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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Well yeah, but the last update on the blogspot has been in July. I wonder if Team Malise is still searching for a PR person - because I feel they kinda need one.


Demon Girl
Apr 24, 2010
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

They updated their Tumblr and Patreon this morning, basically saying that everything's on track for a September 10th release for v.05, and that their work with the new map creation methods, etc. are surpassing the level of quality that EM has been expecting.

Their Tumblr has updated map sprites for Neon with her new outfit as well.

Edit: Should actually post the link to their Tumblr, I suppose.


Grim Reaper
Jul 14, 2013
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Ummm, sorry for lack of updates lately. It not like we don't have anything new to share, but there's just no time. Well, the only one who can make such update is Eromancer, and he's not only busy with his part of the work, but he's also to some degree involved with whatever me and TK are doing, which left PR stuff kinda neglected. That said, as soon as he's done with the stuff he's doing now, Eromancer will make proper update post both here and on the blog... soon. More info in quote below.

Well yeah, but the last update on the blogspot has been in July. I wonder if Team Malise is still searching for a PR person - because I feel they kinda need one.
To answer this, I'm gonna quote Eromancer from today's patreon post:
Eromancer said:
Lastly, I want to mention that we got a lot of interest in the community manager position I mentioned awhile back, and I want to thank everyone that took the time to talk to me. I decided it's best for us to get a feel of how the community environment and task requirements will change once we move to the new campaign model before bringing someone on, since part of the goal of the new campaign model is to reduce workload related to distributing rewards. It's likely that the position will more heavily involve promotional work because recently there's been zero effort going into promoting the game due to effort going toward development.


Sex Demon
Jul 27, 2014
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hey guys :D.

I've made with the V0.05 announcement and summary of our progress over the past month!


Jungle Girl
Jun 18, 2015
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Im hyped for the next Update :)


Grim Reaper
Dec 27, 2013
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Yay, news.

Though one thing that has me a tad worried: The H-gameplay.
Don't get me wrong - the outfits will be neat, and the cutscenes are always gorgeous
(though occasionally slightly nauseating - WTB [option to disable zoom effects], 500g SW...)

But what originally got me enthusiastic about this game is the promise about sexytimes integrated into gameplay.
There's a ton of "grind to get sweet CGs/animations as reward" out there, but much fewer where gameplay involves sex mechanics directly,
which I find a lot more satisfying and interactive.

So far, we have a couple of nice mechanics that promise extensibility and enemies that make use of them,
but fairly little building on those mechanics yet - except for armor damage, each enemy has their independent ability chains.
In the long run, I'd love to see some combo mechanics - where enemy A or B encountered alone would be not too threatening,
but having an encounter with both of them together causes their respective effects to combo with devastating results, if you don't stop it in time.
Failing that, some new mechanics would be nice - all combat H so far runs the "stunned and taking damage until broken free" pattern.
Or even just more enemy/animation variety - for the game length so far 3-4 H-able enemy types works well enough, but it'll get thin quickly.

Of course, these things may take a fair amount of combat engine work, so I understand that they stagnate a bit while engine is improved in other ways,
but I am hoping focus returns there before long, and it won't become just another cutscene-heavy game...


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 2, 2010
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Yay, news.

Though one thing that has me a tad worried: The H-gameplay.
Don't get me wrong - the outfits will be neat, and the cutscenes are always gorgeous
(though occasionally slightly nauseating - WTB [option to disable zoom effects], 500g SW...)

But what originally got me enthusiastic about this game is the promise about sexytimes integrated into gameplay.
There's a ton of "grind to get sweet CGs/animations as reward" out there, but much fewer where gameplay involves sex mechanics directly,
which I find a lot more satisfying and interactive.

So far, we have a couple of nice mechanics that promise extensibility and enemies that make use of them,
but fairly little building on those mechanics yet - except for armor damage, each enemy has their independent ability chains.
In the long run, I'd love to see some combo mechanics - where enemy A or B encountered alone would be not too threatening,
but having an encounter with both of them together causes their respective effects to combo with devastating results, if you don't stop it in time.
Failing that, some new mechanics would be nice - all combat H so far runs the "stunned and taking damage until broken free" pattern.
Or even just more enemy/animation variety - for the game length so far 3-4 H-able enemy types works well enough, but it'll get thin quickly.

Of course, these things may take a fair amount of combat engine work, so I understand that they stagnate a bit while engine is improved in other ways,
but I am hoping focus returns there before long, and it won't become just another cutscene-heavy game...
Completely agree with this statement, I'm more hyped about how the H-combat progresses in the game more than anything else


Jungle Girl
Nov 15, 2012
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

IIRC, they've said something about the combat system being updated to add support for double-team h-attacks in the future.


Grim Reaper
Jul 14, 2013
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

As apalapan said, we do plan to implement double-teaming, combos, or however you want to call it... and then some more. However, for now our attention had to be shifted toward maps, which were least optimized aspect of the game. This is also one of the reasons Eromancer decided to work on Neon's second armor now - doing something else could impact my and TK's progress, and we really want to do this ASAP, since it will greatly improve map quality, versatility, and the speed at which maps are created and modified.
Well, map related stuff is still far from perfect, but hopefully all crucial elements will be implemented in 0.05 and we'll be able to shift our attention to other aspects, like battle... though I would really like to do something else before getting back to battles... something that was partially implemented in 0.04, improved a lot for 0.05, and I just have no freaking time to finish :(.
I know it's not what most of you want to hear, but it just had to be done, and I hope you won't hold it against us ;).


Dec 15, 2009
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

@ AltairPL

Please include the dog like creature u told me about, in next update, i will pay more T_T
i know i do sound inpatient but you have to understand that ur art taste drives me crazy xD
man i kill to get some nice bestiality art from your full of passion arts.


Grim Reaper
Jul 14, 2013
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

@ AltairPL

Please include the dog like creature u told me about, in next update, i will pay more T_T
i know i do sound inpatient but you have to understand that ur art taste drives me crazy xD
man i kill to get some nice bestiality art from your full of passion arts.
Oh, but it wasn't me... I am but a humble programmer ;). Eromancer said on the previous page that it will be a while for both next update and the dog-like enemy, but he didn't meant that they will come at the same time. It's not really a matter of money... it takes time to prepare assets and mechanics for every new enemy and considering the fact that enemy like this doesn't fit current area I doubt that Eromancer even has any assets selected for it just yet... so please, be patient :).


Dec 15, 2009
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Oh, but it wasn't me... I am but a humble programmer ;). Eromancer said on the previous page that it will be a while for both next update and the dog-like enemy, but he didn't meant that they will come at the same time. It's not really a matter of money... it takes time to prepare assets and mechanics for every new enemy and considering the fact that enemy like this doesn't fit current area I doubt that Eromancer even has any assets selected for it just yet... so please, be patient :).
oh agh yeah sry the update news messed with my mind :p it was eromancer who talked about the creature...
anyway thanks for replay and ur programing :)


Demon Girl
Apr 24, 2010
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I don't think anyone really holds it against you, Altair. While yeah, there might be a little bit of disappointment that we have to wait to see the more blatantly visible changes, such as those to the combat system, I think most of us also realize that the behind the scenes work is the bulk of game development. Also, that the improvement of creation processes will ultimately get the game out sooner, rather than later.

We realize this, and I expect that the reasonable ones ultimately want you to work on what you think needs to get done first. Better to get what's partially implemented done while it's still fresh in your mind, rather than go back months more down the line and have to take the time to inspect the code to figure out just where you left off, after all.


The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Anyone who gets upset about backend taking priority over content doesn't appreciate the effort it takes to improve either in the first place.


Demon Girl
May 22, 2013
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

You just keep doing your thing. Hopefully within the month my finances will be in the green and boom I'll be funding to your quality based H-game again... Keep up that Grade A work guys!


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Anyone who gets upset about backend taking priority over content doesn't appreciate the effort it takes to improve either in the first place.
I think a lot of it has to do with developers not spending tons of time talking about things under the hood but rather, showcasing the stuff you can see without needing to pick apart the game itself. I took a look at the developer-side of RAGS a couple weeks ago and was absolutely floored by how much stuff one has to work with. It can get overwhelming, just popping the hood; imagine what it would be like for the average person to have it explained to them.

You are right that not a ton of people appreciate the work put into making a game developer-side, what with code and script needing to be implemented, then tested to be sure it works, head being informally introduced to desk, removing the stuff that isn't working and trying to figure out what causes the issue before either attempting a different approach or improvising a work-around. Some developers, too, don't have the good sense to just remove something if it's causing grief for the players and trying to figure out how to fix it on the side.

It's a tough job and I don't envy the developers, but it's also not something the players should need to be reminded about. If progress is slow, fine. If people make a habit of taking issue, it's on them to occupy their time with other things. If update deadlines are being missed, the developer needs to consider revising their plan going forward or informing their sponsors/supporters that things aren't going to be on-schedule for a while.

Anyways, hope Eromancer is doing well with this game. I'm gonna keep stalking it until there is substantial content (At least 3 levels/10 enemies) before I consider giving money. More about wanting to be careful about how I spend money.

P.S. Wanted to ask what the name of the song in the trailer is. You can PM it or whatever if you don't want to say, but it's been bugging for a time.
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Demon Girl
Apr 24, 2010
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Honestly, I may be in the minority, but I like hearing about the work that's being done on the back end. To me, it reiterates just how hard they're working on the game, just how much they want it to be a strong release. Most indie game developers like this aren't going to completely redesign an existing platform to accommodate their vision, rather they'll either tone it back or just release a game that struggles to run correctly. So I like hearing about the work that goes into the gorgeous screenshots that they post. Maybe I'm a member of the minority, but... eh.


Grim Reaper
Jul 14, 2013
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Thanks for all the feedback and kind words, and I hope you won't be disappointed... at least on the long run ;).
To be honest, I didn't expected such reaction - my post was addressed to CrazyPerson and EcchiExpress and was meant as an explanation why there won't be as much H content increase in 0.05 as in previous releases. MATM is an H-game, so their concerns are understandable and expected, but we simply cannot concentrate only on H aspect of the game and leave everything else in the dust.
That said, I think Eromancer gives enough information about our intentions and progress for every version of the game with ample time for people not satisfied with the progress to, hopefully temporarily, withdraw their support... and anyone can do this at any time - no hard feelings, no questions asked. This paragraph was meant to be informative, but after reading it again it sounds kinda bitchy, which wasn't my intention :).

Before I forget it... again... option to disable zoom effects is on our TODO list, but it has kinda low priority for the moment, so you'll have to bear with it for some time... sorry.

According to Eromancer's post from long time ago, the song is Common Man Down - Your Flesh. I'll ask him to add it to the first post.

Well, back to coding... all those cute little bugs won't introduce themselves ^^.
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