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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie went after Yuki and Maria again, the two barely reacted in time, as Yuki kicked Maria off of her, swinging both legs up and planting her feet against Maria's chest to kick them apart, so Kylie's first attacks didn't connect. Maria snapped around quickly and grabbed the hilt of her sword, and got back up, looking more serious again, as Yuki flipped up back to her feet, grabbing up Kylie's folding blade and preparing to use it. The two did notice Kylie's lines in the sand, but they didn't seem to bother the two just yet, and as Kylie seemingly... challenged the two to come at her and attack, Maria and Yuki glanced at each other, then back to Kylie for a few moments.

The two dashed in at Kylie after that, swinging their weapons at Kylie in a totally serious manner now. Yuki swung the folding blade at Kylie, who caught it with one half of Yuki's spear that had been broken. Maria stabbed her sword in at Kylie, who just barely managed to parry the thing, but Maria spun around as she parried and swung again, forcing Kylie to lean back to dodge the blow. The two continued attacking Kylie repeatedly, forcing her to parry, dodge, and keeping her from retaliating. After a couple of minutes of exchanging blows with one another, Kylie was forced to take a step or two to help dodge, but she was able to remain firmly within her circle she'd made.

Yuki thrust the folding blade in, using her right hand, which was bleeding, to do so, and as Kylie parried the blade, Yuki came around with a left hook at Kylie's face, coming in high. Maria on the opposite side was coming in low, and swinging her blade around and forcing Kylie to hold the other half of the spear at an angle to block Maria's slash, and as fast as the two were coming in, she knew there was no way to dodge without leaving the circle, from the way the two were coming at her. Yuki's fist was coming straight for Kylie's face, and after Kylie caught Maria's sword, Maria kicked her leg out at Kylie to hit her legs. She was going to be hard pressed to keep them from knocking her out of her circle, and the two were putting everything they had in terms of strength into their blows.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie held her ground, against everything they could offer, armed with only a pair of sticks for over a minute against both of them, but they were coming in for a joined attack, Yuki high, Maria low. Parrying the blades would have been the obvious mood, and in Maria's case, it was the only one, that Katana was too dangerous...

But Yuki, more prone to forgetting important details, forgot the single most important thing about the nearly completely naked woman fending her off with a fucking stick.

Her hands were wrapped in reinforced metal. She didn't parry the folding blade, instead punishing Yuki in turn for forgetting by tossing the stick into her face and grabbing the blade of her folding sword, pulling it passed her and twisting herself under it, turning Yuki out too far to land a punch on her, while she finally raised her feet by using Yuki herself as a launching platform, to counter Maria's Kick.

In that short, tiny span of time, Kylie had gone from standing and stationary to spinning in a diagonal arc, both hidden blades flashing out to slash down at Maria's leg, and at Yuki's shoulder and arm before slamming her feet back down in the sand and lashing out at Yuki with the stick she still had before twisting and looking to parry whatever Maria would follow up with.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie tossed the half of Yuki's spear into Yuki's face, the wooden haft hit the priestess square in the center of her face, busting her upper lip and her nose. Yuki's head snapped back a tiny bit from that, as Kylie grabbed the folding sword's blade and started to pull it out of Yuki's hand. Yanking Yuki around, Kylie was able to drag the martial artist priestess where she'd wanted her to go, and then kick off of Yuki. Whilst in the air, Kylie flashed her hidden blades out at the two, and Maria was caught somewhat by the one coming at her, the edge of the blade slashing her thigh and causing Maria to grunt in pain, but she didn't stop coming, while Yuki's foot miss stepped and she ended up stumbling because of it, and Kylie's hidden blade went into Yuki's right shoulder, though it completely missed everything vital, so she would be just fine, Kylie knew.

As Kylie came back down for her landing, she saw both Maria's leg coming around again, as well as her blade, and knew that she wouldn't have time to land, and jump again, as well as parry or block the incoming sword slash, because Maria was too skilled for one of her attacks to not connect. Kylie was forced to change targets mid swing off the stick meant for Yuki, to block the incoming sword strike from Maria, as the sword wielding priestess spun around as fast as lightning almost. Her katana connected with Kylie's stick, and only thanks to Kylie's metal gauntlet was she able to keep from having her wrist sliced open, or her hand sliced clean off, as the only way she could parry the sword was to force it to be a glancing blow, onto her gauntlet. Simultaneously, Maria's left leg came spinning around again, as Yuki was falling back from the hidden blade retracting from her shoulder, and Maria's leg angled upward at the last possible moment, as she planted one hand on the ground to give her a boost upward, and connected with Kylie's solar plexus, knocking the air out of her. However, Kylie was able to in mid air, hurl the remaining stick at Maria, hitting her square in the face so hard the haft of the spear she threw splintered and cracked, and Kylie was sure that she'd broken Maria's nose with the hit, with Maria falling back and her hand going up that was holding her katana, where it slipped out of her hand and flew into the air.

It was all over in an instant, Kylie landed six feet away from Maria and Yuki, her feet outstretched towards them, Maria collapsed back with her feet laying outstretched towards Kylie, while Yuki landed clutching her right shoulder with her left hand, with her feet outstretched towards both Kylie and Maria. All three of them were panting like mad, completely out of breath, and in Kylie's case from more than just the exertion of the fight, and a split second later Maria's katana landed a few feet from Maria, sticking straight in the ground.

"F-Fuck... I lost," Yuki muttered under her breath.

"I... d-don't think I won either, I'm not sure," Maria mumbled from behind her hand, which was clutching her nose, that if Kylie glanced down she'd see some blood leaking out from under Maria's hand, though Kylie found that she couldn't move much if at all, Maria's kick having really knocked the wind out of her, and hurt quite a fucking bit, leaving her just as exhausted as they were, and she was certain that she'd have a mean fucking bruise shaped like Maria's foot soon enough.

The sounds of clapping could be heard from the porch, and Amara glided out a few moments later, and started tending to Yuki, who had been the worst hurt of the three. "I think that's enough without some rest. You can go again after you've recovered, alright," Amara called out to them, with Yuki and Maria nodding in agreement for now, both too exhausted to argue with the angel, and Kylie could hear another pair of hands clapping softly too, and saw it was Trilla, who was smiling happily towards them all.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was able to hold her position a moment longer before a donkey kick from Maria landed her square on her back out of her circle, Maria was likewise back a ways and nursing a broken nose, and Yuki was bleeding from.... many places, because it was Yuki.

You kicked me right in the Tit.... Oww.... Kylie groaned after a minute, rubbing her chest before taking her gauntlets off and just laying flat, panting. She was sweaty, she was bruised, bleeding in a few places. Sand everywhere. But if you Lost Yuki, and Maria doesn't think she won. Then OBVIOUSLY I'm the Winner. she said, raising her head up to catface at the pair, being cheeky, before flopping over and slowly standing up, stretching out as best she could. Turning to see Trilla clapping and smiling, she wondered if she'd somehow watched all that. But had no idea how, and started to stumble along towards her to bring her with to the Spring to clean herself off. There's a bath this way Mistress. I'm sure they'll join us soon enough. she said softly, taking her hand and starting to hobble that way. Kina meanwhile was charging around inside her, confusing Hecate terribly while he yelled constantly to be let out cos Maria was right there.

Kylie tail meanwhile was drooping and poking at things fairly at random, before she remembered her ear-ring, and reached up to touch it, calling Seraphina to her, they could all use another pair of hands.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"S-Sorry Kylie. You weren't giving a fucking inch, so I had to do something. You are one mean bitch when you want to be," Maria panted back at Kylie through her hand that was clutching her nose, that was now pouring a bit more blood.

Amara healed up Yuki's cuts and stabs quickly, letting Yuki flop back like Kylie had, where Amara went to help Maria out with her nose, and once she'd gotten it to stop bleeding, and after a crunch or two her nose was mended, Kylie had Amara fretting over her a little, checking her wounds out that she'd taken. Maria was too exhausted to move for a few moments after Amara healed her nose, and so she lie there looking over at Kylie.

"I declare Kylie the winner. She has the fewest severe wounds. Well... according to Amara at least, though that last clash sounded pretty harsh on all of you," Trilla called out after a few moments.

"It was, actually. I think Maria got the better strike in on Kylie, myself. But you're all the same in that you never give up... period," Amara said in response, as she healed up all of Kylie's major cuts and bruises some.

Maria and Yuki both roused themselves up moments after Kylie had, and followed her over to Trilla, who smiled at Kylie and gently placed her hand in Kylie's. "I'm proud of you, my Pet. And you as well, Maria. You two do work perfectly with each other. I could even feel you resonating as one in your clashes, almost," Trilla said to them both, which made Maria blush a bit, as Kylie called for Seraphina, who responded with a simple, "I'm on my way," feeling through the earring.

A few short minutes later, they were in the springs behind the temple, and soaking in the pristine waters, and Trilla sighed softly as she eased into them. Sera joined them a couple of minutes after they got in, and Amara got in with them as well, and was helping Yuki get cleaned up, while Trilla was actually helping Kylie and Maria, though the temporarily blind woman was fumbling her hands a bit and ended up groping them when she wasn't meaning to sometimes, mostly Maria on that regard, because of her much larger breasts. When Sera arrived though, things calmed back down, and she helped Kylie get cleaned up, gently scrubbing her back, and hugging her from behind.

"Well... you feel any better hon?" Sera asked Kylie softly, while Maria glanced over at them, also looking quite concerned for Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Right in the bewbs Kylie confirmed about Maria getting a better shot in, though that one kick did not cover the several shots Maria took earlier to keep Kylie from cutting her. It hardly mattered, they could all barely move.

Once she got to the bath, Amara helped out Yuki while Trilla tried to help Maria and Kylie both, which she was saved from when Seraphina came in to clean Kylie. I am feeling better she said, leaning back in the water with a sigh, actually managing to seem properly relaxed. She rested her arms on the edge of the spring and closed her eyes, breathing slowly.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Good, I'm glad that you are, my Pet. It's not good to get so worked up and worried about things like you were," Trilla cooed softly to Kylie, while Sera scooted around beside Kylie, to let Kylie lean back against the side of the spring, and fixing up a couple of towels like a small pillow to lean her head back on if she so desired.

As they all sat back and relaxed a bit, Kylie would see one thing that looked... almost cute, though a little off for how she acted. It was Maria, she was stealing jealous glances over at Seraphina, while the demoness sat next to Kylie, one arm wrapped around Kylie, while her tail entwined with Kylie's tail. After glancing over jealously nearly half a dozen times, Maria inched her way over to Kylie's side opposite from Sera, and sat back a bit, relaxing some more.

"Hah... this spring feels really good. Much better than any showers or baths back in the sanctuary," Trilla commented softly, looking quite pleased to say the least, with the place.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I didn't even know the sanctuary had baths. Just showers.
Maybe that bitch Emerald had one.
Kylie muttered, sighing as Seraphina made her a pillow she was happy to lay her head against. Don't look Jealous, if Kina doesn't get out to join us Maria,
like Kuna did with Seraphina here, I'm sure he'll do a nut.
She said to Maria after catching all those glances. If you haven't figured out I love you then you're a putz. she sighed, just speaking plainly while Kina started to give her a headache.

Mistress... Could you just let him out? He's being a pest. she asked Trilla quietly, wanting the little dog to shut up and get this over with. Probably worried he'd miss his chance if he didn't do it now. Besides Maria, I thought you were busy having Giselle try and knock you up... she added, smirking a little at Maria while she snuggled into Sera and Maria both. Or did you need to be a puppy again to admit your feelings around the others? she asked her, reminding her of her own time spent in a bitch suit.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well, she had of course a grand bath, and we had little single person baths in our rooms, but aside from that, it was mostly showers,” Trilla replied to Kylie, not liking doing so, but admitting the truth about it to her.

I know you love me, or at least, you’d better love me. It’s just that… you warmed up to her so fast, and you even got married, before we could do anything after… a-after I told you that,” Maria said softly, blushing more than just a little bit.

Of course my Pet. I just need to… do… this here, and… unsealed. But I should probably put it back on after he’s out,” Trilla replied, reaching over and gently plucking the sealing gem off of Kylie’s bell on her collar.

I… we tried earlier, of course. But I felt… like I was lacking a bit, and I hadn’t trained in what felt like months, even though I know it was barely a week, if that much,” Maria said, looking away with a blush on her cheeks. “Besides, I… I’d like you to try now I think, a-and maybe have a baby by both of you,” she added after a few moments, turning to look at Kylie with a serious look in her eyes, as she smiled happily when Kylie nuzzled against her and Sera both.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kina, once released, slapped into Maria's face and clung there, tiny fluffy body humping for a moment, before pulling back to look into Maria's eyes. GOD DAMNIT THAT BITCH BOUND KYLIE TO A DEMON! HEY YOU! SWORDPIRE! YOU LOVE KYLIE?!?!?!?

Blessedly and thanks to all creation Trilla was quick to put the sealing gem back on... Kina however stayed glued to Maria's face, DEMANDING AN ANSWER!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria squealed in fright as she was slapped in the face, having been in the process of trying to slip in and kiss Kylie on the lips, when this happened. She jerked back as she heard the voice shouting at her. "O-Oh course I do you silly pup. Why wouldn't you think I do?" Maria stammered out, before clearing her throat and regaining her bearings after the surprise, where she sighed softly and opened her eyes again. "Yes... you're damn right I love her. And I'm jealous dammit, I can't deny it, I won't deny it," she said after a few moments, in the most serious tone Kylie had ever heard her use..

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

GOOD! FUCK ROMANCE YOU'RE MARRIED! He screamed at the top of his lungs, before biting Maria's right ear, a small white heart shaped ear ring, an Exact Opposite to Seraphina's appeared there, before he turned his head to Kylie with a snap, and breathed a dragon's breath-esque cone of rainbows and kittens blasted Kylie into the wall, another ear-ring appearing there, before all the insanity faded.

After that the tiny dog looked between them, wiggled over to Trilla, licked her cheek, and the slapped himself to Seraphina's face. YOU NOW HAVE COMPETITION! SEE KYLIE'S NEW ADORABLE SINGLE FANG?!?!?!?!?!?!? he screeched, and true to form, Kylie had one canine slightly longer then the other, always peaking over her lip.

With that, tiny angel dog was done, sprouted Teeny tiny wings, and lazily floated out of the spring, leaving Kylie to splat back into the bath, glittering a little bit before she started to vigorously wash the angel vomit off her body. Thank every god it vanished without much scrubbing, before Kina came back, dropping a crotchless straightjacket and a leash on the floor next to Maria with a note from Kuna. Figured he'd do this. Better grab her quick before she gets cranky again. Pretty sure between the Two of you, you can fuck her completely sideways. Muzzle the bitch before she can complain. it read, while Kylie's white cock gag muzzle from the sanctuary, with it's lock, was set atop it, Kylie noticing none of this.

Once this was done, Kylie just, looking a little dazed like she'd been literally stunned somehow by Kina's attack, the tiny dog latched onto Trilla's face and exploded with light. YOU ARE HEALED WOMAN! IF YOU DON'T HELP I WILL UNHEAL YOU! he roared, flexing some serious angelic muscle with a minor miracle, before finally fucking off to enjoy his freedom.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Did... that doggy just hitch you and Maria?" Sera asked softly, unsure of what had just fucking happened.

"Honestly Sera, I've learned to just accept any crazy things that happen around Kylie. It's just easier that way," Amara whispered to Sera, who nodded softly after a moment or two.

Maria meanwhile yelped as she was bitten on her right ear, and flinched slightly, as Kina let go. "I... Thanks!" Maria cried, before launching herself at Kylie and smooching her right on the lips, while Kina floated over and slammed into Sera's face, while she yelped and fell back a bit as he said what he did.

When he floated over to Trilla and licked her cheek, she smiled and reached up to pet Kina and scratch his ears. "You're a good puppy. Do come and visit us again sometime, why don't you. I'd hate to never get to actually see such a cutie like you again," Trilla told him before he flew off across the spring.

When Kylie was able to pull loose from Maria to wash the sparkly stuff off of her, and when he returned a few moments later, while Kylie was washing off, Maria plucked the note up before Sera could, and read it, before showing it to Sera after that, who glanced back up at Maria. The two looked at each other, then the note, then the straight jacket, then each other, then Kylie in that order exactly, before they rose up out of the water a bit while grinning. Amara looked at the two, as did Yuki, both raising an eyebrow at them, while Trilla was straining her ears to listen as closely as she could... that was until the tiny dog darted at her face and literally fucking exploded into a blinding light.

Trilla yelped a tiny bit and fell back a little like Sera had, before she reached up and touched her face, specifically her bandages. "I... I can see again," Trilla whispered softly, as her bandages came off enough for her eyes to look out, with her blinking almost as if unsure it were too good to be true. "Thank you pup... so much. And I will," Trilla said, leaning over and pecking Kina on the little head before he could dart off, where she cracked her knuckles and smiled at the other two.

Maria and Sera both reached out for the straight jacket, before Maria let Sera have it, while she scooped Kylie up in her arms while she was a bit dazed and stunned. The straight jacket itself was a sexy white to match the cock gag, and looked like a normal straight jacket somewhat, but obviously one meant to be sexy at the same time. It had a cute short miniskirt of about two to three inches on the bottom, that had slits on the sides to ensure when Kylie bent over, it rode up to show her ass and the crotchless portion for all to see. It also had a slight dip in the chest area, from the neckline, to show some cleavage, but not too very much so it didn't lose its strength or anything.

While Maria held Kylie up, Trilla moved over with Sera and helped the demoness start slipping Kylie's arms into the jacket, little by little getting her properly into the thing, and buckling the straps around her thighs, and once her arms were securely in the sleeves, they buckled a single, simple, but three inch wide strap across her front that went down the middle of her jacket with a simple belt buckle in the middle that was sewn onto the neck strap and ran vertically down her front between her breasts to a spot just under the belly button to prevent her from pulling her arms outward. Then four more straps that were all about an inch to an inch and a half wide, were buckled similarly into place, two around her bicep area over each arm that ran over her chest just above her breasts, to ensure that she couldn't pull her arms to the sides to escape the jacket, and the other two around her waist, both of these under the larger middle strap that ran vertically, and one of which was just under the arm on bottom, and above the arm on top, these straps run through loops that were sewn onto the sleeves to further secure her arms down, while the beginnings of those two straps were sewn onto the back of the jacket and ran around to the front.

"Ah... there we go. And so beautiful... isn't she," Trilla said proudly, after Kylie was bound up, while Sera collected the cock gag while Maria got the leash, and Sera put the cock gag into place, and strapped it on and locked it into place with Trilla's help, while Maria clipped the leash onto Kylie's collar, which was just barely above the collar piece of her straight jacket, going for the front of Kylie's actual collar with the leash.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just kind of stood there, peeling the rainbow gunk off of her quickly enough though she was obviously in a bit of a haze, she still managed to moan softly into Maria's lips while the rest of the derpery ensued, melting a little against the vryloka and wrapping her tail around her waist.

The blinding flash did very little to help her semi stunned and slow to react state and she just flat out ignored most everything going on as she got rid of what basically amounted to unicorn Jizz. She giggled softly as she was scooped and kissed Maria again. Sera was taking her left arm, and she turned, smiling a little hazily before she saw Trilla and sighed. Hello Mistress she said, blinking a little and slowly coming out of her daze, though not before her arms had been sleeved and pulled across her front under her breasts while Sera snugged the straps around her upper thighs, Kylie wriggling a little while the jacket was pulled over her. As the wide strap was pulled over her arms and pulled tight, she gasped softly and tugged, uselessly, while the pair went about finishing the restraints.

These consisted of several more straps around her upper and lower arms to pin them completely, and uselessly, into place and she wriggled a little, before she spotted her muzzle and shuddered, getting slick quickly while she kept her eyes on Trilla. Trilla was here, her Mistress was here so it was all....Wait a fucking minute! Yes, I'm beautiful, what are you all DoiMMMPH!.... Mmmmmffff.... she started to say, before Trilla pushed the cock gag into her mouth, her lips sliding down the phallic plug before the muzzle was pulled around her face and the straps tightened and locked, Kylie squirming on the floor a bit on the side of the bath, before Maria clipped the leash to her collar and she looked between the three of them. Spotting the ear-ring on Maria, it clicked and she looked around for Kina, her eyes narrowed. She was gonna murderspank that little fucking dog. She shivered when Maria gave the leash a short tug, feeling the tension, and all the straps of that jacket, before she felt a breeze on her nethers. The damned thing was crotchless, but it was showing off her cleavage in an amazing way with that strap running between her breasts. She shivered and slowly rose up, testing the jacket by struggling against it for several long moments.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Glancing over at Maria, Kylie saw the priestess looking happier than she'd ever seen her... period, in the two or so years that she'd known Maria. Testing the jacket after everything was in place and she sighed and looked around, Kylie found that she was unable to get her arms free. Maria and Sera both wrapped an arm around her from either side, Maria on her left, Sera on her right, and the two leaned in and kissed Kylie on both cheeks, before they leaned in and nuzzled against her neck a bit, moving so slowly and passionately so as to tickle her a bit and make her giggle at their sensual touches.

Looking back to Trilla, Kylie saw her eye coverings off, and that she seemed to be able to see once again, and she was smiling brightly, and looked... really just even more happy than she had in the sanctuary. Maria was holding Kylie's leash, and she gave it a gentle little tug, to pull Kylie over against her a little more, before Sera did the same, the two met in the middle though and nodded, kissing each other on the lips right before Kylie's eyes, as if coming to an agreement. Now that they had Kylie, it was almost like the dog that finally caught the car it'd been chasing, they didn't rightly know exactly what to do. After a few moments though, Amara chuckled softly. "Just take her to the Sehanine shrine, it'll be empty at this time of the day, and Maria's the head priestess of the Sehanine shrine anyway," Amara suggested, sighing softly as she and Yuki leaned back against the edge of the bath.

Trilla got out of the water, and Maria and Sera both grabbed hold of Kylie's leash, competing for it as they led Kylie along a little ways behind the springs that ran down onto Maria's waterfall. They weren't tugging hard on her leash of course, and Trilla was scampering along behind them, reaching out and giving Kylie's butt a squeeze as they got to the shrine doors, and opened them up. Inside, Kylie saw there was a large bench before the altar, and a few more benches set up like pews, though they could be shifted around depending on how many were there. Maria relinquished hold of the leash for now, and pointed Sera up to the altar, while she pulled a few of the large benches over, pushing them up against the one before the altar, and smiled after she'd finished doing so, leaving them with a bed... of sorts.

"Alrighty, now let's fuck. Sera, since we just got married, I'm going first," Maria said, while Sera bowed her head slightly and as they gently pushed Kylie back onto the benches, Maria went down between Kylie's legs, where Kylie felt Maria's tongue sliding up her slit as she held her legs apart.

Trilla and Sera got to either side of Kylie and started kissing and licking her neck as she lie there, the pleasure just... incredible, to say the least. Maria's tonguing was passionate, a little wild, but filled with love for Kylie, and as Maria went at her, Kylie felt and caught another presence out of the corner of her eye, and noticed a familiar sight standing kind of in the corner, out of the way, and she recognized it as Sehanine, and the goddess was grinning happily at the sight of Kylie like this. Trilla, Maria, and Sera were all too busy pleasuring Kylie to notice, the demoness licking Kylie's neck which sent a shudder up Kylie's spine, while Maria had latched onto Kylie's clit and was suckling on it and nibbling to tease it, and Trilla was allowing her hands to roam, caressing Kylie all over, and helping the other two to drive her wild.

"Three gorgeous women who love you to death just having their way with you Kylie. You must be in heaven," Sehanine's voice whispered in Kylie's head, as she winked over at Kylie, smiling as Maria's tongue dove back into Kylie, building her up more and more.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie found the jacket was more then enough to keep her pinned, and she gasped almost silently as the pair slid in to either side of her, kissing and nuzzling against her neck, Kylie wriggling a little and moaning softly. The look on Maria's face was more then enough for Kylie to just give in.

Trilla was healed and Kylie's eyes smiled if nothing else while she wriggled between the two. She eeped muffledly as the pair tugged at her, before the kissed right in front of her, Kylie blushing before Amara gave them a destination and Kylie turned to glare at her, before she was led off. She giggled as the pair vied for the leash for a bit before they led her towards the Sehanine shrine and there wasn't much she could do about it except follow, her tail lashing around behind her.

Reaching the Shrine, there was some furniture rearranging before a bed of some kind had been made, and she was made to lay on her back on it, Maria taking the first shot as her legs were drawn apart. Kylie moaned quietly before gasping as Maria's tongue split her folds, Kylie squirming and groaning as the priestess took her right in front of her goddess, while the other two were content to toy with her elsewhere, kissing and licking, sucking at her neck while she squirmed and moaned. With the way Maria was going she was going to cum quickly.

Spotting Sehanine, and hearing her though, Kylie nodded, though only the goddess would notice at all while Trilla was groping her chest and fiddling with her, while the trio of women lavished her in lustful attention, Kylie's hips starting to rock against Maria's hips, before she arched and cried out through her cock gag, suckling on it as she came, when Maria suckled on her clit, leaving her panting through her muzzle and writhing slightly as her orgasm carried on.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Mmm, you're delicious Kylie... I love you so much," Maria cooed as she licked Kylie's folds repeatedly, moaning as she did.

"Love blooming among lovers. Ah... such a beautiful and sweet thing," Sehanine sighed softly in Kylie's mind, looking quite... happy to say the least, at the sight of Kylie and the others enjoying each other.

Maria kept switching between suckling on Kylie's clit, and sliding her tongue in and out of Kylie's folds, and after a couple of minutes, Trilla and Sera switched positions a little bit, so Trilla was kissing and licking Kylie's neck, while Sera's hands roamed, along with her tail. When Sera started roaming her tail about, Kylie felt Sera's curling up around her own tail, one hand brushing across Kylie's chest just above her breasts, raking her fingernails gently over Kylie's smooth skin to tease her now.

When Kylie came, Maria and the others kept up their teasing of Kylie, dragging her orgasm on and on as much as they could, and letting her squeal like crazy into the muzzle over her mouth. Maria's suckling of her clit was the primary reason Kylie's orgasm lasted for the better part of a minute, though the caressing and kissing from the other two helped to drag it on. As Kylie's orgasm finally calmed down and eased up on her a bit, she saw Maria raising her head up a bit, dragging her tongue one last time up Kylie's slit. After a few moments of just smiling happily at Kylie, Maria re-positioned herself to scissor with Kylie, where she pushed her hips in and started grinding herself against Kylie, her pussy almost as wet as Kylie's was.

"O-Oh fuck... f-feels so good," Maria moaned as their clits rubbed against each other, and Sera winked at Kylie before she guided Kylie's tail around with her own, the two still wrapped up around each other, where they gently thrust into Maria, making her back arch as she squealed. "I love you Kylie... I love you so much," Maria panted softly, while out of the corner of her eye, Kylie saw a pair of dark skinned arms suddenly wrap around Sehanine in the corner of the room, one grabbing her breasts through her thin dress top, while the other slipped up under her short skirt and started fingering her, making the goddess moan softly, as Kylie recognized Lolth as the perpetrator here, that had snuck up on Sehanine and was molesting her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie writhed and arched impressively while she squealed into her muffle, the phallic gag heavily muffling the sound. After a minute had passed, she relaxed, shivering, while Maria moved around, scissoring her.

Kylie had never found this all that... effective? But it did feel alright if you got the motions right, Kylie shuddering as her sensitive folds pressed against Maria's own slick heat, her hips rolling steadily to try and keep that contact, until Sera, who had coiled her tail around Kylie's, probably just to tease it as well as keep it out of trouble, Guided it, and her own tail, into Maria, Kylie grinning behind her muzzle as she thrust deep into the priestess, fucking her hard with it.

She giggled slightly before moaning loudly as she turned her head to see Lolth molesting Sehanine unbeknownst to the others, while Maria managed to catch her pierced clit just right to leave her mewling and shuddering for a long moment, both Trilla and Sera continuing to torment her further up her body, exploring, teasing, roaming.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria was gently rolling her hips in perfect harmony with Kylie's, so that their clits rubbed up against one another as much as possible. Sera winked down at Kylie as she grinned behind her muzzle as their tails entwined together, while Maria wrapped her left arm around one of Kylie's legs to hold them together better. The only problem with having Sera's tail and her own digging into Maria, was the fact that Sera was purposely guiding their tails up just enough to grind against Kylie's slit as well, pleasuring both girls together.

"I could never get tired of touching you, Kylie. You have such a beautiful and strong body," Sera whispered in Kylie's ear, licking Kylie's neck and suckling softly on it to leave a hickey there.

After a few moments, Kylie felt Trilla's right hand slipping down to Kylie's legs, where it drifted around down a bit further to Kylie's ass, and she felt Trilla's middle finger probing her tight little rear. "Mmm, that feel good Pet? I'll bet it does," Trilla asked in a whisper, as Sera's tail brushed over Kylie's clit thanks to Maria's grinding against Kylie's pussy with her own, making Kylie moan again as she was already starting to close in on her next peak.

Kylie also felt her own tail brushing across Maria's clit, and found that she had some control over her tail still, so she could grind it some to make Maria feel good as well. "Oh Kylie I... I'm gonna cum soon. I... I want to cum with you, p-please. Let's cum together," Maria panted, looking into Kylie's eyes with nothing but pure love and passion brimming in her own.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was more then happy to constantly twist her tail just right to drive Maria wild, hitting her in just the right spot while using her abs to keep pace with the priestess, enjoying their moment together while Sera and Trilla went about tormenting her.

She couldn't take her eyes off the two goddesses playing with eachother for now, taking it at the very least as a sign, that those that had shown her favor, had never truly abandoned her, had watched over her this entire time, guided her into this warrior, soon to be empress, that could hold her head high and know that above all else she would defend the people of her home to the very end.

Rather then the monster she had risked turning into....

It had to Sicken the Raven Queen knowing not only was Kylie still alive, but that she was breeding.

Her tail was trying to get away from Sera's to thrust into Maria hard and deep, a strange pressure building inside her core as her body tried to do something it had never done, never had an outlet to do. Even Hecate was straining to make it happen..

But if Sera wouldn't release her tail then the tiny and o so precious egg trying to surge down her tail would simply not make it. If she did though, it would push into Maria and drive into her womb instantly, nestling there safely, and filling her with a magical warmth that pervaded through her body, told her something very special was hiding inside her, growing, her responsibility to carry and care for.... her truest wish to carry Kylie's child was all hers. There was one other waiting inside Kylie, older, more unstable, and only the most stable of bodies would serve, the egg having been earmarked for Giselle long ago.

hecate was tired... exhausted even, but she felt so happy. She'd done a good. Kylie was safe with friends who would watch over her while she was temporarily weakened from this. But Hecate was confident she had the reserves left to ensure it wasn't an issue.

She came the exact moment Maria did, the moment she felt her tremble, pulse, and clench around her tail, Kylie screaming in bliss into her muzzle before falling limp.