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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman looked over at Rikke hate in her eyes "YOU! Your the reason Im here your the reason Im like this! Why didn't you just roll over and die like a good expendable mercenary!" Now that Rikke saw her full on she could finally see who the woman resembled. She had an uncanny resemblance to DeGravel so close in fact Rikke could swear she was his sister or other close relation. Unlike Rikke the other woman wasn't bound and was mostly clothed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't even know you." Rikke curiously eyed the woman "You must have me mistaken for someone else." so was this woman DeGravils sister... likely the demons were taking out their frustration on DeGravils fuck-ups by fucking her... literally. Or was Rikke witnessing something else entirely.... "Anyway, don't you worry. I'll get us out of here..." the heroine glanced around and muttered under her breath "somehow..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman just stared at Jenny incredulously. "You really don't know who I am!" The woman started laughing and crying at the same time slowly sliding down to the ground. "And you want to help me escape." The woman was crying more now than laughing but it looked like she had given up already. It was a sad sight almost pathetic. "Maybe I should have just let the bitch kill me it would have spared me this fate."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Right now we're both prisoners to these demons. Whoever you are, we'll sort things after we get out of here." Rikke kept her stern look "Who is this 'bitch'? And where are we?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman got back to her feet and shock the cage she was in making it rattle. "Your fluffy tailed pointy eared bitch pal back at the compound." The woman eyed Rikke trying to see if she was catching on to who she was. "Do you need anymore hints or should I just spill the beans and tell you who I am?" Clearly this woman was not to found of Rikke and the company she keeps and her voice sounded all to familar as well. It had the same accent as DeGravels voice and even used the same inflections.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"D-d-DeGravil?" Rikkes eyes grew wider "No.. but you're a creepy sleeze ball of man! Bullshit!" the heroine was resting earlier, but now she was on her feet eyeing the other prisoner, a smirk escaped her "Well... lookie who's deeds caught up to him. Those are some fine tits DeGravil. I bet your demon lovers love em..." well there went the rogues helpful nature and friendly tone, it was sarcasm city ahoy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The great sluth figures it out get your mocking in while you can and have your own mind to do it." DeGravel turned her back to Rikke and slide down the cage to come at rest on the ground once more.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just scoffed and leaned against the wall aswell... she was stuck like here just like the changed DeGravil... it would be some time before the rogue spoke again "So... what happened to you?" her tone was calm and even, it was more like a talk between two inmates than two enemies right now.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

DeGravel was silent awhile before answering his voice cold and weak. "After the Wargs attacked my compound Reginald rescued me. When we arrived here he let me know that he was in charge. I of course objected and well...." DeGravels voice got really weak again. "Well her raped me telling me that demons punish sinners. I guess he was right I was a bad man but now Im a freak."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Reginald is dead. I saw his head fly off atleast 2 feet away from his corpse myself..." The rogue sighed lightly "Looks like a demon just tricked.. say if... when I get out. Tell me where the demons HQ is. At the very least me and my girls will clean up the mess you made." Rikke had no doubt she'd escape, somehow. All her friends must be frantically searching for her... Jess, Sylphie, Rhea, Janet...Willow. Geez how did she fall for that feint, the girl would've sit there just contemplating her fate, but DeGravil seemed to have some interesting information.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Idiot the demon is Reginald I had him brought back to life and this is how her repays me. How was I supposed to know when his soul came back form the aether it would turn him into a demon. Just so you know we are in his HQ." Well it seemed that being turned into a woman had little effect on his mood though Rikke thought she heard fear in his/her voice.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A chill ran down the heroines spine... so the man SHE killed turned into a the demon she was battling... and now she was his prisoner. Rikke was not lookign forward to how the demon would unleash his revenge on her. She was peak health time to use it or lose it!

Rikke quickly got to her feet and inspected the cell, it was a fairly old holding cell obvious not looked after for ages... she will not be staying here for long though! The heroine quickly picked out where she thought the lock was weakest and stepped back to the very edge only to run forward and unleash a massive kick to the door! Her bare feet painfully slamming against the metal, but Rikke decided she'll bear it. Even if it meant her foot and shoulder would break she will not be in this place to find out Regi's plans for her!

Unarmed attack the cell lock!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke kicks the lock 14 damage
Rikke takes 10 damage from chocking herself

Rikke moved forward and lashed out at the door trying to bust the lock. The door rattled violently but it held. However the metal collar Rikke was wearing had reached the end of its tether and her moment caused it to choke her. Coughing from the sudden constriction of her airway she heard DeGravel just sigh in the cell over. "I had all the chains refitted last month expecting that I would be in power soon. You should save your strength thief your best chance to escape is when one of the guards come for you."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke coughed violently she did not expect the colar to snap her off like that... even if she managed to break the lock removing the refitted collar would be flatout impossible... seemed the shocking and rather dreadful announcement got the better of her this time.

Catching her breath, Rikke turned to DeGravil "Anything else I should know?!" a hint of pure spite in her voice "When they come, what shackles will they use? You bought the damn things tell me."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm I suppose they would use shackles for you after all you are skilled combatant." She paused a moment thinking. "Well if I had to guess they will just undo your neck chain and leave your hands bound. Thats how I would do it anyway." Rikke was about to say something when DeGravel leaned over and started coughing violently. "Not not again!" she rolled over holding her sides something was going on.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So long as her legs weren't bound Rikke could really ruin a weaker demons day "Well I guess that'll---" suddenly DeGravil started coughing violently. The rogue approached her cell doors to inspect what was going on with the girl-... it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke watched in fascination as the woman's belly suddenly began to inflate to horrendous size. "Damn that bastard for doing this to me." Rikke watched as DeGravel groaned and screamed in pain as she assumed a birthing position. Grabbing on the bars and grunting in effort and pain. A few minutes later saw a wave of relief was over her enemies face and a very small infant stalker made its appearance. Hissing at the woman that just gave birth to it the small critter ran thew the bars and headed out of the room. DeGravel was silent the birth having drained her energy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Usually the birth of a new life would be a special moment... this was just horrifying. Rikke looked away more to respect another girls privacy, chances were DeGravil didn't want a spectator for this show.

Still after imp-ish little demon ran off Rikke lightly shivering with digust would approach her cell doors once more. Forced to become a breeding bitch for the demons... it was almost enough to make the girl feel sorry for him... almost. The thing was that wasn't a demon knights spawn, seemed the demon had already thrown DeGravil to please his lower ranks.

"DeGravil..." after a decent pause Rikke spoke up "Are there other holding cells in this place beside this?" the man did mention 'his personal collection' earlier, Rikke didn't see them here.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After a few moments a tired voice greeted Rikke's ears. "No this is the only one I dared to keep." a few more silent moments passed when DeGravel spoke again. "Promise me something rogue if you ever manage to escape slit my throat its the only mercy Ill ask for."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was horrible discussion to have with the man, but Rikke still answered "I'm sorry DeGravil... but even if the Wargs win I won't be able to keep that promise. You are to be shamed and hanged in public." there was no threat in her voice or a dark tone, Rikke just stated it as a cold bare fact, nothing more, nothing less.

"Either way..." Rikke leaned against her cell wall "They should come try to get me sooner than later. Want to get anything off your chest while you still can? Besides you didn't seem to be bluffing about your collection. Where are the girls then?"