal with this brute.
The civilians run away.

Har-Don: Hmph. It doesn’t matter, they were boring anyway. You two on the other hand look like you’re going to be fun.
Har-Don pulls his loincloth aside, revealing his two giant cocks. Beth’s face blushes as she sees them.
Blue Ranger: O-o-oh my... Th-th-those are...
Pink Ranger: Oh, come now Beth dear. This is no time for your shyness. The people of this city are depending on us.
Blue Ranger: Y-you’re right. I-I can do this.
Har-Don: Heh-heh-heh. I’m gonna enjoy this. And once I’m done with you, I’m gonna finish off your friends.

Sex Scene 2
Beth and Eliana kneel in front of Har-Don, each of them taking one of his cocks.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Beth (Blue Ranger) – Blowjob – Lick, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Eliana (Pink Ranger) – Blowjob – Lick, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Har-Don cums inside her mouths.

Scene 4:
“When they made Har-Don cum, the sexual energy use to create him dissipated, leaving behind only a small crystal.”
“With their job seemingly done, the girls prepared to head home.”

Yellow Ranger: Ok. The Grunts are gone, the monster’s dead and that witch has run off like the bitch she is.
Pink Ranger: Indeed darling, and good riddance. That oaf was particularly beastly.
Green Ranger: Ooh. If we hurry, we should be able to catch the end of the show.
Red Ranger: Sounds like a plan. Come on girls, let’s get back to my house.

The screen splits, showing Orgasmolia standing outside the city (a long way from the Rangers, so they can’t hear her), looking really angry.
Orgasmolia: Urrrrggghh... You Stupid Little Whores!! Always ruining my plans.
Orgasmolia: Well, this time, This Time, will be the last time you EVER Get In My Way!!

Orgasmolia raises her staff and bolts of lightning shoot up from it into the air. The bolts come down and strike the crystal that used to be Har-Don. It glows and shakes, and then Har-Don reforms and grows into a giant.

The Rangers look up at the now giant Har-Don.
Blue Ranger: You know, we REALLY should’ve seen this coming.
Red Ranger: Alright girls. We need to finish this guy off.
The girls raise their left arms into the air, bringing their hands together and the gems on their bracelets glow again.
All: Bimbo Rangers Megazord! Power Up!

There’s a flash of light and the girls form up the Bimbo Megazord.

The Bimbo Megazord faces off against Giant Har-Don.
Har-Don: Ha-ha. Bring it Rangers! I’m Gonna Split Your Robo-Whore In Half!

Sex Scene 3
The Bimbo Megazord leans against a building as the Giant Har-Don fucks both her holes at the same time.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal and Anal – Prod, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Giant Har-Don cums inside both her pussy and her arse.

Scene 5:
“After making Har-Don cum again, the sexual energy within him completely dissipated and this time not even a crystal was left behind.”
“With her latest monster defeated once and for all, Orgasmolia beat a hasty retreat.”

Scene changes to Orgasmolia far outside the city.
Orgasmolia: They may have defeated Har-Don, but I’ll be back with another monster. And this one’ll have 4 cocks. No 5! One for each of those little skanks.

Suddenly, the Rangers jump out and surround her.
Red Ranger: Hold it Right There Witch!
Orgasmolia: Huh!? What do you bitches want?
Red Ranger: We’re here for a little payback.
Orgasmolia: Wh-what?
Green Ranger: You’ve caused so trouble ever since you arrived.
Pink Ranger: You’ve endangered countless innocent people.
Blue Ranger: You’ve caused so much collateral damage.
Yellow Ranger: And on top of all of that, You Made Us Miss The Final Of The Best Show On TV!
Red Ranger: So now, for all the grief you’ve given us and others, you’re going to make it up to us.
Orgasmolia: Oh really? And just how are you planning on doing that?
Red Ranger: Heh. Well, let’s just say that we’ve learnt a few tricks from you.

Sex Scene 4
The Rangers all grow futa cocks, they hold Orgasmolia down and gang-bang her.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Oral, Vaginal, Anal and Handjobs – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
They cum inside her mouth, pussy and arse and over her tits.

Scene 6: Epilogue
Scene changes to a large, shadowy, demonic figure sitting on a throne. In front of him is a large crystal ball, showing the Rangers gang-banging Orgasmolia.

Shadow: Grrr... Stupid fucking wench.
Shadow: If you want something evil done right, you have to do it your evil self.

End of game.
Options to play again and to repeat sex scenes.

Great story Kel.

Freya, being the muscle of the group, instantly labeled as lesbian. This is a classic. Muscled, Tomboy girl = Lesbian. Tough women can be straight too! :mad:

Also " If you want something evil done right, you have to do it your evil self. " this is the cheesiest line ever :D
Even beats most of Arnold Schwarzenegger stuff :D
I'm just going over there, do my evil stuff :p
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Freya, being the muscle of the group, instantly labeled as lesbian. This is a classic. Muscled, Tomboy girl = Lesbian. Tough women can be straight too! :mad:
I'm not saying they can't.

Also " If you want something evil done right, you have to do it your evil self. " this is the cheesiest line ever :D
Even beats most of Arnold Schwarzenegger stuff :D
I'm just going over there, do my evil stuff :p
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Town Story on GoD
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I have everything set up to make the pictures this Sunday. Have to pay off my phone, get a new one, sell back some school books, and then go to dinner with my family. Then tomorrow I work 7 hours so I won't have the time to make them or even the energy.

See you guys Sunday!
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Somewhere it was discussed that, after the Beauty and the Beast round, perhaps the admins would maybe flow with the hype and have a round for Power Ranger parody ideas. :roll:
It got me thinking and I may have come up with this.
By the way, I'm still working on the images for the characters. :D

Bimbo Rangers

If that is the case maybe no 1 will come up with an idea & you'll win by default.

Anyways regarding "Bimbo Rangers", I really like it but kind of a missed opportunity to connect to "Super Whore Family" don't you think?

FYI: We don't have the rolling emoticon.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Anyways regarding "Bimbo Rangers", I really like it but kind of a missed opportunity to connect to "Super Whore Family" don't you think?
Hmm, an interesting idea. :cool:
And it's never too late. If it's well received (if I ever submit it), I could always write a sequel.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Somewhere it was discussed that, after the Beauty and the Beast round, perhaps the admins would maybe flow with the hype and have a round for Power Ranger parody ideas. :roll:
It got me thinking and I may have come up with this.
By the way, I'm still working on the images for the characters. :D

Bimbo Rangers

Note – to try and avoid confusion, paragraphs with quotation marks “” are meant to be in-game text.

Short Version:
MnF Metropolis is under attack by the latest monster of the space-witch Orgasmolia. Only one team of scantily clad heroes can save the day: The Bimbo Rangers.

Long Version:

“When the villainous space-witch Orgasmolia arrived in MnF Metropolis, she began planning her takeover of the city. The city was a paradise for her, as the unusual abundance of sexual energy was perfect for constructing her monsters.”
“However, the enchantress Elsbeth Umbra decided to intervene by granting five girls with the power to stand against her.”
“Thus they became the Bimbo Rangers. And ever since then, they’ve been juggling their hero duties with their everyday lives. And much to their annoyance, those duties seem to pop up when they’re least wanted.”

Scene 1:
Scene opens on Lydia, Beth, Freya and Eliana in Lydia’s house watching the final of a singing contest show.

Lydia is the Red Bimbo Ranger. She’s the leader of the group and their main strategist. She does her best to keep order within her team.
She’s 5’8’’ with red hair, green eyes and a nicely curved figure.
Beth is the Blue Bimbo Ranger. She’s the brains of the group. She does her best to keep a level head, though she’s a little shy and is easily flustered.
She’s 5’10’’ with light brown hair, brown eyes, a slightly chubby body and the largest breasts of the group.
Freya is the Yellow Bimbo Ranger. She’s the muscle of the group. A little short tempered and always ready to let her fists do the talking.
She’s 6’1’’ with black hair, dark brown eyes and an athletic build.
Eliana is the Pink Bimbo Ranger. She’s the looks of the group. Taking her beauty seriously, she’s not afraid to use her looks to her advantage.
She’s 5’7’’ with brown hair, blue eyes and a perfect hourglass figure.
Clover is the Green Bimbo Ranger. She’s the wildcard of the group. Whilst she’s usually calm and peaceful, her attitude can drastically change if someone manages to piss her off.
She’s 5’8’’ with blonde hair, green eyes and a curvaceous figure.
All of the girls have a bracelet with a heart shaped gem on their left wrists. The colour of the gem matches their Ranger colour.

TV Host: Hello viewers. And welcome to the final of MnF’s Got Talent.
Beth: I hope Clover hurries up. She’s going to miss it.

At this point, Clover enters the room, looking a little out of breath.
Clover: Hey guys. I haven’t missed anything have I?
Eliana: Don’t worry darling, it’s only just started. You haven’t missed a thing.
Clover: Oh thank goodness. I wonder what Jason’s going to be singing. He’s so dreamy. – Clover sits down next to the others.
Freya: Yeah yeah, he’s cute I guess. My money’s on Carol. Not only does she have the best voice on the show, but she has the best body too.
Lydia: Alright. We get it. You’re a lesbian that likes older women.
Freya: Hey it’s not just older women. If you weren’t such a prude I would’ve taken you to bed already.
Lydia: Hey I’m no prude. After the show we can go upstairs and you can give that tongue a proper workout.
Beth: Oh... Umm... I-I do wish you wouldn’t talk like that. – Her face blushes.
Freya: You know you’re welcome to join us Beth. I’d love to get my hands on those puppies, just like every boy in town.
Eliana: Will you guys shush. You’re missing it.
TV Host: Alright, that’s enough from me. First up we have...

The screen suddenly flashes and changes to an emergency news report.
News Reporter: Attentions citizens of MnF Metropolis. We interrupt your regular broadcast to bring you this emergency bulletin.
News Reporter: The Downtown area is under attack!
News Reporter: The individual identified as Orgasmolia has appeared with yet another creature and is causing havoc.
News Reporter: It is imperative that... Oh God! It’s coming this way! Geoff put the camera away. Get the van. GET THE VAN!
The TV screen goes black.

Freya: SERIOUSLY!? That Bitch Is Acting Up Now!?
Lydia: Hey calm down. I know it sucks, but if we hurry we can kick her ass and catch the end of the show. Come on girls.

The girls raise their left arms into the air and the gems on their bracelets start glowing.
All: Bimbo Rangers! Power Up!
There’s a flash of light and the girls transform into their Bimbo Ranger modes.

Scene 2:
Scene changes to Downtown MnF Metropolis. Orgasmolia is standing next to her monster and they’re surrounded by her grunts.

Orgasmolia: Heh-heh. Excellent work Har-Don.
Har-Don: Thank you mistress. Look at the pathetic humans run.
Har-Don: Ha ha ha. This is so fun.
Orgasmolia: The fun is only just beginning. We still have the rest of the city to conquer.
Red Ranger: HEY!! Orgasmolia!
Orgasmolia: Rangers!? Why do you tramps always insist on interfering with my plans?
Yellow Ranger: Why the hell do YOU insist on interrupting our shows?
Orgasmolia: What are you talking about? It doesn’t matter. Har-Don! Head uptown and continue your rampage.
Har-Don: With pleasure mistress.
Har-Don leaves and heads uptown.

Orgasmolia: As for you moron’s. Get Them!
Grunts: Burr...
Red Ranger: Ok, Beth, Eliana, you head after that monster. Freya, Clover and I will deal with the Grunts.
Blue, Yellow, Pink and Green Rangers: Right.
The Blue and Pink Rangers head off after Har-Don.
Red Ranger: Alright girls, let’s do this.

Sex Scene 1
The Grunts gang-bang Lydia, Freya and Clover.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
The Grunts cum inside them.

Scene 3:
Scene changes to further up the street. Har-Don has cornered a couple of civilians in an alleyway.

Har-Don: Ha ha ha. Look at you. What pathetic cowards you are.
The Blue and Pink Rangers appear behind Har-Don at the entrance of the alley.

Pink Ranger: Hey! Ugly!
Har-Don: Huh? Rangers? I thought the Grunts were taking care of you?
Pink Ranger: That’s the benefit of having friends you dim-witted ruffian.
Blue Ranger: Go on. Get out of here. We’ll deal with this brute.
The civilians run away.

Har-Don: Hmph. It doesn’t matter, they were boring anyway. You two on the other hand look like you’re going to be fun.
Har-Don pulls his loincloth aside, revealing his two giant cocks. Beth’s face blushes as she sees them.
Blue Ranger: O-o-oh my... Th-th-those are...
Pink Ranger: Oh, come now Beth dear. This is no time for your shyness. The people of this city are depending on us.
Blue Ranger: Y-you’re right. I-I can do this.
Har-Don: Heh-heh-heh. I’m gonna enjoy this. And once I’m done with you, I’m gonna finish off your friends.

Sex Scene 2
Beth and Eliana kneel in front of Har-Don, each of them taking one of his cocks.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Beth (Blue Ranger) – Blowjob – Lick, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Eliana (Pink Ranger) – Blowjob – Lick, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Har-Don cums inside her mouths.

Scene 4:
“When they made Har-Don cum, the sexual energy use to create him dissipated, leaving behind only a small crystal.”
“With their job seemingly done, the girls prepared to head home.”

Yellow Ranger: Ok. The Grunts are gone, the monster’s dead and that witch has run off like the bitch she is.
Pink Ranger: Indeed darling, and good riddance. That oaf was particularly beastly.
Green Ranger: Ooh. If we hurry, we should be able to catch the end of the show.
Red Ranger: Sounds like a plan. Come on girls, let’s get back to my house.

The screen splits, showing Orgasmolia standing outside the city (a long way from the Rangers, so they can’t hear her), looking really angry.
Orgasmolia: Urrrrggghh... You Stupid Little Whores!! Always ruining my plans.
Orgasmolia: Well, this time, This Time, will be the last time you EVER Get In My Way!!

Orgasmolia raises her staff and bolts of lightning shoot up from it into the air. The bolts come down and strike the crystal that used to be Har-Don. It glows and shakes, and then Har-Don reforms and grows into a giant.

The Rangers look up at the now giant Har-Don.
Blue Ranger: You know, we REALLY should’ve seen this coming.
Red Ranger: Alright girls. We need to finish this guy off.
The girls raise their left arms into the air, bringing their hands together and the gems on their bracelets glow again.
All: Bimbo Rangers Megazord! Power Up!

There’s a flash of light and the girls form up the Bimbo Megazord.

The Bimbo Megazord faces off against Giant Har-Don.
Har-Don: Ha-ha. Bring it Rangers! I’m Gonna Split Your Robo-Whore In Half!

Sex Scene 3
The Bimbo Megazord leans against a building as the Giant Har-Don fucks both her holes at the same time.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal and Anal – Prod, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Giant Har-Don cums inside both her pussy and her arse.

Scene 5:
“After making Har-Don cum again, the sexual energy within him completely dissipated and this time not even a crystal was left behind.”
“With her latest monster defeated once and for all, Orgasmolia beat a hasty retreat.”

Scene changes to Orgasmolia far outside the city.
Orgasmolia: They may have defeated Har-Don, but I’ll be back with another monster. And this one’ll have 4 cocks. No 5! One for each of those little skanks.

Suddenly, the Rangers jump out and surround her.
Red Ranger: Hold it Right There Witch!
Orgasmolia: Huh!? What do you bitches want?
Red Ranger: We’re here for a little payback.
Orgasmolia: Wh-what?
Green Ranger: You’ve caused so trouble ever since you arrived.
Pink Ranger: You’ve endangered countless innocent people.
Blue Ranger: You’ve caused so much collateral damage.
Yellow Ranger: And on top of all of that, You Made Us Miss The Final Of The Best Show On TV!
Red Ranger: So now, for all the grief you’ve given us and others, you’re going to make it up to us.
Orgasmolia: Oh really? And just how are you planning on doing that?
Red Ranger: Heh. Well, let’s just say that we’ve learnt a few tricks from you.

Sex Scene 4
The Rangers all grow futa cocks, they hold Orgasmolia down and gang-bang her.
Position Example and P.O.V.:

Oral, Vaginal, Anal and Handjobs – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
They cum inside her mouth, pussy and arse and over her tits.

Scene 6: Epilogue
Scene changes to a large, shadowy, demonic figure sitting on a throne. In front of him is a large crystal ball, showing the Rangers gang-banging Orgasmolia.

Shadow: Grrr... Stupid fucking wench.
Shadow: If you want something evil done right, you have to do it your evil self.

End of game.
Options to play again and to repeat sex scenes.

Make that into another MnF series:D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

What the....
Haseo drops links to the cracks here.
And we can't share porn content in our forum in public section.
You participate to choose the game you prefer. And this time to give more views to the contest so there are more probability to get more than 1 game.
Anyway if you don't want to participate it's up to you.

Ok thanks for clearing it up, I occasionally participate in the contests but didn't do enough research to know if that was the only place BCT decides what to crack or if it was bonus content for people on their forum.

In other news I'm hoping an anime game gets cracked soon. I've been on an anime kick since the start of the month because My Hero Academia and Attack on Titan has started their second seasons. Now if only the One Piece Dub would stop getting delayed!
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Ok thanks for clearing it up, I occasionally participate in the contests but didn't do enough research to know if that was the only place BCT decides what to crack or if it was bonus content for people on their forum.

In other news I'm hoping an anime game gets cracked soon. I've been on an anime kick since the start of the month because My Hero Academia and Attack on Titan has started their second seasons. Now if only the One Piece Dub would stop getting delayed!
BCT made contests on older forum before, but they decided to create a public forum so everyone can participate on the contests.

Right now in the contest are 3 anime parody games: Tsunade In Debt, One Piece Of Luck and The Fate Of Hinata. But I doubt any of those gonna win.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Ok thanks for clearing it up, I occasionally participate in the contests but didn't do enough research to know if that was the only place BCT decides what to crack or if it was bonus content for people on their forum.

In other news I'm hoping an anime game gets cracked soon. I've been on an anime kick since the start of the month because My Hero Academia and Attack on Titan has started their second seasons. Now if only the One Piece Dub would stop getting delayed!
BCT made contests on older forum before, but they decided to create a public forum so everyone can participate on the contests.

Right now in the contest are 3 anime parody games: Tsunade In Debt, One Piece Of Luck and The Fate Of Hinata. But I doubt any of these gonna win.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

The ideia of love and sex as separate things is by itself something that was lost for your times. (some may disagree) so, the thing of fraud doesn't make sense. it's like the indian history of a husband who decided to divorce his wife after sleeping with her wihout her make up. if someone is with a trans person (regardeless how they identfy) is because they know or are drunk, being tricked these days it's almost impossible, unless the person really want to lie about it. Lol

On survivor last week the guy with the beard was outed for actually being a woman. Sex change surgery is going to lead to some tragic results and even the current indoctrination in colleges and hollywood is not going to change the majority of people thinking.

2 cases of football players in college here that went to a dating site specifically wanting to date and hookup with girls and trannies with male plumbing deceived the guys in one case the guy killed one. You can still go on world star hip hop where trannies did a bangbus style streaming video when they got straight men in bed and did an a ha moment. I never did political correctness. And expecting the majority to continue pretending that straight men and women should be okay with being deceived until after the fact is going to lead tomore situationof vilence.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Here is the first set for Harper's Christmas Mission. As pictures are rolling out let Kel know how you all like it. Pretty sure he would appreciate all feedback.

Enjoy you bastards :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well since there's no topic I might as well start something that's controversial.

For those who notice & wondering why I've been passive-aggressively toward MNF for some time now, I'm here to tell you why I've been acting like this way for some time now. I've been seriously considering to stop supporting/subscribing to MNF for some now. At first, it was because of the lack of votes I've been getting over the years. But now it's because of this BS.


Apparently, someone thinks we're not getting enough incest for our MNF collection so someone decide to half-assed it get some easy votes. While normally I'm uncomfortable with incest in general, this shit has is just too much.

It might one thing when it's my idea but I've refused to believe that Rider's idea is as good a 5 fucking sentence game while everyone else including Meetie's idea is supposedly even worse than that going so far as being in the negative zone. This isn't even the first time this bull shit has occurred & MNF doesn't do jack shit to even correct it.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well since there's no topic I might as well start something that's controversial.

For those who notice & wondering why I've been passive-aggressively toward MNF for some time now, I'm here to tell you why I've been acting like this way for some time now. I've been seriously considering to stop supporting/subscribing to MNF for some now. At first, it was because of the lack of votes I've been getting over the years. But now it's because of this BS.


Apparently, someone thinks we're not getting enough incest for our MNF collection so someone decide to half-assed it get some easy votes. While normally I'm uncomfortable with incest in general, this shit has is just too much.

It might one thing when it's my idea but I've refused to believe that Rider's idea is as good a 5 fucking sentence game while everyone else including Meetie's idea is supposedly even worse than that going so far as being in the negative zone. This isn't even the first time this bull shit has occurred & MNF doesn't do jack shit to even correct it.

Sorry, but that's not bullshit, that's democracy. The power of the mass to freely vote. It's a good system ,but that doesn't mean that it automatically produces always 'good' results. Just look at the world at firstlythe moment, Brexit, Presidential votes of america, Turkey and so on.
You write your ideas and people are giving thumbs up or thumbs down, MnF itself never advertized for one idea or discriminated one, they just delete those who are against the rules, which makes this vote surprisingly more democratic than most of the world'S political votes. It would be bullshit if they would do jack shit about it.
I mean secondly, there's only one important thing here: The 1. Place.And when the 1. Place has such a big lead like Gwen in this vote, upvoting the others is pretty pointless, EXCEPT(!!) giving the writers a glimpse of the voters' mindset. Which ideas deserve a 2nd chance, what fetishes are popular at the moment and what ideas need to be reworked or forgotten.
That 'bullshit' is just the goddamn MnF version of a demonstration for more real incest, nothing more!! Calm down swordshield. It's not about winning, it's about sending a message, and that's it.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well since there's no topic I might as well start something that's controversial.

For those who notice & wondering why I've been passive-aggressively toward MNF for some time now, I'm here to tell you why I've been acting like this way for some time now. I've been seriously considering to stop supporting/subscribing to MNF for some now. At first, it was because of the lack of votes I've been getting over the years. But now it's because of this BS.


Apparently, someone thinks we're not getting enough incest for our MNF collection so someone decide to half-assed it get some easy votes. While normally I'm uncomfortable with incest in general, this shit has is just too much.

It might one thing when it's my idea but I've refused to believe that Rider's idea is as good a 5 fucking sentence game while everyone else including Meetie's idea is supposedly even worse than that going so far as being in the negative zone. This isn't even the first time this bull shit has occurred & MNF doesn't do jack shit to even correct it.
To be honest I was thinking to stop supporting them too, cuz I don't like that we only get Kosmos' games and too few Serega's and Vadim's, and I mostly don't like Kosmos.

Agree about that shit with Baka motherfucka 2, that happens more often I remember someone submitted my mom's pornstar 3 in the same way.

About Meetie's idea, sorry but it's really bad for me, so am totally agree that this idea should be in negative zone.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Sorry, but that's not bullshit, that's democracy. The power of the mass to freely vote. It's a good system ,but that doesn't mean that it automatically produces always 'good' results. Just look at the world at firstlythe moment, Brexit, Presidential votes of america, Turkey and so on.
You write your ideas and people are giving thumbs up or thumbs down, MnF itself never advertized for one idea or discriminated one, they just delete those who are against the rules, which makes this vote surprisingly more democratic than most of the world'S political votes. It would be bullshit if they would do jack shit about it.
I mean secondly, there's only one important thing here: The 1. Place.And when the 1. Place has such a big lead like Gwen in this vote, upvoting the others is pretty pointless, EXCEPT(!!) giving the writers a glimpse of the voters' mindset. Which ideas deserve a 2nd chance, what fetishes are popular at the moment and what ideas need to be reworked or forgotten.
That 'bullshit' is just the goddamn MnF version of a demonstration for more real incest, nothing more!! Calm down swordshield. It's not about winning, it's about sending a message, and that's it.

I don't want to get into politics into this. We are talking about porn after all so if we can just avoid that altogether that would be great.

1st of all, I have no problem with Gwen winning. As far I'm concern Haseo has done plenty to earn the respect, votes, & right to win any MNF contest.

2nd my main complaint isn't losing the voting contest. It's the fact that "Baka MotherFucka 2",WITH ONLY 5 SENTENCE MIND YOU, is in the positive range while the other ideas below, such as your own idea, doing worse. And this shit isn't even the 1st time this has happen.

3rd Far be from me to tell what fetish should & shouldn't be enjoyed, but c'mon if you're going do incest put some God Damn effort into it.

I'm willing to admit that to a certain extent I'm over-reacted especially since all that matters at the end of the day is whoever is 1st place. That being said I'm still paying $30 a month just to be told that effort just amount to half-assed ideas like "Baka MotherFucka"
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

And I'm telling you, that it's about the MESSAGE!
If that lazy excuse for an idea can already get so much upvotes, how much would it get if someone WOULD put some effort into it with dialogue, scenes and all that? Maybe even something that could fight for #1?
That's the main reason it gets upvoted, to signal others what sort of ideas they want, not that that bullshit really wins.
And for my idea I can just agree with sandchainz, it's not really good... Effort doesn't equal quality.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

It's not doing that well though. Sure, it's in the middle of the field, but the gap between it and the highest ones is massive.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I have to give my 2 cents here. Everyone who joins MnF pays the same price every month give or take $5. Everyone has equal say on the matter, it's a bitch but it keeps things fair. That's my view on the matter.

Anyways let me drop these pictures off. Enjoy you beautiful bastards!

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

And for my idea I can just agree with sandchainz, it's not really good... Effort doesn't equal quality.
That's why I was surprised about your idea, cuz you normally do much better writing.
Btw, do you already have in mind the idea for Godmilf? :)

And about incest games, Swordshield you said there are too much incest games but don't you think there are even more games with aphrodisiac, magic and other mind manipulation shit?