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RPG Maker Marionette Fantasy

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Re: Marionette Fantasy english Trial version

Sooooo, I'm nearly finished with translating the first quest and town, and I decided I've spent so much time on it; that I might as well go ahead and buy it for real... my first dlsite purchase!

I also noticed there was a trial version up for grabs on the site...
Which I proceeded to translate and upload!


English trial version :

I'm leaning towards, posting on here until it's complete; and then sending it to the creator; and then people can buy it if they really enjoyed it.

The only trick I see, is if I do MORE than translate, such as mod in all the new stuff I planned on doing. Well, I guess in that case, maybe he could just release it as a bonus, or just use the translation...

So, in the end I guess it's probably best to keep quiet about it from him; till it's done. I mean what if I don't finish it... So there we go~

EDIT: There isn't a lot to do in the trial, but you'll get a peek into the world... plus there were a few amusing lines of dialogue found only in the trial version.
Re: Marionette Fantasy

Thanks man!

And thank you for your continued perseverance with the translation!
Re: Marionette Fantasy english Trial version

I'm leaning towards, posting on here until it's complete; and then sending it to the creator; and then people can buy it if they really enjoyed it.

The only trick I see, is if I do MORE than translate, such as mod in all the new stuff I planned on doing. Well, I guess in that case, maybe he could just release it as a bonus, or just use the translation...

Watch out before doing this. There might be some copyright law about it and you could get in big trouble for it.

No idea if there is. But do your research before sending anything.

Also, thanks! :p
Re: Marionette Fantasy

is this trans still alive?

just wondering
Re: Marionette Fantasy

@thswherizat - thanks :D
@Arngrim - Good idea. I think I won't do that after all... and welcome~
@Celerityx - My goal was to do the first town and quest, then decide what happens next...

And the current state of Marionette Fantasy :
I basically finished the translation of the first town and quest a week or so ago!

...But, I haven't decided if it's worth translating the rest of the game with my limited knowledge of Japanese [right now, mostly relying on combining machine translation and context]

So, what have I been doing in the past week for Marionette Fantasy?
I did a little Marionette Fantasy enhancing for the english release :D
See for yourself (Note the little one is the original, the big is the new, and even though the big windowed is slightly more blurry, it looks fine while playing and full-screen mode will remove the blurry anyway)

The details :

I bumped the game's resolution from 554x416 to 640x480
Windowed resolution is scaled from 640x480 to 800x600
Full-screen is 640x480, no black bars on the bottom anymore
Nearly everything has been aligned to match the new resolution.
CGs were resized from 554x416 to 640x480 or the needed res.

I made a new title screen image for the new version (using the original)
Also I adjusted Maria's boobs for her full profile shot. To be... more normal, but still big. CGs are unedited. I was thinking of having her start out her normal size, then you can increase them in-game. Also, was thinking about allowing the player to change Maria's hair in-game... Haven't done that yet. (Note you can see the difference in breast size in the bottom right pic)

Text has been reformatted to a new text scripting engine. This allows for floating text boxes, text that makes chatter sounds to imitate talking out loud, variable speed text; that can slow down or speed up, images in text, and much more... [also it's a hellalotmorework ><]
I did the opening in variable speed text, but it takes a lot of extra time; so at the moment I don't think I'll continue it.

I've added graphical enhancing effects, such as overlays of clouds/trees. Different lighting conditions, dark, bright, colored. Light sources glow now, and they produce shadows in some dark areas.

Battles now have a new transition and background for battles.

There is a new HUD menu, and saving system that takes a screenshot when it saves. The status window reflects if Maria is wearing clothes or not.

I've messed with how it scrolls, which might make it smoother, and there is a new map to map transition for some areas.

Oh, and you can walk in some water areas now.

There are a lot more scripts that will allow further customization and changes to the game; but I haven't gotten to the point where I use them yet. Stuff like having Maria talk after you have been idle for too long, adding H-effects in battle, and having Maria be able to learn monster skills through H, and much more...
Also, I made new portraits for Maria, but haven't added them in-game yet.

I haven't really added any brand new content to the game yet, although I did add one or two hidden dialogues. But, I would like to probably add at least one big change or so...

I had planned on upgrading the music from MIDI to mp3, but I discovered that RPGmaker VX seems to emulate the midi's it plays through the program, meaning everyone's midi already *Should* sound the same. So, it's not that big of a deal anymore...

Everything for the first quest should basically be in english, all items, events, text. This includes a total of 5 or so unique H-scenes. Also, fixed a few bugs from the original game. [like someone dead that doesn't look dead]

Future plans (if I continue with this game) :
Make Marionette Fantasy run in english locale without any visual errors. [I can already make it run 90% normally]
Continue adding a few more scripts, if I can get them running without issue.

Portrait that displays Maria's mood.
Talk to Maria, at anytime.

Sex affects mood, dialogue, health.
Heal magic or Resting restores sex effects.

A counter for amount of sexual encounters.
A happiness counter.
She can be happy, neutral, unhappy, sad, embarrased, horny, break.

Each successive H-scene she is subjected to, up to three, will increase the amount of mental/physical stress she undergoes.

There will be new events, new things to do, more conversations, and maybe some new places as well.

btw this new version is based on the 1.1 release, with a couple new H sound effects.

I'll release this version soon, just might add a few more things.
If I DONT continue with this right now (After I release the first town/quest)... I could try actually learning the language before continuing. Or I can even apply all of this work towards a different VX game, and I expect it won't be too hard to apply it now.

PS. 99% of the new scripts are from the english community...
Not originally my scripts (I edit them though), I'll probably add some details in the credits. Not that they would like to be associated with a H-game probably... ><
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Re: Marionette Fantasy

Cool! Are most of those changes set up and ready to go? I'd be happy to feedback you on the stuff you've got done there.
Re: Marionette Fantasy

It was working but, I made some changes today which I am testing. Like a gallery view for images you've seen; and a few other things...

If I haven't already made a real release later this week, I'll send you a link to test it anyway~

Oh and it seems like the game works for me in english locale without applocale or anything :D So that's pretty neat~ [You still need the font that comes with the Japanese RTP though]
Re: Marionette Fantasy

Great Job X-Calibar!
The demo translation was awsome and made me really want to play more :D
hope you continue translating, your translation was really good, way better than most.

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Re: Marionette Fantasy

@chiakisan - <3 I added some people in the credits for support!
@kildar - Mmm... I'm glad you enjoyed the demo :D If you liked what you saw, you're probably going to love the upcoming release! When it comes out soon, open up the demo for a minute if you still have it; just to refresh what the game was like before... then load up the new one! ;D

@thswherizat and everyone -
I finished the first town/quest the other day, but I haven't released it yet since I'm adding a few brand new events to the game, to top things off before I send Maria into the wild......

...There's even a little prologue-like teaser intro, if you let it idle at the title...
Re: Marionette Fantasy

It's been about a month since I started this project I didn't realize it until probably 2AM last night... It was Valentine's Day!

It seemed like the perfect day to release the first quest of Marionette Fantasy. I spent the whoooooole day trying to tie up all the loose ends and any leftover bugs... And although it isn't as complete as I intended, it's STILL Valentine's Day here, albiet late~!

So, please enjoy a brief day in the life of Maria~
And at the end look for a Valentine's Card! ;D


Happy Valentine's Day!

Tell me if you like the Valentine's Day event xD

Tips : Maria has tiredness and happiness variables now... and she suffers from too much sex without rest (her pictures look sad...) You can just cast Heal once, if you have it though... If you want to keep her dialogue happy, just keep her rested.

Also, if you idle on title screen a little demo plays.
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Re: Marionette Fantasy

Losing to the first boss, and/or laying the guy who talks about his neighbour's wife, appear to break the game.

Specifically, a picture of Maria appears in the right hand side of the screen without any accompanying dialogue, and then you end up being unable to move her.

In the case of losing to the first boss, the game screen wanders through the first town by itself, and then back up to the starting point of the game.


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Re: Marionette Fantasy

Pretty awesome what you did there, X-Calibar! The new menu is sweet. Very dynamic looking.

Anyway, I have a question about the game (Beware, Spoiler):

Does something specific happen if you lose to "Satan"? Or do you simply die?
(I beat him and then saved before realizing the possibilty)
Re: Marionette Fantasy

@chiakisan - I hope you were able to enjoy it and not run into any bugs :D

Losing to the first boss, and/or laying the guy who talks about his neighbour's wife, appear to break the game.

Specifically, a picture of Maria appears in the right hand side of the screen without any accompanying dialogue, and then you end up being unable to move her.

In the case of losing to the first boss, the game screen wanders through the first town by itself, and then back up to the starting point of the game.


lol adding tons of changes at the last minute without getting to testing all of them was probably a bad idea ><
My brain stopped working after 7 hours, but I kept going for another 5 hours lol

I played through once real fast to see if everything worked, but I didn't try losing to the boss, I must have slipped and put the intro thing there. As for the conversation that was supposed to appear for that neighbour's wife... That's odd, it worked for me... will have to take a closer look.

@yuriski - :D I can't take credit for the look of the menu, since most of the scripts are not mine originally. I just edited them to suit my needs~ I like that menu though!

EDIT: Okay, I don't know how to make a simple patch unfortunately... So, I fixed up some of those issues and am reuploading.
This should fix the bandit bugs, and the neighbour's wife guy bug, along with a few others. Uploading now...

Here's the fixed version : (Hold on!)
[updated the other links too]
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Re: Marionette Fantasy

Thankye sir, and I hope I don't run into any more.
Re: Marionette Fantasy

Thankye sir, and I hope I don't run into any more.
You are too fast!!
Oh crap I just played through it from the start, and now it's giving me a game over at the bandit part when losing....... ......... I think I found out how to do small patches from now on; although it will be uncompressed, meaning all the files will be sitting out :/ Guess I should have done that from the start, so this wouldn't happen.
Didn't run into any other though

Going to reupload, but from now on any future changes will only be a few kilobytes, instead of the whole friggin thing
Uploading the uncompressed version, also fixed the gameover thing I believe

Here it is for real :
(Also tested the bandit scene more, and now all game breaking bugs are squashed, but can make future changes pretty easy and small now)

Anyway, now that it's finally in a decent state...
Also two things I will mention in case you didn't know to check :

Graveyard now has a little bit more than the original, the opening scene has the water, and the dog conversation has additional options if you hit cancel, (also you can hit cancel on most random dialogues now too)
Now I can rest easy...
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Re: Marionette Fantasy

Oho, and was that bit with the waterfall your own original addition, or something?

Because the whole point is that the chick can't control her own body.

How, then, does she say stuff like "I'M NOT GOING UNDER THE WATERFALL AGAIN" and then stop?

Shit doesn't make sense, it's kinda terrible.

Sticking to the original might have served you much better.


The song you added was kinda decent, though I wouldn't have minded a skip option for it.
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Re: Marionette Fantasy

Hmmmm the waterfall thing, there are times when I assumed the original enforced limitations, such as when you see the graveyard scene in the original she says something like : Come on, I don't want to see anymore.

That's it. Even if you want to, it prevents you. I guess I could just loop the waterfall scene as the original does, so it says the same thing

There is a quite a bit of added dialogue, which I proceeded to add after finishing the translation part. Basically you're playing more of a mod, than a translation.

Here's a short list of some of the changes :

+English first quest and town.
+Changed Resolution to 640x480, and upscaled to 800x600 while in windowed mode.
+Adjusted all graphics and systems to compensate.
+New title menu image, and Maria breast size.
+Used a new text display engine to customize the text better. (major work)
+Press Shift to hide text and view.
+Added a gallery mode item.
+Gallery has music I borrowed...
+Added lighting effects and shadows to some places.
+New HUD menus, Save screen, Status screen.
+New battle effects, background etc.
+Map transition effects, screen scrolling effects, other graphical effects.
+Now you can wade in some water.
+Added an idle screen intro.
+Added dialogues and options that are accessed by hitting cancel during choices.
+Added one extra H-sound I borrowed.
+Added H-looping sounds and shake effects for the background so it isn't so silent.
+Added a Valentine's Day surprise at the end of the town quest!
+Added lots of extra dialogue and started tracking Maria's Happiness and Tiredness
+Added Heal spell curing Tiredness when in town

And to detail the changes/additions of text :
The waterfall thing
The additional options with the dog conversation
The additional parts to the Graveyard scene
The outside H-scene has several versions to it [minor changes]
The merchant H scene has at least two versions to it [minor changes]
Every dialogue that starts automatically outside in town
Cave of Ordeal water dialogue [incomplete]
The song thing

Re: Marionette Fantasy

Hmmmm the waterfall thing, there are times when I assumed the original enforced limitations, such as when you see the graveyard scene in the original she says something like : Come on, I don't want to see anymore.

That's it. Even if you want to, it prevents you.

Hmm. I stand corrected.

For my part, I appreciate the H-sounds and the higher resolution, and I'm a bit of a fan of the song, but not of the extra dialogue and bitchiness system that tended to crash the game.
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Re: Marionette Fantasy

Maybe a stupid question, but... how DO I cancel a dialoge?
Re: Marionette Fantasy

sorry to ask, but how long until the next part?
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