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ACT [Kyrieru] Kurovadis (RE093841)


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Uhm... sorry if I could get the thing wrong. But even if I've bought the game in the first place, I still think that my opinion should matter a bit... even for the sake of discussion.

1) the game is sold at the price of 5$. I cannot think of a H-game as good as Kurovadis sold at less that 15-20$(*), neither I can think of people with a computer too poor to spare 5$ for a good, indipendent game.
2) a long, worth to try, demo is provided free of charge. So it's not like anyone is forced to buy without knowing the product.
3) (more important) the sales are going to finance Kyrieru next project. If he sells good, we will see another good game. I he does not, we won't. And we will continue to play garbage sold at ridiculous prices.

So I cannot force anyone, but if coolguy can reconsider and remove the link I will be grateful.

It's FIVE DOLLARS for crying out loud!

(*)except, maybe, Toffisama's games who are free. But Toffi made just recently a plead for donation. Hobbies are hobbies, but donating or paying for a good product is a sign of appreciation.
I'm only speaking in his mindset. I'm personally against the distribution of the links, but for me to remove the link would be a unfair for two reasons. First, there are people looking to find the free version. Normally this wouldn't suffice, but Kyrieu has also said he does not mind the distribution, though it hurts his sales. This would mean that if I were to remove them because I felt it was unfair to him, then I would only be satisfying my own opinion and anybody who shares it, while those who wanted a free version would be left out. In other words, I'd be acting alone if I were to delete the links on behalf of Kyrieu.

Am I indirectly advocating the piracy of his game? Somewhat, yes. But in the words of the creator, it'd be hypocritical of me to remove it on grounds of piracy. Imagine if I were to delete the links in the RPG Maker thread because every link there was essentially a pirated version of a purchasable game. Nobody would support my decision. Who would listen to me if I were to tell them to just go buy the game instead?

Does your opinion matter to some people? Sure. It made me double check whether my decision was correct. Does it matter to Coolguy? Not really. You aren't going to use the link. Does it matter to the people who are looking for a free link? Probably not, or they wouldn't be looking in the first place. Of course, you could always be that one post that convinces people to not pirate it, and hats off to you if it is, but it still doesn't mean that everybody is going to listen. There'll be people who want the free version, and if Kyrieu is alright with it, then I'm not going to deny those people what they want. Now if he were to NOT be okay with it, you'd better believe I'd delete the shit out of any link I find.

But yeah, get back on topic, etc.


Demon Girl
May 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I would kill to have a bonus mode for all the rape animations, or some kinda of debug mode to fight against any of the monsters. Kurovadis is pretty tough and engaging, i almost forgot this is a hentai game at times.

Final boss < charge punch.


Jungle Girl
Nov 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Pretty much. The game is a nice challenge, which is good and all, but its a letdown when you need to start over every time you want a scene or animation in the middle of the game. This game is easily an 8/10 or so, well worth the $5 and then some, but lack of gallery is worth -1.5 points in my books. But hey, thats just my opinion. It really is an excellent game either way. Not many of this type of game with this kind of quality either, so well done.

With that said, a fair few of the jumps were harder than they should have been, considering there are usually spikes around.
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Jungle Girl
May 13, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

The heck am I supposed to do against that worm thing like 2 minutes in?

Floating Penis

Jungle Girl
Mar 8, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Bought the game, enjoy it greatly.

So, how do those day 3 sales figures look? Good, I should hope.
The new post on the Kurovadis blog says he's already gotten enough sales to work on the next game full time.


Jungle Girl
Nov 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

The heck am I supposed to do against that worm thing like 2 minutes in?
When you jump down, it'll run at you and try to grab you, jump over it. Rush to the other side and jump up to learn the skill. Go back down a ledge, and you can kill it from safety. Took me a few tries to figure that one out, haha. I'm no good at games like this.


Sep 29, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Bubble makes a barrage of additional short-ranged projectiles when you make a melee strike, and tentacle flower traps are indestructible, AFAIK. Just evade em, or smash escape if you got captured, you have two-three chances of escaping with the full life, it is enough to clear nastiest of rooms with them.
I think he was talking about the pink vore monster, not the ground tentacles. He did mention that 'it guards the roll move' so that's what I was thinking of at the time.


Grim Reaper
Jul 29, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

The demo won't run on PCs with a 2 MB video card.

Just sayin'.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

@Kyrieru: I'm only going to pirate it for now because I'm waiting for funds to transfer to my paypal so I can buy it. The demo was incredibly fun, and I'd like to do a speed run of it, like another person in here said.


Jungle Girl
Dec 13, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

just beat the game and wow .w. best $5 i ever spent i look forward to your future work man :D


Jungle Girl
Aug 1, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Just gave up on the part you have to jump on a turret to reach a higher platform
Game is anti retard.
Must have tried for at least 2 hours.
It would be awesome if the game could be saved anywhere for very easy diffculty.
So bads like me can try certain place for hours without having to roam half the map
Nov 19, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Kurovadis V4
download link:

The mods asked me to post the download links in THIS thread I tried to creat my own thread with the download because some people disliked about the fact that I post here (it was deleted two times and one time he moved my thread here), sorry
Thanks for this! I wanted to buy it, but I forgot that it takes a week for Paypal to transfer money over. Totally going to buy this when I finally get that money in my account! Just the demo alone makes me want to see more from this guy!

Cheers, Kyrieru!


Demon Girl Master
Feb 24, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Well 5$ is my hentai spending limit so i bought it. at 10$ i woulda just pirated it or maybe skpped it, but man fuck DL site for taking 50%


Jungle Girl
Apr 2, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I actually joined the forum specifically to say that I loved the hell out of this game, independent of the H-content (though that was also a deciding factor, your artwork is gorgeous :)) I will happily throw down $5 to support a creation of this quality, and would gladly do it again :D


Tentacle God
Jul 29, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

bought it, played through the game,

got stuck in a couple of points so i had to cheat to the next save (never the difficulty stopped me, i just couldnt work out where to go)

but now after finishing it i have to say, i have no idea what this game is about.

alien/demonic invasion?

is there any text in the entire game?

it could have used some cutscenes/ect to keep the plot moving.

does the main character have a name?


Jungle Girl
Mar 16, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

bought it, played through the game,

got stuck in a couple of points so i had to cheat to the next save (never the difficulty stopped me, i just couldnt work out where to go)

but now after finishing it i have to say, i have no idea what this game is about.

alien/demonic invasion?

is there any text in the entire game?

it could have used some cutscenes/ect to keep the plot moving.

does the main character have a name?
Officially, there is no story. But Kyrieru on one of his older blogs did type up what the story would've been if he had to have made one.

I'd copy paste it, but I can't seem to get to his older posts. Unfortunately, gotta go by memory.

Basically, there is some type of virus going around that makes infectees violent and intent on spreading it (I think through copulation in particular). To deal with it, 3 androids (or something) were made to deal with them based on the infection level. Kuro (our protagonist) is for LV I infestations. One day a LV III infection hits and so the other 2 droids are released, but it ends up being too much and they are defeated. Civilization collapses. Sometime later, Kuro awakens and explores this post-apocalyptic world.

I may have gotten some details wrong, and like I said, Kyrieru confirmed there is no story. The above is just what he would've gone with.


Jungle Girl
Nov 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Whoever posted that pressing H knocks you prone is a genious. I never thought to check any keys that far away from the zxcv. Just beat the succubus boss without it. Cant imagine that being anything but a last resort though since thatd take incredibly long to kill her.


Jungle Girl
Jan 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Great game, Kyrieru

Thanks el duderino (page 9)
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Demon Girl Master
Feb 14, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I enjoyed the game greatly..And can't wait to see more of this full course of which only the appetizer has been shown.

Also, I feel weird that im overjoyed to look at how many sales the game has gotten so far on dlsite, and curious to see how high that number will get.

- If anyone wants to stalk sales figures with me for no apparent reason, here!

ombre vengeresse

Demon Girl Master
Dec 24, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

He is top 1 on dlsite, very nice beginn, .