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ACT [Kyrieru] Kurovadis (RE093841)


Demon Girl
Jun 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

For Mantis and Soldier, I find it easier to do the "Mario's stomp" Jump and land on them with the down+melee attack. The attack is strong and doesn't take much hit to kill them and the soldier has 0 defense against someone who his standing on his head.

As for those who have difficulties returning alive to a save point, Just grind an enemy near the edge of an area. 1- Learn to kill it without getting hit ( dodge first attack and unleash a charge punch, work most of the time ) 2- Hope, he drop the health recovery item 3- Leave the screen, rinse and repeat until you have enough hp to go on safely and maybe even a few more levels.

It is also funny to use the "Mario's stomp" on the boss, the only attack that can hit you is when he slash his tentacles forward. Other then that you can stay on his head even when he jump.
Nov 19, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

There's a reason for that. The game has changed considerably since the first demo was released and it won't accurately represent the game as it is now.
It was a pretty nice demo, though.

The demo for the full version is amazing. If it becomes available for paypal payment, I think I'd buy it. Hell, set up a free download after a while and a paypal for people to pay you what they think it's worth. From what I've seen so far, this is definitely worth at least the five bucks I read as the possible asking price earlier in the thread.


Tentacle God
Jan 2, 2010
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Re: Kurovadis Demo

I honestly would buy it if I could through paypal. This game is easily worth at least $10 to me.


Jungle Girl
Sep 25, 2011
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Re: Kurovadis Demo

The gameplay is a lot smoother then the old demo, I pretty much agree with everyone else's assessment. Though, curious, what's the purpose of the standing flip (When you press up while standing/meleeing)? It doesn't avoid enemies like the roll, and I understand that while in the air it's used to get a little extra distance but what's the cancel version on the ground for? On that note, your character can't seem to cancel ground roll (the down arrow key one) from melee attacks unless she's moving forward or the melee attack is pushing her forward, was this intentional?

I just ask 'cause I could understand it a little, after having played the old demo where you could rapid punch using that standing roll.

Anyway, last thing is a bit of a bug, I dunno if anyone else has encountered this but... If you lose to the boss in the demo, and press enter (Or whatever key is used for 'start' on a controller) while the screen is fading or at the faded black part, then you end up getting stuck on the after fight animation. The only way I could get out of it was using the task manager.

Ah, that reminds me... Not sure if it was mentioned yet, but after being defeated, you can still charge melee and you can charge melee while in a grapple animation after being defeated. Figure I'd make note of that stuff.


Sep 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

Yeah I saw the same two bugs too, was just about to post them now that I've finished the demo.. There seems to be 2 areas that are blocked off by an invisible forcefield, which I guess is where the demo ends.

Having finished the game I have 4 atk, 4 def, 7 con, and 2 chg.. By the way, what is the chg stat? Is it how powerful the charge is? Or how fast it charges? And what charge does it refer to? The gun, fist, or both?..

Anyway, in my eyes, this is one of those "So good, it would be playable if it didn't have rape" quality games.

I only have one complaint..

If this is a metroid/megaman-ish game (which it definetly is), then why the HELL does it not have a map on the pause menu like metroid?

The passages were easy enough to remember, but it just didn't feel right without a mini-map at least.. I mean, you've got the perfectly fitting music for the dark caves, the outside place (which was really nostalgic of metroid), and that big space right in the middle of the pause menu just screaming for a map.

Oh well, this game is perfect enough anyway.. :p


Jungle Girl
Nov 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

I only have one complaint..

If this is a metroid/megaman-ish game (which it definetly is), then why the HELL does it not have a map on the pause menu like metroid?
Maybe because coding that takes time that's better spend on more vital areas of the game and probably the areas have to be finished before making a map.


Demon Girl Master
Feb 14, 2012
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Re: Kurovadis Demo

Was I the only one completely oblivious to the stat adding aspect of leveling and went on to beat the boss anyway? u_u


Jungle Girl
Sep 25, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

Stiff, chg effects the speed both of your attacks charge up. I was 4/4/3/4 by the end of the game or something like that. Makes a big difference when you can let off those charge shots every other second. :p

Forgot one thing that kinda bothered me, I dunno about anyone else but... When you wall jump your jump keeps the same speed as when you normally jump. Now, it's not too big of a problem but... It would just be a bit easier if wall jumping gave you a little push so you didn't have to air roll. I dunno, wall jumps feel sluggish, so it can be a bit tricky to precisely navigate.

I'm thinkin' the one that leads to that attk +1 power up, avoiding both the lightning beam traps and jumping up to the top became a real hassle.


Demon Girl Master
Oct 29, 2011
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Re: Kurovadis Demo

Blobs easy. Keep your distance, get a couple shots in, when he jumps, roll. All of his attacks are considered melee, so you can dodge-roll all of them.

As for the praying mantis, his attack is he will run at you, and when he gets close enough, do a small slash. Just jump over his head and shoot him a couple times from behind. He gets stuck in the attack animation for a little, and it takes him a second after he turns around to attack again. I think you can dodge roll through him too. Never tried.
Or just get atk to 5 and 1 shot it with the first big shot your gun makes =)


Sep 29, 2009
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Re: Kurovadis Demo

Found another bug: In the area with the spikes, electric traps, trampolines (best way I can think of to describe them), and a def +1 item (accessible after beating the boss), if you die and manage to land on a trampoline and 'not' get hit again, you'll be able to continue to play with 0 health (though if you get hit again there's no surviving unless you hit a trampoline again.)
Nov 19, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

Though, curious, what's the purpose of the standing flip (When you press up while standing/meleeing)? It doesn't avoid enemies like the roll, and I understand that while in the air it's used to get a little extra distance but what's the cancel version on the ground for? On that note, your character can't seem to cancel ground roll (the down arrow key one) from melee attacks unless she's moving forward or the melee attack is pushing her forward, was this intentional?

Anyway, last thing is a bit of a bug, I dunno if anyone else has encountered this but... If you lose to the boss in the demo, and press enter (Or whatever key is used for 'start' on a controller) while the screen is fading or at the faded black part, then you end up getting stuck on the after fight animation. The only way I could get out of it was using the task manager.
Kyrieru mentioned the bug when fighting the boss, and has said that it will be corrected with the next update.

Also, the standing flip does, in fact, dodge attacks just like the roll, so all I can suggest is that maybe you were trying to dodge a non-melee attack?


Mystic Girl
May 20, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

This game is AMAZING! If the demo is any indication, this game will get the #2 spot on my "best hentai-game ever" list, after Nightmare Sphere and before Nanocrisis, Unholy Sanctuary and Pretty Warrior May Cry.

It's fast-paced, it's challenging, it's smooth and it flows extremely well. And there's controller support! A huge thumbs up to this game, and I'm definitively buying this the day it's released.

This is EXACTLY the type of game I visit this forum for. Sure, there's the occasional simple fun and innofensive games like Mushroom Princess, but in general I play these games trying to avoid the H-scenes, and pretty much everything in the game is a good example of why... Although the big teeth worms are the best example of all.

The first time I saw one, I was awfully warry of what it would do. I hit it, I get caught, I immediately panic and franctically try to escape (I didn't). That thing is horrific! I tried fighting it once more, got caught after a few hits, managed to barely escape in panic...

And I've never tried to fight one again. I'm too "scared" of what happens when I get caught by it. Each time I see one, I immediately get tense and I desesperately try to bypass it and let out a sigh of relief when I manage to get out of harm's way.

In a regular game, this would be a normal tough enemy, to retry until I win. In a game like this, it's a terrifying monster to avoid being caught at all cost and it makes the game that much more frantic. It makes a world of difference in the atmosphere, and it's exactly why I look for games like these. You can count the amount of good ones on one hand so it's always a cause for celebration when a new one arrives.

*Note: I didn't actually manage to beat the boss yet. My reaction at the result of losing makes me go "what the ****!!" every single time (especially since I was expecting a simple tentacle to go in, not... that), but I'm not giving up until I finally beat that !$#&. I struggled through the entire level in normal difficulty and I'm going to complete it... Although I admit I might play the full game on Easy if the demo level was supposed to be an easy, leasurly first level.


Mystic Girl
Jan 24, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

I finished this in one go on Normal. It's a pretty solid game, though I feel that I trigger the roll by accident sometimes.

In any case, I've only one critique.
Single wall jumping needs to be an allowed thing so as to give the player greater control over their jumps. As it currently is, the wall jump does not propel you away from the wall so much that you can't get back to said wall (in fact, it doesn't propel you much from the wall in the first place) so it really should be in as one would normally expect.


Mystic Girl
May 20, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo


I finally managed not only to beat the boss (Taking it slow and not rushing was the key) but I also beat one of those huge teeth monsters (after losing horribly at least 5 times and mashing Enter whenever I lost)! Those were good wins for my ego, although not for my exp bar: 0% exp gain from either of those monters sucks.

Quick music review! Do note I'm not a fan of creepy in general so I'm biased.

Starting area: Super creepy. Motivates me to get the hell out asap.
Outside area: Well, it's rain.
Main machine area: Oh my gawd that is so awesomecredible! Utterly amazing music. I absolutely adore it and I occasionally stop just to listen to it.
Game over music: Super creepy, makes the "****!" feeling of losing even worse.
Boss music: It's pretty decent.

I checked everywhere afterward, got the two stat boosts that required hellish platforming/spike/laser beam avoiding... It's tough, but I think I just might try my luck on Normal in the real game afterall.

Note: On my exploring, I had a soldier that knocked me down with a bullet. He ran toward me, I franctically mashed <- and -> as fast as I could... When he was an inch away from me, I managed to stand up, and wham! Flamethrower to the face. That was SO satisfying! This game just might end up taking #1 spot after all :) Although I assume it's probably a long time before the actual game release, so here starts the waiting game... *sigh*


Mar 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

Well in response to that, I just feel I should say, it just isn't that hard to escape from any grab(or maybe its just me?)....In fact, the actual hentai is probably the least threatening aspect of the game...Which, I'm not saying is a bad thing, but....


Mystic Girl
May 20, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

Well in response to that, I just feel I should say, it just isn't that hard to escape from any grab(or maybe its just me?)....
That's true...

However, that's like saying "When he was in the middle of raping me, I managed to escape". It's better than the alternative obviously, but that's not good enough: my goal is not to get caught, period. So with my way of thinking, when you are knocked down and that the enemy is comming toward you, you sure mash those keys to get up before he gets there!


Sex Demon
Aug 27, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

> Reads Ayra's post, goes into game expecting something at least half as epic as Nanocrisis

> Tiny sprite sex



Mystic Girl
May 20, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

> Reads Ayra's post, goes into game expecting something at least half as epic as Nanocrisis

> Tiny sprite sex

It's the concept of the thing! It doesn't matter if it's huge models taking half the screen or tiny sprites: It amounts to the exact same thing to me. Well, okay, if two games are identical except for the graphics, I'll take the prettier one but that doesn't change my point of view: The concept of what is happening is far more important to me than the quality of the graphics showing it. My imagination tends to instantly fill what the graphics lack so it's the same sense of 'dread' for me than it is when playing an ultra-realistic game.

Bleh, I don't think I can really explain clearly what I mean, but it doesn't really matter, ne? :)

Sorry if you expected a graphical masterpiece based on what I said, Lucky! But at least, you got to play a solid, smooth platformer, so it's not all that bad, no?

PS: I do honestly think that those big teeth monsters are one of the most horrific and nightmare-inducing monster in any game I've ever played, even if it's just "tiny pixels".


Sex Demon
Aug 27, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

Eh, there's only so far a concept can go to turn you on.

While the game's content is a fine attempt, it's hardly more exciting to me than two featureless circles bumping together while the words "THIS IS RAPE" flash on top of the screen.
Some expressions might help, and some dialogue, even if it's only in text - and on the bright side, it DOES seem like the developer has plans to throw in some voice-acting too.
More detail sure would be nice, though - and while I'm not complaining about the still pictures in that respect, they hardly justify going through the game.

I couldn't possibly care less about the platforming aspect, though I'll readily agree that it's not terrible.

And yeah, the vore-beasts are kinda : < inducing if you don't like vore, I'll give them that much.

All the same, there's definitely no need for an apology - I just didn't expect such a strong reaction to such weak content.
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Tentacle God
Jan 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Kurovadis Demo

PS: I do honestly think that those big teeth monsters are one of the most horrific and nightmare-inducing monster in any game I've ever played, even if it's just "tiny pixels".
I feel the same when at night time during my minecraft adventures.