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Meet and Fuck Games Community


Mystic Girl
Mar 17, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

So I wanted to let you guys know that I wont be around for a while starting on the 25th. I've got a new job that will pretty much work me around the clock for 2 months and I doubt I'll have the energy to check up on you guys. No doubt after that I'll be back here asking about the cracks I missed like a loser, but until then I'll be here providing all the poorly thought out memes I can muster!



Tentacle Monster
May 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

So I wanted to let you guys know that I wont be around for a while starting on the 25th. I've got a new job that will pretty much work me around the clock for 2 months and I doubt I'll have the energy to check up on you guys. No doubt after that I'll be back here asking about the cracks I missed like a loser, but until then I'll be here providing all the poorly thought out memes I can muster!

When that day comes best of luck with Dylan. I really do like your memes, make things fun around here. What was your idea in the last round?

Anyways, I did some spell checking on Slut Sister and it turns out a lot my sentences were incomplete. Its amazing on how much mistakes you can when you're deprive. Doesn't change the fact my grammar is still piss poor, not to mention I've might miss some more incomplete sentence. So if any1 can help me out I really appreciate it.

Here's the idea. Let me know what else can I fix & improve on.
The game starts with an average joe name "Mike" buying "Super Slut Sister the not Wii U edition" in stormy night. Why is it important that there is a storm in this story? Because somehow stormy nights means u get suck into virtual world of Super Slut Sisters that's why. Which happens to Mike strangely enough as lighting somehow hit his game console right when he insert the disc in his console.


Mike: I finally have Super Slut Sister, I've been waiting forever for this game to come out.
Mike: W-what the hell is going on? AAAAHHHHHH!!!
After he got pulled into the virtual reality, Mike woke up on meadow where he is greeted by Pit of all people. After conversing with 1 to another, Pit warned him that he only has 48 hours to get back.


Mike: Aaawww shit, what in the hell just happened?
Pit: Hey, are you alright?
Mike: Holy crap!!! You're Pit from Kid Icarus.
Pit: Kid Icarus? Oh I get it, you're the material world. You must be one of those fellas that has video games as his hobbies.
Mike: Huh? You know you're a video game character?
Pit: Sure do.
Mike: And you're not freak out from this horrible revalation?
Pit: It still my reality, but that's not important right now. You get out of here a.s.a.p.
Mike: Ummm why?
Pit: Something about endangering existence as we know it & you have only less than 48 hours to do so.
Mike: WHAT!!!??? But I don't know even know how I got here to begin with! All I can remember is that lighting hit my game console & here I am. This shouldn't even be possible.
Pit: Don't worry, I completely studied how to help foreigners get back to their home-world. Wow that sounds a lot more racist saying it out loud.
Pit: I should probably ask Lady Palutena to change the title.
Mike: OK racism aside what do I have to do?
Pit: According to returning foreigners 101, you need fix whatever you change did when you got here.
Mike: WTF!? How do I even know what I change to begin with?
Pit: Don't worry I'm sure you'll figure out. I BELIEVE IN YOU!
Mike:.......Oh God I'm screwed.
Pit: Anyways I got to back Angel Land & talk to Lady Palutena about your circumstances. Here an angel communicator. Keep update whenever you fix whatever you change.
Mike:.....This is just a walkie talkie & when did you guys ever need a walkie talkie.
Pit: I dunno, Lady Palutena just randomly invented it. Good thing she did, huh buddy? Anyways good luck.

Scene 1
As Mike aimlessly wander around the open field completely confuse on what could be identify as a problem in this crazy world. Suddenly he spots Bowser harassing Princess Peach. Mike knew he stood no chance against a juggernaut who can casually tank a black hole & a super nova, he realize he need to use what little wit he posses.
He grab the closest rock he can find & threatens Bowser claiming that it was a doomsday device. Bowser starts crying uncontrollably as he started ranting how Peach belong to him since he actually makes the effort to be with Peach. Peach actually agrees & states all this time she's been in love with him not Mario. To celebrate their new relationship, they proceed with Peach giving a tit-job to Bowser.

Princess Peach:


Mike: Great I've wandering around for what's gotta be an hour now. How the hell am I supposed find what's different in Super Slut Sisters?
Peach: Someone help me, Bowser is trying kidnap me again. And I have no means to defend myself other than with my useless Toads
Bowser: BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That's right, you belong to me now.
Mike: Oh shit, its King Koopa! How the hell am I supposed help her? That bastard can tank a Super nova & a Black hole.
Mike: Wait, he's always been pretty stupid so I maybe I can bluff my way to win.
*picks up a rock*
Mike: Back OFF King Koopa! What I got here is a......um, um, a SUPER-ULTRA-DOOMDAY device.
Bowser: Oh God! Don't hurt me, I won't try kidnap the Princess ever again, just don't kill me.
Mike: (Thought Bubble) Wow, he just gave stupidity & gullibility a new standard.
Mike: Don't worry Princess, you're safe now. Let's get you back to one true love Mario.
Bowser: (crying) Its not fair! Mario been taking more than 30 years & he still hasn't made move on Peach while I've been making genuine efforts to get her to love me. Not mention she's the mother of my 7 children.
Peach: Oh my goodness. You're right Bowser. All those times I thought Mario was my true love, but now I my eyes have been open.
Peach: C'mere & let me give you a tit-job as your new wife.

*scene change*

Sex Scene 1:

Sex Dialogue:
Easy - Peach: You always did like my tits the most.

Medium Peach: Let's go a bit faster Bowie.

Hard - Peach: YES YES YES! I love your scaly dick between my boobs!

*Scene Change*

Peach: Thank You, you have help me find true love.
Mike: You're welcome?
Mike: (Thought Bubble) I think I just got Mario neotrared.

Scene 2
Afterwards Pit contacted Mike regarding if has fix anything. Mike just went with being truthful and told Pit. Pit took this pretty casually & said everyone kinda saw it coming since Peach the resident whore. He told Mike to help Cynthia to resolve conflict between Team Galactic. Mike immediately starts traveling to where Cynthia. When he got there, Cynthia was outnumber 2 to 1. Mike's presence should've even the odds except he's not a Pokemon trainer. After a brief conversation with Cynthia, Mike notice that both guys has a boner. Mike ask Cynthia if she even notice, in which she said no, but proceed to let Team Galactic gangbang her.

Team Galactic:
Galactic's Pokemons:

Mega Lucario:


Pit: Hey Mike did you fix anything yet?
Mike: I somehow hook Bowser up with Peach.
Pit: Weird, but that's ok.
Mike: Ok? I just neotrare Mr. Video Game!
Pit: I wouldn't worry about it, Princess Peach has always been the resident slut anyways.
Pit: Anywho, you should help out Cynthia now, she's in Safron City for some reason.
Mike: Wait. Cynthia, as in the Pokemon Champion of Shinnoh?
Pit: Yup! Better get going. And remember "I believe in you" :) .
Mike: Oh God that's gonna be a thing between isn't it?
*Scene Change*
Mike: *whew* Finally made it! Now to find Cynthia and-
Mike: And she's fighting members of Team Galactic.
Mike: God dammit.
*Cynthia making eye contact with Mike*
Cynthia: Finally reinforcement, now we can even the odds.
Mike: Yeah....I don't have any Pokemon whatsoever.
Cynthia: What!? Then what are you even doing here?
Mike: Something I've been wondering myself & desperately hoping you have the answers to.
Cynthia: Never mind that right now. Get out of here before you become a casualty.
Mike: Fine, but can you at least tell me why does Team Galactic have boners!?
Cynthia: What they do? Hmm, so that's what's going on. They must have a Hypnos to hypnotize them in order to become stronger.
Mike: Wait, why hypnotize the trainers & not the actual Pokemons? They're the ones doing the damage.
Cynthia: Fufufu, that's not important right now.
Cynthia: OOOHHHHH boys. <3

*Scene Change*

Gang bang:

Sex Dialogue:

Easy - Cynthia: OOH Yeah. Nice and easy.

Medium - Cynthia: Don't tell me this is as fast as you can go.

Hard - Cynthia: That's the stuff boys, fuck me just like that!

*Scene Change*


Cynthia: *PHEW* Finally got them knock out. Not everyday I get to have sex.

Scene 3:
As Mike tried to make an attempt to have sex with Cynthia, Pit interrupted him by asking an update on his status report. Poor blueball Mike was then given a new assignment with Cynthia filling in the rest of the details. The new assignment was regarding about Samus Aran suffering from an abusive relationship with Adam, with said relationship ended on an incredible violent terms having Samus hospitalizing Adam. Mike confuse on why this was a bad thing since Samus seem to have solve on it her own. Cynthia then explain that she thinks Samus still has lingering feeling towards Adam and she believes she just needs a close friend to talk it out for her.
While Cynthia herself is very close friends with Samus, she's incredibly busy with other things & ask Mike to find Rosalina as she believes Rosalina is even a closer friend . When Mike ask what she was busy, Cynthia denied him a proper answer.
She then tells Mike that Rosalina would be arriving soon and would Samus pick them up with her spaceship. When Rosalina finally arrived Mike explain the situation to her. Rosalina understood Mike's predicament, but Mike couldn't shake off the feeling that Rosalina has an agenda of her own. Then Samus arrived and landed her gunship, but immediately when they were in the cockpit where Samus is (who's drunk for some reason), Rosalina went on a non-stop rant on how much she's in love with Samus and then proceed to have sex with her leaving Mike once again dumbstruck on what happening.

Samus Aran:

Cynthia: Haven't sex like that for quite some time.
Mike: You know it doesn't HAVE to just stop with just having se-
Pit: Hey Mike! Made any progress yet?
Mike: (whispering) Damn it Pit! Why you gotta cockblock a bro man?
Pit: Huh? What are you talking about? Anyways did you save Cynthia?
Mike: More like Cynthia saved herself......by getting rid of their erections & K.Oing them.
Pit: That's not good Mike. You were supposed to do that.
Mike: Oh fuck no man! No way in hell let them fuck me in the ass.
Pit: Uuuhhh, I was talking about just rescuing Cynthia.
Mike: .......
Mike: I knew that.
Pit: Well at least there still time, but we don't have much of it. Help Samus Aran with her problem.
Mike: Whoa! Samus Aran the most badass video game female icon and bounty hunter of all time.
Pit: Yup! The one and only. I'll let Cynthia fill you in the rest.
Pit: And always remember "I believe in you!" :D.
Mike: Christ man, please stop saying that.
Pit: I'll think about it.
Pit: Hi Cynthia! Bye Cynthia!
Cynthia: Such a cute boy.
Cynthia: Anyways, your new assignment is to help Samus Aran with her relationship Adam.
Mike: OH C'mon! She hooked up with that douchbag!?
Cynthia: Oh don't worry, she broke up with him when decided she hospitalize Adam.
Mike: But, wait then what's the problem then?
Cynthia: The problem being that she still seem to have lingering feeling towards him.
Cynthia: In fact, I think she feels pretty bad about severely injuring Adam.
Mike: Fuck! It's one of those situations. Can't believe someone as awesome as Samus goes through something like that.
Cynthia: Which is why I want to talk to her, but I can't right now. I'm busy.
Mike: With what?
Cynthia: Maybe I'll tell you next time, naughty boy.
Mike: Figures.
Cynthia: Instead Rosalina will take my place. She seem to be more closer with Sammy anyways.
Cynthia: ....
Cynthia: Maybe too close. Oh well, gotta to go. See you next time hot-stuff. ;D
Mike: *heh heh*. Cynthia called me hot-stuff. This is almost worth it.

*scene change*

Mike: Wow. The Space Goddess herself is here.
Rosalina: Hello you must be Mike. I know of your existence, but not why you're here.
Mike: Well I somehow got here when I was trying to install Super Slut Sisters, I only (somehow) have less than an hour to fix everything that has been affected my presence, & I have a massive case of the blue balls with everyone having sex in front of me.
Rosalina: I see. You're very admirable person.
Mike: *heh heh* Geez, getting praise by a Goddess is-
Mike: Wait even the blue ball part?
Rosalina: If it makes you feel better. But enough of that, why don't you tell me about your assignment.
Mike: Well Samus seems to feel really bad about kicking Adam's ass & Cynthia think you're the woman to cheer her up.
Rosalina: I see, my poor dear Samus.
Mike: Uuummm ok?
*eyes shift towards the sky*
Mike: Hey I see Samus's spaceship.
Samus: Hey you two faggots the one Cynthia told me to *hic* pick up? Stop waste my fucking time and lets get this shit over with!
Samus: Imma teleport you *hic* directly to the God damn cockpit, so get your scrawny fucking ass up *hic* here already. You bunch of *hic* cunts.
Mike: Umm, is she drunk while flying her ship.
Rosalina: Yes she is. Oh my poor Sam. We must make haste at once.

*scene change*

Samus: Well if ain't *hic* her cosmic majesty fucking self and-
Samus: Wait who the fuck are *hic* you supposed to be?
Mike: Uh, Mike.
Samus: Well Mike, I sure as hell *hic* hope you have more balls then that prick Adam do.
Mike: Yeah about that, we're here to tal-
Rosalina: Oh Samus, why do you still have feeling for that awful man. Can't you see that whatever that man can give, I can give you so much more. We always meant to be together. I love you ever since we first made eye-contact. Please accept my love.
Samus: What the fuck are you even talking, you dumb bitch!?
Mike: Uh yeah, what she said.
Rosalina: Here, let me show just how much I love you.
*summons a dildo onto her hand*

Sex Scene 3:
Dildo Fingering:

Sex Dialogue:

Samus: The hell?
Rosalina: I've waited so long for this moment

Samus: Mmmm. When did you get this good Rosy?
Rosalina: For your sake, I've been praticing for eons.

Samus: OH GOD YES!!!!

Rosalina: From this day forth, we are each others significant half respectively. Adam will have no more part in your life.
Samus: Oh Rosy, I wasn't drinking because of that dickweed. I just wanna get drunk.
Samus: But sure, I'll be your sweetheart. After all we just had sex, clearly that's a sign of a newly wed couple.
Samus: Not mention we gotta send those positive message for those kids back home.
Mike: Wow, that was so fucking sexy.

Final Scene:
As Mike continues to stare at the newly lesbian couple, Pit arrive to tell that his 48 hours are up. Mike freaked out completely as now all he can do is to wait & despair of what will come. Except Pit actually came to clarify that existence was never endanger to begin with. Mike started swear left and right at Pit and told him to go fuck Medusa to which he comply, but not before Pit told Mike that he was going to be teleported Palutena's Temple. As Mike teleports to the temple, Rosalina and Samus were discussing about how Mike will get rewarded for his efforts even though he was more likely tricked by Palutena.
When Mike finally landed on inside the temple (specifically her bedroom), he was greeted by Palutena. She showered with him praises and while being praise by the goddess felt good, alas it meant nothing as Mike has a raging erection with some major blue balls to go with it. Shedding a single tear, Mike pleads with the goddess to just send him home so he can masturbate his dilemma away. Palutena ask him why he would do that, to which Mike furiously responding that of all that miss opportunity to have sex with some of Nintendo's hottest women. Palutena explains the whole reason he's here is to be rewarded for his efforts and virtues. Then she calls out to Lucina.
Mike was completely in awe to be in the presence of the most beautiful Nintendo woman(yes I'm being bias) while Lucina is in tears to having finally be reunited with her lover. Mike told her, she was mistaken him for Robin, but Lucina isn't convince as she list his achievements in Fire Emblem Awakening. He explained while he technically did that, it was only through a video game. Nonetheless, Lucina still believes that the Mike who passed away is the same Mike that stands before her. However, before any more argument could be made, Palutena pulled Mike towards her and toss Lucina onto the bed as she starts cuddling with Lucina. Palutena finally explained what the reward is, strip everyone of their clothes, and beginning their threesome.



Mike: Oh god, I can feel my dick swelling up. Life is so fucking cruel.
Pit: Hey listen up!
Mike: GAH! Pit? When did you get here?
Pit: Just now actually, but that's not important did you finish the task at hand?
Mike: Yeah I did. Samus issue with her ex is no longer a problem. She hooked up with Rosalina now.
Pit: Uhh, you both did try talking her before the sex, right?
Mike: Well Rosalina just kinda start having sex with Samus as soon as I try to talk to her.
Pit: Not good, you both were supposed to talk to her and you're out of time.
Pit: Actually I'm here to tell that everything fine. In fact existence was never endangered. Sure did Palutena a long time to respond though. I wonder what she was doing in all this time?
Mike: ......
Mike: Pit?
Pit: Yeah, Mike?
Mike: Go fuck Medusa's ass so you can leave me alone.
Pit: Well she is my girlfriend ever since I purified with my angelic dick. But that does sound like a pretty solid plan.
Mike: That's great dude. I really mean that.
Pit: Oh before I go, Lady Palutena wanted to speak with you. I think you're finally going get rewarded for all this. Well bye now.
Mike: Yeah right. My luck is way too shitty for-
Samus: I bet you my spaceship that, that whore Palutena tricked him into all this.
Rosalina: More than likely, but enough of talk lets just sleep now.
Samus: Ooohhh no you don't. Now its my turn, so bite the pillow I'm going in dry.
Rosalina: *gulp*

*Scene Change*

Mike: Now where the fuck am I?
Palutena: Greeting human, welcome to my temple. Or more specifically, my bedroom.
Mike: The Goddess of Light, Palutena.
Palutena: I'm honored that you know me Mike.
Palutena : You have journey far and wide. You have brought peace to world of Super Slut Sisters
Mike: I did?
Palutena: Well no, but you did manage to satisfy a lot people's lust so that's a plus.
Palutena: Oh brave human, what is your desire? Speak now and I shall grant it.
Mike: Oh God! Just send me home already. I have a raging erection with massive blue balls to go with it.
Palutena: That's it? You just wanna go home? That's kinda of let down. You know we're in my bedroom right?
Mike: *cries* Oh I don't fucking care. This whole experience has been nothing but one big cocktease.
Mike: I thought for once my luck finally turned around by being porno/hentai protagonist I didn't get to have sex with any of the women I've encounter.
Mike: Just let me go home already so I can rub it off with my flesh light.
Palutena: Hmm I see, but I'm afraid I can't do that right now.
Mike: Oh God! Now What am I supposed to do?
Palutena: Ooohhh I got a few ideas on what the three of us can do.
Mike: For fuck's sake! Stop trolling me you bitch! I am so done with your-
Mike: Wait the three of us?
Lucina: Michael?
Mike: (thought bubble) Oh my God. Its the most beautiful woman in the world.
Mike: The Princess of Ylisse, Lucina.
Lucina: *sniff* Michael, I thought after we slew Grima, we would never see you again. Lady Palutena said she would find you, but I had my doubts.
Lucina: I'm just so happy that you're back. I can't believe we're reunited again.
Mike: No you're got the wrong guy. I'm just some loser who just jacks off to wherever hentai I can find. The guy you're looking for is Robin.
Lucina: Yes, we've called you Robin before, but I know your real name is Michael.
Lucina: Don't you remember when we first met? How I save aunt Lissa from the Risen? When we fought each other when I was under disguise as "Marth". The time when my mask broke because I saved father from that assassin? Or that time you propose to me with the flowers you plucked from the fields?
Mike: Yeah, I did all that, but it was in a video game so it wasn't not actually me.
Lucina: But you must the Michael that sacrifice himself to save the world. You're the exact same spitting image of my beloved tactician.
Mike: I'm telling you, I'm not him.
Lucina: I don't understand, do you not want to be with me anymore?
Mike: That's not-
Mike: Whoa
Lucina: Gah
*Scene Change*
Palutena: That's cute and all about the whole reuniting with your true love, but I have better way to spend our time together.
Palutena: You see, I didn't get fully explain myself. I'm not here only to just to grant your desire, I'm also here to reward you Mike.
*strips off everyone's clothes with magic*
Palutena: Well then, what are waiting for? Shove that cock of your inside already
Lucina: P-please gentle first my love.

Final Sex Scene:
Have Palutena be the blond woman
Have Lucina be the black haired woman
Please also have the option to grab breasts
Have Palutena lick Lucina on easy, then bite her ear on medium, & finally have Palutena kiss Lucina on hard
Sex Dialogue:


Palutena: You're just like any other slut aren't you?
Lucina: N-no you're wrong.

Palutena: Hmm maybe I'll just have nibble
Lucina: OW! Not so rough Lady Palutena.


Palutena: Mmmm. So much tasty cums.
Lucina: I love you so much Michael. I love you too Lady Palutena.


Lucina: I'm so glad you're alive again, I'll never let you leave my side again.
Mike: I'm not question this and just be glad this happening.
Palutena: (thought bubble) Look like my plan to blue ball Mike work after all.
Palutena: (thought bubble) By having him see all those sexy women swell him up so much, there's now an even more cum it spread all over us.
Palutena: (thought bubble) I have so much more plan for you and your beloved Lucina. Just you wait Mike. heh heh.
Replay scenes.
Last edited:


May 16, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

You know what sword, I've been through SSS, and I've fix all the grammar and spelling errors.

Also, I found a image you could possible use for Mike. Not sure if it's what you wanted, but's it's kind of what I picture him as.

Super Slut Sisters
By swordshield
The game starts with an average Joe named "Mike" buying "Super Slut Sisters: the not Wii U version" on a stormy night. Why is it important that there is a storm in this story? Because somehow stormy nights mean you get sucked into the virtual world of Super Slut Sisters, that's why. Which happens to Mike strangely enough, as lighting somehow hits his game console right when he inserts the disc into his console.


Mike: I finally have Super Slut Sisters. I've been waiting forever for this game to come out.
Mike: W-what the hell is going on? AAAAHHHHHH!!!

After he gets pulled into the virtual reality, Mike wakes up in a meadow where he is greeted by Pit, of all people. After conversing with one another, Pit warned him that he only has 48 hours to get back.


Mike: Aww shit, what in the hell just happened?
Pit: Hey, are you alright?
Mike: Holy crap!!! You're Pit from Kid Icarus.
Pit: Kid Icarus? Oh I get it, you're from the material world. You must be one of those fellas that has video games as his hobby.
Mike: Huh? You know you're a video game character?
Pit: Sure do.
Mike: And you're not freaked out from this horrible revelation?
Pit: It’s still my reality, but that's not important right now. You’ve got to get out of here, a.s.a.p.
Mike: Ummm, why?
Pit: Something about endangering existence as we know it and you only have less than 48 hours to do so.
Mike: WHAT!!!??? But, I don't even know how I got here to begin with! All I can remember is that lighting hit my game console & here I am. This shouldn't even be possible.
Pit: Don't worry, I studied how to help foreigners get back to their home-world. Wow, that sounds a lot more racist saying it out loud.
Pit: I should probably ask Lady Palutena to change the title.
Mike: OK racism aside, what do I have to do?
Pit: According to ‘Returning Foreigners 101’, you need to fix whatever changes you did when you got here.
Mike: WTF!? How do I even know what I changed to begin with?
Pit: Don't worry I'm sure you'll figure out. I BELIEVE IN YOU!
Mike: ....... Oh God I'm screwed.
Pit: Anyways I got to get back to Angel Land and talk to Lady Palutena about your circumstances. Here’s an angel communicator. Keep me updated whenever you fix anything you changed.
Mike: ....... This is just a walkie-talkie. And, when did you guys ever need walkie-talkies?
Pit: I dunno, Lady Palutena just randomly invented it. Good thing she did, huh buddy? Anyways good luck.

Scene 1
As Mike aimlessly wanders through the open field, completely confused what could be identified as a problem in this crazy world. He spots Bowser harassing Princess Peach. Mike knew he stood no chance against a juggernaut who can casually tank a black hole and a super nova. He realizes he needs to use what little wit he posses.
He grabs the closest rock he can find and threatens Bowser with it, telling him it’s a doomsday device. Bowser starts crying uncontrollably and ranting how Peach belongs to him since he actually makes the effort to be with her. Peach actually agrees and finally states that, all this time, she's been in love with him, not Mario. To celebrate their relationship, they proceed with Peach giving a tit-job to Bowser.

Princess Peach:

Mike: Great. I've been wandering around for what's gotta be an hour now. How the hell am I supposed to find what's different in Super Slut Sisters?
Peach: Someone help me! Bowser is trying to kidnap me again! And I have no means to defend myself other than my useless Toads!
Bowser: BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That's right you belong to me now.
Mike: Oh shit! Its King Koopa, how the hell am I supposed help her? That bastard can tank a Super Nova, and a Black hole. Wait, he's always been pretty stupid. So, maybe I can bluff my way to win.
Mike: Back OFF King Koopa! What I got here is a......um, um, a SUPER-ULTRA-DOOMSDAY device.
Bowser: Oh God! Don't hurt me, I won't try to kidnap the princess, just don't kill me.
Mike: (Thought Bubble) Wow... He just gave stupidity and gullibility a new standard.
Mike: Don't worry Princess, you're safe now. Let's get you back to your one true love, Mario.
Bowser: (crying) It’s not fair! Mario’s had 30 years and he still hasn't made a move on Peach. While I've been making genuine efforts to get her to love me. Not to mention she's the mother of my 7 children.
Peach: Oh my goodness. You're right Bowser. All those times I thought Mario was my true love, but now I my eyes have been open. C'mere, and let me give you a tit-job as your new wife.
Mike: ......What?

*Scene Change*

Sex Scene 1:

Sex Dialogue:
Easy - Peach: You always did like my tits the most.

Medium - Peach: Let's go a bit faster Bowie.

Hard - Peach: YES YES YES! I love your dick between my boobs!

*Scene Change*

Peach: Thank You, you have helped me find true love.
Mike: You're welcome?
Mike: (Thought Bubble) I think I just got Mario neutered.

Scene 2
Afterwards Pit contacts Mike regarding if has fixed anything. Mike just went with being truthful told Pit. Pit took this pretty casually and said everyone kinda saw it coming since Peach is the resident whore. He told Mike to help Cynthia to resolve a conflict between Team Galactic. Mike immediately starts travelling to where Cynthia is. When he got there, Cynthia was outnumbered 2 to 1. Mike's presence should've evened the odds, except he's not a Pokemon trainer. After a brief conversation with Cynthia, Mike notices that both guys have a boner. Mike asks Cynthia if she even noticed, to which she says no, but proceeds to give both Team Galactic members a double blow-job.

Team Galactic:

Galactic's Pokemon:

Mega Lucario:

Pit: Hey Mike, did you fix anything yet?
Mike: I somehow hooked Bowser up with Peach.
Pit: Weird, but that's ok.
Mike: Ok? I just neutered Mr. Video Game!
Pit: I wouldn't worry about it, Princess Peach has always been the resident slut anyways.
Pit: Anywho, you should help out Cynthia now, she's in Safron City for some reason.
Mike: Wait. Cynthia, as in the Pokemon Champion of Shinnoh?
Pit: Yup! Better get going. And remember "I believe in you" :).
Mike: Oh God that's gonna be a thing between us, isn't it?
Mike: *whew* Finally made it! Now to find Cynthia and-
Mike: And she's fighting members of Team Galactic. God dammit.
Cynthia: Finally reinforcements, now we can even the odds.
Mike: Yeah....I don't have any Pokemon whatsoever.
Cynthia: What!? Then what are you even doing here?
Mike: Something I've been wondering myself and desperately hoping you have answers to.
Cynthia: Never mind that right now. Get out of here before you become a casualty.
Mike: Fine, but can you at least tell me why do those guys have boners!?
Cynthia: What they do? Hmm, so that's what's going on. They had a Hypno hypnotize them in order to become stronger.
Mike: Wait, why hypnotize the trainers and not the actual Pokemon? They're the ones doing the damage.
Cynthia: Fufufu, that's not important right now.
Cynthia: OOOHHHHH boys. <3

*Scene Change*

Double BJ:

Sex Dialogue:
Easy - Cynthia: OOH Yeah. Nice and easy.

Medium - Cynthia: Don't tell me this is as fast as you can go.

Hard - Cynthia: That's the stuff boys, fuck me just like that!

*Scene Change*

Cynthia: *PHEW* Finally got them knock out. Not every day I get to have sex.

Scene 3:
As Mike tried to make an attempt to have sex Cynthia, Pit interrupts him by asking for an update on his status. Poor blue-balled Mike was then given a new assignment with Cynthia filling in the rest of the details. The new assignment was about Samus Aran suffering from an abusive relationship with Adam, with said relationship ending on incredibly violent terms with Samus hospitalizing Adam. Mike confused as to why this was a bad thing since Samus seems to have solved it on her own. Cynthia then explains that she thinks Samus still has lingering feeling towards Adam and she believes she just needs a close friend to talk it out for her.
While Cynthia herself is very close friends with Samus, she's incredibly busy with other things and asks Mike to find Rosalina as she believes Rosalina is an even closer friend . When Mike asks what she was busy with, Cynthia doesn’t give him a proper answer.
She then tells Mike that Rosalina would be arriving soon and that Samus would pick them up with her spaceship. When Rosalina finally arrived, Mike explained the situation to her. Rosalina understood Mike's predicament, but Mike couldn't shake the feeling that Rosalina had an agenda of her own. Then Samus arrived and landed her ship, but immediately when they enter the cockpit where Samus is (who's drunk for some reason), Rosalina went on a non-stop rant on how much she's in love with Samus and they proceed to have sex, leaving Mike once again dumbstruck on what’s transpiring.

Samus Aran:

Cynthia: I haven't had sex like that for quite some time.
Mike: You know, it doesn't HAVE to just stop with just having se-
Pit: Hey Mike! Made any progress yet?
Mike: (whispering) Damn it Pit! Why you gotta cock-block a bro man?
Pit: Huh? What are you talking about? Anyways did you save Cynthia?
Mike: More like Cynthia saved herself......by getting rid of their erections & K.O.ing them.
Pit: That's not good Mike. You were supposed to that.
Mike: Oh fuck no man! No way in hell I’d let them fuck me in the ass. I don't swing that way.
Pit: Uuuhhh, I was talking about just rescuing Cynthia.
Mike: .......
Mike: I knew that.
Pit: Well at least there’s still time, but we don't have much of it. Help Samus Aran with her problem.
Mike: Whoa! Samus Aran the most badass video game female icon and bounty hunter of all time.
Pit: Yup! The one and only. I'll let Cynthia fill you in the rest.
Pit: And always remember "I believe in you!" :D.
Mike: Christ man, please stop saying that.
Pit: I'll think about it.
Pit: Hi Cynthia! Bye Cynthia!
Cynthia: Such a cute boy. Anyways, your new assignment is to help Samus Aran with her relationship with Adam.
Mike: OH C'mon! She hooked up with that douchbag!?
Cynthia: Oh don't worry, she broke up with him when she hospitalize him.
Mike: WOOHOO! But, wait then what's the problem?
Cynthia: The problem being that she still seems to have lingering feeling towards him.
Cynthia: In fact I think she feels pretty bad about severely injuring him.
Mike: Fuck! It's one of those situations. Can't believe someone as awesome as Samus goes through something like that.
Cynthia: Which is why I want to talk to her, but I can't right now. I'm busy.
Mike: With what?
Cynthia: Maybe I'll tell you next time, naughty boy.
Mike: Figures.
Cynthia: Instead Rosalina will take my place. She seems to be much closer with Sammy anyways.
Cynthia: ....
Cynthia: Maybe too close. Oh well, gotta go. See you next time hot-stuff. ;D
Mike: *heh heh*. Cynthia called me hot-stuff. This is almost worth it.

*Scene Change*

Mike: Wow. The Space Goddess herself is here.
Rosalina: Hello you must be Mike. I know of your existence, but not why you're here.
Mike: Well I somehow got here when I was trying to install Super Slut Sisters, I (somehow) only have less than an hour to fix everything that has been affected by my presence, and I have a massive case of the blue-balls with everyone having sex in front of me.
Rosalina: I see. You're a very admirable person.
Mike: *heh heh* Geez, getting praise by a Goddess is sure- wait even the blue ball part.
Rosalina: If it makes you feel better. But enough of that, why don't you tell me about your assignment.
Mike: Well, Samus seems to feel really bad about kicking Adam's ass and Cynthia think you’re the woman to cheer her up.
Rosalina: I see, my poor dear Samus.
Mike: Ummmm. ok?
Mike: Hey I see Samus's ship.
Samus: Hey, you two faggots the one Cynthia told me to pick *hic* up, waste my fucking time over with!? I’ma teleport you *hic* directly to the God Damn Cockpit, so get your scrawny fucking asses up *hic* here already. You bunch of *hic* cunts.
Mike: Umm, is she drunk while flying her ship.
Rosalina: Yes she is. Oh my poor Sam. We must make haste at once.

*Scene changes to the cockpit*

Samus: Well if it ain't *hic* her cosmic majesty fucking self and- wait who the fuck are *hic* you supposed to be?
Mike: Uh, Mike.
Samus: Well I sure as hell *hic* hope you have more balls then that prick Adam did.
Mike: Yeah about that, we're here to tal-
Rosalina: Oh Samus, why do you still have feelings for that awful man? Can't you see that whatever that man can give, I can give you so much more? We were always meant to be together. I’ve loved you ever since we first made eye-contact. Please accept my love.
Samus: What the Fuck are you talking about, you dumb bitch!?
Mike: Uh yeah, what she said.
Rosalina: Here, let me show just how much I love you.
* Rosalina summons a dildo into her hand*

Sex Scene 3:
Dildo Fucking:

Sex Dialogue:
Samus: The hell?
Rosalina: I've waited so long for this moment

Samus: Mmmm. When did you get this good Rosy?
Rosalina: For your sake, I've been practicing for eons.

Samus: OH GOD YES!!!!

Rosalina: From this day forth, we are each other’s significant other half respectively. Adam will have no more part in your life.
Samus: Oh Rosy, I wasn't drinking because of that dickweed. I just wanna get drunk. But sure, I'll be your sweetheart. After all we just had sex, clearly that's a sign of a newlywed couple. Not to mention we gotta send those positive messages for those kids back home.
Mike: Wow, that was so fucking sexy.

Final Scene:
As Mike continues to stare at the newly lesbian couple, Pit arrives to tell that his 48 hours are up. Mike starts freaking out as now all he can do is to wait and despair about what will come. Except Pit actually came to clarify that his existence was never in danger to begin with. Mike starts to swear left and right at Pit and tells him to go fuck Medusa, to which he complies. But not before Pit told Mike that he was going to be teleported to Palutena's Temple. As Mike teleports to the temple, Rosalina and Samus are discussing how Mike will get rewarded for his efforts, even though he was most likely tricked by Palutena.

When Mike finally arrives in the temple (specifically her bedroom), he was greeted by Palutena. She showered with him praise and while being praised by the goddess felt good, alas it meant nothing as Mike has a raging erection and some major blue-balls to go with it. Shedding a single tear, Mike pleads with the goddess to just send him home so he can masturbate his dilemma away. Palutena ask him why she would do that, with Mike furiously responding about all of the missed opportunities to have sex with some of Nintendo's hottest women. Palutena explains the whole reason he's here is to be rewarded for his efforts and virtues. Then she calls out to Lucina.

Mike was completely in awe to be in the presence of Nintendo’s most beautiful woman (yes I'm being bias) while Lucina is in tears about finally being reunited with her lover. Mike tells her she was mistaken him for Robin, but Lucina isn't convince as she lists his achievements in Fire Emblem Awakening. He explained that while he technically did that, it was only through a video game. Nonetheless, Lucina still believes that the Mike who passed away is the same Mike that stands before her. However, before any more arguing could be done, Palutena pulls Mike towards her and tosses Lucina onto the bed. As she starts cuddling with Lucina, Palutena finally explains what the reward is and strips everyone of their clothes and begins their threesome.


Mike: Oh god, I can feel my dick swelling up. Life is so fucking cruel.
Pit: Hey listen up!
Mike: GAH! Pit? When did you get here?
Pit: Just now actually, but that's not important did you finish the task at hand?
Mike: Yeah I did. Samus’s issue with her ex is no longer a problem. She’s hooked up with Rosalina now.
Pit: Uhh, you both did try talking to her before the sex, right?
Mike: Well Rosalina just kinda started having sex with Samus as soon as I tried to talk to her.
Pit: Not good, you both were supposed to talk to her and you're out of time.
Pit: Actually I'm here to tell that everything fine. In fact, your existence was never endangered. Palutena sure did take a long time to respond though. I wonder what she was doing in all this time.
Mike: ......
Mike: Pit?
Pit: Yeah Mike?
Mike: Go fuck Medusa's ass so you can leave me alone.
Pit: Well she is my girlfriend ever since I purified with my angelic dick. But that does sound like a pretty solid plan.
Mike: That's great dude. I really mean that.
Pit: Oh before I go, Lady Palutena wanted to speak with you. I think you're finally gonna get rewarded for all this. Well, bye now.
Mike: Yeah right. My luck is way too shitty for-WWHHOOAAA!

*Mike gets teleported*

Samus: I bet you my spaceship that that whore Palutena tricked him into all this.
Rosalina: More than likely, but enough talk. Let’s just sleep now.
Samus: Oooh no you don't, now it’s my turn. So bite the pillow, I'm going in dry.
Rosalina: *gulp*

*Scene Change*

Mike: Now where the fuck am I?
Palutena: Greeting human, welcome to my temple. Or more specifically my bedroom.
Mike: The Goddess of Light, Palutena.
Palutena: I'm honored that you know me Mike.
Palutena : You have journeyed far and wide. You have brought peace to world of Super Slut Sisters.
Mike: I did?
Palutena: Well no, but you did manage to satisfy everyone’s lust, so that's a plus.
Palutena: Oh brave human what is your desire. Speak now and I shall grant it.
Mike: Oh God! Just send me home already I have a raging erection with massive blue-balls to go with it.
Palutena: That's it? You just wanna go home? That's kind of a letdown. You know we're in my bedroom right?
Mike: *cries* Oh I don't fucking care. This whole experience has been nothing but one big cock-tease. I thought for once my luck had finally turned around by being a hentai protagonist. I didn't get to have sex with any of the women I've encounter. Just let me go home already so I can rub it off with my flesh light.
Palutena: Hmm I see, but I'm afraid I can't do that right now.
Mike: Oh God! Now What am I supposed to do?
Palutena: Ooohh, I have a few ideas on what the three of us can do.
Mike: For fuck's sake! Stop trolling me you bitch! I am so done with your- Wait, the three of us?
Lucina: Michael?
Mike: Oh my God. You're the most beautiful woman in the world. The Princess of Ylisse, Lucina.
Lucina: *sniff* Michael, I thought after we slew Grima, we would never see you again. Lady Palutena said she would find you, but I had my doubts. I'm just so happy that you're back. I can't believe we're reunited.
Mike: No, you've got the wrong guy. I'm just some loser who just jacks off to wherever hentai I see. The guy you're looking for is Robin.
Lucina: Yes, I've called you Robin before, but I know your real name is Michael.
Lucina: Don't you remember when I saved aunt Lissa from the Risen? When we fought each other when I was under disguise as "Marth"? The time when my mask broke I saved father from that assassin? Or that time you proposed to me with the flowers you picked from the fields?
Mike: Yeah, I did all that, but it was in a video game, not actually me.
Lucina: But you must the Michael that sacrificed himself to save the world. You're the exact same spitting image of my beloved tactician.
Mike: I'm telling you, I'm not him.
Lucina: I don't understand. Do you not want to be with me anymore?
Mike: That's not- whoa.
Lucina: Gah!
Palutena: That's cute and all, the whole reuniting with your true love. But I have a better way to spend our time together.
Palutena: You see, I haven't yet fully explained myself. I'm not just here to only grant your desire, I'm also here to reward you Mike.
*Strips off everyone’s clothes with magic*
Palutena: Well then what are waiting for? Shove that cock of yours inside already.
Lucina: P-please be gentle at first my love.

Final Sex Scene:
Have Palutena be the blond woman and have Lucina be the black haired woman.
Please also have the option to grab breasts.
Have Palutena lick Lucina on easy, then bite her ear on medium, & finally have Palutena kiss Lucina on hard.

Sex Dialogue:
Palutena: You're just like any other slut aren't you?
Lucina: N-no you're wrong.

Palutena: Hmm, maybe I'll just have a nibble.
Lucina: OW! Not so rough Lady Palutena.

Palutena: How does his cock feel, Princess Lucina?

Palutena: Mmmm. So much tasty cums
Lucina: I love you so much Michael. I love you too Lady Palutena.

Palutena and Lucina are resting on the bed, covered in Mike’s cum

Lucina: I'm so glad you're alive again, I'll never let you leave my side again.
Mike: I'm not going to question this and just be glad it did happen.
Palutena: (thought bubble) Looks like my plan to blue-ball Mike worked after all.
Palutena: (thought bubble) Having to see all those sexy women swell him up so much, now it’s spread all over us.
Palutena: (thought bubble) I have so much more planned for you and your beloved Lucina. Just you wait Mike. heh heh.

Replay scenes.

And, one last piece of advice, you might want to try shortening the dialog and the paragraphs that describe the scenes. Not everyone has the patience to read through something so long word for word.


Tentacle God
H-Section Moderator
Sep 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

So I wanted to let you guys know that I wont be around for a while starting on the 25th. I've got a new job that will pretty much work me around the clock for 2 months and I doubt I'll have the energy to check up on you guys. No doubt after that I'll be back here asking about the cracks I missed like a loser, but until then I'll be here providing all the poorly thought out memes I can muster!
Good luck :D

Sorry about the delay but family have been over here like crazy lol. Can't get privacy at least not without ruining the lives of my Nieces and Nephew lol.

Here are your pictures for Fairly Odd Fuck Parents. Enjoy :D

And Here come my Nieces and Nephews now lol. Take care everybody :)



Tentacle Monster
May 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

So any1 might have any idea who the next artist will be for the next the game to be release? What's the probability of the next game being Chloe's pizza delivery or being a new game entirely like Big Top and Street Fucker?


Tentacle God
H-Section Moderator
Sep 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

So any1 might have any idea who the next artist will be for the next the game to be release? What's the probability of the next game being Chloe's pizza delivery or being a new game entirely like Big Top and Street Fucker?
We don't know. The artists keep to themselves and we don't know what game is coming out. Vadim could release my game but it could be Kosmos again.

That's why we have 5 days to submit so it gives people time to know what artist is up next and plan accordingly from there.


Tentacle God
Nov 20, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

So I wanted to let you guys know that I wont be around for a while starting on the 25th. I've got a new job that will pretty much work me around the clock for 2 months and I doubt I'll have the energy to check up on you guys. No doubt after that I'll be back here asking about the cracks I missed like a loser, but until then I'll be here providing all the poorly thought out memes I can muster!

Whoa, what did i win ? :confused:


Tentacle Monster
May 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

We don't know. The artists keep to themselves and we don't know what game is coming out. Vadim could release my game but it could be Kosmos again.

That's why we have 5 days to submit so it gives people time to know what artist is up next and plan accordingly from there.
I know that much, I was just asking if any1 had a good idea of who might b next. I didn't Kosmos be only the one working again.


Tentacle God
H-Section Moderator
Sep 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Whoa, what did i win ? :confused:
Sorry dude but a Harley Quinn idea is in the lead.

This is what everything looks like right now.

Vote before next release:
1. Harley's Prison Break +22-12

2.The Horny Stepsisters +17-9

3. birthday milf +17-12

4. Avatar: The Waterusing Trainer +12-11

5. Kingdom Hearts: The Lustful +9-9

6. Bleach: A Trip to the Hot Springs! +10-11

7. The Black-Briars : Sibbi�s Revenge +9-11

8. BoF: Nina's Last Resort +5-11

I know that much, I was just asking if any1 had a good idea of who might b next. I didn't Kosmos be only the one working again.
I used to be the one that did predictions and was almost always correct and was off by a day or 2. That changed when Rawart wen't missing. Now there is no clear indication of what is coming out. Sometimes Kosmos goes twice so it's why I said we could get another Kosmos game again. Either way I will announce when a new game comes out and what artist is up. I already have a promise ready for Vadim so I cannot submit anything for that artist until afterwards.


Tentacle Monster
May 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Actually I was hoping that someone else besides you would answer since you already gave that answer on MNF, but if i recall correctly you, me, Sin, Kelumir, and Meetie are the only ones that r subscribed to MNF right now.

Speaking about missing artists, whatever happened to Geac Games, and Demon Royal? For that matter why is there such a big gap on Pinoytoons release dates?


Tentacle God
H-Section Moderator
Sep 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Actually I was hoping that someone else besides you would answer since you already gave that answer on MNF, but if i recall correctly you, me, Sin, Kelumir, and Meetie are the only ones that r subscribed to MNF right now.

Speaking about missing artists, whatever happened to Geac Games, and Demon Royal? For that matter why is there such a big gap on Pinoytoons release dates?
Geac games uses Unity to make their games which actually fucked up and shut down MnF and GoD for a day. Not to mention they asked for a lot of money so MnF couldn't really keep them on.

Demon Royal didn't get the best reactions. His game looked liked a Hentai Foundry Flash. Not quality whatsoever. Not worth a Sub at MnF for sure.


For Pinoy as I understood it he was having troubles. His Girlfriends dad or something kicked him out and he had to find a new home, then his stuff broke so he had to go offline for a month until he bought a new rig, THEN something happened to his Patreon work so he had to start from scratch or something. That's why he has been away so far.


Mystic Girl
Mar 17, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Geac games uses Unity to make their games which actually fucked up and shut down MnF and GoD for a day. Not to mention they asked for a lot of money so MnF couldn't really keep them on.

Demon Royal didn't get the best reactions. His game looked liked a Hentai Foundry Flash. Not quality whatsoever. Not worth a Sub at MnF for sure.


For Pinoy as I understood it he was having troubles. His Girlfriends dad or something kicked him out and he had to find a new home, then his stuff broke so he had to go offline for a month until he bought a new rig, THEN something happened to his Patreon work so he had to start from scratch or something. That's why he has been away so far.
God Everyone hates unity, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm glad I've never had to work in that buggy-ass platform. Demon Royal is good with what they do but they really shouldn't be on dialog and long form games, I just don't think it's their style. It sucks what Pinoy is going through, I've always stood by his skill and his work and I really hope he gets back to a comfortable place soon.


May 16, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I was wondering, what do people think of of girls with heterochromia?
For those of you who don't understand big words, heterochromia is where a persons eyes are two different colours. A prime example would be Yuna from Final Fantasy 10.

Note - You'll need to click and zoom in to see it properly.

I ask because I'm working on a reserve character who I may or may not give heterochromia.
Last edited:


Tentacle God
Nov 20, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Sorry dude but a Harley Quinn idea is in the lead.

This is what everything looks like right now.

Vote before next release:
1. Harley's Prison Break +22-12

2.The Horny Stepsisters +17-9

3. birthday milf +17-12

4. Avatar: The Waterusing Trainer +12-11

5. Kingdom Hearts: The Lustful +9-9

6. Bleach: A Trip to the Hot Springs! +10-11

7. The Black-Briars : Sibbi�s Revenge +9-11

8. BoF: Nina's Last Resort +5-11

I used to be the one that did predictions and was almost always correct and was off by a day or 2. That changed when Rawart wen't missing. Now there is no clear indication of what is coming out. Sometimes Kosmos goes twice so it's why I said we could get another Kosmos game again. Either way I will announce when a new game comes out and what artist is up. I already have a promise ready for Vadim so I cannot submit anything for that artist until afterwards.
Damn 7th place. Have to change the title of that idea to " Super Busty Milf and Her Daughter Get Some Penis ". They don't need to read the story, the title is already a winner :D


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I enjoy heterochromia.

A title and character can make or break an idea some times. Sorry you fell behind my friend.

As for Demonroyal, I actually liked his style, what I didn't like was all the cum he used lol.


Tentacle God
H-Section Moderator
Sep 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

The art makes or break Heterochromia so it depend on who makes it. I don't think Komos would do it justice but Vadim could.

Think about it first or else all it's going to be is distracting.

While I am here, here are your pictures for the day. Enjoy :D



Tentacle God
May 13, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Heterochromia doesn't affect me either way. The only thing it does is that it makes me think whoever made up a heterochormatic OC was trying a bit too hard to be a special snowflake, but that's irrelevant for porn.


Tentacle Monster
May 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Geac games uses Unity to make their games which actually fucked up and shut down MnF and GoD for a day. Not to mention they asked for a lot of money so MnF couldn't really keep them on.

Demon Royal didn't get the best reactions. His game looked liked a Hentai Foundry Flash. Not quality whatsoever. Not worth a Sub at MnF for sure.


For Pinoy as I understood it he was having troubles. His Girlfriends dad or something kicked him out and he had to find a new home, then his stuff broke so he had to go offline for a month until he bought a new rig, THEN something happened to his Patreon work so he had to start from scratch or something. That's why he has been away so far.
God damn! I can't believe Geac Games actually did that. What a mess. No wonder they don't exist anymore.

As Demon Royal, wasn't a bit harsh to judge the guy on only 1 game? Granted it was shit compare to Rawart, but still it wasn't that bad. Well except it based on another Tsunade game.

I thought Pinoytoons found a place. I don't necessarily follow the dude, but I could've sworn saw him blog about his new art studio.

God Everyone hates unity, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm glad I've never had to work in that buggy-ass platform.
WTF is a unity? Some sort of flash program?

I was wondering, what do people think of of girls with heterochromia?
For those of you who don't understand big words, heterochromia is where a persons eyes are two different colours. A prime example would be Yuna from Final Fantasy 10.

Note - You'll need to zoom in to see it properly.

I ask because I'm working on a reserve character who I may or may not give heterochromia.
Was there really not a better resolution with Yuna? Back on the topic at hand, I don't know the appeal of heterochromia & yet I can see it at the same. Quite the oxymoron. Btw, what's the character in mind?

Squall, A title and character can make or break an idea some times. Sorry you fell behind my friend.
Yup, not one of the better aspect of the mnf polls.

The art makes or break Heterochromia so it depend on who makes it. I don't think Komos would do it justice but Vadim could.
But why? It's just coloring one eye different from the other eye.


May 16, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Was there really not a better resolution with Yuna?
Hey, you can't blame me for that. The image I found via a google search was very large (1025 × 2603 apparently), but it's now coming up small for some god damn reason. :confused:
If you change the '4' to a '1' after 'images', you'll get a larger one. And you'll need to click to enlarge it completely.
Here's another one that's a close up of her face anyway.

Back on the topic at hand, I don't know the appeal of heterochromia & yet I can see it at the same. Quite the oxymoron. Btw, what's the character in mind?
She is basically a contingency plan for my Super Whore Family series.
Given the limitations that are being forced on MnF, I thought it best to create a character that would adjust the background premise, as SWF and a number of other popular games are in danger of being removed.

Anyway, the idea behind the new character is that she's Justin's biological mother (making Diamond Milf his adoptive mother). She is an extremely powerful super villain who is currently incarcerated in a top secret, above-maximum security prison, which is also on the moon.

If you wish to know more about her, please, feel free to ask. :D
Last edited:


Sex Demon
Dec 10, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Unity isn't bad if used properly but it's very hard to do so.