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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Very well my dear, just... do be careful. Everything we've worked for can be made, or broken right here," her mistress said.

When they came to the clearing Kylie had chosen, she saw the one she'd spotted before stepping out to confront her, making a bit of a mistake in doing so, that Kylie was quick to notice. The fact that he'd come into the open so willingly. "A message, for you. From our master. Return to Garellia if you dare. The new matriarch of the Rose won't be allowed to take her position while the Amaranthine yet lives in Garellia," he told Kylie, drawing his blades in turn, his being a pair of short swords, while she heard the sounds of other blades being drawn from the others in the shadows of the trees, though Kylie could see them well enough to spot where they were.

"With a threat like that, I do expect you to be killing them sometime soon my dear," her mistress commented in her head.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

If that's really all you have to say... Kylie said, eyes turning black immediately as her muscles tensed, a living, walking horror show to novice killers, she lowered her arms so her blades were pointed at the earth. Then not bringing archers or a mage was a grievous mistake. she finished, raising her gaze. Then, to the speaker, she simply wasn't standing there anymore. And then his world was tumbling around him for those few brief seconds before the last sparks of life fled his brain and his head struck the earth, cleanly severed with a single stroke from behind, blood roaring in a fountain from his neck until the pressure had been expended, she didn't even need to hide from the third assassin on her left with the blood in the air, and he would have very little time at all to react to the wicked barb whistling through the air from her gauntlet his way, the sound of high tensile wire whipping through the air around it. If he was as slow as the first had been, she'd strike him and the tree he was in and use the reel to move to his position, sword buried in his chest.

She'd not allow them to leave alive.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Before he could react to Kylie's actions, the man's head was already leaving his shoulders, hitting the ground as the other two jumped to action and flitted between the trees, trying to get around behind Kylie quickly. As they went, Kylie was able to easily port behind one of them, though his reflexes were a bit better than the first guy, and he was able to turn around. Just as he did though, Kylie's blade was piercing his heart even as his longer dueling blade was about to swing at her.

The last one, seeing or hearing both of his companions dying, fled, trying to get away from Kylie. She could feel his life's energies though with her new powers, and thanks to her mistress directing her towards him. "Kylie my dear, he's to the north of you, trying to flee to the mountain to lose you up in there. Quick, slay him before he makes it far enough away from you," her mistress whispered in her mind.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was already moving, her blade sliding from the second assassin's chest to follow. She was using a technique she had thought of, but hadn't dared to try yet, only practice in the tiniest ways as she had been porting more often. She knew that whatever she touched or was holding would port with her. Even the finest layer of dirt under her feet would follow, and that if she was moving, she'd maintain whatever speed she already had as she came out of the port at the new location.

Swinging up to the top of the tree, instead of jumping forward, she threw herself at the ground with all her strength, and port back to the top of the tree, flying through the air with all the strength of her leap, and the gravity of her fall in the direction of the fleeing man. Each time her feet found a new foothold and kicked off, she'd port immediately after to continue to increase her speed, the only limit it seemed to this build up of momentum being her reaction speed as she followed with far more speed then a running man could hope to muster. If she found him, it would be a redux of her attack on the atropal, her final attack, on a much softer target, porting into him in passing, spinning with both blades only to teleport around him the moment she felt her blade pass flesh back to him again and again like a tornado... like a grim wind made of steel and hate, and the blood that fountained from his wounds and spun off her blades danced like rose petals on the breeze.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie began her maneuver at the remaining Amaranthine assassin, twirling through the air after porting several times to build up speed, she tore through him with her blades, slicing him once, and then twice. He collapsed moments later as Kylie finished, already dead before he hit the ground. "Good my dear, very good. You are a force to be reckoned with indeed," Kylie's mistress told her, then Amara came down and landed next to her with a smile.

"I'm glad you're okay Kylie. Good job dealing with them," Amara said, hugging Kylie and then to the body. "Do you want me to dispose of the bodies?" she then asked.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

No, if anything, strip them of their gear. I need to know what they've really been doing. Even the most careful leader can make mistakes with young killers like this. In their misled pride they may have brought something they weren't supposed to. Take it all to the house. I'll strip the two I killed back in the clearing. Fools... she spat, breathing out her own darkness.

Hugging Amara back, Kylie returned to the clearing and stripped the bodies, before giving them to the jungle, leaving their masks untouched. They'd chosen to live in the shadows, their identities were not for her to know or judge. She'd respect their decision by letting them die in obscurity as well. It was their way. Poisons, Money, anything that stank to her of magic, everything else she'd leave with their bodies.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Very well then," Amara answered, waving her hand at the corpse and suddenly, his clothes began taking themselves off of him and neatly folding themselves up as all of the belongings in his pockets came out and were put into a small pack that Amara made from sticks and leaves around them with magic.

Amara hugged her before she headed back to the other two, with Amara taking the stuff from that one back to the house ahead of Kylie, waiting for her while Sheena and Maria kept things going smoothly back in the town square. After getting everything from the other two that she deemed worthwhile, Kylie made her way back to the house where Amara was sitting in the living room laying the other stuff out as Kylie came in.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie headed back with Amara, and she sorted through what they had, looking for a clue of any kind, though she wasn't hopeful in the endeavor and soon the moment that had managed to wrest some measure of control from her Mistress, or perhaps her Mistress had allowed the situation to develop despite the risk, faded, and Kylie was back to fully considering the village.

She doubted they would carry messages of any kind from their contractor, who seemed to come within their own order, but they'd mentioned her home, which meant that whatever they had planned would follow her all the way to Garellia, they'd likely try to interfere or stop the trials, or kill her before she could take them, or after she had completed them. They had something planned, that much was obvious.

But she had more immediate concerns, like a fucking Dragon to possibly deal with. Maria would bring her bow when it was finished with the attachments it needed to throw slayer arrows. And even then she doubted the blacksmith had enough titanus to make more then a couple. He'd likely bastardize the metals and make Titanus spearpoints attached to Mithril shafts. Still she liked Kaal, she loved Delilah, she didn't want to have to be the one who resorted to such a weapon. And then there were the other dragons on the island to consider... If they made an appearance, doubtful or not, without her Mistress here, they could prove troublesome.

For now she checked on Tina again, keeping track of the Siren's progress and state, before heading back to the village. Mistress, what should we do now? The conversion of the entire village is underway.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The only things Kylie found were a few gold and silver pieces on in of their belongings, as well as their little rings to show whom they were and whatnot. The only real things that looked of any real interest, were the single scroll's of sending they had to magically send a message over incredible distances to their master, and then a piece of scrap paper that read, "Use whatever means you can to draw her out to give her the message."

"Hmm, looks like they would have hurt Giselle or just anyone close to you in order to get you to listen. Little did whoever sent them know though, that you are incredibly strong, much more so than before," her mistress said, sounding proud of Kylie, which made her feel very nice as she was praised.

Tina she found still resisting mentally, though her body was too weak too resist anymore pretty much, giving only weak jerks during climax. "Hmm... well it's hard to decide what to do next. I think the best thing would be to bring myself into the world again. Amara can help with this, for she was the one who sealed me so long ago. We shall need her help for sure, but Maria, and... a few others should be able to help with this," her mistress replied when asked what they should do now. "Unless you would rather finish taking the village over first. it might be safer for me if you did, but I would really like to be there to spread my blessings to all I can as well, and reward you and Amara both for seeing the light," she added.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie removed the parasites from Tina and let her rest, let her sleep, let her body recover before irreversible damage was done, covering her with a blanket and kissing her head. I just wanted us to be happy together. she said softly, before returning. Amara, prepare the others for our Mistress' return. I'm going to Maria. she said, smiling at Amara and heading back out.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I... w-want us to be happy too Kylie... but..." Tina began murmuring weakly, before she fainted, the sheer stress of being teased like that for so long finally knocking her out.

"She is beginning to break Kylie. She needs you with her when she wakes to come into the fold. Such a nice powerful siren as her will be a very good addition to our ranks," Kylie's mistress cooed to her, soothing any worry about Tina from her mind.

"Alright Kylie, we'll need Maria's help too, so hurry back. We'll need to do this at the temple," Amara said, grinning and bouncing upstairs to collect things to begin the ritual to unseal their mistress.

Kylie found Maria on her way to the blacksmith, the vryloka having joined in the orgy in the town square and holding down a herm girl and giving her the ride of her life. "Oh Kylie... s-sorry, kind of got distracted. This poor thing was just sitting there all alone, masturbating as she watched, and I decided to help her out some. Your bow's right there," Maria told Kylie when she noticed her finally, apologizing as she pointed to the bow, and a total of three arrows like she'd requested.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The attachments to the bow had been finished, the large gleaming arms making the final product a vicious compounded curve almost 6 feet long. It was in fact, now as tall as she was and the wire for the draw had been doubled in thickness. The arrows were more short javelins then actual arrows and they would do fine for a variety of things as well as their purpose. It was this kind of weapon that slew a dragon far more often then some knight with a sword.

She could see the pins that would collapse the extra arms and line to drop it down to it's original draw for normal shooting, and the way she'd need to stand on it like an old crossbow to get them to snap out again. But it would do. She doubted the additions to her weapon were likely to survive too many shots, but it'd certainly manage the three mammoth arrows made.

Shouldering the bow, and taking the arrows, Kylie stroked Maria's head and guided her up, before pointing the herm at the unsuspecting ass of a male and giving her ass a slap. Who knew, maybe he'd like it but they had other things that needed doing right now.

Amara said she'd need Maria. Which meant she'd likely need all the priestesses Kylie had turned, which included all of them save Ilyana and Miu, one having fled from Kylie, the other having buggered off likely because she didn't like her time of the month very much. But it was a good bet Yuki and Aya would be joining them, that was if they both weren't being used as good breeding fodder... They probably were, Kylie hadn't checked on them after they'd been gangbanged into their family.

But with Maria in tow, Kylie headed for the temple, knowing Amara would catch up with whatever she needed, and that Tina, while still restrained, was getting the rest the Siren sorely needed. But Her Mistress had soothed her worries, made her happy again. And Kylie now doggedly moved towards the temple to bring her great Mistress to them to all be happy together. They'd all be so happy.

Meanwhile in her soul, two of her aspects had now all but been completely silenced, but not slain. Both of them fighting furiously to preserve a single memory and devotion to the one person in this world Kylie owed everything, Giselle's memory under the highest priority and heaviest guard. Even now Kylie would not be allowed to forget the one woman in all of this world who held her heart in her hands. But this was to Kylie's Mistress' advantage, because it meant the killer in Kylie's heart was not only fully under her sway, but happy to be so. It was the best way to serve until her Mistress saw some other use for the bondage crazed breeding slut that was Kylie.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria whined a little when Kylie got her up, but she didn't stop her from doing so and got up to follow her onward. After leaving the orgy, Kylie and Maria got back home and found Yuki and Aya both resting at the moment, the latter looking a little pregnant, while the former looked heavily pregnant, but both were awake and merely resting on one of the sofas in the living room of the house. Amara was busy informing them what would be needed from them all to bring their mistress out of the seal that Amara had apparently put her in.

After a while, the group made their way to the temple and met Kylie there, who had collected her other dagger from the evening before that she'd lost. "Alright everyone, now that we've gathered, I must take you to where the great mistress is sealed up at," Amara told everyone, leading them out behind the shrine hill, and on back to near the edges of the temple grounds, where another smaller hill was.

It was really less a hill and more a mound of sorts, but it could still be considered one. There was a doorway there, and a large steel door that was locked. Amara waved her hand and muttered a spell that unlocked it, and in they went. Inside it was dark, but Amara snapped her fingers and several magical lights sprang to life within, and inside Kylie saw a chamber that spiraled downwards. "This, is a repository of sorts. There are at least a dozen or two beings down here, which I have sealed up that have challenged me for control of this island. I defeated them, every one. The great mistress is down below," Amara said, gesturing for everyone to follow.

Along the way, Kylie saw cell like areas that were built to the walls, and inside the beings looked to be almost frozen in time. Most of them looked quite monstrous to say the least, some were demons, but some... were more humanoid. Amara stopped after about 15 different ones and gestured to a larger cell, where Kylie saw a large slug like being inside. It looked almost like a lamia, but in the form of a large fat slug, with a more humanoid looking upper half of a woman atop it. "This is my true form, though when I shift it around, I can look quite beautiful you know," the great mistress said to all of them as they stared inside.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

My undying devotion and love for you does not change based on your physical appearance. One of my best sexual experiences was to a bunch of compound eyed insects who glued me to a wall and bred me for 3 days. Kylie said smoothly upon seeing the slugwoman, bending knee and kneeling immediately after they'd all been led down to the prison of unspeakable horrors.

Soon you shall be free of this prison and we can all live in bliss forever my Mistress. And when it is time we can go to Garellia and use my position there as an influential starting point to spread the joy of your love throughout the entire world with little issue. Crimea could be difficult with Elise and her fellows but I believe we'll manage. Kylie continued, rising slowly and nodding at Amara. Why is our Mistress still in a cage Amara? Release her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Thank you my dear. That is very kind of you to say so," her mistress said with a soothing tone. "And that sounds like it was a wonderful time Kylie," she added, commenting on Kylie's time in the hive where she'd first met Lysa, Thessa, and Myra.

"I need to prepare Kylie, these seals were made to be as powerful as possible, and they're weakening thanks to the curse and whatnot. But that makes them no less dangerous to mess with. If I'm not careful, then I could kill her, and myself, and I'd rather not do either," Amara replied to Kylie calmly, placing both hands on the barrier and closing her eyes, where she began chanting softly.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

What if I simply absorbed all the raw power you put into the seal and bled it back into the earth? I'm fairly confident I could absorb just about anything without exploding... except Fire... Chesire was pretty clear about the fire thing... Fire is still hot. I need no Professy to decide this. Kylie offered, touching the wall curiously and opening herself up a little, wondering what angel seal tasted like.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Then, you'd probably kill everything within a mile. These kinds of seals are not to be so easily absorbed, they're built to be extremely powerful and dangerous, to both the ones seals, and those trying to break them free. That's why I am needed to unseal her," Amara said simply, even as Kylie touched the barrier.

Kylie felt immense power, so much that even she knew that she wouldn't be able to absorb it all. "Do not try it Kylie, you will only hurt yourself, and me... both of which I'd like to avoid," her mistress said, urging her to let go of the barrier.

Amara continued her chanting as Kylie stood and watched, and then, after a couple of minutes, the barrier began to fluctuate somewhat. Amara had a pained look on her face at that point, and Kylie could tell that this was incredibly taxing on the angel. After about ten to twenty minutes or so, Kylie heard Amara groaning softly, in pain, but still she kept going. "Please mistress... d-don't pressure me so much. I have only so much strength to give," Amara panted softly under her breath, making it obvious that their mistress was speaking only to her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie watched what was happening, and didn't try to suck up the barrier like some kind of hair trigger nuclear accident waiting to happen. Feynrial, the next Chernobyl... It could happen and likely come out of her ass as some kind of high density electrical storm... it'd be hilarious if it didn't murderize everyone.

But Amara was seeming strained and their Mistress was speaking only to her, Kylie dutifully not acting against any order she'd recieved. Mistress, please go easily. Surely there is no rush. We will need Amara if Hazel shows up. I've made preperations for Kaal, but I doubt I could put up a real fight against Hazel if she were to arrive. She's no assassin, in fact as a mage I'd be her worst possible opponent. But there is a difference in power I'd be hard pressed to make up for in any meaningful way and it would result in our deaths almost certainly. Especially given her attachment for Amara. I do not doubt your power but I am hesitant to anger a powerful sorcerous unnecessarily so early into our power and your release Mistress. Kylie said simply, speaking directly to their Mistress and resting her hand on Amara's shoulder, trying to bleed off some of the strain herself.

Likely my best chance to defeat Hazel would be to get into a grapple, and scatter her life energies forcibly which would assuredly result in her death. It is something I have not done to any animal however. Only trees, but the result is spectacularly efficient. she continued, still looking straight at their Mistress.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"It's alright dear, I'm merely anxious to get freedom from my prison," their mistress replied to Kylie.

Amara looked like she was having a little easier time with the magics she was performing, when Kylie started bleeding some of the magical energies off of her. "Please don't do that to Hazel, Kylie. I love my auntie very much, and even with the mistress's love, I would be very angry if she were killed," Amara told Kylie when Kylie mentioned the only way she felt that she could beat Hazel in a fight, not looking away from the barrier seal any at all.

After a few more minutes, the seal shattered like glass, and the force of power that burst forth knocked everyone to their asses, with Maria cushioning Yuki and Aya as they fell. Looking inside after the dust cleared, Kylie heard a very feminine and familiar sigh of relief as they saw the large slug like woman stretching. "Oh yes, freedom... finally. Amara my dear, come here... now," their mistress said aloud for them all to hear.

Amara stood up and stumbled towards her, obviously severely weakened from the unsealing. "I my beautiful little followers, am called Ashera. Now Amara, you were the one that sealed me in here so long ago. You must be punished for this you know. You will be the first to receive my personal love, and my seed," their mistress told them, introducing herself as she suddenly shifted her form to a smaller and more pleasing to look at one, looking like a green skinned human with pointed ears, a voluptuous body with all the right curves in all the right places, and between her legs was a very impressive cock and balls. "Come no girls, let us go to the surface. I haven't seen the sun in many long years," Ashera then told them, leading Amara out by the hand.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was blown onto her ass just like everyone else, unable to even try to filter through the torrent of unexpected energy that burst from the prison. Ashera stepped out and introduced herself even while she spoke of punishing Amara, Kylie still sticking up for her, trying to protect her fellow servants. If that is true, then isn't it even more beautiful that she release you? Surely Mistress Ashera, you could go easily on her now that she's family. That is... of course.. I mean... Yes Mistress, whatever you desire. Kylie said, as her parasite gave her a nasty twinge for speaking out of turn and her eyes lidded under the influence of their now free Mistress, being taught a lesson for speaking out of turn.

Nodding as Ashera spoke of heading to the surface, Kylie fell into line easily while she readied her bow. Her place was as protector and honor guard. Breeder? pleasure slave? even handmaiden. She was all of these things, but her Mistress depended on her to strike when or where others couldn't. She would not fail her Mistress. And I know Amara. I owe hazel a great deal and love her to. don't tell her I said that though. But she is very strong. If she came at me for real... I don't know what my options would be. But I'll try very hard for you sister. she said quietly as she followed.