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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

... That you are friends with? Got it. >.< Fox and Wolf are friends.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Friends? Yeah I suppose you could call it that.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

2011 Conan the Barbarian. From what I read, it's a closer adaptation to the Robert E. Howard books.

I knew they were working on a remake/adaptation/WHATEVER, but I had no idea how far along it was. Neat.

There's a new Green Lantern Trailer, like four minutes long.

I'm interested, but I'm still way more psyched for Captain America.

EDIT: Why do so many aliens have a british accent?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

EDIT: Why do so many aliens have a british accent?

Paul doesn't. Which, incidentally, was a pretty good movie. If you can deal with the occasional stoner humour and the really long running gag, it's a great comedy for people who enjoy scifi.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just watched a movie called "Monsters" and was pretty happy with it. It's billed as a postapocalytpic alien invasion type movie but it's really not a thriller. The meat of the movie really focused on life in that kind of a world and the experiences of two people as they try to find passage back to the US from Mexico. It's kinda surreal but I was a little scared in a few parts - that's not too hard :p. Oh yeah and theres tentacles, so you can let your imagination run wild if thats your thing. ;)
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just watched a movie called "Monsters" and was pretty happy with it. It's billed as a postapocalytpic alien invasion type movie but it's really not a thriller. The meat of the movie really focused on life in that kind of a world and the experiences of two people as they try to find passage back to the US from Mexico. It's kinda surreal but I was a little scared in a few parts - that's not too hard :p. Oh yeah and theres tentacles, so you can let your imagination run wild if thats your thing. ;)

I'm still not sure how I feel about that movie. I watched it a few weeks ago, and while most of the movie was rather good, the ending just felt lacking. It rang hollow and seemed fairly anti-climatic after the last ten minutes was spent building up tension.

Other than that I rather enjoyed it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So yeah, Sly wanted to go see Sucker Punch again... so we went. I enjoyed it more the second time, especially after listening to the soundtrack on its own between viewings and being able to pick up on it more clearly. I also can't help but love the 2004 Dawn of the Dead reference in there.

Also saw this:

2011 Conan the Barbarian. From what I read, it's a closer adaptation to the Robert E. Howard books.

Ronon the Barbarian! I'd go see it just for that! Jason Momoa looks weird without his facial hair, though! *Purrrr*

Also, yeah, Sin. My friend, who picked up the Sucker Punch soundtrack, pointed out that if you actually listen to it, it helps fill in story. Guess I should go see the movie before I borrow it off of him, heh.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Ronon the Barbarian! I'd go see it just for that! Jason Momoa looks weird without his facial hair, though! *Purrrr*

I'm seeing it simply because the setting is very interesting to me. I love low fantasy, perhaps more than most other fantasy sub-genres simply because I can actually believe that they need these mighty heroes rather than just going "Mr. Wizard cast your big spell," every few minutes.

I've always meant to read the original books, and I do hope the movie gets an 18A or R here in Canada just to show the stuff that Howard had in his stories.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

A friend linked me this on Facebook; Looks like there may be a film in the works. Not sure how I feel about this but it has the potential to be mind blowingly amazing.

Looks like he's linked a couple of our other friends with potential new movies for Warcraft and Cowboy Bebop (which looks to have Keanu Reeves in).
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Note: Because this project is categorized as in development, the data is only available on IMDbPro and is subject to change.

Duke Nukem: The Movie (coming to a theater near you, summer 2032)
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I actually heard about a Duke Nukem movie around the time the first Resident Evil movie was being filmed. Dwane Johnson was supposed to play Duke.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

he would actualy make a good duke. all the other good dukes dont have the voice for it.

it might be weird but its just like how brendan fraser would have been the best goku.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It's looking real good.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Having enjoyed the original five movies (except the third one, which I found much too boring) I'm looking forward to seeing this one. I suppose it makes sense to skip a remake of two and three after the way they ended the original remake... I wonder if they'll do five.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

My guess is that it'll be a trilogy at most - remaking the series as whole.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Watching the trailer it kinda reminded me of I, Robot but with apes. If I'm right, that sounds like a pretty neat idea even if it's weird and kinda creepy. I've always loved monkeys (they dominate my collection of stuffed animals), but not like that. Also the part with the gorilla jumping at the helicopter is a King Kong reference, no? :rolleyes:
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So apparently Brad Pitt is casted a Thor. *prepares for a crappy movie.*
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So apparently Brad Pitt is casted a Thor. *prepares for a crappy movie.*

I thought it was the guy who played Kirk in the Star Trek reboot?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just saw the trailer looked like an Achilleseque Brad Pitt, Sounded like him too....
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just saw the trailer looked like an Achilleseque Brad Pitt, Sounded like him too....

It's not Brad Pitt. It's Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Ray Stevensen is also cast as Volstagg which makes me want to see this movie cause Ray is kick ass (Titus Pullo was kick ass).

Still, I liked Brad Pitt in Troy, and I generally like Brad Pitt in movies (Death loves peanut butter... who knew?). Even if he was Thor I wouldn't toss the movie aside so quickly.