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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

'Sup guys!

Been away for a week (nearly without internet :eek:) But now I'm back with my story

Dragon Balls Blue (DBB): Vegeta's frustration

The story happens before the apparition of C-19 and C-20, a few weeks after future Trunks warned everyone of the future threat

Looks of Vegeta: standard like in the anime http ://img02.deviantart.net/1572/i/2010/269/4/0/vegeta_cyborg__or_cell_saga_by_spongeboss-d2zjazm.png

Right after the return of Goku and learning he can freely use his Super Saiyan, Vegeta trained to be able to finally surpass him. But until now, his efforts were fruitless. He became more and more restless.

Vegeta in the desert, after releasing part of his anger

VEGETA: "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! Me, the prince of Saiyans, is not able to overcome this stupid monkey!! AAAAARGH!!
-another explosion occurs- He must have a secret, something unknown to me.
-Looks like he got an illumination- That's it, he must have learned when training here on Earth!!
- Grinning evily- Ha, you thought you could hide it from me, Goku. Well, you shouldn't underestimate me!!"

He decided to return to the origins of Goku training: Master Roshi's house

New scenery: Master Roshi's house, looking like a battle occurred (turned furnitures, holes in the walls, etc.)

VEGETA - looks furious, like usual: You better spit your secret, old man! My patience has limits!

Roshi: Also, like in the anime,
http: //vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/0/02/Master_roshi.png/revision/latest?cb=20140801094833

ROSHI- looks scared to death, back against a wall: I swear, I don't have a single idea of what you're talking about.

VEGETA: Don't lie to me! It's impossible for Goku to be more powerful than me, you're the one who gave him a trick to become like this!

ROSHI: WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! I'm not his only master, so he could have learned it from someone ….
- Roshi looks like he got a wonderful idea then become serious, close to creepy- Fine, I'll tell you the truth. But first, let me ask you a few questions.

VEGETA: I don't have time for this, old man! I'll kill you if you don't tell me right now!

ROSHI: But you have to because I'll show you the secret behind Goku's strength, but first I need to know if you know the basics for it. And if you kill me, you won't find anyone else you could learn it from.

VEGETA - thinking for a second and then calm down- Fine, I'll answer. But if tricked me…

ROSHI: It's okay, it's okay. First, are you a virgin?

VEGETA: A what?

ROSHI- Thinking- It'll be easier than I expected- Speaking again to Vegeta- Looks like I was right. You don't know about sex and the power of the blue balls, aren't you?

VEGETA- getting more and more irritated- What kind of nonsense are you spouting, old man? I know every single source of power and any kind of training that exist in my world.

ROSHI: Sure, you know them from your world, but this technique only exist on Earth. Goku learned it by coincidence. Indeed, he was like you: only thinking about training and becoming restless. But without knowing it, he accumulated the power of the blue balls. Like you are too!

VEGETA- Surprised- What are you saying? Am I performing a new kind of training without knowing it?

ROSHI: It looks like it, but it's because you are unaware of it until a certain point. To come back to what I was saying, this technique come for accumulating your power into a special part of your body until you find a person on which you can release. The liberation of this power will make you jump to a new level of power you didn't even imagine to reach!

VEGETA: That's how Goku become a Super Saiyan?

ROSHI: I can't be sure of that, but like I said you could reach a power far beyond your wildest dreams. Maybe it's the key for you

VEGETA- Becoming hyped about it- Fine old man. Now tell me how Goku do it!

ROSHI: Maybe it'll be for the best that you see it from Goku himself. Mmmh, from the hour, I think we're right on time.

Master Roshi opens a drawer with a TV inside and then push a few buttons. The screen flickers and then a scene appear

Sex scene 1

Inside Goku's home, in the bedroom, Goku and Chichi are fucking like in this scene: http: //rule34.paheal.net/post/view/1866663#search=Chichi

CHICHI: Quickly, my love. It's been sooooo long. How much time do you think I waited to have this wonderful cock inside me again?

GOKU: Don't worry Chichi, I'm as packed up as you! Piccolo is training Gohan, so we have all day for this!

CHICHI: Ooooh, please, shut up and fuck me already!!

After the scene, Vegeta's face like http: //images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121222112032/dragonball/images/8/8a/VegetaShocked(BoG).png

! You only Vegeta's face and master Roshi

VEGETA: Wh… What is this?

ROSHI- Serious face like this one http ://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/3/30/Master_Roshi_angry.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20110927132935 -
This is sex. The ultimate way of releasing your power the most efficiently. But for that you need to…

Unzoom until you see Vegeta with a raging boner through his pants. Roshi looks like he go into a panic

VEGETA: What is this? What is going on with my body? I feel like my penis will explode

ROSHI: DON'T TOUCH IT!! You got it quicker than expected: you are at the state "Boner". If you come to just touch your penis right now, it could explode and you'd have to start again from zero. Your frustration didn't arrange things.

VEGETA- clenching his teeth: I …can't… Not now… Not so I can surpass him

ROSHI- Becoming serious again: That's the spirit! Now you have to find a bitch to mate and release all your power. With this, I'm sure you can become even more strong than before.

VEGETA: Fine… But… How do I find a… "bitch"?

ROSHI - Smiling : It just happen that I know someone who's more than willing to find a partner to … train. You know her, I think… But let me tell you this, she'll be a tough opponent for you.

VEGETA: That's alright… I am… The prince… Of the Saiyans.

ROSHI: Good, but let me give you some advices before your battle.

Full of hope, Vegeta took out the quicker he could to his destination,

Master Roshi, waving at him

ROSHI: Well, it seems that those hidden cameras were more than worth it after all. Hehehe, I'm touching myself tonight (yes Deadpool reference)

Meanwhile at Brief's Mansion:

Capsule house: http ://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/4/40/CapsuleCorp.Ep.50.GT.png/revision/latest?cb=20120604181310

Surprising thing to know, Bulma Brief is still a virgin. But a virgin with a strong sexual drive. It was in her family's genes. Desperately, during years and years, she tried to seduce Yamcha but he always thought she was pure. Thus, she was building her sexual drive and couldn't let it out even while masturbating all day. That's where we find her.

Bulma's looks:
http ://jay-marvel.deviantart.com/art/Bulma-Briefs-505034960
http ://jay-marvel.deviantart.com/art/Bulma-Briefs-Cell-Saga-523345897?q=sort%3Atime%20((bulma)%20AND%20(by%3AJay-Marvel))&qo=4

You see Bulma crouched before an half-opened door and peeking through it. She seems to masturbate

BULMA: Damn Yamcha, even after all those years, he never laid a hand on me!! And I'm so hot right now mainly because of those two!

Sex scene 2

Inside the laboratory, you see Dr Brief and his wife, fucking doggy style. Dr. Brief's cat is looking from a corner of the place under a table

Mrs Brief: https ://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/4236909

Dr. Brief: https ://jctunesmusic.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/drbriefpes.png with a penis a little smaller than Goku and Vegeta

Laboratory like in the anime (didn't find a good picture)

Mrs. BRIEF: Darling, you really can't hold back, can you? You always want to do it whenever and wherever it pleases. What if our daughter hear it?

Dr Brief: Well, it's not like you hate it. And you always tempt me with this amazing body of yours.

Mrs. BRIEF: Right and now, pound my ass as much as you want!

After the scene, you see Bulma in the same position, moving her hand more frankly

BULMA- Clenching her teeth- How can they fuck so much at their age? They're making me so horny. If this continue, I'll end up raping any male which come to my sight! I NEED TO FUCK!

Suddenly Vegeta appear behind her, his eyes red from horniness (the rape train has come) and rip her shirt, exposing her breasts (like in most M&F games)

VEGETA: WOMAN! I have come to fuck you! I don't care whether you want it or not! No woman ever resited the pirince of Saiyan! But with your help, I'll finally surpass Goku!

Sex Scene 3:

Vegeta push Bulma on her back. You only see the upper side of her body and Vegeta's hands on her shoulders

VEGETA: I'll first use your huge package up here

BULMA- eyes wide open, a little angry- Wait, you don't intend to… I'm not even a bit interested in you after what you did! Don't you remember you nearly killed us all!

Then Vegeta expose his penis against her breasts

BULMA: Surprised and thinking- Whoa , his cock is huge! Maybe, just a little, it could calm me down. Then that will be all.

VEGETA: What… What is this feeling? It's so… good. I can't stop myself.

Then he proceed to titfuck her

After Vegeta came

BULMA: Thinking and an aroused look- Wow, I nearly came too! No, no! Focus, Bulma, you can't let him go any further! But if he were to force on me…

Sex scene 4

VEGETA: This is not enough! More, more of this pleasure

Position like this: https ://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5139458 You see Vegeta's full body too (so you see him get into SS mode)

VEGETA- Thinking- Alright, what he told me worked until now. I'll do it, I know I can!

BULMA: W…Wait! My heart is not ready yet! You can't do that now! -Thinking- God, it felt so good just with my boobs, if he were to penetrate me, I won't be able to hold back

VEGETA: Too Late, woman!

At the last speed of sex,

VEGETA- Screaming- It's over 9000!- And become a Super Saiyan

After this

Vegeta naked in SS mode, still in the room like this http ://orig09.deviantart.net/b337/f/2012/239/9/a/yelling_by_vegeta_sensei-d5cli5i.jpg

VEGETA: Laughing- HAHAHAHA! Now, Goku, I have enough strenght to beat you and everyone in my way! You better be prepared because here I come!

Suddenly, Bulma appear behind him (looks like a shadow, you don't see her face, just red eyes)

BULMA: Not enough… I need… more… I held back… far too long… to let it end now… -Jumping on him- I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY!

Unzoom, you are back in Master's Roshi house, with Roshi standing before the TV with a nosebleed

ROSHI: Hehe, I'm not master for nothing… Well how about I sell this recording to Yamcha now?


Tell me what you think about it and if I made mistakes in it (I'm not a native english speaker). And also if dialogues and such are clear to you (when it's like this, it's a thought dialogue or a precision for the artist for his comprehension; when like this it's a precision for the faces of the characters)

Two questions came to mind while writing the story: 1) Which M&F artist sounds the best to submit my story? I really don't know (Rawart seemed a good idea at first but we haven't saw him sine a long time)
2) Kinda stupid question but how does Vegeta call Goku in the english version (Goku or Kakarot)? In the french one (the one I watched a long time ago), it was Goku so to be sure, I ask :p

True that. When I look for doujin and stuff, I can't appreciate a story with characters that I like too much (in my case, it's mostly Fate/Stay Night characters) even if the drawings are perfect.

Fencer, do you believe i was reading your story with the voices of the american version in my head ? :D
Great story, thanks for adding that sexy milf Mrs. Brief. To add more jealousy it would be cool if it was Yamcha fucking Mrs. Brief :p

1) The artist has to be one that stays faithful to the appearance of the characters, not some random characters that has nothing to do with them. Maybe Pinoy would make a good job or Vadim if he is in the mood :p

2) Most of the time he calls him Kakarot. We got DBZ from France and one time he called Goku " Cachalote " or " Cachalot " known as Sperm Whale :D. Other times he called some Portuguese slang.

Then go for the red eyes :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Has the Super Smash Bros Sexual Melee game been cracked yet?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Tell me what you think about it and if I made mistakes in it (I'm not a native english speaker). And also if dialogues and such are clear to you (when it's like this, it's a thought dialogue or a precision for the artist for his comprehension; when like this it's a precision for the faces of the characters)

Your idea is a kinda fun, it was detailed enough & short to get to the point. I only have a couple of gripes. What was the sex position Mrs. Brief was supposed in and have Vegeta call Goku "Kakarot".

Two questions came to mind while writing the story: 1) Which M&F artist sounds the best to submit my story? I really don't know (Rawart seemed a good idea at first but we haven't saw him sine a long time)
2) Kinda stupid question but how does Vegeta call Goku in the english version (Goku or Kakarot)? In the french one (the one I watched a long time ago), it was Goku so to be sure, I ask :p

That's tough 1, since I don't think any of MNF could copy Toriyama's art style despite how simplistic it looks. I agree on the whole Rawart probably being the best choice, but God knows where he is.

Finally, Vegeta refers Goku to his Saiyan name "Kakarot". I'm surprise the French would change that, it kinda important in story when it comes Vegeta's relationship with Goku.

Has the Super Smash Bros Sexual Melee game been cracked yet?

Nope, don't BCT to crack that any time soon since it represent the worse of MNF.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I'm not a huge fan of Toriyama's giant foreheads and "one-fits-all" body design.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I'm not a huge fan of Toriyama's giant foreheads and "one-fits-all" body design.

When it comes to hentai and using already made anime characters. Android 18 is still my favorite blonde, there's something about her...I love when the artist of the hentai; gives her a booty ;)

Also can we let a Bleach game win for once....Before Bleach ends lol

And Midnight Ace disappears.....again.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Yeah, I'm pretty bummed out about it since that means it'll re-capture its glories days. Especially in 10 weeks.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

i wish you would because samui is one hot chick and her fucking her brother is hot

While I'm really not a fan of incest, I'm afraid it's a moot point since MnF has recently ruled against it after CCBill declared several themes inappropriate. They've been able to get around it for the most part by declaring that any original characters are just actors starring in an in-universe porno, but with canonically established characters from other people's work, I don't think that'll fly.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Meh, there's already plenty of Samui getting screwed by her bro anyways.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Bleach is going to end? I thought I'd never see the day.

Yup it seems it will end very soon but either it will be disapointing or Aizen will come like "Just as planned" :p

Your idea is a kinda fun, it was detailed enough & short to get to the point. I only have a couple of gripes. What was the sex position Mrs. Brief was supposed in and have Vegeta call Goku "Kakarot".

Doggy style for the sex position. I'll put it in the text in a more noticeable way ;)

Finally, Vegeta refers Goku to his Saiyan name "Kakarot". I'm surprise the French would change that, it kinda important in story when it comes Vegeta's relationship with Goku.

I know. It was something that disturbed me when I watched the remastered version of DBZ (DBZ Kai) where Vegeta called him Kakarot (like in the games and the original manga). In my childhood, he just called him "Goku" :/

Fencer, do you believe i was reading your story with the voices of the american version in my head ? :D
Great story, thanks for adding that sexy milf Mrs. Brief. To add more jealousy it would be cool if it was Yamcha fucking Mrs. Brief :p

Hey it wouldn't be a M&F game without a milf :D As for adding Yamcha, i don't know... I could but since I depicted him as a cowardly character from the beginning, I can't see him another way. Well, I could change that if everyone would like ;)

1) The artist has to be one that stays faithful to the appearance of the characters, not some random characters that has nothing to do with them. Maybe Pinoy would make a good job or Vadim if he is in the mood :p

2) Most of the time he calls him Kakarot. We got DBZ from France and one time he called Goku " Cachalote " or " Cachalot " known as Sperm Whale :D. Other times he called some Portuguese slang.

Well "Cachalot" as the same meaning in French :p I'll change the name in the text then :p As for the artist, I'll wait for more advices since some pictures I putted are close to the style of most M&F artists (I think at least)

Well thanks for the advices and critics, I'll change the text a little and will put it back soon ;)
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Then go for the red eyes :D
Ok, I've got one person saying red and another saying silver.
So, here's a poll.

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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

More lesbians!!

New poll will be up tomorrow so vote away when it comes out :D



New game is also out:

Soul Caliber Quest for Lust

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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Where do you find the games that BCT has cracked?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

1st page bro lol.

Lol, sorry, I should have clarifies more. What I meant was whether BCT had their own site where they hosted all the games they cracked. I'm still on the hunt for a list of all MnF games, so I figured I'd use the list of games BCT has cracked has something to go off of.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Hi guyz,still lurking(long no see regardless)...anyways just wondering about somethin,does BCT plans to crack the ''freebies'' such as new reporter christmas or mizuki tour?sick tired of relying on GoD server and my shitty provider....
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

New game is also out:

Soul Caliber Quest for Lust


1st. Soul Calibur is spelled wrong.

2nd. WOHOO!!! A Soul Calibur Game!

3rd. Huh, DemonRoyal is back, didn't see that coming.

Hope I can play this asap.

Edit: Jesus Christ! The game has been loading for 8 mins & it still isn't ready to play.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Lol, sorry, I should have clarifies more. What I meant was whether BCT had their own site where they hosted all the games they cracked. I'm still on the hunt for a list of all MnF games, so I figured I'd use the list of games BCT has cracked has something to go off of.

You will have to google it. I do not give out their address freely since they screen all new members and those members have to be members for 2 weeks and participate in their website before getting access to their downloads section. All the links in the front page are what I and BCT have but if you feel you want to find something more concrete the just google for them. You will find their forum eventually.

Hi guyz,still lurking(long no see regardless)...anyways just wondering about somethin,does BCT plans to crack the ''freebies'' such as new reporter christmas or mizuki tour?sick tired of relying on GoD server and my shitty provider....

BCT cracks are all voted on so more attractive games are released first. They could be cracked but it really depends on who votes for what.

I played the new game and I would overall give it a 6/10

You have an open world to explore and you find at least 6 girls to have fun with. The animations are a little rough but not bad. The final scene is just terrible and it ends with a cliffhanger. You will either like it or love it. Who knows if MnF will keep him on though.