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Lord Of Walkure

Re: Lord Of Walkure


I noticed the valentine cards, 聖乙女ナヴィ turns into SSR when you put them together,

does the same apply to the other valentine cards? The SR ones. Like the green hair girl? Because I saw a picture with a SSR version of them.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

yeh I think all of them turn SRR and have like 40k-50k skill dmg which is really strong anyone know exactly what that great success up 1 the 600 chocolate card gives does? I'm assuming it gives one extra treasure because there's something else called "great success rate up" that different cards have unless that's just a translation error or something? I'm just curious what I'm probably going to miss out on since I only have 350 chocolates after nearly a week and the event ends in a few hours
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Seems only the R valentine turns into SSR in ++, others are SR++.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

wow, what a disappointment. alt account somehow found a lv 9 boss, silver dragon beast (the one with a 15 min time limit), wasted a number of resources to kill it, and all it dropped was a lv 10 common.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

unless you missed the event weapons silver dragon is useless use this wiki in google translate to see boss drops and stuff and theres a page up for the upcoming pvp event now I think the wiki says you get the SSR rare of w/e card you chose to be aligned with but it cant be evolved and is just ornamental. there is a list of other prizes too for the pvp event up here I think we can get 9 gold gacha tickets for free if its not too hard to get points in the event and I guess if its even possible for free players to get in the ranks 2-31 in their circle then you would have enough of the tokens left to choose 2 SR cards from the selection
Re: Lord Of Walkure

It's not possible to get that high without paying (or living in-game, or both). I'll be very suprised if get in top100.
It's just me or pvp loading is very slow or not at all atm?
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Lol they patched the pvp exploit I was using to get all those CG's. That was pretty much the only way I knew for getting CG's for cards I didn't have.
The team exploration approach is still open so if anyone has some rare cards and wants me to look up the CG that's still an option.

For the pvp event, the server sends you data about who's in the circle I don't know if that information might be useful.

I started playing a few days ago and while skimming through the thread I noticed your earlier posts regarding the client/server communication and found them to be quite interesting. I decided to give it a shot myself and see if I could automate the game or unlock some CGs (you've already uploaded them though, so mostly just for fun).

I spent the afternoon messing around with it and have managed to come up with a (very) simple little client in C# that logs in to DMM and retrieves some basic character info from the game. I'm not very advanced with this kind of stuff so it was a neat little challenge for me, and I'm gonna try to add an automated quest grinder tomorrow.


I poked around with the flash file trying to get it to show me CGs I hadn't unlocked but the card album RPC doesn't provide the swf url for cards you don't have. Shoulda figured it'd wouldn't be that easy, lol. Out of curiosity, what was the method they patched?
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

Ok confirmed a thing about PvP event, it's not exactly smart to rank down, because at rank 9, each win net me 20 points, at rank 3, each win was 3 points.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

It's not possible to get that high without paying (or living in-game, or both). I'll be very suprised if get in top100.
It's just me or pvp loading is very slow or not at all atm?

ah dam your right Im looking through some of the ranks 1-100 all ppl fully equipped gacha SSR++ and SR++ only I'm surprised that many people empty their pay checks into this game I guess this game is more popular than I understand oh well least we can get 8 gold gachas if we ever reach 200k points

also stormberg you lose points when you lose now also though I dont know how many but staying rank 8 or less means says you dont lose any points
Re: Lord Of Walkure

At rank 10 it seems I win 25 per win, lose 10 per loss; extra 40-50 bonus if I win 4 in a row.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Lol the event hasn't been up for 12 hours and the top ranked in Camilla already has 200k points. And it's only in 3rd place overall..

If you look at the points table on the wiki, you can't get that much through normal means even if you won all your matches at the highest rank. Granted, he's lv 173, so he could probably do several dozen runs. Either way, you'd have to be spamming those force restore items.

Assuming rank 20, that's 1500 points per win (give or take. It's 1488), so about 135 rounds
Each round requires 24 force, so you'd need 3240 force to accomplish that.
Actually maybe it's possible to get 200k without spending too much, cause if you're at lv 173 you probably have like 350+ force already.
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

this event is much harder than I thought for normal players to get anything out of it I think I might just give up on it
Re: Lord Of Walkure

hi all, i will be taking break from lord of walkure, my id drbad007, i will be back one day, just not sure when, thanks
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Question: How much + do you guys have on your wep armors? Mine are +10-12 only.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

Damn it I'm doing PVP and I see a bunch of cards that I never collected before but I can't get them anymore since they patched it :(
Guess I'll have to distribute a tool so that you guys can look up your cards for CG codes.

how to get VG coin ?

The info's on the wiki.
Just rack up enough points and you'll get coins when the event's over.
lol well, you need 200k to get 10 coins if you're going by points.

If your circle is in the top 5, you get 1 coin if you place in the top 1000 of your circle, and 5 coins if you place in the top 100.
If your circle is in the bottom 5, you get 1 coin for top 1000 and 3 coins for top 100.

I think most players picked whoever they felt was the strongest card (hoping they'll get one at the end), and the overall rankings sort of reflect that.
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

anyone know for sure when this ends? I cant really tell with google translate on the wiki it list 2 dates that something happens but I cant really understand when its saying the pvp event ends

一戦勝利時のサークルポイント×1.5倍 相手サークルのポイント減点×2倍 ■結果発表期間 2014年2月19日(水)15時 ~ 2014年2月25日(火)15時 ・サークル変更不可 ・バトルによるポイントの増減無し

if it ends on the 19th I think I stand little chance of getting much of anything from this I've used most of my force for pvp today and I've only gotten about 3200 points I will probably be sleeping in 4 hours so that's about 4000 points a day I could manage.

btw finale do you think they just figured out you were getting the files themselves somehow or someone tipped them off that you were doing it?
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Re: Lord Of Walkure

Could be that. Could be someone else was doing the same thing cause it isn't too hard to figure out if you know what you're doing.

They might have even just saw a bunch of their CG's floating around and thinking "well that's not right. This game was designed to be difficult to collect CG so there must be a hole somewhere..."

anyone know for sure when this ends? I cant really tell with google translate on the wiki it list 2 dates that something happens but I cant really understand when its saying the pvp event ends

Ya it ends before the 19th. Probably 3 PM in Japan time.
They're just saying it'll take about a week to process the results and probably issue all the rewards.
Re: Lord Of Walkure

dam I have no hope then thats stupid Ive been playing this game for months and they do this pvp event and I can probably only score the minimum points enough to get 1 gold gacha because Im just simply not strong enough and I dont have enough force to put the 10 or so force recovery I have saved from logins to good use. are you absolutely sure its ends on the 19th because I think its physically impossible to get enough points within 4 days for most / all of the gacha golds even with a huge amount of force youd have to have force gems saved and probably be able to beat people in the higher ranks. Im going to completely ignore this events existence from now if your sure it ends on the 19th no point wasting my time doing that stupid pvp hundreds of times for nothing.